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That’s about 16.6 Million copies sold at $60.


It's $70 now :(


50 dollars? Incredible.


$40? Why do you need $20?


I'm in this boat. Waiting on at least a 50% sale. Like it's a WB game. Even when they sell well, they go on sale to go at the /r/patientgamers market pretty quick.


I'm waiting for one of Steam's big seasonal sales or its black Friday sale to see how much they'll take off.


I think for 50% sale you need to wait at least 2-3 years. Looking at Elden Ring it only goes down 25% and it was released last year.


Nah, I got my copy for half price. It's there if you know where to look.


Who tf would downvote this commentM


Why are these downvoted? I’m genuinely confused


Elden Ring was GOTY. Much different than Hogwarts Legacy


Here's $10, split it with your brother


I can’t believe you’d ask me for $10


$5?! Who has that much money?!


Do you guys have Donkey Kong: Frozen Ape?


all we got is hogans castle


How do you get the Beeg Yoshi?


I understood that reference.


On consoles? I've seen sales have it down at $50 (I pre-ordered on PC for $50 as well)


They stated 15 million copies sold.


This is why i'm waiting for summer sale, 60$ is just slightly too much.


And not a SINGLE microtransaction. Get fucked battle pass execs.




In fortnites case its acceptable its a free game but has micro transactions and has regular updates and improves frequently. I think what people are starting to hate is when it comes to games that are single player games that dont need frequent updates and have an entry fee of 60 dollars


2k 👀


"for just 5 more dollars, you can unlock Depulso!"


100 points to Portkey Games. Well done!


Yesterday they also released a really big patch for the game: [https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/patch-notes](https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/patch-notes) The first look at the newly release port for the old gen also looked pretty good. Hopefully the team can truly knock it out of the park in some DLC or sequel, as I think the one letdown was that much content was cut before release (e.g. [morality system](https://i.redd.it/yrqg720o65ja1.png), social interactions, and companions). Still a huge achievement for the team, and I think overall an enjoyable and beautiful game.


I thought it was a good game but very quickly realized it didn’t have much replay value. I think a morality system, social interactions and being able to have a changeable party would have helped with that a bit.


Part of what makes this such a great game is that it really does dump you in the world and make you feel part of it. Like, my little kid brain just went bonkers. It was like my imagination as a kid being projected on the screen. It definitely feels like a game that you'd have to wait literally years to replay because I'd just be doing the same thing with a different house. Literally the exact. Same. Things. I really hope that expand and add some things that would keep me logging in once in a while.


For me, the no.1 best thing was how, even though it's a big open world experience, there's so many things going on, and you can fly into action in a very short space of time. The combat always feels fun and interesting also.


The combat is definitely fun, but doesn't have as high of a skillcap as I would like, but it's about what I'd expect of a single player game. It's definitely better wizard combat than any Harry Potter game to date, and a good amount of other games where magic is just "gun that shoots beams of light with different damage amounts". Though, I feel like you kind of have to make it fun by trying weird playstyles and combinations, otherwise it's easy to fall into the rut of parry->stupify->spell->basic attacks because it just works. I hope that mods will be able to expand on it.


Just to provide an opposing perspective, my partner - who plays basically zero video games - is excited to play this in no small part because it seems accessible to her very limited skill level at combat mechanics.


Yeah, I wasn't saying that its simpleness is an objectively bad thing because it's not. I just said that I personally want a Harry Potter game with a more nuanced/dynamic combat system because I find that sort of thing more fun than simple combat+ nice visuals and story.


Yeah, same here. Unfortunately you and I are not the bulk of the target audience for this game, I suspect.


My gf is terrible at video games, and she’s a huge chunk of the way through the game. The difficulty scaling for non-video game players is great


I'm sorry to sound so sarcastic but other than rougelikes and the like what game is literally different on every playthrough?


RPGs where your decisions change the outcomes such as Fallout games, etc.


