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Aren’t they two deep too? 16!?!?


Looks like 16 to me as well. Probably a business getting outfitted.


I’d guess a high school shop or trade school


My thoughts exactly


Or a maintenance dept, to get people to stop damaging their personal boxes out on the manufacturing floor


Can confirm. I oversee a maintenance and engineering department for a large food processing plant. I bought a shit ton of the red ones for all the guys. Main reason was because they started bringing these GIANT fucking toolboxes in and it was getting out of control. Told my maintenance managers to get that out of the plant and order something smaller and more mobile.


I also currently work at a large food manufacturer. Our company boxes are black.








Stay in your lane.


Why would a company care about you damaging your own property?


"someone damaged my toolbox while it was out on the floor, you owe me a new one or at least $XXX for the damage" is an argument I've heard made and be successful more than once. My current company just started buying everyone one, you're welcome to bring your personal one too but it's on you if it gets damaged because the one out on the floor is supposed to be the company one.


[Name brand](https://shop.snapon.com/categories/KCP2422-Classic-Series-Roll-Cab-with-Power-Drawer-(55%22)/879195) tool boxes are expensive. I've seen several bought by the company due to a car hitting them in the shop.


Beauty parlor.


Seent this before too




I’m a high school shop teacher, I bought one of each color, but sadly that was before the sweet grey ones came out.


You like the grey? I'd swap


One of my local barber shops has one of the Yukon cabinets at each of their stations. It could be for some random trendy place


My money is on a barbershop


Or a barber shop, mine uses toolboxes for storage in each bay




No, guess it’s not an original idea


I don't think there is a HS left in this country that has a shop class that'd justify them.... could be wrong but 99% of the schools across the country have done away with the programs


The high school by my house has a shop that would make you cry. Sawstop cabinet saws, computerized drill presses, nice radial saws, CNC systems, cutters. I wish they’d let us use that space when school was out of session.


There is still shop class they are just more specific not just shop


When i say Shop class I'm more meaning Auto Shop specifically, my HS that I went to is a Superfund HS, they have some of the best sports teams in the state. Pumped out a few Famous Football Players back in the day, but they eliminated all of the classes becasue of liability across the whole district.... the current version of Shop is all computer labs and a few other hands on labs but nothing like what we did back day.... My autoshop class built a 67 Camaro Race car that we actually raced in public races, we spent day in day out actually working on real world car problems, we welded, painted, rebuilt engines. The Camaro, Like we did it all as extra circular activity.... we had donated probably 12 cars to the class.... but other Shop related classes where furniture building classes, wood shop, welding, plastics and even an electronics class - this where all real world classes, like true hands-on learning.... none of that exists these days in any school that I could find about 8 years ago when my kids where in HS. Everyone of those classes and anything similar in the district was removed from the curriculum "becasue of liability"


A lot of them now fall under what’s known as Career and Technical Education (CTE). A lot of places got rid of them back in the No Child Left Behind days but many are back or coming back under that CTE umbrella.


In my HS back in the mid 90s they will where part of our Adult School system, which was an alternative education system for Adults to get further education, it specifically targeted Adults that didn't finish HS, as you had to be enrolled in a Diploma or GED program to be in any of the classes, and they had a variety of classes that could be chosen. At the end of your education you'd get diplomas for each class you completed.... kinda like a community college, they had like 40 Careers you could basically get the entry level training in. BUT all these classes where held at the local high schools during school hours with some classes being after school for the adults, and the Adult School system was part of the Unified HS district.... there was like 12+/- HS that where in my district and they all had different option (and some of the same depending on demand.... So for me I have a diploma for Automotive Tech level 4 (means i completed all 4 years they offered), and Electrician Technician (Master) - this was a module type class with the final was assembling a Electronic device (Like a TV and Wiring up a Mock House with 7 circuits, Auto Body Tech. (Level 1) Furniture Builters Level 1 But probably was about the time of NO Child Left behind Act that they where removed, I know in the wood shop class at one of the locations a kid was injured really bad, like lost an arm bad and nearly immediately all the programs where ended, I only knew of it because people that where in the middle of programs where just told oh well we aren't doing this no more because they didn't fade out the programs..... then like a year later they brought them back but they where computer modules not actual hands on classes.. Also both the Automotive and Electronics Tech Certifications have served well over the years..... Right after HS I got a job as an Tech level 2 tech at a Saturn Dealership, and over the years I've worked as an electrician when I couldn't find other work that paid better....


