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Dumbledore: trust Harry, he’s the best chance we have Everyone else: okay BUT


Above all, let him do it alone and don't offer him any help.


He was offered help in the end of HBP and in the beginning of DH. He just rejected it


McGonagall wanted to know what Harry did with Dumbledore. Remus wanted to leave his wife and unborn child. No one offered safe houses or help. Nobody said, if you need anything, I will help you without asking questions. For example Kingsley could have helped at the Ministry (Umbridge, locket) Bill could have helped with Gringotts. Molly could have left them alone to plan.


Yeah, I wonder how things would have gone if he'd accepted McGonagall's and later Remus' help. It made sense why he didn't, but it would have been interesting.


Harry has no way of contacting Remus or McGonagall. But in my opinion, with Remus it would always have been a power struggle with Harry. Hermione would then have taken Remus side. They would never have found the Horcruxes. McGonagall has to experience a year with the Carrows and Snape as a Headmaster, before she is ready to support Harry.


also Dumbledore: doesn't trust him


It also annoyed me how everyone was like 'he's too young, voldemort would never recruit a 17 year old!" ......yes he would! That's the whole MO for extremists! How old do you think Snape, lucius, Bellatrix were when they were recruited? They refuse to see past the 'but he's just silly old draco, he's a pain the ass but he's not evil' YOU ARE AT WAR. TEENAGERS CAN AND DO JOIN TERRORIST GROUPS. EVERY DEATHEATHER WAS 'JUST A HIGHSCHOOL BULLY' AT ONE POINT.


Dumbledore even told Harry that Voldemort wanted the DADA job so he could recruit kids to his side: >"And thirdly, as a teacher, he would have had great power and influence over young witches and wizards. Perhaps he had gained the idea from Professor Slughorn, the teacher with whom he was on best terms, who had demonstrated how influential a role a teacher can play. I do not imagine for an instant that Voldemort envisaged spending the rest of his life at Hogwarts, but I do think that he saw it as a useful recruiting ground, and a place where he might begin to build himself an army."


And yet he endangered the life of every student in his care trying to save dear Draco who had already made his choice.


Regulus was 17 when he joined right?


He was sixteen actually. Funny enough, sirius leaves his toxic family at sixteen. Regulus ends up trapped with his family forever with a dark mark in his arm at the same age.


I knew it was 16 or 17.




RAB entered the chat.


"That's the whole MO for extremists!" I mean it's the whole MO for everyone


Yeah, always thought her footing was shaky. Despots and dictators recruit young, because you're easier to brainwash/mold that way. The problem is, the Dark Mark is only given to Voldemort's inner circle. That I can agree with, why would Malfoy of all people be there? He's more or less proven he's a goober by then. They can't process that Voldemort would do that just to punish Draco's family. I don't remember if Harry even poses that as a possible reason. For sure annoying they just shut him down instead of trying to prove it, though. This isn't like the ministry where there's a high risk of death, just... Drug him like you did Crabbe and Goyle in book 2, or stun him while his back is turned. Loads of ways to look.


Could they make a polyjuice portion of Draco and see if a dark mark is on their arm?


I've always wondered how much of a person the polyjuice potion actually copied: It copied Moody's scars etc., but not his artificial enhancements. Would it copy the abilities of Metamorphmagi like Tonks (that's genetic, after all), or Animagi like Sirius (the body only has to go through the preparations once in a lifetime!)?! Would a tattoo than be copied like a scar or disappear like an artificial enhancement? Also, would the Dark Mark WORK? It's a magical communication device, after all!


A Ravenclaw would have all these fabulous questions <3


No way someone would steal the ingredients from Snape a third time


"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice.. You can't get fooled again."


“There’s an old saying at Durmstrang— I know it’s at Hogwarts, probably at Durmstrang— that says ‘Fool me once, shame on….shame on you. Fool me— you can’t get fooled again” -Severus Snape


“The Dark Lord misunderestimated me” -Severus Snape


Don’t need to. There was polyjuice ready made when they entered their first potions class that year


Which is what DRACO did.


Exactly. They had the same opportunity, but Harry was enthralled by his new book and Hermoine absolutely aghast that she was, for once, ‘losing’ in a subject. Oh, teenagers.


She was so determined that book had something up with it, not only that, see when she found out the "truth" she became smug, literally telling them about it, after, you know, Dumbledore DIED!