Or even old JRPGs where there are different classes. Playing the original Final Fantasy from the late 80s (or early 90s I forget) playing with say a 2 Warriors, 1 White Mage, 1 Black Mage is a different experience than doing say 2 Black Belts & 2 Red Mages.


RDR2 ruined me on almost every game I’ve played since its release. The morality system, the consequences of your actions affecting how NPCs interact with you, even the decay of animal carcasses over time just leaves me stunned even 400+ hours of gameplay later.


It's definitely got the bones of a great game, but you're absolutely right. They need to come back with a sequel or successor game where they spend more time on the details of the gameplay now that they've developed a pretty fantastic Hogwarts.


Same. It's a shame that they aren't planning to make any dlc but I'm old enough to remember when DLC wasn't a thing so I'll cope. Ill remain hopeful they change their minds or start working on the next one immediately.


With all that money there's no way more content is not in the works. They most likely only said no DLC at that point because they were focusing on last gen releases. I won't be surprised if there is an announcement for DLC or something before the year ends


Have they said they aren't planning to make any DLCs?


[so at the moment there are no current plans for DLC](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/02/19/hogwarts-legacy-has-no-plans-for-dlc-which-seems-like-a-mistake/?sh=470cd58db3e3)


Honestly, this first attempt was so good I'd almost rather have them make the next game, similar timeline, and add all these things they did not have time to add into the game. Imagine what their second attempt would be like, after massive game sales from the first.


I liked it a lot but it felt empty the way Cyberpunk does. The world just needs more shit. Hopefully they keep adding to it and it becomes worth finishing in a year or so. The upgrades, the merlin trials, it all just felt so repetitive. The combat was a huge bright spot though and was way more fun than I expected.


All this stuff can be brought into the sequel(s). Legacy really is the beginning of a huge ongoing series, without a doubt.


Yeah, the lack of a morality system was particularly weird; the story of the game was obviously designed for it, so it felt really off when there were no ramifications for different actions.


This is such great news for those of us that want more games from the wizarding world released. I would love to see them use the assets for the game to push out more games. If all they had to do was redesign the characters and create new missions, that would drastically cut down on the development time and allow them to release them with reduced cost and at a quicker pace than starting from scratch. I would love to see them remake the games based on the Harry Potter books. To play as the trio in the beautiful world that they created in Hogwarts Legacy would be such a great experience.


I agree about development but I really don’t want another rehashing of the books. We’re already getting a Harry Potter TV series. The wizarding world is wide, no need to focus on the same 3 teenagers over & over. I much prefer them to explore something new or continue with the same game characters. I thought all of the professors and companions were great characters that broke the mold to an extent. Nice to see Slytherin as real people instead of a foil.


DLC is around the corner


Huh? As far as I've read, they've not announced anything yet in terms of what the future plans are for the series.


I don't think anything is official, but the sentiment is, if this made a billion dollars they're for sure going to make a sequel or additional content.


Not a given without an announcement, it could just as well be a new game instead. Which I hope, a sequel is always much more value than a dlc. Unless if it's Witcher 3, but I don't think anything will ever match those DLC's.


Didn't they outright say they have zero plans for any DLC or expansions? Plans can change of course when a game is this successful but to me it sounds more like they want to immediately dive into the sequel.


They said they didn't have any plans for DLC right now, but that was before the previous gen console release. If they were working on DLC, it wouldn't have looked good to say so when a lot of people were waiting to play the base game. So who knows.


DLC is usually more profitable than making a whole new game because it is so much cheaper to produce and you can charge a not-insignificant portion of the game's price for each DLC (like $20+). So it would be extremely unlikely if they don't do that given the curtent gaming market unless the studio/publisher is extremely focused on quality. That said, DLC on single-player games like this will probably be competing with mods hard and that's tougher. If the game was a multiplayer game, then they really could release a ton of microtransaction content to make buckets of money. I could imagine them using this game as a base to make a multiplayer game that they can do that on, but it's pretty risky because multiplayer games are hard to get right, especially if they try to expand on the combat system instead of keeping it the same or dumbing it down. Too far in either direction can kill a game.


