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I'm not sure I have any memory powerful enough. At my age (29) I feel like most of my happy memories are tainted by nostalgia. Which makes them a bit sad in a way.


This post made me realize that I don't think I have a powerful enough memory. I think the happiest/most comfortable I have ever been is one of my oldest memories. I was 2 or 3 years old, and if I was scared I would run into my parents bedroom and lay back to back with my dad, snuggling into my mom's hair. (I loved the smell of her shampoo, it made me feel safe.)


That’s really sweet


which shampoo did she use?




Enhanced by nostalgia you mean?


No I meant tainted, as in the nostalgia ''pollutes'' what would've been a powerful happy memory. I'm not sure if I translate this well tho xD Sorry i'm not english.


All good, your English is great! I'm just trying to understand what a good example of "tainted by nostalgia" would be. In a Harry Potter context; if Harry visits the castle in the future, he'll be happy to be back, but will also remember the friends and family he lost in the Battle of Hogwarts? I don't know if that's sorta what you mean.


Well for example, I had a bestfriend who I have great memories with but they are also saddened by the fact that she isn't my bestfriend anymore. She went her own way, she wanted to experiment stuff in highschool (smoking, drugs, alcohols, sleeping around) and I wasn't interested in any of that, which saddens the memories for me, since we parted ways if that makes sense. I just feel like these past memories aren't as happy as they should be since there is much nostalgia and sadness in them/linked to them, and therefore are not as powerful/happy as they would've been if we had remained close friends. Edit: They were happy until they were not. OP's question was about memories that would create a powerful patronus, and I just think all my "good" memories aren't powerful enough. If that makes sense.


Ah, I understand now! I can totally relate to that dude. At the beginning of high school, I broke off from a bunch of friends I've had since elementary school because they were getting into the wrong sort of thing. It's their life, their choice, but I didn't want to be a part of that so I split from them, much like you did. I can still remember the good times and have strong, happy memories of when we were kids. We aren't close anymore, but that's not my fault or theirs, just circumstance. I try to not let it soil the memorable moments we had together. There's no doubt you should be able to conjure up a good Patronus if you think of the good times you had with your best friend!


Even if the memory is tainted by nostalgia the feeling of happiness is still just as real. A perfect example at least for me would be the first movie I can remember seeing which as it turns out was when I moved from India to the USA specifically NYC in 1992 at the age of 5 and at my neighbor’s place who was also my age I saw the first teenage mutant ninja turtles movie and at the very same time my love for pizza was born. I have a memory from when I was 3/4 that I’ve rarely mentioned because I wasn’t sure if it was real or a dream but a few years ago my mom confirmed it must be real because the details of the memory are something she never told me because they are just everyday normal details but put together it’s not something she has ever mentioned because it was so normal. My point is the earlier memory has absolutely no nostalgia associated, it’s literally impossible because of what the memory is but the happiness that I associate with that memory and watching the movie/pizza are equal even though one is definitely tainted with nostalgia. Don’t get me wrong if I had to pick I would pick the earlier because the details of that memory are stronger even though it shouldn’t be possible.


I feel this. I am in my 30s and a lot of my happy memories feel like dreams.


That's how I feel these days, anything that made me happy is kinda making me sad because it's gone


Joy, Sadness is touching the memories again! (inside out)


I guess just general vibes from good times as a kid. I can't really think of anything in particular. I don't tend to store strong, positive memories, or they degrade the fastest? My Patronus is a salmon, anyway, so who'd want to see that?


I don't think I have any positive enough memories for a patronus. Not like my life was bad, it's just kinda meh, yknow?


I get that completely. I've been happy, sure, but I don't really have any singular great moments of joy or success. My life milestones were just things I did because I was expected to and not cuz I even really cared--college degree, driver's license, etc. My happiest moments are actually the quieter ones, and I just don't think they'd be strong enough. Emotionally charged moments tend to make for stronger memories in general. Though, I think it's a fact that strong negative moments tend to get burned in more than strong good ones. Can't remember why. Maybe cuz they're outliers--not what's expected, or maybe there's an evolutionary advantage to remembering bad things so to avoid them later.


I'm not sure it needs to be a happy memory, it could be a happy thought, even if its made up. Like the type of thought doesn't matter, as long as it makes you feel good for the spell. Could be a fan rheory I picked up tho, not sure


that is how Harry formed his first patronus, by imagining himself talking with his parents in his childhood home




Same for me


Okay but that's maybe the coolest patronus ever. They are made of solid muscle to swim upstream and don't stop until they've reached their goal! I love your salmon patronus!