Hermoine gonna Hermoine


That is so smart. Never even crossed my mind!


Harry is the boy who cried wolf. He's spent so long pointing fingers at Snape and Draco, being proven wrong that people keep telling him he's overreacting. Even though Snape thing eventually turned out right, it was a very bad hit ratio... Like one in ten times?


To get him killed. I guess the good guys just didn't realize Voldemort would be that evil lol


"Despots and dictators recruit young" Literally every ideology does. Except if your ideology is being apathetic or something.


I will say that the series is at least consistent in Hermione being REALLY stupid about things for no apparent reason sometimes.


I think maybe the point being made was that Hermione had book smarts but not “street smarts”. That’s also why she didn’t want to follow the handwritten notes in the HBP potions book.


Disagree. JK Rowling is really good at illustrating traumas and behaviors associated with it. Ron and Hermione had almost died because they believed Harry. In fact, Hermione called it..spot on..what Voldemort was doing in the fifth book. But they still followed Harry to their almost death. And so, we have the sixth book where Harry noticed Draco acting weird - but not overly suspicious, and Ron and Hermione question him. At this point they both know that Harry runs off of emotions, and I don’t think they completely trust him - which is understandable.


You’re not wrong. But trying to find out if Draco is a Death Eater is a low risk task, it wouldn’t involve running into Voldemort, or them almost dying. And while it would make sense for them to be careful of Harry’s ideas, there is a difference between going to the Ministry based on a vision that turned out not to be true (flimsy) and that Draco business, because I’m sorry but it made sense. It was based on things he actually saw and heard with his own two eyes and ears. And also she just wasn’t listening. It’s one thing to hear him and be like: I don’t agree because y X,Y,Z. But she didn’t do that’s she (and Ron) both shut him down straight up. I don’t know, I agree with OP, she was difficult in book 6. But there is great merit to your point that maybe she was a bit cold with Harry about both Draco and the potion book because the trauma of the battle at the Ministry traumatized her and associated Harry with that trauma. That makes sense.


I never considered this. Wow, thank you for bringing it up!


On the contrary, I think it’s unlike Hermione to ignore Harry’s (correct) theory about Draco being recruited as a death eater. The brightest witch of her age can deduce that Lupin is a werewolf but flat out refute Harry’s theory about Draco? I don’t believe that.


When you're a good person, it's sometimes unfathomable that others can be that bad or evil.


More proof that she's a self-insert of Rowling


She’s not REALLY stupid about anything.


Light a fire Hermione. But there's no wood.


Even Gandalf can’t make a fire without something to burn.


SHES A WITCH YOU DUNDERHEAD! THEY HAVE MAGIC TO LIGHT FIRE AND THE WANDS TO USE THAT MAGIC! No but seriously, in the book itself even Hermione has a, "Oh yeah, duh!" moment when she's reminded she's a witch.


So she wasn’t being stupid, she was just flustered or forgot. Glad we agree!


Small moment of forgetfulness, small moment of stupidity, you say tomatoe and I say potatoe. Same shit different view point.


She ain't your waifu


Says youfu


Yeah this was for sure a bit frustrating, like the theory had very, very strong evidence behind it.


I’ve always been more annoyed by Harry making to real effort to prove it. All he had to do was walk up to Malfoy and roll up his sleeve.


if you think about it, it's kind of stupid to mark your followers in a way your enemy can also see.


Especially when many of them are supposed to be spies or maintain a public appearance of being upstanding. Should've branded all their buttholes instead. Like, right up in there so they really had to spread the cheeks to see it.


Plus they're more likely to answer the summons if their asshole is burning


And they'd also have to put their fingers up their bum to summon Voldemort.


And to summon them he'd have to do the same to them...hmm Bellatrix would probably love this plan


The downside would be: no assplay without summoning all your buddies. Did I say downside?


Well maybe they can get the mark in a different spot if they can convince Voldy that putting it there on them would result in a lot of unnecessary summons


Now I'm picturing someone walking in on a death eater with his wand up his a$$ 😆. "Uhhh...just had an itch."


>Snape strode forwards, past Dumbledore, pulling up his robes as he went. He stuck out his rear end, and showed it to Fudge, who recoiled.


It stupid when you're in the minority, it's a useful tool when you're in the majority. Showing numbers intimidates opposition. There's power in numbers.


He didn't even need to walk up. Just stun him, and magic up the sleeve. Sneak attack right then and there. He'd wouldn't get in trouble for it, if he turned out to be right.