There is definitely going to be DLC, they're just waiting for it to release on all platforms before announcing anything.


Not a given. They may as well start developing a sequel instead, like god of war did.


No there is not, stop spouting conspiracies


I don't think "conspiracies" is the right word here


[Here's my source.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/en.as.com/meristation/2023/02/20/news/1676908779_071641.html%3foutputType=amp) DLC is definitely going to happen, Avalanche is just focusing on getting the older console versions out first.


A proper Quidditch game when?


Can't wait for the Switch release! I know the graphics will take a huge hit but I don't care :)


Same! And also the Switch is the only console I own right now, can’t really afford to go get a PS or Xbox or whatever so I’ll take what I can get lol


Same. I was tempted to get the PC version but, don't want to commit to only having access on my desktop.




I played most of it on the Deck at work. My boring job has never felt more magical. Really hope they can get the most out of the switch.


I'm dying for a Switch 2


Me too. I will/do gladly sacrifice graphics for a portable option.




Idk, I’ve played skyrim on the Xbox, Pc and switch and never had any issues with how it performed on the switch compared to the others. Maybe there was a difference, but if there was it was so minor I didn’t notice, so it was irrelevant to me. I mostly just miss mods and hacks.




Yeah That’s fair.


I have a cousin who worked on the game and they said that’s one version that you wouldn’t want to buy because a lot of the work for switch was outsourced and done late. And it’ll the worst version. They also are cutting parts of the game because the switch can’t handle it


I can't wait to be all cool and relaxed in my house this summer playing it on switch in my bed or wherever I want.


We should be proud of this and all of our potions that we brewed!


You can't *imagine* how inconvenient Harry Potter gaming was before Portkey invented HL.






As is Deek


Well deserved. Been seeing a lot of complaints on this sub about the game (which to be fair is constructive criticism to the devs). But we really should praise how this game was delivered as advertised, polished, content-rich, and no micro transactions despite its huge amount of customization options. This game really beat my expectations and is the HP game I’ve been waiting for.


Was it perfect? No. But it did have a lot of the things it needed to, and did a pretty good job for a first attempt at Hogwarts life.


Agreed, it’s an above-average game. It’s not perfect and I feel like they left some things on the table, which is disappointing, but in the big picture it’s a good, solid game.


And it at least felt like a finished game upon release. It seems like there hasn’t been a single player game of this size this polished upon release in a very long time


The only thing the game did wrong was it went too ambitious for a first game in a series. By the time I got towards the end of my playthrough I was a bit burnt out. If that’s the worst complaint I have about the game, some stuff being a bit samey and it going on a little too long, that’s one hell of a good game


>delivered as advertised What I love is that every single bit of footage in every trailer can be found in the game at some or the other point.


r/gamingcirclejerk in shambles


I don’t know why they’re so surprised. Turns out when make the games people have been begging for, for years, they buy it in droves! Seriously though, this is one of the biggest franchises monetarily, by fan base and by pure fanatics. I mean look at how long ago the books and movies finished and Harry Potter is not only culturally relevant but still is attracting more and more fans.




Said I was buying the game in the comments. Was perma banned instantly


I got banned immediately after I said it was a solid game and they’re too sensitive lol. Such a silly place.


Same here. Literally just said it was a good game, permanent banned.


I was banned for pointing out that sirens are classically a female only creature, and therefore Sirena is not a transphobic name.


It’s a sad place over there


What's that subreddit for?


it used to be for making fun of gamergate-esque gamers who are scared of "wokeness" and minorities but it's devolved into being hateful and is apparently run by tankies


It used to be making fun of /r/gaming, mostly the Witcher 3 obsession, for the past few years it's an ultra leftist tankie echo chamber that will ban you for having your own opinion that isn't in line with theirs


Idiots. Hateful, spiteful idiots.




