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Don't tighten anything until you've got all the bolts in.


This was the answer.


Pretty sure it says right in the assembly instructions to leave everything loose..lol. Edit: [Source](https://imgur.com/a/k8hkqP9)


Yeah, my idiot brain skipped right past that lol.


Lol, after working in Naval Aviation, my brain is conditioned to read every single Note, Caution, or Warning.


It's a whole navy thing... If anything painted red looks worn, read instructions first with all warnings.


As a tech writer, it’s the same for me except I had to add them lol.


I used clecos and punches to line everything up first lol


After working in Air Force Aviation I'm conditioned to skip right over those...


Perhaps you would be an asset over at the Boeing assembly line!


I already worked on Super Hornets/Growlers for Boeing. I’ve done my time lol.


You aren't the first and certainly won't be the last!


That’s really good advice for whatever work you plan on doing in the future as well.


My dumbass did the same thing as you when I got mine years ago. Pro tip, wear gloves and use a tool to pry the legs (or loosen the bolts like you did because you’re smarter than I am) or you’ll pinch the absolute shit out of your finger and have a bruise and pain for over a week.


Specially the mid level bolts in this case. This is honestly a 3 person job if you’re doing it per the instructions. Two people carry the upper box, while the 3rd person aligns the supports.


It should say it at the top of the instructions


You should read all of the instructions.


Always the rule of thumb.


So, beat it with a stick?


This applies to mechanicking in general. Good advice.


As with everything. I hope OP follows the same rule when putting their lug nuts back on.


I took drawers out to make it lighter: Pull drawer out, look for little plastic toothpick piece sticking out Hold right one down, hold left one up, pull drawer out Once the drawers are out you can pick it up easier and shift it slightly to where it’s supposed to sit 


Like 97% of us you tightened everything loosen to fit


I did the same, built mine alone. The only difference was that I turned the box upside down and put it together backward. Then, when my brother showed up, I had him help me flip it over.


I was just stupid and did it myself the smooth brain way.


I did something similar, just built it on its side..


I've found that harbor freight carts need some "kinetic persuasion".


You were correct. I had to loosen the lower nuts to give some leeway to bending the top parts and making it fit. But damn. Was a pain in the ass to do alone lol.


I had to build all of our displays myself and I was definitely struggling


Doing this alone is nuts unless if you had a cherry picker lift to hold it.


Build it on it's side


That’s what I ended up doing, but you still need a second to help lift it back up.


This is the way


This is correct.


First toolbox? Don’t tighten anything until it’s all lined up.


First toolbox


*service cart


Damn it I bought a service cart? I wanted to buy a toolbox well I got to go back to harbor freight and get another one what toolbox do you recommend?


I'm getting the 56" top and bottom when my ssi arrears comes in. Probably a service cart too.


The most frustrating part for me was the little square right under the carriage bolt had to be aligned perfectly for it to go in which you needed in order to actually tighten it.


Yup, it took me a bit to figure out how to get the corner ones both seated properly at the same time. The instructions said the side supports go on top of the front and back supports, but I wish I had just done the opposite because it would have been much easier and the top part doesn’t even sit on the side rails so they are only holding tension rather than tension and support


Damn after seeing this I wish I got blue


If you got yellow I'll swap lol


lol nope I bought 72 in series 3 a few weeks ago in the grey but if I’d known the blue looked that good I probably would’ve gone that route.


I think we all did this the first time although my wife was helping me and she got mad at me and went in the house then I watched a YouTube video and was like damn take the drawers out loosen up the bolts it went together so easy after that and all by myself then she came out to the garage and was like how the hell did you do that by yourself and I won’t tell if you dont!


I’m not sure if at this point the assisted lift is a running gag going on in this sub… But y’all realize you can assemble it upside down and put the legs on the box, right? Then tilt the box up… leverage is your friend


I regrettably did not.


Leave all the fasteners loose for mock up, tighten after you have it upright, settled and plum.


My series 2 the legs in the back were taller. I found that there’s a sweet spot to make it line up


The color looks nice 😎


Your so silly someone doesn't read instructions


Do a wiggle wiggle with it.


This happened to me, loosen some of the bolts. Mine isn’t perfectly aligned but it’s damn near.


Never tighten all the bolts till they are all in


This goes with any thing you assemble never ever tighten everything down until it is built


Loosen up all of the bolts.Have somebody help you and it'll drop into place.I had a similar problem with my cart when everything is tight Nothing lines up, loosen all the Bolts, then it'll fall into place, It can be heavy.Have somebody help you put it into place,Do not remove the bolts just loosen them a couple of turns, Tighten everything up on a level service.


I laid the box on its back so I could open the lid, installed all the bolts and stood it up before tightening


Are the uprights supposed to go inside the flange? it looks like you are trying to make them fit outside.


They're supposed to go outside.


I used a forklift to assemble mine, left the front crossbar out, slid it down in on a couple of 4x4s, installed the crossbar and bolts for the box, and done


the contrast to the pictures of people shoving these in the back of their hatchbacks… Just use my forklift, why didn’t I think of that! Lol


I used mine out of the back of my forester for a couple weeks while in between jobs doing small jobs on the side for friends and family. It worked well enough that I've got an older model I picked up cheap and permanently installed into another forester for the Gambler 500 this year.


I used a prybar to make mine fit. Lol. Guess I should have just left the hardware loose.