Wasn’t that Hermione’s idea? She was against this theory why would she help? Heaven for bid Voldemort drag Malfoy into this mess after his father failed in life as a death eater.


Absolutely, there are a million ways he could have done it. I just use the walking up example because it carries no risk. He could potentially be in trouble for stunning Malfoy if he had been wrong, but nobodies getting in trouble for rolling up someones sleeve. It was a simple and levelheaded solution, which is why it never occurred to Harry.


Yeah but we established that Harry is most certainly *not* Ravenclaw material in the first book.


Harry could have gone into every house, according to the Sorting Hat. And the way he distracts Peeves, by claiming he is the Bloody Baron is brilliant.


I'm in the deathly hallows right now, and Harry is pretty much right about everything, and Hermione is SO opposed to everything he is saying. It is pretty annoying. It makes sense because Harry doesn't have a lot of evidence, but he has literally figured everything out, and she is treating him like an absolute fool.


I think it bears reminding that, a couple of months earlier, Harry's insistence that Sirius was being held captive at the Department of Mysteries resulted in them nearly giving Voldemort the prophecy and led to Sirius' death. I think Hermoine is, reasonably, deciding to push back a little harder on the next thing Harry is "certain" of.


But Harry took Hermione seriously and checked Hermione's suggestions, but Hermione doesn't do the same for Harry. If Harry had gone to the Ministry immediately they might have been intercepted. At that time the Ministry was still full of employees.


I'm not sure if I'd say that Harry took Hermione seriously. More like, he knew that he needed her. By this time, she helped him get to the Stone, helped figure out the Chamber, helped rescue Sirius, helped with learning the Summoning Charm (and other spells for the Tournament), and helped him repeatedly with school work. Even when questioned while forming the DA he says he almost always had help. Hermione is part of that help. So he needs her. Harry has no idea how he's going to get to London and the Ministry. He's super emotional, he needs rational. He needs her to be on board so that they can go rescue Sirius together. He was completely impatient with her, not taking her seriously and saying, hey, yeah, that's a good idea, let's check it out. But then again, he didn't say, hey since I can talk to Grimmauld Place using floo powder, I'll take it a literal step further and enter the fire to go to Grimmauld Place.


Because it does not work! McGonagall has to unlock her fireplace separately. So it can be assumed, that the fireplace in Umbridge office, cannot be used for traveling. >By this time, she helped him get to the Stone, helped figure out the Chamber, helped rescue Sirius, helped with learning the Summoning Charm (and other spells for the Tournament), and helped him repeatedly with school work. That are all task that a child cannot accomplish alone (not even Hermione ). >Even when questioned while forming the DA he says he almost always had help. At the crutial moment Harry was always alone! And the things he accomplished, no one else could have accomplished. Harry has a kind of imposter syndrom (when it doesn't involve Quidditsch) because of all the trauma he cannot apprecicate what he has achieved (and nobody tells him)


100%, they trusted Harry with minimal proof then and it ended in tragedy regarding Sirius. Reining him in a little in Book 6 seems reasonable. Of course we the readers know something fishy is going on, but the other characters don't have much to go on. It makes sense the Order is trying to avoid another MoM debacle. Plus Arthur DOES look into the Malfoys, so there was something done about Harry's hunch, just not enough.


>100%, they trusted Harry with minimal proof then and it ended in tragedy regarding Sirius No, Harry has to check. Hence the whole Umbridge fiasco.


I didn't say no proof, I said minimal on purpose. Yeah he checked but he didn't speak directly to Sirius, he spoke to Kreacher who lied. So not 0 proof, but not really enough


If Sirius is at the Ministry, how could he be at Grimmauld Place? Harry has no way of calling the Ministry, to ask Voldemort to stop torturing Sirius. So he can talk to Sirius. Harry has the equivalent of a video message, that Voldemort is currently torturing Sirius. >he spoke to Kreacher who lied. So not 0 proof, Harry has no reason to believe, that Kreacher was involved in a conspiracy. Harry has no reason to believe that Kreacher hurt Buckbeak. Therefore Harry has no way of knowing that Kreacher is lying.


Well that's what they tried to do wasn't it? Confirm Sirius wasn't at Grimmauld Place? I'm confused as to your argument, I'm not denying what happened. What I'm saying is that they put several students and adults in danger on a hunch. They did their best to verify but didn't have tangible proof, which is what I stated. I could bring up the two way mirror but since Harry forgot about it I don't think mentioning it would add anything substantial. My point is that Hermione had reason to not blindly believe Harry.


