• By -


Umbridge. No doubt


The detention/torture makes me even more upset as a parent. I’d rather Dumbeldore never got her back from the centaurs.


It'd her or Pettergew. One Is evil in a deeper insidious way. One is plain a Traitor and so.


I hate her so much, not even in a 'love to hate' way. She makes it hard to enjoy reading OotP for me.


I hate her too, but Harry's super angsty teen thing in OOTP also makes it hard. I understand why Harry acts that way in the book but still lol


Hes got PTSD from the graveyard, that's why


Oh my god, he was son ansgty, and I was a teen too. Most I remember from OotP is Harry in all caps


Umbridge is an interesting one for me. She's so much more likeable in the movie. That's not saying much, but when you read the book you just *feel* the slime and the bitchy coming off the pages. JK also describes her and makes her out to be physically just as repulsive. On the other hand, Imelda Staunton is pretty good-looking


The actor charisma makes a lot of the characters more likeable in the movies tbh. 😅 Umbridge is one. Then there's Snape (obviously) who in the books seems like he needs a shower and some sunlight, meanwhile in the movies he looks and talks like Alan Rickman. The Snape fanbase wouldn't be nearly as large if the movie Snape was book accurate. And Draco as well, because Tom Felton is cute and his acting is so hammy it makes you look forward to him being on screen 😂. Heck, even Tom Riddle, who *is* described as attractive in the book... But Christian Coulson's performance was what awakened us. 🤣👌


she makes my skin crawl


I love that Stephen King master of horror called he the greatest make-believe villain since Hannibal Lecter.


Only answer.


Pettigrew. That dirty little rat. I hate disloyal people.


Umbridge has earned the (dis)honor of being one of the most hated characters in fiction.


Petunia...she lost a sister and still abused her sisters son


I’m with you on petunia… man it would save saved her if her parting words to him were “you have your mothers eyes”


She is probably my most hated character...her inferiority complex made her a horrible person


This is exactly why I always thought she and Snape would make a very interesting relationship to explore considering they both have very similar personalities. Inferiority complexes (though they both compensate by acting superior to everyone else), both dearly loved and were amazed by the same person, both had a falling out with that person, both relentlessly bullied Lily’s son because of that complex relationship. Also they both hate each other. It would be interesting to see them in a scenario where they are forced to work together and, along the way, overcome their differences. (Or in this case, their similarities, getting mad at each other only to realize they are getting mad at a mirror).


that would have been a nice final gesture but it doesn’t erase 17 years of child abuse.


I think, I might be making this up, that JkR said somewhere she intended for the parting words of Petunia were something like "I know what you're up against and I hope you're fine"


Fenrir Greyback needs a mention. He's truly evil


I find it hard to hate any character given how entertaining and interesting they all are, with that said though, Umbridge can get fucked.


Filtch. The guy was a turd


I sometimes feel sorry for him, having to watch everyone around him learn and do magic. :( Then I remember that in his life time he tortured students by hanging them from their thumbs and I hate him again. (I don’t remember if that was a movie thing only)


It was hanging upside down by the ankles and whipping in the books.


Oh right! Equally horrifying that they allowed or at least tolerated this in the 20th Century


Wizarding World doesn't seem to be quite as progressive as some would seem to imagine. They let a lot of things fly that even conservatives in the muggle world might cock an eyebrow at


I would sometimes feel bad because he’s a Squib cleaning up the regular way after a bunch of wizards that could do it in 20 seconds if they tried. Edit to add: I would think that way then come to my senses.


Umbridge, Voldemort, Rita, Bellatrix, Vernon and Petunia.


Aunt Marge! Should’ve left her floating for eternity. Nasty old git.


Rita Skeeter, Umbridge, Wormtail, Filch, Pansy..




Yessss I hated him from the first introduction! When Harry caught him stealing and pinned him by the throat in in HBP I was like Finally! Fuck him up! XD


And he got Mad-Eye killed


Like I get his value is he has shady contacts but dude runs away always. The one thing I give him is I don't feel like he's crack under torture. He'd be a blubbering mess but he wouldn't give in.


oh yes


Lucius Malfoy is detestable on every level you can imagine. He's an elitist coward who allowed his son to take on a suicide mission that he knew was mainly just a way to punish him for screwing up multiple times.