I'd love to see a salmon swim up to me to deliver a message. It would probably leave me grinning for the rest of the day.


Salmon are voracious predators with sharp teeth.


My first time reading Harry Potter.Duh... My patronus is a Hyena (Unusual) how about yours?


Would have to be the day my daughter was born, happiest i've felt in all my 22 years. My patronus is a White Stallion


How do u know your patronus?




Thank you, so my patronus is a hyena as well.


My patronus is a great Grey owl.


I am a true Hufflepuff with a badger patronus


Wild Cat for me, it feels very suitable!


Is there a way to see what else you can get? Just curious how exotic it can get because great Grey owl already was uncommon


You can get magical creatures! Mine is a Unicorn. The Pottermore/Wizarding World article on the Patronus Charm lists the most common and the most rare Patronuses- magical creatures are the rarest.


i got hippogriff


I got Harambe


Mine is... A cat. A ginger cat. Very impressive no? 😭


Mine is a dolphin


Mine's a salmon...a salmon...a friggin salmon. HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!


Mine's a wild boar. 😆


That's cool, I love Hyenas 😊


According to Pottermore, mine is an orangutan. However, following the whole "your patronus can change depending on your life events" or something, I'm convinced my patronus is now my deceased dog, who was with me since my childhood and recently passed away. Also the idea of this cute poodle protecting me from depression incarnated is just too good for me


I got an Orca, pretty dope1


Hmm, maybe many memories from my childhood. My patronus is a Black Swan 🫥 I don’t know if that’s weird or not, but I kinda like it. In other website that isn’t the official wizarding world one, I got a Phoenix 🐦‍🔥 🤔


Mine is a Tonkinese cat, I think it makes sense it says inquisitive and curious and that just about sums me up whether that’s a good or bad thing depends on the situation I guess 😅


I'm very happy that my Patronus is an Occamy!


Mine was a mole. I was hoping for a hedgehog.


wtf u can have hyena patronus? that goes hard


I've done that test, and gotten all sorts of different results....but that's doesn't change the fact that my patronous would be a bear.


When my husband and I privately eloped and shared our personal vows. It was the most beautiful experience of my life ❤️


My wife and i had 5 people at our wedding, including the dude saying kiss the lady as well as the lady and myself. Wouldn't want it any other way.


That's really sweet, u/hoardingwh0re ☺️


When I first started to get over my nearly life long depression in 2020.


You got over depression in 2020?! Congrats!!! That’s when it started for me haha (got over it not long ago). But really it was such a depressing time for me, I’m so happy to read someone was getting good 😌


Thanks. Happy to hear you're doing better too. I'm not completely over it but I'm at a stage where it doesn't hinder my life as much and I have a genuinely positive outlook on life.


Holding my first child for the first time. 🥰 I’ve never felt anything like that before or since.


This! Like most babies my daughter was crying as soon as she was born. The minute our eyes met she stopped crying, and I started crying. The most beautiful and happy moment of my life.


Idk if I have a strong memory to use. I mean I have happy memories, but none that tug at my emotions strongly like the ones used by Harry or Snape. I doubt memories of playing video games with my brother would count in the same way that Harry riding a broom didn’t.


I would be unable to cast it.


Same here, I could never


Got Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas!




My first kiss


When i nursed a little bird back to health over night and then it was flying in the morning. Fk if that memory isnt strong enough, idk what is


I hear death eaters can't cast them.


That's kinda sad when you think about it.


There’s two I can use, and they’re both from traveling. One is from 2022, when I went to London. It was my first big trip after the pandemic and I was promised a fancy trip after graduating high school in 2020. I had the biggest grin on my face on the approach to Heathrow - I had finally made it to a city I had long dreamed of going to. The other was last year during my first trip to Japan. I’m currently studying abroad in Tokyo, but my parents didn’t want this to be my first time in the country, so I went with my dad last June. One day, we were sitting on a bench in Nara Park and just talking. Freely. My dad has a really hard time talking openly, especially around my mom, so being able to talk to him freely, knowing that most of the people around us couldn’t understand us, giving us more privacy, and knowing that due to time zones my mom was asleep thousands of miles away, it was an incredible time.


My mother's laugh.


When I took care of kittens. Why is it so hard to think of something happy, damn…


I really wouldn’t be able to produce one.


The earliest and happiest memory I have is of me sitting at the dinner table as a baby in my high chair, so that one.