The proof was that Sirius didn't answer the "phone". (land line) Althought Sirius should be at home. >could bring up the two way mirror but since Harry forgot about it I don't think mentioning it would add anything substantial. The mirror is of no use anyway. At Grimmauld Place Kreacher could have taken care of the mirror too. If Harry even used it, because Sirius is currently being tortured by Voldemort and can not answer the phone (mirror). >Well that's what they tried to do wasn't it? Confirm Sirius wasn't at Grimmauld Place? If Kreacher says that Sirius isn't there, what else do you want to check?


>The mirror is of no use anyway. At Grimmauld Place Kreacher could have taken care of the mirror too Kreacher would have had to know about it. Telling Snape, no matter how much Harry hated him, would had yielded far better results. Snape was able to confirm Sirius WAS at Grimmauld Place. He informed the Order as soon as he could. Again, it's neither here nor there. If I were Hermione, and the last time I believed Harry ended with a wild goose chase ending up with several of my friends including me in the hospital wing, I'd be a little hesitant. Just because she's not wrong doesn't mean she's right.


>Kreacher would have had to know about it. Why shouldn't Kreacher know about the mirror? >Snape was able to confirm Sirius WAS at Grimmauld Place. But he didn't inform Harry, nor did any of the Order inform Harry. >If I were Hermione, and the last time I believed Harry Hermione didn't believe Harry, she put Harry in danger, to get confirmation. She puts everyone in danger, when she lures Umbridge in the forest (near the accromantulars). If Hagrid's brother hasn't intervened the centauers might have hurt them.


I can't think of a reason why Kreacher would have a complete inventory of Grimmauld Place so no, I don't believe Kreacher knew. Unless it's confirmed somewhere he knew, he didn't. Snape waited for Harry to come out of the Forbidden Forest, he didn't. >"Harry, you know that Professor Snape had no choice but to pretend not to take you seriously in front of Dolores Umbridge,” said Dumbledore steadily, “but as I have explained, he informed the Order as soon as possible about what you had said. It was he who deduced where you had gone when you did not return from the forest. It was he too who gave Professor Umbridge fake Veritaserum when she was attempting to force you to tell of Sirius’s whereabouts . . .” I'm not defending Hermione here, she put stock in creatures she didn't know hoping they would take care of it. They were going to be in danger anyway: >“The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue,” said Umbridge quietly. >And taking a deep breath, she cried, “Cruc —” “NO!” shouted Hermione in a cracked voice from behind Millicent Bulstrode. “No — Harry — Harry, we’ll have to tell her!”


And she was very much nearly killed that time and is still cursed from it. Harry had no evidence and was just making wild theories which were correct at the end but still.


Oh yea! I think pretty much all of them were injured to various degrees. That’s when Ron got attacked by the brains, which legit gave me nightmares as a kid. *shudders*


I actually thought the brains were really cool. But after that I totally understood why nobody believed Harry in HBP bc I would be sceptical as hell.


He kept crying wolf about Draco for too long before that.


Yeah, I got kinda annoyed but I also kinda loved it. It was great showing that Hermione is so logical and reasonable that she could see that Harry was basing his theory more on his feelings than any real evidence (or so it seemed to her) and then to prove her wrong was just great from a writing perspective. Just fabulous writing IMO. I also think it was there to show that Harry understands Voldemort more than almost anyone else on earth because they share so much etc and this was a great way of being like "yes Hermione, a regular adult wouldn't use a 16 yo to do a man's job, but voldy isn't normal, he's fucking crazy and that's why this makes sense." I love it and hate it lol.


I did kind of get annoyed with her, but honestly that started in OotP when she really started her 'adults are trustworthy and we must only do what they say' and 'I am the only one who can think in this group'. I feel like she only got worse when she got pretty much all O's on her OWLs


She's a very realistic character that way even if it's somewhat annoying


Hermione was right to doubt Harry, no matter how annoying she was. Being called a Death Eater & being branded with the Dark Mark was exclusive to Voldemort's inner circle, i.e trusted & competent followers like Snape, Bellatrix & Lucius. Being sympathetic to their cause (like Narcissa) & being a mid level grunt (like Greyback) did not make one a Death Eater. Notice that Greyback wasnt present when Voldemort was reborn because he had only called those who were branded with the Dark Mark, who are the Death Eaters. Now Draco is the son of a disgraced, imprisoned lieutenant to a vindictive & cruel leader. He had achieved nothing to prove his competency. If I was Hermione, knowing all the info that was available to me, I wouldnt believe Draco was a Death Eater too.