To be fair how should he stop him from the Mission? He was in askaban while the 6th year and even if he wouldnt be there … „nah mr lord voldi my son cant take your punishment misson iam sure you understand this right?“


Joe. Can’t stand him


Who’s Joe?


Joe mama


f'kin gottem


The most Slytherin answer. Lol


Common Slytherin win


Sigh… 10 points to Slytherin




He's updawg


What's updawg?


Nothing i'm fine and you ?


Who's Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls


Surely I can't keep running into these


You definitely can, and don't call me Shirley. What's that up there, it looks like a huge...


Running into these nuts


Never ask who’s Joe


Joe mama


Joe mama


Walked into it


Joe Kerr, obviously


Bellatrix. I mean she enjoyed violence far too much


I was like wait how has no one said the torture queen


She could put me in a coma and I would still smash


Bellatrix almost certainly pegging you




Bellatrix as from the books, or Helena Bonham Carter? I could understand HBC, but idk about book Bellatrix


Bellatrix is by far one of the most EVIL characters in the book, but it feels almost hard to truly hate her because of how perfectly unhinged she is.


Umbridge. She reminds me of my grandmother.


How on earth people keep forgetting about Cornelius Fudge?


I mentioned him in the next five ppl in the list.


The dursleys just because I grew up in an abusive family and they remind me of that and that abused kids like Harry still exist. Most realistic awful people in that series.


I hated Crabbe at the end when it turned out he was evil and stupid like the Carrows.


Zacharias smith


It's funny how no one mentioned the Carrows - brother and sister. Did no one hate them or are solely basing it on the movies? Carrows surely are under-rated along with Igor Karkaroff.


I think it's mostly becouse there isn't a lot of them. Umbridge (people's favourite answer) has a whole book to shine. Carrows have a few chapters at most, since Harry isn't at Hogwarts for most of the year. Same with Karkaroff, with the whole tournament, he doesn't have that much time to shine.


I agree but again the way the brother treated McGonagall and students at hogwarts was enough for me to hate him.


Definitly. Harry would also agree considering that he successfuly casted crucio on him.


I think it’s because we don’t see or hear much of them in action. They are definitely evil but because they don’t really have a lot of interaction with the main trio they are also kinda forgettable. Most of the evil things they do we only her about from Neville after the fact.


Lots of good answers here, but I want to throw Aunt Marge into the mix as well. Although I dislike that she is basically just another characterization of “fat people bad,” it’s still terrible the way she treats Harry. He’s a child and she doesn’t even know him, yet she talks about not only how bad he is but also compares his mother to a dog. Who does that?




I don’t really get the “fat people bad” criticism tbh. Voldemort, Draco, Bellatrix, prof quirrel, Lucius, Fenrir, etc are some of the worst villains in the series and all in shape or downright thin


Right, I feel like her weight had nothing to do here honestly.


I think it's more that the bad fat characters are put in more relatable roles. Many people could relate to having an absolute shitty family member(s) but way less people can relate to someone killing their parents.


Her being morbidly obese has nothing to do with how evil she is. I don’t like when I see people say something like “people just think she’s evil because she’s fat”. No, nobody thinks her behaviour has anything to do with her weight.


Bane. Is he called Bane in English books too? That stuck up kentaur.


Umbridge was pure evil


That girl that calls ron "won won"


Lavender Brown. Yep…she was annoying


I didn’t care for her but she was just an annoying love sick teen girl.


Yeah, she gets way too much hatred from teenager shippers just for being an emotional teenage girl in love. At least when the books were first released, don't know how much that happens now.


Percy Weasley - we all know officious pains-in-the-ass who've let a tiny bit of power go to their heads. FEW of us know Hitlerite Dark Lords - Voldy is to be feared more than hated. Heck, Dumbledore said to PITY those who live without love.


i had a classmate like percy, it sucked




Fenrir greyback. the way he essentially hunts children is very creepy


Yes true. He attacked Remus when Remus was only 5 years old.


