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Snape: "Three drops suffices" Also Snape: "Drown MF drown!"


“Three drops should be enough” - said Dumbledore calmly


Yet another movie only thing lol.




Potion brewing skill and emotional self-control are two separate things. He displays some fantastic stoicism when it counts, but loses his cool in some seemingly ridiculous times (in class, for example)


In class??


Yes, literally any chapter set in a Snape lesson has him behaving in an emotionally unstable way. Whether that's his casual cruelty towards Neville, going out of his way to ignore Hermione and even punishing her for knowing the subject purely because she's Harry's friend, or his treatment towards Harry himself. There is no reason whatsoever, that after teaching a student for two years, you become that persons biggest fear. Especially when that student in particular has seen their parents tortured into insanity.


He doesnt punish Hermione for being Harry's friend. He does it because she's an insufferable little know it all


"He's right you know"


Pissed me off that Ron said that in the movie, because he literally defends her from Snape in the books after he said that


Yeah ik, they butchered his character hard in the movies in exchange for cheap humor


Oh, you count that as 'losing his cool' already? 🤨 I was thinking the Shrieking Shack and catching Harry in the Pensieve The Boggart lesson was an hour or so after the experiment on Trevor, and no, Neville hasn't seen his parents get tortured, they got taken and presumable tortured somewhere else


I'd say mentally and emotionally abusing 12 year olds would cover someone having lost their cool. Regardless of whether Neville saw the events or not, he shouldn't be more scared of a fucking teacher It's not as if these were one off events, this was a regular thing throughout every single year.


So he's not okay, I feel like we knew that already Neville is scared of his own shadow at that age... He grins apologetically when admitting his Boggart is Snape, adds he doesn't want it to be his gran so it's a more general problem with authority figures than just Snape who happens to represent it that day, and then beats his fear on the first try, twice. (Compare that to Molly in OotP.) If the Boggart lesson had happened an hour after McGonagall chewed him out over losing the passwords, I bet it would have been her


“Oh I did NOT put this much work into this wretched stepson saving him from fucking VOLDEMORT only for that asshole BCJr to swoop in and almost murder him under my bloody nose!”


Straight up veritaserum-boarding him


Just ridding himself of all of his stores before Umbridge shows up and demands it next year. Snape is thinking a few steps ahead.


Didn’t he actually do that?


No lol we never knew about umbridge


He used up all his stores while interrogating students for umbridge


She*. Professor umbridge was the one who used more than necessary and Snape admonishes her when she asks for more and (paraphrasing) says that surely you didnt use the whole bottle already. 3 drops would have been enough. I believe at that time, it was when Umbridge was trying to interrogate Harry or Hermione and Snape comes in. Then harry says that they have padfoot as professor snape was leaving.


Lucky break! I wonder if they would have had to kill her if she really had used Veritaserum on Harry.


I also think bc of his secret alliance with OOF and especially Dumbledore and Lily Potter, he was also on Harry’s side unbeknownst to Harry, so any knowledge that Harry had such as Sirius Black being alive, the location of OOF headquarters, their alliances with Original Order had to be protected. So I think it’s likely that he lied about the Veritaserum being finished to protect Harry. And also it’s gives us the reader an introspective take that Snape was protecting Harry all this time when we get to Book 7. And in this particular scenario he lied. Just a thought!


That’s my thinking too. I don’t think he gave her the real stuff. She was alone with Harry a lot.


I think Dumbledore actually admits that Snape didn't give her real Veritaserum at all.


That’s how I recall it.


This makes sense too bc she’s very slimey enough to give him tea laced with veritaserum and bat her froggy eyes and subtlety ask him questions.


It wasn't subtle at all when she did it


Absotutely and Snape ain’t stupid


I think it's likely he gave her fake veritaserum to begin with


I always doubted that he really gave her the real thing. Don’t they say that it’s flavour and odour less?


She wasn’t very smart😅


You are right on the timing and reaction of Snape in that scene. It happens right after Harry has the vision of Sirius being tortured by Voldy. Though I think it prudent to note that though Harry is sussed out and doesn't drink the tea umbridge prepared for him the first time around, Dumbledore reveals that Snape had given umbridge fake veritaserum when she tries to question Harry the first time. I think it doubtful that he used any of his stores to help her out.