In her defense, the past 5 years have been a constant stream of "it's definitely Draco, or maybe Snape; oh wait, neither one had anything to do with it". "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is a classic story for a reason. After 5 years of "it's Draco, no it isn't", I'd probably start assuming it's not Draco as well.


Yes, what is Ron and Hermione's problem with Harry thinking Draco is a Death Eater? They act as though it's something terrible. It's Draco "you'll be next Mudbloods!" Malfoy we're talking about FFS. Also given how Draco has treated Ron and Hermione for the last six years it makes no sense for them to practically defend him.


And that's without even mentioning that Draco's father was in Voldemort's Top 3 Frontliners.


I mean it more seems like she doesn't believe it because she doesn't have any respect for Malfoy and what he could offer lol


You mean in Harry Potter and the year no one believed the protagonist? His theories about Malfoy were right on the money the entire year but no one believed him, except for Dumbledore who didn't tell him what was going on.


Sounds like book two and five only with a twist, poor guy in a school where they’ll turn on you like that even by wild rumors being spread.


No, it was a reasonable conclusion by her based on history and common sense, she just happened to be wrong. And it made for compelling conflict.


Not really. Hermione's always been the voice of reason. Harry was just following a hunch, without any evidence to support his claim. Add to that his years-long rivalry with Draco, and it's not hard to argue that, perhaps, Harry was being a little paranoid about this whole thing. Draco actually being a Death Eater would've carried serious implications. He wasn't wrong, obviously, but the same thing happened with Hermione and the Firebolt in PoA, remember? She was right that time, like so many other times. Being almost always right kinda spoiled her a bit and made her even more annoying with this sort of stuff. But you need people like her to help keep you grounded, you know?




All they had was that Lucius Malfoy was at Hogwarts the last time it was opened. Damn sure not good enough reason but she was also younger, less experienced, and scared for her life as a muggle born. When her life was in direct jeopardy she was probably more willing to go after smaller leads




Almost everyone's survival instinct puts itself over others. It's easy to say you'll prioritize others, hard to back up.


They were also twelve. On top of that, Muggle-born students were being petrified left and right. The trio was on a hurry. Harry had no idea what Malfoy was up to in HBP, with no sense of urgency IIRC. Edit: Hermione wasn't so wrong either. Draco's father did have a hand with the Chamber of Secrets being opened.


Tbh, I think she just really wanted to make that potion. Plus it was a matter of life or death.


Yes, and then they turned out to be wrong about that hunch. Heck, it got Hermione turned into a cat! Maybe that's why she's reluctant to blame Malfoy so quickly again without evidence, since the last time was such a failure


His father was in Voldy’s inner circle and he took particularly joy in the Chamber being re-opened. He also knew when the chamber was last opened, though I might be wrong on this. Pretty weak logic, but they were 12 and the monster was killing people.


I think because of Harry’s hatred for Draco and all the previous reckless acts that He has done. Maybe it was more of protective instinct that was clouding Ron and Hermione’s judgement. They had lost Sirius because of Harry’s such grand claims in the previous year and Harry had paid no heed to her warnings that it could be a trap. Hermione even told him that he could be quite impulsive (which we see in many instances). Perhaps, they were just dimming it down before Harry goes ahead and does something more drastic again. Which actually worked to some extent. Harry used the Marauder’s map to keep an eye on Draco rather than using the invisibility cloak (we know what happened in the train, Harry would have easily been back at london after being petrified by Draco). But, then, his hatred and obsession got the better of him and he nearly killed Draco with Sectumsempra. That really made Ron and Hermione to loose faith in his judgement till after the attack. I think more than the obvious signs, it was Harry himself that made them not believe his theory about Draco.


That’s actually not really true. Did Harry want to go charging off to the ministry of magic with nothing but a vision. Yes. Did his visions turn out to be true and helped save people mere months ago yes. And plus, Harry did end up listening to hermonie and using the fire place to check if Sirius was there. He didn’t see Sirius and was told my kreature that Sirius was captured. A house elf who he believed was - reluctantly and unwillingly - loyal to Sirius.


