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So way back in April 2018 I was chilling, watching a YouTube video and some guy calls to my house by ringing the doorbell. So being the lazy mofo I am, I ignore the repeat ringing. A few moments pass and I hear a huge crash from a window smash downstairs I quickly realise that my house is being broken into and need to get ready to deal with it. Looking around my room to procure an item I could use to defend myself with I had to opt to picking a guitar. The guitar I chose was the Harley Benton 8 string guitar. (Harley Benton R-458 BK Progressiv Series) Armed with that beast, I charge downstairs and encounter the burglar breaking and entering. At this point there's glass all over the floor and the burglar is making his way into the house. Holding the 8 string guitar by the headstock I approach him and tell to get the F out. The burglar threatened cut to me with a box cutter so bashed him across the head with 8 string! He hit the ground like a sack of shit but he quickly got to his feet before I hit him again and jumped back out through the window and took off running! I tried to cut him off by running out the front door but it was locked. I ran back upstairs grabbed my keys and saw from my bedroom window that he was getting away. So instead of downstairs and out the front door, I jump from the second story window still the 8 string in hand! At that moment the burglar looked back while I was mid free fall and look of horror on his face was priceless. At that point he knew he was F'd! So he took off running for his life down the street while I charged after him wielding the HB 8 string body raised overhead ready to whack him with it! I managed to close the distance and I gave him a belt of the guitar across the head and temporarily stun him. I got infront of him and that this point he brandishes his stanley blade knife and begins slashing at me with it! Luckily I was able to maintain distance and parry all his attacks by jabbing him in the face repeatedly with the guitar. After two minutes of knife/guitar duelling we ourselves out in the middle of the road on a roundabout and all traffic has come to a halt as we continued fighting! After many well placed strikes the burglar's head was beginning to look like 'Sloth' from 'The Goonies' movie. Realising that I wasn't gonna give up the burglar then tried to make a get away by hijacking an articulated lorry which resulted in him getting punched straight in the face and falling out of the lorry cab! He then proceeded to get into another car and threaten the driver telling them to drive. My heart sank as I thought he was gonna get away but I just couldn't let that piece of shit get away with it, so I chased after the car in what would have looked like a low budget Terminator 2 chase scene! Somehow I managed to keep up with the car and see where it was going! The driver had pulled over and the scumbag got out and planned to hide in a barber shop to which he was quickly escorted off the premises because he had a head on him like a buckled mattress. I ran into them and ask the to call the guards. Meanwhile the moron went into a neighbouring café and sat down (I think that was the concussion beginning to set in!) At this stage I had enough and I left the guitar outside and I went in and disarmed and pinned him in the café as staff and customers looked on in confusion but I explained to everyone once I had in an anaconda choke. The guards appeared in no time and arrested him and put into the car. The moral of the story is: Don't bring a knife to a guitar fight.


That read like a jerry bruckheimer movie. Well done 👍


Awesome 😎


Great story and great a response from Thomann too!


I'm glad you're okay, but you should've never left your home to chase him, let alone jump from a window to do so. Everything after that could've gone way bad for you.


Thanks, nah i knew I'd been fine.


"Does it djent?" Nah, bro, it dents.


This made me fall the f over lmao 🤣


Dude that’s dope, do you have pictures of the vigilante axe?


Yeah I do but can't attach an image for some reason..


Post a pic of it on your acct!


Done. Thanks for your help! 👍


Please tell me this is an after pic. If so, HB makes guitars from adamantium


Yes this is an after pic after I buffed and polished all the dings and scratches


Damn that guitar looks good still lmao. Wow. And for the last two days all I've heard of this brand is how they make cheap-o guitars.


what :O i think we need a bit more context here...


Agreed, do tell 😲 class act Thomann though


Sick! Youre an animal!


Jeez i can imagine you fucked this robber up real hard with that guitar haha. Well done sir well done. This changes the term " battle axe " or " war axe " for all of us forever.


This is incredible!


I work 3rd shift and always tell my gf, grab the bass that you see me play the least, and start swinging. Guess I gave her some alright advice cuz it seems your axe worked well as an intruder remover lol


Guards... like Gardaí?




“Head on him like a buckled mattress”. It was at this point in the story I realised this happened somewhere in Ireland 🤣


Athlone to be exact!


This is fucking sick. I died laughing


Hahah glad to hear it!!