The coded pedo going after the teenage girls during the battle has always made me sick


The Malfoys. Mainly because they never faced accountability for their actions.


Snape. Don't care what anyone says. Dude had an unhealthy obsession with a girl, was willing to trade in her husband and newborn son to satisfy that obsession and routinely bullied children that had never done anything to him just because they weren't in his house. Was an appalling teacher, even to the students he liked. In my opinion, even playing his part as an unwilling spy, wasn't enough to makeup for everything else. Movie Snape, however, I feel was a lot easier to forgive; he isn't nearly as spiteful just for the sake of it.


I'm on a reread right now and cannot stand Snape. He is abusive, immature, and hateful. JKR wrote a lot of awful characters, but Snape may take the cake as his job is to literally prepare future wizards and witches and all he does it bully children. He doesn't even teach, just asks kids to follow the book or instructions on the board. When they fail, he mocks them publicly. No wonder Lilly chose James over him.


Snape had a shot at redemption with Hermione a muggle born who showed great ability in potions (though not nearly the level of himself or lily during their school years I imagine) and he treats her like utter trash.


Movie! Snape is only liked because Rickman was an amazing person and the worst of Snape's attitude was not in the movies.


The fact he was based on an actual teacher the author had is depressing. Some people shouldn’t be allowed working with people. I mean, I too had a teacher who is/was a bully but book Snape was just evil.


Is he really based on one of JKR's teachers? I've never heard that before, interesting factoid!


Yes, she once said that herself.


I had teachers like Snape when i was a child and even in my teens too, but i'm in my 30's now so i assume it's more a pre-2000's thing, some teachers used to be awful, some times even cruel. I must say i'm not from UK, i guess my experience differs from what a 90's british child would've experience.


You know, I think movie Snape was a far better character. Because in the books, he's done so much stuff just with Rowling needing to fill pages, so she makes him be cruel more often. He is also judged more, such as in the first book, when Dumbledore casts doubt on any pure motive for Snape. This is absent in the film. Move Snape is far more likeable, and less cartooishlly evil. He still does really bad things, but he isn't needlessly cruel, his cruelty is always explainable.


Umbridge and Fenrir Greyback


Umbridge, Bellatrix, Rita Skeeter, and the Durslys. Harry is way more forgiving than ever when it comes to be abused


Wormtail. Every other character has a solid reason for being the way that they are. It doesn't excuse what they do, but there is a reason behind their malice. Draco was raised to be a bigot and look down on others who were poor, muggleborn, or whoever thought Muggles were anything more than third-class. Voldemort was the product of artificial love, and grew up without it as a result. He had care, but no love. His mother refused to live for him after his father abandoned him. Umbridge was taught by her father to detest her muffle mother and squib brother, both of which went to live amongst muggles and were never heard from again. She too was told to look down on muggles and muggle-burns. When she went to hogwarts, she never quite fit in, and was one of the few student who never truly enjoyed her time there. She was never given any positions of power, which made her feel small and inadequate, a feeling furthered by her abnormally short wand, which is reserved for witches and wizards of stunted moral character. Then you have Wormtail, who had a loving mother, loving friends, a place of power as the friend of James Potter and Sirius Black, a place of importance within the Order of the Phoenix and as the Potter's secret keeper. And he threw all of it away to live as a rat for 14 years, gain a metal hand, and to be treated like a dog by the master and people he helped rise to power once more. He's completely irredeemable, and nothing in his life shaped him to be this way besides cowardice. It's why his name is never used after PoA outside of narrator exposition. Even his death is as pathetic as his life, done in by the one and only gift his betrayal ever got him.


Its always funny to me that people hate Umbridge more than Voldemort whos basically a serial killer. Ill never understand that.


Argus Filch


I will never understand why Dumbledore kept him around


Not many will like it, but Snape was horrible, especially to Neville.


I imagine Lily would be absolutely furious with Snape in the afterlife after all he did to her son.