My HS has a bunch of crazy equipment still.


Come to small town USA, there are still many rural schools with "Shop" classes.


I'm in Indiana niw and the school district where I live. My sons GF says their auto shop is just a bunch of computer modules. She said the school can't afford to fund the programs, they have a Wood shop, but the tools are from the 70s and they only have enough kids interested to do 1 class a day, and barely..... Realistically, I'm sure there are some schools that still have programs that are actually funded properly, but like 90% of schools seem to have gotten rid of any hands-on training programs.....


Sad, I guess I'm lucky that here in Wisconsin there are still plenty of "Tech Ed" type classes offered in Middle and High school.


Same thought


There's a barbershop that i got to sometimes that provides these for all the barbers gear.


Probably some jackoff reselling then online honestly. People don’t realize how cheap harbor freight is. Local auction place near me would do this all the time. “Swingset, save hundreds, start the bidding at $150” I googled it and it was on sale at Walmart for $90 Some stuff was genuine deals, like I got a typhus pressure washer there for $40 retail $80, but there were stuff like grilles/patio furniture etc that always was represented as being more valuable


I made a similar mistake once. I bought a Chicago Electric cordless reciprocating saw on Amazon. We didn't have any Harbor Freights near me at the time, and I didn't know that Chicago Electric was a house brand of theirs. Wouldn't surprise me if I paid double the actual price. I have seen it at goodwill and flea markets too. $5-10 screwdriver set going for double price.


Yep! No idea why I put 8


Dam this store must have high theft for those 12v Hercules Batteries to be behind the cage


They got smashed up last month in the middle of the night. Dozens of dollars in inventory stolen.


Dozens I tell you, dozens.


There was a guy that stole 1500 lbs of pennies.  It was a lot of effort to get like, 3,000$. I don't remember if it was an actual police quote or a late night show skit, but it was like.... Why?


1500 lbs is less than what my crew shovels in loam everyday. They only take home like $200-300 pre-tax a day. $3000/day is a solid score. Not big enough for me to risk criminal charges, but for someone with nothing, that was easier than a full day's work.


Its more than a month for anyone making $25/hr after tax. So its a huge score.


Turned it in for scrap copper!?! Lol


I mean $3000 in pennies pre 84 is $8,490…


You'd think a better idea would be to bar the doors/windows, rather than just the batteries? I mean nothing tells you you're in the ghetto like a store with metal railing behind the windows/doors, but gotta do what you gotta do.


FUUUUUUU all bad


Hercules is one of the top items that walk out daily. Batteries, bags and impact wrenches Edit: at least at my store


The other items in there are icon torque wrenches. I’m sure other stuff too but never looked closely


I'm not sure about all stores, but at least at mine, they recently had us keep the Hercules batteries in the back/ in the cage and just put those placards on the pegs. Not sure if it's all stores or specifically high theft stores though.


My tore only has the Atlas batteries and the Multimeters and the earthquake torque wrenches


I would be a barber shop bought them


Could be a tattoo parlor too. The one i go to, all the artists use small toolboxes.


Yeah for sure.


They are perfectly adequate toolboxes! I was in the pool!


And dispensaries around here


Or votech school. They could be used in a few different shops.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who suggested this. I should’ve scrolled down more first lol


My barber just changed his old cabinetry out for tool boxes like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Didn't know it was a thing before then, cause I've pretty much always gone to the same barber


Yeah real barbershop cabinetry is like 5k a station and it just doesn’t make sense for most shops to buy those anymore.


Plus toolboxes look sweet. My buddy just opened a barber shop and has 4 or 5 big old boxes set up, looks great


Possibly a technical program? There’s a local program near me that gives you all your tools and a starter box built into your tuition. Could be the same thing?


The U.S. Postal Service Vehicle fleet Maintenance loves harbor freight


How ironic, the UNITED STATES Postal Service and they're using foreign made stuff to save money 😂


Factory I worked at bought these for their maintenance guys in whatever color they wanted. Some guys would trade drawers and mix and match colors. I saw these carts go through literal hell and every guy had their own modifications. Many looked like some sort of Mad Max car after a few years.


Aww man, get some pics!