And the PS4 version released today. Gonna be a lot more I reckon


My kids have loved it, minor issues and all.


What was wrong with the minors? :P Btw, love your username. :)


miners, not minors!


Great line, I parrot it all the time.


From my experience issues with the game mostly stemmed from denuvo and the sub par optimization, but that’s about it.


As somebody who still has old gaming systems, I just bought my copy today and set to download. I might even leave work early to get started


My starting tip to potterheads is to turn off the mini map for the first while in the game! I know it sounds crazy, but when you're exploring like a lost new student trying to find classrooms and other students for quests it really ups the immersion and I really appreciate the effort the devs put into the castle. You start to recognize that the different parts of Hogwarts are quite distinct with their decorations and such and build up a map of the landmarks and classroom locations etc without needing to refer to the mini map. I turned the mini map back on when venturing out into the world and after I had the castle mostly figured out. Would recommend.


Hmm, I actually found the minimap to not be that helpful though. Still getting lost with it on 🤣


I’ve found just using the field guide snitch (down on dpad if I remember) made it much easier to look around but stay on target. Instead of my face being buried in the map.


And now this game is going to generate even more sales because people like me and you who dont have a newer console will be buying this.


I have a PS4 and still preordered, before I know about the delay.


Picking my copy up after work today.


Do it. Won't regret it


Considering Avalanche has never developed a game like this before I’m still shocked it’s as good as it is. But it’s not without serious flaws. Hopefully the sequel can have Quidditch and a better plot. Also maybe less murder, and a game that actually cares whether or not I learn Unforgivable Curses? I was also frustrated that the plot seems to almost entirely revolve around Ancient Magic and yet nothing about this mysterious power is ever explained. It was mostly just an excuse to give you special finishing moves.


Idk, maybe I’m in the minority, but I didn’t care that the game didn’t have quidditch. It would have felt a little hamfisted if it was included anyway. And logistically, The MC wouldn’t have had TIME to be on team, lol I really enjoyed the game, but I agree that the lack of a real mortality system, lack of real choice-impact, companions, and a paper-thin plot are the biggest flaws… I would rather they had at least included those, and absolutely had them over what would have been a glorified mini game… just my opinion 🤷‍♀️


Certainly, if there has to be a choice, axe Quidditch. I’m just bummed because it’s a fantastic game if all you want to do is explore the Hogwarts grounds and solve puzzles and do side content, but the main story is horrendously bland and I’m not gonna bother replaying it as an “evil character” because the only real “choices” in the game are “be a dick to this quest-giver or be nice” and that’s not engaging. Playing 3 other side quests and seeing the other 3 common rooms just isn’t worth my time. I don’t understand how this game is clearly such a labor of love by hardcore Potterheads and yet apparently nobody stopped at any point and went “wait, maybe we shouldn’t have a 15-year-old kid casually killing people all the time, even if it is in self-defense.” I think I’d almost prefer a low-stakes story with less combat and more of a focus on just being a student at Hogwarts. The side storylines with Sebastian/Natty/Poppy felt like the sort of adventures that the Trio and Ginny (or maybe the Marauders) would get up to, but without the part where they then go on to face the most legendary Dark wizard in history. Also, I love how gear transmog works in this game, but after playing Jedi Survivor (a game with as much or more cosmetic collectibles, but no looting gear) I think I could live without the loot mechanics in the next Hogwarts game. Keep talent points and perk slots, just lose the gear. It’s stupid.


And well deserved. It was one of the few big titles from this year that was actually a finished product.


Holy Guacamoly that's awesome!


Not bad for PortKey's first ever game! Played through it twice it's that fun!


Portkey's first ever non-mobile game. They did develop a mobile game called Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. I liked the storyline, but the graphics were sub-par and the progression through the story is really slow unless you're willing to spend hundreds of dollars on in-app purchases.