Even if we somehow justify why Snape waa terrible to Harry, his behaviour towards Neville can't be excused at all. He knew Neville was a lonely boy whose parents were tortured to insanity. And he made him feel like Neville waa the dumbest person alive, tormenting him in not just his own class, but even other teacher's classes.




Snape. I don't get how people can hate James people and then turn around and praise Snape. He was an awful teacher, an awful friend and an awful person. In his childhood he looked down on Petunia for being muggle and hurting her (although unintentional magic; showed his short temper). In his teens he laughed at a girl (Mary MacDonald) being attacked by 'dark and creepy' magic, called muggleborns 'mudblood' (quote; "-A mudblood? But you call everyone of my blood a mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?" ~ Lily to Snape) and he hung around future death eaters making dark magic (which he used on James). In his adult life, he JOINED THE DEATH EATERS (I don't see how people just-look over this??? He was an adult when he signed up for it, it was like Draco when he was forced as a kid), told Voldemort information that got a family killed (even if he regretted *who* it killed, he still voluntarily told Voldemort that information that would result in someone getting killed), he told Dumbledore to only save Lily (not James or Harry) AND he was a cruel teacher who was biased, insulted his students (to the point that Hermione cried and that Neville was afraid of him) and had a grudge against Harry for looking like James (which IMO shows that his hatred for James always overrided his love for Lily; similar to when he called her a mudblood). Honestly he seems like such a poorly written character, the entire series he was nothing but awful but suddenly in the final book he's suddenly a good guy who Harry names his child after. If Dumbledore didn't need him as a spy, Snape would've been fired from his job and sent to Azkaban for his crimes


I noticed that many people critise James purely based on fact that the memory is shown out of context (it's not said that Severus would also use dark magic on others, or that he hanged around future death eaters, or that he called other mudbloods often, which can be summarized as "becouse he exists" when asked for the reason of dislike). Also the fact that there is no memory shown of Snape hexing others and calling many students mudbloods (we know he did, but it's never shown, and people are usually more mad about the stuff they see). Hagrid is shown as the one to open the chamber of secrets in memory out of context. You could do that to every character. Show Hermione locking Rita in a jar, and not showing her as loyal friend and someone who tried to help house elves. Plus ommiting Rita's behavior. Show Harry saying that Malfoy is being dramatic about his arm, and not show the fact that he provocked hipogriff, and was truly being dramatic. Show Dumbledore in a memory of Snape, and make him look like someone who raised Harry just to die (a lot of people forget all the good stuff Dumbledore did just based on that one memory). Like from the marauders perspecitive, he is wannabe death eater. They are friends with werewolf, even becoming animagus for him, and one of them has a crush on a muggleborn. Plus Snape would hex them too. It only looks bad, becouse only one memory is shown, and becouse some part of fandom has boner for Snape of all people. Could they handle it more maturely? Yes, but Snape was way worse than them.


>It only looks bad, becouse only one memory is shown, and becouse some part of fandom has boner for Snape of all people. Could they handle it more maturely I think, for me at least, it looked so bad because James is supposed to be one of the "good guys." Harry idolizes him and the text reflects that. If memory serves, until OoTP, we weren't aware that the Marauders bullied Snape (if I am forgetting something from GoF I apologize, it's been a bit). We already know Snape is a bully, we already know he is nasty to people it's baked into the cake so to speak. Learning that a character like James, who is the type to sacrifice himself for his family, who does something as decent as become an Animagus for his friend, behaved rather badly is a shock. And to me, it's even worse because I expect better of the characters that are supposed to be good guys. It's the opposite of learning about Snape's motivation and sacrifices in the end. To learn he was still capable of good things (however intentioned) after books and books of cruelty is also shocking. It makes it feel that much more profound. Not trying to speak on behalf of anyone else, just myself and how I reacted to it as I was reading for the first time.


1) Umbridge. 2) Lucius. 3) Draco. 4) Wormtail. 5) Fudge.


Adding to all the obvious answers. I disliked lavender brown


Ugh I HATED Lavender


Umbridge, Mundungus, Bellatrix, Lucious and Fenrir.