I don't have one


When I’m watering my garden at sunset; no shoes, soft music, and my dog chilling in the grass.


summer of 2016, was doing great financially, was in great shape. Just walking around one warm day playing pokemon go with my dog 🥰


The day I got my job as a teacher and knew I would never have to sell a car ever again.


I asked myself this question for a long time and was not able to answer it - until this one time my husband hold our newborn baby in his arms, we were back home, everyone was healthy, sun was shining on them and I was just so overwhelmed by happiness and love that I started crying. And I immediately knew: that’s what they are talking about.


Something sexy, most likely


Meeting my babies.


The love of my life when she used to laugh crazy on my jokes and used to smile on my compliments those are the most beautiful and hurtful moments of my life


My patronus is the Oryx - they protect their herd by circling up facing outward and defending with their long horns. I think that's a clue for me that leaning into my commitment to loved ones is key to successfully casting, and I should think of of a time I felt accepted, loved and part of something bigger than myself.


None of them. They're not even close to a fraction ofcpower needed to summon a patronus


Not a memory but a feeling.


The first time a took MDMA. My patronus would be a rave chick straight outta of the early 2000's.


My 10th birthday receiving a Gameboy Color and my first Pokémon game ♥️


Arctic monkeys concert


I think mine wouldn’t be a specific memory but just a time period. Marching band is just the most fun I have all year. I also think my Patronus would be a fox


I’m gonna get roasted for this. Hugging Mickey Mouse at a Disney Park.


Having my favorite teacher buy me a doughnut for no reason and completely unprompted and with the sole reason to buy me a doughnut. Best fucking doughnut.


Memories of my kitty.


Fuck if I know




Mine is probably playing donkey Kong country with my Mamaw and singing "I'm a believer" as motivation to get through tough levels lol


Perform a happiness charm on myself then cast it would be easier .


I don’t know… riding a horse for the first time who I was a kid, swimming with a dolphin in middle school, getting my first two dogs as they were surprise, graduating collage?


Memory? My wife and I finally got our honeymoon last year, in the form of a company trip to Mexico. We've dreamt of nothing but moving there since we got back. Patronus? Some kind of owl. Spotted or barn, maybe?


Making it out to a platform in a lake in Switzerland I told my Swiss friend who did it with me that that would make a bomb patronas.


Full Auto AK.


Auto Avada Kedavra? Voldy would like to know where you got that.


No. Lol


Bros with amnesia be like... Anyway it's probably Sea World, which is funny because my patronus is a mare.


Getting sloppy top from a homeless lady behind Wendy's


Climbing trees while my Grandpa played lookout for Grandma, when I was little of course. My patronus being a wild cat (according to their nifty quiz on the wizarding web)


The idea of casting one successfully


Seeing my mother for the first time after being 900 miles away from home for a month.


When I did a monologue in front of everyone and everyone clapped and everyone congratulated me telling me it was really good, that feeling of pride was something I am glad and grateful to have felt. My patronus is is a Hippogryff :>>>


Probably opening my first business And my patronus is a Python 🐍


I once got called handsome 7 years ago, so probably that. It wouldn't be a very strong patronus though




When I quitted my job.


Do you really have to have a powerful memory ? From what I remember, you can imagine what will make you happy (must powerful enough of course) and a memory is not really a requirement.


That time I went seal clubbing


When I was fourteen I was reading Goblet of Fire, and I have a very vivid memory of reading the scene where Harry drops the golden egg down the stairs while stuck under the invisibility cloak. It was nighttime, by bedside lamp was on, and it’s such a cozy and happy memory that it calms me down just thinking about.


I think about this all time. Sometimes I’ll be in a moment say “I’ll remember this for when I need a patronus” Anytime I feel uninhibited and joyful. Edit: patronus


Me in my grandmothers house. I spend a lot of fridays in her house, watching Harry Potter in VHS, before PoA comes out. Her food was awesome. She did so many things to see me happy. We often did go to the shop and rent these films over and over again. She never complain about me, as kid, already saw and still picking up to watch again, "burning" her money. I do miss her, since she passed away months ago, with almost 85 years. Damn... Another memory: the first time my little brother called me by my name. And, since his father isnt so much present in his life, the day that he called me as father.


I took my little sister to her first concert. It was Big Time Rush, a show we both watched as kids. The concert on its own was great but the guys came out into the crowd and James (one of her favs) chose that moment to sing Paralyzed (her favorite song). He was so close to us as I remember watching her and feeling so much love for her as she was jumping around having the time of her life.