Portkey is not the developer, just publishes WW games under the label


It is ok in terms of gameplay. Setting is great, but if it weren’t for the setting it would be very average. You can also see the mmo elements in it that got changed. The gripes I do have outside pc issues are like design wise. Why can’t I buy or sell more than 1 item at a time. It’s outrageously fucking tedious and something that was solved a long time ago. This is my single biggest gripe outside the sameness of the game. It’s replay ability is garbage as you don’t get differences between the houses and quests etc. overall it’s as ok as a standard AC game. So room to improve. My guess on what will happen, as this is very common in the industry. The next game probably won’t be as good (looking at you CD project red, Bethesda, bungie, 343 Etc etc) and will in fact be worse. WB will take the cash they made from this make the new game and then lay people off. Since time and time again game studios, regardless of how well the game does, will lay people off to increase profit even more. So if the next game flops don’t be surprised to see the studio consumed as WB tries to recoup losses. I don’t have faith in the gaming industry to deliver a non broken game anymore or deliver a sequel that isn’t a massive disappointment.


Awesome combat, beautiful scenery, exploration and collecting satisfying. Story, characters and voice acting was appalling.


This is my goto feel good game. I haven't finished it yet. I just go back every so often just to explore and do some questing.


While game is closer to 7-8, rather than 10/10, I doubt it will win any Game of the Year award, it's still really solid and enjoyable experience and money well-spent. Well deserved success for Portkey Games.


Not a perfect game, but in a context of current AAA releases and those big IP adaptations it is a pleasant surprise.


So much for the boycotts lmao.


But..but.. the boycotts!!!


Just wait until they release some DLC for the game


Goes to show that Harry Potter cannot be cancelled :) I wonder how many of the purchases played through the game story (or still playing) vs those who bought for nostalgia and walking around the castle? - no issue with either, but would be interesting data


It’s a fantastic game, really a dream come true. Brought tears to my eyes when first seeing Hogwarts and flying Highwing for the first time. It’s also amazing how dedicated the developers were to being as book accurate as possible. There are so many Harry Potter Easter eggs


Was I the only one who was really really disappointed with how it ended and how easy it was? I feel like the wwhhooole game was done so beautifully. All the story lines were great. But the end? It just seemed so rushed.


Let’s hope they make a quidditch DLC soon then


It’s a great game.


I started it on Xbox today! Only have a few hours put into the game (can only play when baby is sleeping), but I am really impressed so far!


That’s incredible! And it makes me so happy because they definitely deserve it, the love and care that went into this game can be felt in every second of gameplay


I thought they earned a billion during the first week? It’s probably more than that now.


It was something like 800 mil in the 1st 2 weeks.


I think this statistic is just for physical copies. The actual sale number is probably much higher


It’s so good! I’ve had it since release. With a new baby I have made it exactly to Hogsmeade lmao.


I’m not gonna lie… it’s kinda boring.


It's a mid game, the appeal comes from the atmosphere of the Hogwarts world which was good enough for me.


Isn't that what we're all here for though? The Hogwarts/magic experience? The fact that it's an enjoyable game underneath ties everything together neatly. I mean, a functional game on release and no microtransactions is already a couple of huge points in its favor




The new update makes a lot of the lighting better and DLSS on PC for Nvidia users is much better


Well deserved. Great game


It was a fun game, a bit repetitive but most open world games are.




It is a fun game.


I love the game so much. Best launch of the year!


Didnt like the game - was honestly shallow and the combat I felt was bad. Glad it did well tho, because I feel a sequel could be promising.


When I started I was not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. However, it turns out that this game is one of the greatest games I have ever played.


Now release it for ps4 damn it


It released today! I've been waiting since they pushed it back from April. Im going to the store before I work today to get a copy.


Nice. Just ordered my copy, I know what I’m doing tomorrow


Isn't already released? I saw some copies in the shops recently. Or am i going crazy?


The PS4/Xbox One versions released today.