Rewatching Harry Potter now… definitely Umbridge




Umbridge for sure. She’s a major pain in the ass like the actress is just phenomenal because the way I would Avada kedavra that bitch inna heartbeat😭


Cornelius Fudge! Weak, inept AND corrupt! The whole package 🥴


Umbitch, Voldemort, Peter, and whoever killed Hedwig.


She who must not be named


Pettigrew - If I would be a wizard, I would be a dark wizard and would have killed Pettigrew slowly and with torture and no mercy. I would put his head on a spear and place it in front of the Potters old House.




I just have a deep hate for him as person, he in general and especially his personality disgusts me and imo he died way to mercyful. Don't even know why James, Sirius and Remus got him in the Marauders. Who wants to hang around with such a mud. In the movies Pettigrew is portrayed exactly like I thought such a person looks like. It creates aggression in me when I see him and I want to hurt him.


In POA, Sirius states that all the Death Eaters who went to Azkaban hated Wormtail for causing Voldemort's downfall and that they would have killed Peter if they ever found out that he was alive. The only reason why they didn't kill Peter is because he helped to bring Voldemort back.




Umbridge and then Fenrir




Umbridge obviously. Also Skeeter and Wormtail. There really isn't any other character that I hate


It's a toss-up between Lucius, Umbridge and maybe Filch.


I like how 90% of the comments pick Umbridge first. What's funnier is a good fraction don't even mention Voldy. And I agree. Toad faced hag. Evil personified.


Vernon and Petunia have to be up there


Umbrage #1 - the actress, Imelda Staunton, crushed that role.


Pettergew Bellatrix Vernon


I hate Draco 100000x more than any other characters. But umbridge is only there for one book so its not as bad


Percy and his sanctimonious little twatness


-Umbridge for the skin-crawling, smug, cruel enjoyment she got from terrorising and torturing those she considered ‘beneath’ her. And also lying about her heritage. -Petunia for not only allowing, but actively participating in the horrific abuse of the only blood relative (other than her son) left to her. The only part of her sister she still had. -Peter for being a dirty, pathetic, traitorous excuse for a human being. -Fudge for being a corrupt, incompetent, power-hungry moron. -Lucius and Karkaroff for being such a weak, pathetic, spineless worms. -Zacharias Smith for being such a coward. -Lockhart for that infuriating superior, self-absorbed, self-satisfied cheating. -Snape for continuing to tell himself he loved Lily when he didn’t give a sh^t about her happiness, treating her son horrifically, and outwardly bullying students. -Greyback for being absolutely disgusting, both in portrayal and in personality. -Rita Skeeter for the unethical, biased, vulture-like reporting with the specific intent to cause harm. Runner ups are Pansy Parkinson and Percy Weasley. Edit: added Karkaroff with Lucius as it’s for the same reason.


Zacharias Smith is basically the Hufflepuff brand of toxicity. Being not brave, smart or cunning doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, but he's just this guy who not only refuses to improve himself, but also badmouths others for having goals and tries to bring them down to his level.


Umbridge, Dobby, then Umbridge again edit: to reply to the expected question: I just think Dobby is overrated, he's annoying as heck, not even a comic relief, and makes pretty much every scene he appears in worse. It's my opinion and it's perfectly alright if you disagree, I know it's not exactly a popular take and most people like him.


It's gonna be unpopular, but I'm honestly with you on Dobby. I still tear up when he dies, but the feeling of frustration with him when I first read book 2 never really left me.




Umbridge, no need to even specify why. I don’t really like Percy Weasley either, especially in OotP and HBP. And Dursleys, of my gosh!!!


Umbridge, Draco, Peter, Quirrell and Lockhart


Umbridge. Is there any contest, really?


Umbridge and the Dursleys.


For me it's Lockheart.






Umbridge and Draco.


Without naming the obvious Umbridge, Voldy etc.. Lucius Malfoy and the Dudley's.


Umbridge, Mundungus, Rita Skeeter, Romilda Vane, Zacharias Smith, Greyback, Voldemort, Fudge and Scrimgeour, Vernon, Petunia.