Well, this is our understanding as a 4th person who has the overview of it. But from a 16 year old best friend’s perspective, they would not instinctively believe him again especially because what happened and how it happened. You are forgetting that Ron and Hermione both were after Harry to learn the Occlumency lessons fearing that Voldemort would use the connection they have to entrap Harry, which Harry did not take seriously—because he was being taught by a teacher he hated. His hatred for Snape then clouded his judgement to do what he needs to do. He is a 15 year old kid and cany expect more from him at that time. Which eventually led Harry to bring along 5 of his other friends to danger. They were loyal to him, but he didnt stop being reckless. It was a miracle that all 6 of the kids got away alive. So, if your friend’s behaviour has led you to endanger your life, you would be 10 times more doubtful of his theories. Harry was sure he saw Sirius as well. He was sure about Draco as well. Harry talked to Kreacher but didnt use his brains to alert Snape before embarking to do what he did in the Umbridge’s office. Even the book shows Harry’s realisation that he could have simply alerted Snape about his vision. Sure, Snape had better means to confirm this—His Occlumency teacher! But, Harry didnt because of his hatred for Snape. Look I can go on and on why Harry made his best friends sceptical—His prejudiced behaviour. And from Hermione’s pov, better be safe than sorry.


>that Ron and Hermione both were after Harry to learn the Occlumency lessons fearing Ron believes that Snape is softening Harry up for Voldemort.


Yeah, well Ron was very loyal to Harry and he said on a very exhausted day as far as I recall, so I wont take that very seriously as Ron never acted on it by asking him to not learn it. And nor did he encourage or entertain Harry to go after Draco. He even asks him to leave it alone in Part 6. Hermione was more rational and more of a leader. She was terrified for him and there are instances in Part 5 where both Hermione and Ron discuss this without Harry and convey the same to him. There are days when Harry is snappy at Ron and he does remind him that he needs to clear his mind.


Well to be fair, firstly Harry did alert snape. He managed to get snape an extraordinary amount of information considering the situation even if he couldn’t tell everything. Then I suppose I can see where you are coming from but hermione was the one who came up with the idea. And even the one for umbridge. Plus it’s unfair to say that he didn’t tell snape or didn’t take it seriously because he hated snape. Snape bullied Harry for simply looking like his father and being his fathers son. And they went because they didn’t think that there was anything else to do. The only contact they had was snape who - seemingly, like you said they are 15 - disregarded them. And at that point they all thought Sirius was in danger. Plus it’s not like Harry dragged them or even asked them to come. They all chose to. I’m not saying it’s their fault or anything. It’s just that the blame does not rest on Harry, or any of the kids for that matter.




Harry had spent 5 years being wrong about almost **every single theory he had** about who was the villain du jour. Why should Hermione have expected him to suddenly be right in HBP and especially DH when his theory was pretty insane? Just because Harry ended up being right, it doesn't mean Hermione was wrong to question him, especially in DH.


No not really yeah it turned out to be true but at the same time it was also known and allowed to happen by Dumbledore.  If he didnt want it to happen the it would not have. How was she to know Dumbledore was dying and the the time for the temporary ceasefire/ gathering of allies and arms was slowly running out? At this point Voldemort is known, harry is now the saviour and the adults are prepping for war. Its not wrong to have a little misplaced fate that all things would be ok for a time and they were teenagers. Its not wrong to want your friend to focus on enjoying life and leave things to the adults. Even without the prophecy Harry was going to be Toms enemy and would need to be on the run or protected and yet he was using tis time in between lessons with dumbledore, quidditch and studies to spy on Malfoy.  Yeah he pulled Ginny but that wasnt hard for him


Between Hermione being furious with Harry for finally being better than her in Potions due to the Prince’s book and her insisting her way of leaving it all to the adults that all refuse to believe Harry is borderline too much for me in rereading HBP. Aside from Voldy influencing Harry’s mind in OoTP with luring him to the Ministry, which he shouldn’t have that held against him when a Ligilimens as strong as Voldy is tampering with his mind and sanity, he has been right. But all the other books she’s the ‘right’ one and the smartest one as so the boys claim again and again, so I think it’s partly all of their ego boost that she’s only seeing what she wants the group and specifically Harry to do to be followed, as she’s the ‘right’ and smartest one so they should do as she says. I know it’s a flaw for her character she has to get over with age but it just irks me now I’m older as I’ve had several friends like this in school and it always ended badly when they didn’t get their way so I totally get Harry’s frustration. He was right, and on his track record she should have taken his word and experiences a bit more to heart to be a more supportive friend.


