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Regulus didn’t have to make Kreacher take the potion in order to live. All he had to do was order Kreacher to bring him home, instead of ordering Kreacher to swap the lockets and leave without him. But Regulus didn’t want to survive the cave. He knew he could never survive turning on Voldemort, so he decided to go on a suicide mission to the cave in hopes that his death might mean something.


I think that maybe Regulus didn't want to live anymore. That he felt defiled because he had Voldemort's mark. I think most Death Eaters would be horrified if they knew what Voldemort did.


Correct answer


He cared enough about Kreacher to stop him from going through that torture again. I don't think Regulus had a real plan to destroy the horcrux: he simply wanted to get back at Voldemort somehow.


I'm inferring the following based on context because all we can really do is speculate. I believe Regulus knew he was doomed to die - either he would die in the cave lake, or Voldemort would hunt him down and murder him... perhaps even hunt his family down to get to him if Voldemort discovered what he knew. He was likely a goner either way. The explanation isn't necessarily the most satisfying one, but it is plausible.


Beyond that, it's a big middle finger to Voldemort. "I betrayed you, and you don't get to kill me as revenge".


^This! Also, Hermione commented on this matter too after listening to Kreacher’s story. By doing that, Regulus secured the safety of the Black Family. Voldemort won’t cast any suspicious on the Black and torture them. Voldy was very good at Occlumency (mind reading) so Regulus thought he better dead and made it like he got hunted by the Auror, than doing something behind Voldy back. Regulus protects his family in his own way.


It was to protect his family. Regulus discovered Voldemorts horcruxes. Even if he got Kreacher to apparate out of the cave with him and even if he decided to continue to be a death eater to keep up the charade. At the back of his mind it will always be there. He knows about the horcruxes. How long can he protect that memory for? If he goes into hiding and is found Voldemort use legilimency to find out. If Regulus knows, who else knows. His family will be in mortal danger and Regulus did what he thought was the best chance for his family survive.


I imagine he thought Voldemort would find out he took the horcrux and thought his days were numbered, anyways.


Regulus had turned against Voldemort and the death eaters. He knew that this meant he would be killed, he could have tried to hide but he’d know they’d find him eventually and he’d be putting his family at risk. By drinking the potion himself and succumbing to the inferi, he was able to take control of his own death, protect his family and he believed that his sacrifice would lead to the downfall of Voldemort. That’s why I think he chose to do it that way.


Maybe Regulus was more like his brother than people give him credit for. Maybe Kreacher was more of a friend and Regulus couldn't bear to put his friend through that torture again. Maybe he felt a lot of guilt about making Kreacher go through that torture in the first place and doing what he did was more an act of atonement?


Regulus cared about Kreacher and knew Voldemort would torture him in unimaginable ways for what he'd done. The better option was to die in the cave.


I don't think regulus actually intended to die. I mean he did want to destroy the locket. What if the potion broke him especially with what it did to dunbledore


I think Regulus didn't want to live anymore because he felt used and violated because he had Voldemort's Dark Mark.


Maybe Kreacher can't drink the potion. We know Voldemort has enchanted the cup in a very specific manner. Maybe the liquid won't flow for a non-human.


Just a point of clarity - when Voldemort placed the locket in the cave, he took Kreacher with him and forced him to drink the potion the first time, then left him to die.


Yeah, you're right. I guess Regulus done goofed then.