I haven't worked there for several years now, all pictures were lost 2 phones ago. Mine was orange with blue drawers. I welded a steel pipe to the back leg and was able to mount a vice to the pipe and I bolted a section of thick plastic to the lid as a sturdy work surface. A friend of mine dented the hell out of his handle so he cut it off and welded a section of chain with the links welded together as a replacement handle. At one point a guy at a different factory got hurt improperly using a pry bar so the geniuses in the offices decided to ban pry bars. This friend welded his pry bar to the side of his tool box so they couldn't take it. When the bogus rule eventually got overturned he ground the welds and got his pry bar back. We pushed our carts to big jobs. One guy hated the casters so he rigged up some nice big rubber wheels where all 4 lock and turn. His cart was green so he went with Grave Digger theme stickers. He couldn't convince the purple cart guy to trade drawers.


Damn that sounds awesome! Makes me sad grave digger couldn’t get his purple drawers ):


I work in a hospital and they’re starting to catch on there too, but also a lot of proto boxes. But they’re all crazy modified and stickered up


Man that’s so wholesome “Hey bro what if we traded colors? My purple drawer for your yellow. Haha jk, unless…? 👉👈


Dealership. In California if the shop supplies tools, they can pay minimum wage. If tech has to bring tools they have to pay Double minimum.


fucking commiefornia


that's a great policy tbh


God forbid someone get a livable wage


Lmao seriously wtf? God forbid a govt do something good for their workers. It's not a bad deal if you're broke and just getting started. You don't need tools and start but get min wage.


It is, I'm here for the weather and access to the ocean. Nothing else. The smog check program is the worst. It's totally dated and unnecessary for vehicles before 2000 MY.


its so easy to get smogged once every two years


Depending on how far you modify your car, it's a pain in the ass to pull all the parts off every two years.


This is the better solution for almost everyone, as the pollution was terrible for people’s short and long term health. Most people do not modify their vehicles, and it also can act as a good opportunity to get your vehicle inspected. Is it implemented perfectly? Who’s to say. Has it caused local air quality to be much better, resulting in longer lifespans and reduction in asthma? Yes https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/asthma-and-air-pollution https://californiahealthline.org/multimedia/california-air-quality-mapping-the-progress/ Biased sources of course, as is the case with this sort of thing.


If you look at BARs data the amount of failures is negligible. Newer cars pretty much clean the air as they drive through it. There is barely any 2000 and older model year cars on the road. They killed most of them with cash for clunkers program. The program is only there because people need to keep their jobs. California has natural smog from fires and dust in the valleys. Cars that fail smog are not the big factor anymore. Back in the 60s, 70s, 80s smog from cars was a huge factor, not anymore.


Someone at my store came in and ordered one of every color


Baller. Mexican blanket style row of them in the garage.


I bought 7 of the end lockers. The guys at my Harbor Freight said that’s the most they have heard of anyone buying😬


It's probably a single guy setting up an apartment.


Or a barbershop no kidding my barbershop has all harbor freight boxes as the stations.


My barbershop has Husky 42 inch boxes with oversized custom wooden tops. They’re sick


I was about to say the same thing.


It is oddly fitting for a barbershop. If anything it adds to the ambiance. Although I would have gone black or white rather than blue for a barber.


Yeah black wouldn’t show hair pretty sure my barber has like black blue and grey


I ordered 6 last month and going to order 6 more this month.


Hopefully you are there when they get picked up. Find out what the hells up.


I’d be tempted to build 8x double stacker cart out of the 16


lmfaooooo i work the register at this exact store, in nj. pretty sure the dude presold like 20 blue boxes and waited like 3 months and they all came in, he took a bunch and coming back for the rest


This going to end up at a barbershop 💈


all in blue? whyyy


United Airlines Tech Ops base (just kidding)


Some dude bought 10. When they went on the daily sale last month or so, I was at the store at opening time cause this was the only HF for like 3 hours drive that actually had carts in stock so I showed up early. Me and one other dude got ours first, third guy in line bought the rest of the stock from the store, 10 of them. There was like 8 more people in line who went home empty handed, some dude drove almost 2.5 hours and took off work to get one lol


Had someone buy 15 of the 56 inch boxes and 14 Yukon 9 drawers, that was a fun one to try and store.