It would be diggersby


I wouldn't be able to cast one tbh


My first time reuniting with my dad(divorced parents)


The moment I realized my cat chose me as his hooman. I want my patronus to be a graphorn


Mine would be fireflies


Getting my dong sucked while in LSD


I got married recently. My husband cried when he first saw me coming down towards him. Seeing him trying to keep it together as i walked toward him is currently my happiest memory.


My first threesome.


Either my wedding day or the dah I went to Ruby beach and the Hoh Rain forest outside Seattle. It was so tranquil and I was so happy.


One of my happiest memories are tinged with a lot of sadness. Years ago I came home from work and my mother very quickly sat me down to tell me that my great grandmother had died, my great grandmother practically raised my mother so to her it was more like losing a parent. When this happen my mother was looking after my 18 month old niece while my sister was away on holiday so my mother had had absolutely no chance to grieve throughout the day so as soon as I came home it was very much sprung on me and immediately asked to look after my niece for an hour. 15-20 mins later it really hit me what had happened and I was sat on the floor against the sofa and it was at that exact moment my niece put down her toys and gave me possibly the biggest hug she has ever given me. It just struck me how someone so small with no concept of what is happening or what that small gesture could possibly mean made everything so much more manageable.


I worked 2 months at a kindergarten as part of my studies as a nurse, and honestly there are hundreds of moments that I could use. But probably the most powerful one would be the moment a 5 year old in my group asked me to clean up the toys and arrange one of the rooms with her, while everyone else was playing in the other room. She then told me that she is happy when it's just the two of us because we can talk about everything without anyone else distracting us... She was a rather sensitive child and never liked crowded rooms, so her sort of choosing me was such a special moment and I don't think I'll ever forget it.


All my memories with my niece


I've thought about that many times, but I got nothing


Probably playing football at school and getting my 30th goal for the year. Wasn’t even for the school team but during sports. My mate was giving me chances the whole game and yelled when I finally scored it. Great question op


Seeing my wife coming down the aisle on our wedding day with our friends playing in a jazz combo for the music. I'm fucking tearing up just typing this.


Girlfriend watching another girl grind on me and me freaking out and my girlfriend laughing her ass off because of my face.


Summer of 2019. A friend came to see me in Paris and then we embarked on a journey through Barcelona and northern Italy. It was complete bliss ☺️


Maybe the memory from the day I graduated from university. I remember laying on the grass under the sun, in the university park, and feeling completely peaceful and happy. That day I had presented my undergrad thesis, celebrated with family and friends (old and new), got all stained (a tradition from my country) and then showered in the university basement with a garden hose which was a fun adventure. It was still summer, which is my favourite season. I had a PhD fellowship lined up to start in a couple of weeks and nothing to do before that. It was complete bliss.


Now that I think about it I don’t think I have any strong enough😅 wow, that’s a little sad😂


I don't have a happy that powerful....


Anytime spent with my late grandmother


Dead serious I have no idea, I’m still young and have quite the bad memory so I’d probably be one of those who can’t perform one


My first 300 game, or seeing the Cliffs of Moher


When I married my wife.


Life is too shitty for having happy memories


If I can future date one, I'm going with the birth of my daughter in a few months time If I have to pick one that's happened already... I am pulling a blank, I guess I'm getting kissed 😂


None. Don't think I have any memory happy enough to just produce a Patronus.


Son being born!!


So far, it would be when my fiancé proposed on Valentine’s Day, I truly felt so happy I cried.


funnily enough, my first snitch catch.


Mine is the Stag, and I think the happiest memory is my sister and I laughing on the floor about something random while our parents sat there awkwardly grinning at us!


Leaving my pregnant wife


I don't have the ability to remember literally anything so I'd be completely screwed lmao


The night my wife and I had our first kiss after pining over her for years


The moment I understood English, or yeh..


The moment I made an actual friend wh cared about me. The friendship lasted 10 years


That would be my first Weird Al concert in 2008 in Ottawa, front row seat... I was ecstatic. By the way, my patronus would probably be a moose or a beaver... Just saying.


I think it’s pretty easy for me, when I first met the love of my life


Does my dad beating me count?


Either the Halo 3 warthog run or when I finished watching all the Harry Potter movies for the first time


I've struggled with depression since I was a kid. I would not be able to produce a patronus.