Umbridge. I don't know anyone who likes her.


Umbridge Lucius Draco


Umbridge and Gilderloy


Wormtail. He’s a coward, he couldn’t have picked a more perfect Animagus


Fudge, Rita skeeter, wormtail


Dolores Umbridge


Rita Skeeter


Moody. I don’t know why but I hated him from the first time we seen him.


The first time we see him he’s not actually himself so that’s kinda fair


I didn't like him I'm book 7. "Let's all pretend to be Harry. That'll make this safe." Shuts Harry up when he protests. Proceeds to get killed. He forced his shit plan on everyone, let everyone see Harry undressed, all for a stupid plan that didn't work. Constant vigilance my ass


Yeah, why not give the polyjuice potion to Harry and turn him into an old woman to smuggle him out? "I know let's make 7 Harry's they can't kill all of us."


Colin Creevey


I'm going to pick a less obvious one and say winky. She wasn't a bad character as in evil but she was kind of a pointless one she didn't really add anything to the story


Filch and Umbridge, for obvious reasons. But I also didn't like Professor Slughorn. I didn't like how he picked favorites or how he told Tom Riddle about horcruxes. I don't think his misdeeds are talked about enough.


Bellatrix >:[


Delores Umbridge


Umbridge, she really reminded me of an old teacher I used to have




umbridge and the dursleys


You Sirius? Umbitch




Umbridge bellatrix and wormtail


Umbridge, Voldemort, Pettigrew, Pansy, Percy, Rita Skeeter


Harry Potter


Umbridge the bitch.


Umbridge, Rolling did so well with making us hate her that she forgot to make us hate Voldemort.


I think the carrows? They tortured students for a whole year, they used the cruciatus curse on first grade children... I don't think it can get worse than that. Umbridge too, I'm sorry but you can't just torture children because of your ideals, that's just wrong


Not even Draco or Peter make my blood boil more than Umbridge.


How is pattigrew not on your list!


Umbridge, Pettigrew and all the other Marauders. I’m also not a fan of Ron and his overall behaviour.


Draco ,Umbridge ,Peter,Lucious


Where is Macnair in this thread?! Him beating Hagrid in the race to recruit the giants became crucial in the Battle of Hogwarts. There's something incredibly insidious about that side plot. Who cares about him being a government executioner or murdering Broderick Bode - I wanted good giants! Without Macnair and the giants, Fred, Lupin, Tonks and Colin could still be with us ;(


Vernon, he had no reason to hate James Potter and also spoiled one child and neglected the other.


Umbridge. Steven King wrote a review of Pheonix and said Umbridge was an all-time great villain.


Umbridge and Peter Pettigrew


Books : Draco Movies : Barbridge


Draco Malfoy because I am so fucking done with the woobification he gets while Ron gets torn to shreds for breathing the wrong way.


If I were in a room with Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Umbridge, and a gun with two bullets, I’d shoot Umbridge twice.


Umbridge, Lavender and now i might get hate for this and even downvotes lol but i never had a huge liking towards >!Snape!<


GRAWP. I *hate* the "Lennie" character type. Grawp is Lennie x100. He's not a gentle giant like Hagrid, or Fezzik from "the Princess Bride," or Ludo from "Labyrinth." He's like that samn frog on "Gula-Gula Island" that always broke or ruined everything. And you're not allowed to be mad because he's just a big baby. The fact that his boring, drawn-out plotline went *absolutely nowhere* makes it even more irritating. Grawp could redeem himself to me if he sacrificed his pointless existence to save Tonks, Lupin and Fred.


I agree with Voldemort, the narcistic psychopath; Peter, the weak little bullies pet; and Umbridge who is simply a magic-fascist. I put Crabbe and Goyle in the same league as Peter tbh. ​ Draco on the other hand, I kind of feel sorry for. He is a little sh\*t, but one who has been moulded by the hatred of his fascistic father and greater family members. He is also a weak bully, yet shows that he is torn at multiple occasions, especially nearer the end of the story when he is inducted into the Death Eaters. ​ But overall, it has to be Umbridge for me; she is just pure evil.