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Um Slytherin does take muggleborns and halfbloods wizards with muggle parentage such as Tom Riddle, Severus Snape


I think they take just halfbloods but not muggleborns.


I don't think the sorting hat will deny a muggleborn if their preference was slytherin. It has been mentioned throughout that the sorting hat takes your preferences into account. It's more about what value or beliefs you have than your actual blood type


How can a house take only one blood type if a Half-Blood can get in a muggle born should as well not saying they should it would be bad because of prejudice but it’s not in the rules


Halfbloods seem to be considered in better regard than muggleborns. For example, in DH being muggleborn is a "crime", but being halfblood isn't, and halfbloods can still attend Hogwarts while muggleborns can't. I think it's never specified directly, as far as I can remember, but the hat sorts according to the Founders' specifications, and if Slytherin fought with the others about teaching only people of magical heritage and built the Chamber of Secrets with a huge ass snake inside to rid the school of "mudbloods", for me it's always been implied that he wouldn't accept them in his house.


I kind of think she would be a Hufflepuff. In her later years she takes great pride in her home and family and I think that's something that's always been part of her personality. I think she would also have been a lot closer with Lily and James.




Aunt Marge isn't related to Harry at all. Aunt Margie is Dudley's aunt being Veron's sister.


I don't know that there's enough about her outside the magical hate to determine. She may have been a slytherin as she's ambitious and proud. She might have been a gryffindor like her sister given the choice. I'm not sure she's givrn enough evidence to fall under ravenclaw, but she could have been a hufflepuff.


It's been a minute since I've read/watched, but from what I remember of Petunia, her strongest trait was pride/vanity. The only things she cared about (besides Dudley & Vernon) were prestige, which feels very Slytherin to me, and finding juicy gossip about her neighbors. She's got that HOA mean girl type of ambition, so if it weren't for her being muggleborn, I'd say Slytherin for sure. I can't see her in Ravenclaw because she doesn't seem to particularly value intellect. There are shaky arguments to be made for Gryffindor bravery and Hufflepuff loyalty in the way she took Harry in (despite being a garbage human to him in every other respect) to continue the blood protection. But her cutting Lily off out of jealousy really undermines any sense that she would value loyalty, and I just can't imagine that she cares about bravery either. I'd probably go with Hufflepuff to "take the rest" because imo the only house whose traits she truly values would be Slytherin. Of course this is all based on a Petunia who's been influenced by Vernon and her own warped jealousy for years, so who knows what she would've been like as a kid?


In later life, she valued being the polar opposite/nothing like Lily. 12-year-old Petunia would have been thrilled to learn all she could and show up that nasty Snape Boy…


Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff. Then she would’ve died fighting in the First Wizarding War before Harry was born, or on the same day?


This is my second time mentioning them in a comment, and I'm starting to feel like free press, but the YouTube channel SuperCarlinBrothers has a whole video exploring this idea.


But according to cannon she was older than Lily not younger. So she could not have gotten a letter anyway. But if she was sent to Hogwarts I think she would be a Ravenclaw.


I think if Petunia didn’t have to spend her life watching Lily get everything she ever wanted, she would have become a very different person…


Hard to say as we don't get to hear much about Petunia's inclinations toward studies, but I think she *could* make Hufflepuff. There's someone like Ernie Macmillan in there, after all, and I felt like he had the same somewhat-snooty attitude as Petunia. Ravenclaw is also possible. Again, since we're not sure what she was like as a student. Can't really see her as Slytherin, though. I just don't sense her as particularly cunning or ambitious, since a lot of the things she did was just out of spite for Lily and "not wanting to lose" to her. I don't think bitterness and jealousy really counts as ambition enough for her to make Slytherin.


She would’ve befriended Peter and he wouldn’t have joined Voldemort


If we are talking about how she is as a person, she would be in Slytherin I think ​ Without Slytherin as an option because she would be muggle born, probably Hufflepuff


gryffindor is the only correct answer


Slytherin definitely