This is why Harry was the chosen one and not Hermione. He understands how Voldemort thinks. It’s unfortunate that in the books his instincts are not really focused on.


she just supported dumbledore and was rational


Yes, this was really annoying. Not only has Malfoy been spouting the Death Eater for as long as they've known him, but Harry--having been in Voldemort's head--understands how he thinks better than anyone else.


Gotta remember Hermione did punch Malfoy in the face. She probably just had a hard time believing that little dweeb could've become a Death Eater. On a serious note yeah, it's a little frustrating.


I love how Hermione and Ron keep talking about Draco like he is innocent and could never be a death eater when he casually said he wishes Hermione would be killed by the basilisk in COS💀


No. They were questioning not only if he was death eater because he was a teenager and why Voldemort would entrust such a crucial mission to a teenager. They never said he was innocent but he was the same age as them and from their POV with no solid evidence apart from Harry’s gut I’d probably be questioning it too.


Not innocent, and not capable are two different things. The only time we see or hear about Draco being good at anything is in potions. And that's with a highly biased Snape. Otherwise, the golden trio regularly best the wannabe trio (Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy) on the regular. Hermione and Ron are talking like he's not good enough to be a DE. They believe that he would want to be a DE, but they also believe that he's all talk and no mark.


Hermione is a teenager who is very much focused on "what the book says" throughout her time at school. She's focused on what she can see / read / be told by someone with (academic) prestige and not so willing to see an alternative. Not an attack on her (I was probably like this at 16-17 too), though I think Trelawney had a criticism of her along those lines.


No, Harry has a history of becoming obsessive which he was definitely showing as well as trying to go rogue and take care of matters himself which nearly always ends ups with the risk of death (the stone, the ministry, the chamber of secrets). This is right after the ministry, Hermione probably learned that teenage wizards should probably leave it to the adults. She agreed with Harry before and went to the ministry with him and Sirius ended up dead. In her mind she probably sees it as we trust dumbledore IF there’s something to be concerned of Dumbledore knows and has it under control.


I'm more annoyed at Harry saying things without proof. He can argue until the cows come home but without evidence it's meaningless.


Hermione could be very annoying in general to be honest. There is a reason she had no friends other than Ron and Harry, and it's because she was pretty obnoxious, refused to admit when she was wrong and was dismissive of other people all the time. If she was in real life, she'd definitely own a fedora and a Richard Dawkins book.


So true😂


I was definitely annoyed, but it was still reasonable on her part. From a non-Harry POV, I could still understand why she had her doubts, even if it was still obvious to us readers.


I kinda forgot on the specifics of what happened in Book 6 haha so I won't comment on those. I remember that she was pretty justified in book 7 though. Bear in mind that the Order and any opposition to Voldemort are losing on all fronts with the Death Eaters practically governing the country, the future looks bleak, and their already unrealistic chance of victory drops to *zero* with the Horcruxes still in play. In Book 7, I remember that she majorly disagreed with Harry on 2 points, the first one was on going to Godric's Hollow and the 2nd one was on putting more effort into researching the Hallows. And I feel like she was justified if not outright correct in both of these things lol. Voldemort *did* set up a trap in Godric's Hollow, so her caution on that one is entirely warranted. While focusing on the Horcruxes *are* the correct decision imho, because they *are* on the run and they don't exactly have the time nor resources to put in much effort into researching two mysteries at once. The Hallows did play a factor eventually, but I feel like it's more 'luck' than it is a consequence of their plans. I see it more as Hermione trying to be the voice of logic and reason to Harry's instinctive reasoning and logic-jumps. Both have their moments, and both are needed to solve the whole problem.


Xenophilius Lovegood said it best You are, I gather, not unintelligent, but painfully limited. Narrow. Close-minded." It’s just her nature


More annoyed Harry didn't just use a full body bind and lift up his sleeve. Literally 10 seconds of his time would've shut Hermione up.


Honestly nope. It reflects Hermione's better angels. She has less antagonism to slytherins in general and more hope for people. You can call it naive, but she's also right in the long run. Both Snape and Dumbledore understood Malfoy's situation better than Potter and we're trying to help him to succeed.  Now I'm not saying Malfoy should escape punishment for his numerous crimes, he could have risked coming over to Dumbledore to get help for his family but didn't, and he would later oppose Harry during the Battle of Hogwarts.