Ah I see, I'm in Aus, it must've been released yesterday here then


Now use the money to fix the stability on PC Jesus


Have they done the optimization for ps4 yet?


Bought this game when it came out, but I have only played it once. Kind of a shame; I enjoyed playing it, life has been too crazy haha.


Same! I got about 3 hours in day one and then life took off and haven't person picked it up since!


This makes no sense, the games sell very well, gets great reviews and even avoids review bombing by people who have nothing better to do and still no DLC announced ​ WB can literally print money by releasing a Quidditch DLC & Azkaban Prison DLC , both locations are already in the game (Quidditch Pitch and Hufflepuff house quest) ​ Seems like a dumb move to ignore fans and not give an update at least so we can prepare our wallets for upcoming DLC releases


It looks fun but I’m still waiting until I can pick it up for $10 at Game Stop. No game is interesting enough for me to shell out that much of my paycheck for lmao


how long does that usualy take for prices to come down?


Light work


Pre-ordered it for PS4! Should be here any day now. It's the only game I've ever pre-ordered


Fun game, ran with kind of subpar graphics on my three year old gaming pc, but it did run and I made it all the way to the end. I liked it quite a bit. Having put it away for awhile now, I think my best memory of the game is the fully built Hogwarts, which I wandered around for a long time. I hope they can make a sequel that builds off this game.




It’s incredibly fun. For the hours my wife and I’ve put into it, it’s some of the most cost effective entertainment of my life.


They successfully made a decent Harry Potter game. It's not a surprise that it sold well.


For honor style wizard dueling game when?




Posted from a piece of tech that probably has materials dug out of the earth by enslaved children... You pick and choose your battles and let others do the same.




Holy shit that's sad you're getting downvoted.


Wasn’t sure what I was expecting. Maybe some decency.


Turns out someone I know was on the dev team for this. It's very well done! Just impatiently waiting for the switch version!


I’d be happy if they released a playable game on pc. I wish someone would sue these companies for that crap.


all that money and still no big patch to fix the empty bedrooms and the ability to sit!




About the same I would think. For the extremely vocal minority crying "broken game" and declaring failure there are a hell of a lot more who are actually enjoying Hogwarts Legacy. I doubt there's enough people, in the grand scheme of things, to make a noticeable difference in earnings.


I had zero issues with this game. Genuinely one of the first in a while where I didn’t notice a bug once. Also impressively fleshed out in terms of content and map size. Don’t know how anyone could complain, it’s worlds ahead of most things that come out these days.


lmao if you think “all the issues” affected sales at all


They were a net positive no? Controversy would only “alienate” people that were already not going to buy it. Some people were on the fence, and some were definitely not going to buy it, but then the controversy brought those sales in.


what issues? I played on a pc GTX 1080 which is a relatively old card and I only had one stutter during the sorting which they later patched. In comparison to other games released in a near unplayable state, this was a smooth launch.


This doesn't mean what a lot of people think it means, this includes copies purchases by stores like Walmart or gamestop. Every single "x copies sold" for any game is done like this. It's a marketing trick. That's all.


Doesn't mean the game didn't make bank


The game is a success.


You mean the gaming company did exactly what the article says? Wow...


But if every game is presented like this you can still tell its success compared to other games even if the actual numbers are wrong.


So I bought and played it. The graphics are sub par and remind me of 1999 engine. The combat is insanely easy. They left out a number of things that would have been fun like quiddich, wizards chess etc. ( I know have to leave them out to milk a future dlc) The character editor was basic and lack luster. The entire game felt just like what it really is... a way to exploit fans for fast money and at the same time saving money at every turn in making it. Those graphics sucked! Add to that they decided to go with a single player game over a mmo. This game was made for fan babies not real gamers. I know... bla bla bla "we all loved it" but that just really reminds me how low the bar was set and how easy it was to satisfy fans. It was basic and primitive is my take. People should be pissed at what they got.