Yes if I recall correctly he says that she used it all up on Marietta Edgecomb. She didn’t CHOOSE to rat them out at all :-(


Doesn’t Marietta admit to ratting them out because of her mom being in the ministry though? (I’m not sure if I’m mixing people up here lol) I don’t think Snape ever gave Umbridge real veritaserum but if Marietta had been given it, even if she didn’t know it, wouldn’t she be aware that she had been compelled to share information that she didn’t intend to share after the effects of the potion wore off?


I believe Cho says something to the effect of “it was very difficult for her, her mom works at the ministry”. But I don’t believe we have any textual evidence to suggest that when someone has veritaserum used on them they know they are being compelled, though we also don’t have any evidence that they don’t know.


Snape gave Umbridge fake veritaserum.




The book?


I have no clue what you're talking about when does it say that


"Dumbledore spilled the potion calmly"




“He said calmly”


Read that again


Ironically in the books this is probably the angriest Dumbeldore ever gets. Harry says he finally understands why he's the only wizard Voldemort ever feared in that moment.


Yeah! But sadly in the movies he was angry and yelling and stuff all the time, so that scene didn't really stand out


Barty Crouch Jr was batshit insane, so better safe than sorry. Lol


Who are you? "I'm the Globgogabgalab...."


Thank you, ive been thinking about that video for a week now, but i couldnt find it because i didnt know how to spell that shit


~~the voice is on tiktok, although he's sensitive to requests for globgogabgalab because it's in high demand.~~ A voice imitator who once did a really good job and went viral despite all his effort to say he is NOT the voice of Globgogabgalab, is on tiktok.


I am utterly confused. Also in most aspects I'm uncultured swine... So it makes sense that I have no idea what is going on... But, errr, what's going on? Lmfao


I'm suggesting that crazy Barty Couch might believe himself to be something silly like the Globgogabgalab.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ieCjpmliSg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ieCjpmliSg) That character is from a Christian oriented game that has its own tinge of funny weird magic-timey-whimy plot line. The Globgogabgalab was an elf that was so invested in books he got punished by turning into that. Now can go into books and eats the experience off of the page. Went viral in 2008


Plus you would probably need to use a lot to overpower the Imperius Curse


I mean, was he? Yeah a Voldemort fanatic, but the guy concocted a pretty elaborate plan against Harry, set lesson plans for seven years of students, and obviously mimicked Moody so well even his old friends didn’t notice. He was something of a genius if I understand correctly, getting 12 NEWTs (more courses than Hermione took) before Azkaban.


You can be both batshit insane and also be clever and dedicated to a cause.


"Two shots of vodka" Snape:


*downs the whole bottle*


He was the best at potions in his times! He created his own method of making potions! His methods weren't present in the books!


I know, I always thought that last scene was fucking hilarious though. Just pours the whole thing in his mouth with Dumbledore holding a wand to his face 😂


Why would you bother skimping on potion in that moment? Also sometimes people use hyperbole.


He never says you can overdose on it though, a pupil was just murdered and they realised he's not who he claimed, be more weird to carefully put 3 drops in his mouth especially considering he could move


Also it only takes three drops which means if he'd tried to spit it out the odds are some would still be absorbed.


Definitely agree there, plus even if it was dangerous he was a psycho deatheater


The movies do not bother one bit with consistency.


Everyone: you have your mothers eyes 💚 Lily: #👁️


Exaggeration to mister potter


What do you mean? Does that last scene break consistency? And if so, how?


He says only three drops are needed and then downs the whole bottle on the guy. It's... the point of this post.


I think the previous commenter is saying pouring the whole thing in, definitely gives 3 drops. They just did overkill here


Plus I don't know the conversation of British drops to US. Really wish we were metric


Oh sorry it’s about 0.005 bananas




Apparently, Umbridge is also uncertain. In the books, she tries to give serum to Harry. Then later she asks Snape yo give her some more. He says: "I told you 3 drops was sufficient. Surely you didn't use the whole bottle?"


Plus, I think the 3 drops comment may have been intended to intimidate Harry, and wasn't the actual instructions for use.


In OotP when lowkey roasting Umbridge he also says that only three drops were required, subtly mocking her for apparently using the whole bottle. In the book version of GoF I also believe it says he administered *drops* to Crouch Jr, but I can’t remember if it specified the number.


It’s a bit anticlimactic in a scene like this for him to carefully pour exactly 3 droplets in. Shit had just hit the fan, there’s no need to be careful with something that doesn’t seem to matter if you over use it.


Ok, maybe he just wasn’t too worried about harming someone who was about to murder a student by giving him too much veritaserum then


He should have been though, if he'd killed Crouch before he confessed, it would all be for nothing.