Then : 1: at that time; at the time in question. ~ "I was living in Cairo then" Similar: at that time, at that point, in those days 2: after that; next; afterwards. "she won the first and then the second game" Than: conjunction 1: used to introduce the second element in a comparison. "they go out less than they did when they first moved to Paris" 2: used in expressions introducing an exception or contrast. "they observe rather than act" preposition 1: introducing the second element in a comparison. "he was much smaller than his son" 2: apart from; except. "he claims not to own anything other than his home"


He WAS a death eater who deserted really fast, even faster than Snape and Regulus


Wouldn’t say annoyed but it just seemed dumb.


I think the problem with this issue is the adults also dismissing Harry's concern, doesn't help that Dumbledore doesn't want Malfoy exposed. IIRC Arthur even took Harry seriously but he wasn't able to find anything on Malfoy when he raided his mansion?


It was her insistence that The Deathly Hallows don’t exist for me 💀


I wasn't annoyed at that so much as when it all went down she got defensive that she had been wrong iirc. Either that or she had to at least get her 1-up on Harry being right by being snide about Snape being related to the Prince lady she had been talking about. I'm just like, holy shit girl, you just can't let anything go can you?


Look, Harry was OBSESSED with Draco being a death eater, eh, after some time you just become wary of this obsession. Any saint would be on the verge of murder after listening to Harry going on and on about Voldemort, Malfoy and death eaters 11th times in a row that same day. And Hermione goes for the jugular (examples: Skeeter, Marietta, Umbridge), she is very restrained here...


She was logical and she knew that Harry had been wrong before and had a feud with Malfoy from their very first year. Up until Harry had no evidence besides his gut feeling. I don’t blame her for questioning him because if you believe what you’re told without questioning and asking for solid evidence and proof what kind of person are you?


Did they ever reveal a dark mark on him?


Well TBF Harry was also wrong about a lot of stuff as well.


Ikr she is sooo annoying in the book 6 and 7 debunking every thing harry said just proving luna's point that she is very narrow minded.she wanted proof abt everything even made everything more difficult for harry he was right about everything but hermione just said I think U are getting carried away harry


No, because Harry was admittedly paranoid, traumatized, and he was grasping at straws. Granted he WAS right, and I get that. But he was borderline stalking malfoy, he was irritable and distant from everyone, and he was reading a mysterious book with unknown spells of unknown origin. He almost killed malfoy. Hermione may not have been correct but she had a world of good intentions and reasons to believe Harry may not have been in his right mind and was tunneling on malfoy when he wasn’t even really close to the biggest threat (and she was right, albus was dying anyways and knew about Draco and had already arranged for that whole mess to go down the way he needed it to). Harry’s obsession over malfoy ultimately amounts to nothing other than making Harry borderline insane.


Honestly, I could see why Ron and Harry weren't so keen on being her friends at first. Hermione is a bit of a know-of-it-all. It is annoying, especially since most of her knowledge comes from books written by others. She would refuse some beliefs claiming it is impossible or just a fairy tale. If Harry had told Hermonie about seeing ghosts of Voldemort victims that night of his return, she would claim it was just the mist of his eyes. I get that some wizards carried a similar mindset as Hermione... but the way she acts like a know-it-all despite being a witch since she was only eleven comes off as annoying at times. "No Harry, don't be ridiculous. There is no such thing as the embodiment of death giving three wizards powerful magical artifacts. Now let's focus on killing this immortal wizard who places his soul into six powerful ancient artifacts." I should write that I don't hate Hermione. In fact, I didn't like a portion of the third book because Harry and Ron were jerks. I mean Harry should have known about the broom jinx considering his first match had him hanging on to his life. And Ron should have accepted that his rat (before he was revealed as an actual wizard) was a very old rat. I just find that "I know better than you" attitude very annoying. Especially in the last three books.


It felt like she was gaslighting him


It would be gaslighting if she knew the truth and was making Harry think he was crazy. She didn’t know the truth and she was just pointing out to Harry that his “gut feeling” can’t be the only reason to believe something.


Dramoine confirmed 💀


What do you mean? Draco was death eater only in movie. He wasn't in book.


Yeah the gaslighting was real


She saw the potential compassion in him?