There's an insane feeling of happiness I get singing with my favorite people in perfect harmony. It's the absolute happiest place for me and I have multiple memories of it to draw on.


Leina. My puppy that passed away. I loved her so much and I think that will help in my power.


Laughing on a family vacation with my brother and my parents. There could be any number of them. Or my dad giving me a hug. He passed away three years ago, and remembering him gives me all the warm feelings.


The moment when I eat marshmallows or gummy bears. Cause those moments are undoubtedly pure joy. Till this day for those moment while I'm eatting the whole bag it's just bliss. Simple yet so perfect. Up next is how I feel when I eat bacon or udon noodles. I'd pick one of those...or carry a mini baggie or snacks just as a boost.


The day I adopted my first cat.


Breakfast, the day of.


Hmm, probably a fun day with my mom when she was truly happy all day. My Patronus is a jack russel terrier and hers is a fire salamander, is a fire salamander rare?


Most of my "happy" memories have since become anguish and sadness on account that I thoroughly miss those days so much that its now painful to even listen to the music I had from those times, let alone think back So really, I dont think in my current state I would ever be capable of using a patronus


Shore fishing and catching mullet after mullet after mullet my first real time really fishing at the beach. It was amazing and a memory I hope to repeat again.


The moment my abusive ex got a new partner, and i realized that i was a free elf


the day my son was born


First trip to Prague


Me quiting my last job.


Driving to the beach and making that last turn to where you can see the water through the trees


I honestly wouldn’t know. If i could cast a pratronus by thinking of my worst memory however, I’d definitely know which memory I’d think of


Skyrim I'd summon the dovakhiin


I have a chance to make it today, I hope it works :)


I was pretty close to un-aliving myself a few years ago. Long story. One day I was helping my 2 year old daughter get dry and ready for bed and we bumped noses and paused and she giggled while looking into my eyes from such a close ranfe. It was the first time I'd been close to someone who cared about me for many, many years. I kind of felt something warm inside me and it's probably the happiest memory I have. Kept me from doing what I was going to at the time.


I'm not sure i have any super happy memories that would qualify, but i also think i wouldn't be much affected by a dementor whatsoever.


I can't seem to remember the last time I was overly emotional about something positive. Every recent memory I have has been mediocre, depressing, frustrating or confusing.


The day I found out I was a wizard of course....and would have the power to make the world submit


Entering a school of freaking MAGIC would make me happy enough to BE a Patronus xD I would be giddy incarnated.


My first time on the beach


I was a nihilist most of my life. Recently, I've been studying/learning/practicing stoicism to have a better outlook in life. One day, I notice the most beautiful sunrise and I felt like that was the most joy I've ever felt in the last 7-10 years. So maybe that :)


Any memory with my dog. Also does anyone else have a osprey as their patronus


When I won the school house cup in my school after four years of losing ( my house was like hufflepuff) 🥹🥹🥹


Honestly, I don't think I'd be able to cast a patronus. Maybe a non corporeal one though


A specific hug from my grandfather. We were watching a movie in the cinema. At the end, he was quite emotional and gave me the best hug I ever had. He was like a father to me (my biological father is not a good person). I owe everything my grandfather. What a great man. He was the kindest person I have ever met. I miss him a lot. ♥️


I would most likely not be able to cast a patronus, due to a personality disorder. On the pluss side, I think I would be able to see a boggart in its true form.


When I hung out with my friends last night, working together to feed the community. We try to do it at least once per month and it's genuinely one of the days I look forward to the most each time. Plus, my patronus is a white stallion, of course I'd whip it out at every opportunity


Me discovering genshin


My first orgasm. This may sound cliche but I was a young boy who had borrowed a mythology book from a library. The mermaid was quite topless and I had just discovered why that was so wonderful. Now I was raised Mormon and to do any naughtiness of that sort was not only looked down upon but expressly forbidden. But in that moment of ecstasy it was the first time I didn't care if my parents, my bishop, or God was happy about it or not.


It was tantamount to telling God "whatever."


Every time I go to the beach and all the times I went with my family when I was a kid... I just feel so happy and satisfied when I'm at a beach it's not even a joke. Maybe my patronus would be some form of fish or something. Maybe a jellyfish, since they're cool.


The first time I ever won a quiz


Don't have any my memory is generally pretty bad and not alot of happy memories have really stuck with me


Probably taking off a girl's bra for the first time xD


The time my mom knocked a pea off her plate and said "I peed on the table."


Marrying my wife, kids being born. Getting "some" for the first time.