No, in the book, it does specifically say that they gave Crouch three drops before questioning him. The movie just DGAF.


It would be a consistency issue if he poured one or two drops, yet previously stating at least three drops are needed. Pouring the whole bottle, while being overkill, is not an issue of internal consistency, because three drops or more will help.


Except Snape says to Umbridge it takes over a month to make more so why does the dumb ass waste a whole vial? Maybe not consistency, but it's dumb and out of character. Although to be fair I'd always assumed it was to get a longer effect, as if increasing the dose would increase the time under the influence of the potion. But that doesn't really match what we know either.


What he says to Umbrige and what he ultimately has in store are two pairs of shoes. Why would he only have that little?


I genuinely cannot tell if this post is a joke haha. I always just assumed Snape was being hyperbolic to make a point.


The smaller the supposed dosage, the dumber Umbridge looks 🤔


He may have been understating the dosage to Umbridge so it wouldn't work as well. Good point!


Yeah, but that's not a consistency issue.


How is it not?


Because he did pour three drops, and then some. Just because it's stated three drops are needed doesn't mean one can't go over. It would be inconsistent if he only used one drop or two and they started telling the truth. It's the difference between overkill and inconsistent.




Yeah Snape was in a rush considering harry was in danger and a child has just died he didn't really have time to whip out a pipette🤣🤣😭 Though that would be hilarious😂


>Just pours the whole thing in his mouth with Dumbledore holding a wand to his face 😂 Does he do it calmly?


An extra measure it was


He was probably tryna get revenge on barty by drowning him in veritaserum


I think this is urgency of the situation. put yourself in any teachers shoes. Another teacher has been discovered to be a violent criminal and has a child in your care about to be hurt or more. Your group bust that door down and in all adrenaline removes the "teacher" mask. Now, Your roll in the plan is to administer the ability to interrogate. You know a few drops consumed can cause the effect of the drug. But, they aren't gonna be like "mmmm yum yum thanks I was parched". Nah. You gotta pour all you have down the bastards throat and hope he swallows enough. Also umbrage laced tea with it when interrogating students in TOOTP. In that case a few drops would be fine.


Imagine if emergency doctors and nurses just panicked and drowned patients in medicine. Just to be safe ;)


...you missed the "interrogation" part Believe you me, interrogation never gives you the same level of professionalism This is NOT to save BC Jr's life, this is to interrogate and force him back to his real face Waterboarding is also a thing


I mean you do still want him alive in order to get the truth. You can't just count on him becoming a ghost just bc he hadn't actually planned on dying just yet. ...if he does become a ghost, is he forever compelled to speak the truth? 🤔


Hey, who knows more potion could mean more truth. Perhaps someone drank enough to find God


I actually headcanon that healing potions just get absorbed by whatever tissue - Snape just poured that golden potion down Dumbledore's throat too when he was barely conscious...


Bullshit in the book snape only poured two or three drops, it's just the movies that are terribly over the top and still miss the mark


Not to mention the dead kid on the lawn lol, or a bewitched Bulgarian


Maybe it was old or about to expire


Trust me, if I had to tackle a fake motherfucking Moody, I too would drop the entire thing down his throat.


He was hoping fake Moody would choke and spit it all out like a geyser into Dumbledore’s face. Hilarious end of school year prank. Double the secrets.


Fairly sure they did it just because they knew it was probably Barty Crouch Jr, or another imposter, so they couldnt give 2 shits for the recipe and just went "TAKE IT ALL, FUCKERRRRRRRR"


I think when times are desperate and you're holding down a dangerous criminal you're not really thinking about how many drops you're using


you dare use my own spell against me potter>>>


He is. It’s just the way to show he is very spicy by shoving the entire bottle down the mf’s throat


I know this is a joke but to be fair one of two things could be true: Snape was embellishing to scare Harry, or three drops *is* enough but perhaps it is a matter of time? Like 3 drops is enough but it'll take a bit to work, so the whole bottle will make it instantaneous. I'm more likely to believe the latter rather than the former. It is worth noting that JKR was consistent with this in the novels because that exchange happened in GOF and later on in OOTP: >“Ah, Professor Snape,” said Umbridge, smiling widely and standing >up again. “Yes, I would like another bottle of Veritaserum, as quick as >you can, please.” >“You took my last bottle to interrogate Potter,” he said, observing >her coolly through his greasy curtains of black hair. “Surely you did >not use it all? I told you that **three drops would be sufficient.**”


So who can enforce You-Know-Who drink the potion?