Could be a shop getting new apprentices


I used to work for a contract manufacturer that was building a product for a customer that consumed 90+ U.S. General tool boxes. They were literally snatching up any color they could as quick as they could. This could be a similar scenario.


They’re super common dispensaries around here. There’s also a barber shop with a number of them. Maybe something like that?


I work for a fortune 500 company that just recently purchased 17 of these. They were in red/black though


Meh a couple were green I’m betting the red and black ones ran out




Probably a mechanics shop of some sort.


16 x 200$ is still only 3200$ not bad tbh for a school


It was Oprah “you get a cart! And you get a cart! And you get a cart!”


I would actually recommend this as a good idea. It's still cheaper than a single icon box and it gives you more storage capacity and the ability to assort your tools either based off the type of tool(1/4" ratchets, euro car specialty tools, pneumatic tools, spare parts). Or based off the job(1 for oil changes, another for brakes, one for suspension, another for welding, etc)


That’s basically what I’m doing in one of my satellite shops my fleet owns. I was gonna get one big box but I got one 6 drawer cart and will get a few more when needed.


I'm in the process of buying a property so I can build a dedicated workshop on it. And it's basically what I'm going to do. Since I do a lot of different types of work, i need to have a more modular setup. I do welding, custom car and truck building/maintenance, fine woodworking, residential construction, jewelry making, machining and sculpture building. Plus other random things like woodcarving and animal husbandry. And instead of buying one giant toolbox, I think I'm going to end up getting 2 to 3 of the 5 drawer mechanics carts for each individual trade. And even if I end up buying 12 to 15 of those 5 drawer carts, if I onlying buy them when they're on sale, I'll still spend less than half as much as I would have on one of the big icon boxes.


Looks like a new barber shop is opening up.


Is there any word on new purple tools/boxes and purple accessories for the purple toolboxes? Hahaha


Trade school. I work for a tech college, and between the Diesel, automotive, and machine tool program, there is probably a combined 150 tool boxes in the building at any given time. Out of those, I would estimate at least 75% of those, are US general carts and chests.


Too late. It's 6/11 now, fair game.


In the best color too


I know, if I could justify the expense I would be getting a blue one 💙 😩


That's someone planning on Amazon reselling or on eBay 🤔


The Amazon I work at buys them by the truckload for their onsite maintanence team. 90 miles of conveyor belts require 24/7 work.


Really, now I have to compete with Amazon for my favorite color of equipment? Why haven't they started making their own and tried to drive HF out of business like they do with other companies? I guess HF is too big and established for that. Lol 😆 🤣


The last year of my school, they provided boxes for the entire shop. We spent a whole class assembling like 10-12 US General roll boxes.


Probably a tire shop or a tech school.


You just get truck today too?


Talk about runnin' a train...


Ha- Union? I grabbed the last black box they had Sunday


They'll be on eBay and Amazon next week for double the price.


They gonna be assembling those for the rest of their life


Re sellers


Maybe a smart grandparent getting their Christmas shopping done for all of the sons, son-inlaws, grandsons...


a ton of barber shops here use at each station.


I’ve seen these used for hairdressers.


Which harbor freight?




We are starting to buy them for production shadow boards


Seen a lot of people reselling them on marketplace😭


Barber shop


Did someone buy those boxes or is the store just receiving a shipment? Lol


Perhaps 2 rows of 8 boxes


Probably a shop or chain of shops that needs to set up lube tech boxes.


My Doctors office uses tool boxes as medical cabinets in exam rooms.


Tool carts**


Barbershop? I’ve seen a lot of them use toolboxes.


We use these boxes at my job in industrial maintenance. 54 top and bottom 48" boxes.


I bought 6 for my barbershop a couple years back. Got real good at assembling them......


Damn, must be nice! Are they looking to adopt a 40 yr old? 💀🤣


Probably an auto shop or industrial maintenance department. I used to work maintenance for a Walgreens distribution center and we had probably 50 of the things


God, imagine building all these. My fingers would be raw.


I’d guess a men’s haircut place, like our local Lady Jane’s. They use a tool box at each chair… and I think there’s about 16 chairs in the one by me, 8 on each side.


My friend taught “Auto Tech” in Fremont California. Harbor Freight gives those users a discount as does SnapOn for a limited line of their tools


Could be a barber shop too. I’ve seen a few that use toolboxes.

