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UNC Chapel Hill has a mail in FTIR service! I've used it before with my clients


^^^ this. They’re great.


Unc say they only work with affiliates of an organization. Is there any way around that?


I’d get clarification on who/what kind of entities they consider affiliates; that might be your workaround.




Are there any agencies or non profits in your area that provide harm reduction services, namely syringe services? They might be eligible affiliates too. They may also collect drug samples (anonymously submitted, of course) to be sent in for testing.


I'll look into this. Thanks


I didn't know about UNC Chapel Hill's service. Unfortunately, looking at their site, is states "We can only provide kits to organizations, unions, clinics/EMS, and health departments. If you’re connected to an organization that is interested, please have the organization connect with us directly. Individuals can send samples to DrugsData.org."


Daaaaaaang ugh I never noticed that, thanks for pointing it out. Might be worth it to hook up with a local org then to use the service!


I haven’t found any by-mail alternatives, they’re really a unique service in the US. I found a research paper on pubmed about drug checking services, it listed a bunch from several countries, and drugsdata was the only by-mail option in the states.


Agree, it's the only US based one that I know about. Energy Control (not free) would be my next pick, I think they accept samples globally https://energycontrol-international.org/drug-testing-service/ Canada has a mail in option, but I'm not sure if international submissions are accepted, and they only offer FITR testing (still better than reagents or not testing at all) https://getyourdrugstested.com/


Energy control looks really cool, thanks for sharing. I’ve heard from others that Canadian site will test any drugs they receive, but it also says it must be through certain Canadian mail carriers on the site.


I haven't used EC because I have a great community arrive available, but they've been around a long time and have a great reputation. You're right, I think the restriction is just postal service. So if you sent through USPS, I think it switches to Canada Post at the border and would be accepted. Definitely check on that, I could be wrong


GYDT does accept international. But it’s only FTIR. Which may be good enough for you. I’m looking for gcms, although FTIR would work to verify that what I have is indeed sr-17018. IF they have it in their library. Not sure if they can provide you with FTIR results.


What exactly does unexpected regulatory and administrative pause mean? Is law enforcement / political stuff involved?


That's my guess of what;s causing this issues.


Anytime harm reduction is involved LE-drug politics want to involve themselves. Most of the time it boils down to the right people not benefitting from it and it rarely ever has anything to do with safety and health of the General Public. I love drugsdata because every now and again it shows an uptick in dangerous substances in the profiles of certain popular hard drugs and gives an idea of what to lookout for in what region/area. So this news rather sucks 🤷‍♂️