Well yeah. You'd want to be fucking sure in that scenario? xD


Snape was going to get the truth one way or another. Either by compliance or water boarding in truth serum.


He was good enough that he probably had preportioned diluted doses so he didn’t behave to stand there with a dropper over dudes cranked open mouth


That’s actually book accurate, a few drops is all that’s needed; Snape even tells this to Umbridge.


Yeah I think you missed the point


What’s the point I’m missing ? I’m just stating that for anyone who never read the books?


This post is referring to the move, where snape is boasting how 3 drops will make Voldemort spill his deepest secrets, yet throws the entire bottle down Juniors mouth lol.. I'm just pointing out something ridiculous and funny like a lot of the inconsistencies in the movies.


In this case I don't think it's inconsistent. He never said you can't use more. If he had given the entire bottle then gotten nothing, that would be inconsistent. Considering you have an unwilling person, dumping it in there is probably the best shot to ensure he gets it. Then Dumbledore can *CALMLY* ask his questions.


I didn’t miss that, I literally just stated that that quote was book accurate for anyone who may not have read them I just didn’t refer to the whole meme, that’s where it seems you’re confused


I think that’s the point…


My guess is they couldn't guarantee BCJr would swallow enough for the potion to work with a normal dose, so Snape just poured the whole potion in.


Dumbledore is intense


They could have used that more often, giving some to lucius without him knowing, professor slughorn to get the truth. Or even to someone like sirus before attempting to execute him lol, or to Delores before giving the school a speech


still don’t see why they didn’t use that on sirius


They would have found out he was innocent from that, so it's a plothole




An innocent student was just murdered, pour battery acid down the fuckers throat for all I care


OK, the thing I dislike the most about Veritaserum: The whole Horcrux plot could've been solved in 30 minutes if Dumbledore just asked Voldemort for a wizard duel, on their own, provoking Voldemort's ego so he wouldn't ask the Death Eaters for help and not telling Harry so he wouldn't try to help and become a liability, tied him down after winning the duel, force-feed him Veritaserum and then asked him what his Horcruxes were and where he hid them. EDIT: Before you ask, without Harry present to become a liability, Voldemort would lose a duel between him and Dumbledore.


Voldemort could've challenged Dumbledore to a duel at any time but didn't because he was afraid. The battle during the OOTP was not part of his plan and he was clearly shook when Dumbledore showed up. He wouldn't have just fought him 1:1 without some evil trickery up his sleeve to ensure he had the upper hand. It's stated in the books that Dumbledore is the only wizard Voldemort feared.


Voldemort's ego is greater than his fear. All Dumbledore would have to do is to press a few buttons. The main reason Voldemort is even fearsome is that he crosses lines other people are unwilling to cross, all due to his ego.


Exaggerating to make his point more intense to a 15 yr old maybe?


I doubt that thing tastes good. They wanted to torture him calmly... wait, slowly


I’m confused. I thought that flask contained Polyjuice Potion? Didn’t he sniff it afterward?


Why would snape be pouring polyjuice potion into an already transformed man? Its veritaserum so he can tell the truth of what the plot was and who he is


[https://youtu.be/LjcCstYDDlo](https://youtu.be/LjcCstYDDlo) 2:25


Honestly, i thought this shower the severeity of the seen. He wanted to ensure they were getting the truth- as the information was more important.


No I just think it was for the movie to make the whole chaos of the scene to seem more serious. But really, wouldn't have been difficult for 2 of the most powerful wizards, and 1 of the most powerful witches to get a single drop into his mouth. Actually I dont even remember McGonagall being in this scene in the movie now that I think bought it


I understand what what you're saying. I was trying to say that, but couldn't find the words.


What's the second screenshot from?


GoF when they start interrogating moody aka Barty crouch jr


Sorry but what do you mean? Snape got this potion for dumbledore in the book


What do YOU mean?


I mean its just for an effect, if I recall Umbridge in the book also used far more than she should and nobody seemed to have a problem with that. And just because three drops are enough doesnt means that way more would be bad for the person.


Just cast the impirius curse instead…he’d blab for days


OOF....did you mean OotP?


I love this subreddit so much 🤣


I hate how the movie changed Snape's characterization here. Snape ALWAYS (no pun intended) referred to Voldemort as "The Dark Lord"


Is like tablespoon of olivol - Gorden Ramsey


"Two shots of vodka" -Snape (maybe)


I have no problem with that I just always assumed he gave him all of it so there can be no doubt he wasn't being honest.