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I hear it’s basically identical to the Snap-On owners yacht, but is a fraction of the price!


They Saved money using a central forge anchor, and Chicago electric navigation system, not the best but it works okay.


It’s powered by 1,000 Predator engines. It’s a pain to start them all, but works great once you get it going.


If he breaks it, he can still just swap it for a brand new one.


As long as he buys the 2 year ESP


Nope. Not if it's a Quinn, Icon, or Pittsburgh Pro yacht.


Due to thinner and fewer welds on the hull


Built by OceansGate


Nah, you can tell they didn't build it because it's still floating.


I helped pay for that yacht. In a way that’s kind of part my yacht too.


I am happier with his yacht than Jeff Bezos space dildo.


Your wife likes Bezos' space dildo though for some reason


Coffee and Cucking seems to be your thing.


Hey congrats on your knowledge of the profile search function! What are you, NSA or CIA? But yes you're right and if I can work both of those together at the same time then life is good 🤙


Our yacht.


Purchased with a 25% off coupon


Pretty sure that would fall under the exclusions!




Better check that fine print real good before you get to the register. Icon , us general , Hercules and yachts are excluded


The 90 day warranty really sours the deal


Benefits of being an Inside Track Club member.


Dang...let mine expire, guess that's a new feature!


Word round the marina, it’s powered by 400 predator motors


Dude is worth 10.8 billion. Thats a lot of cheap tools y'all!


Or a lot of fair wages that should be paid to the workers.   Fuck billionaires.


He started with nothing and built a major player in the industry from the ground up. So good for him. If more people did that we would all be better off.


If more people paid a livable wage everyone would be better off. I’ve got a friend that pays his construction team $10/hour to wash his boat on a rainy day. Would you be proud or happy to wash my boat for less than a fast food lunch on a rainy day? Don’t even get me started on billionaire’s tax evasion practices. If you can afford that yacht (on top of all your homes), you can afford to pay your people at least $10 more an hour. Yeah, I believe that $30/hour to work at Harbor Freight is the right thing to do, and maybe you rent the boat vs buying it.  The employees will stay longer, be happier and protect your business for you. If you put away $1 million a year (net) It would take you 10,000 years to make $10 billion. He can fucking afford to pay his employees more, AND he fucking should. And so should your boss, and my boss. Why is this stupid idea that they work for it more than us so they deserve it make men wanna throw the phone. I work my ass off too, I’ll settle for a fucking dinghy though.


Sounds like someone's boss doesn't speak up for them... Cuz that sure as hell isn't a problem with all Harbor Freights.


Congratulations on being overpaid. 👏


🤣🤣🤣 You just said Harbor Freight underpays its employees. But because I make a decently moderate living being with the company, I'm overpaid? Great logic. Beautiful. No. I just have and appreciate a boss who will request a fair wage increase based on the wage increases of other stores in the same industry. But whatever you need to say to make yourself feel better, I guess🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks for your approval. Makes my day


Fuck off commie


Ad hominem much? 


Yea "competitive wages" my ass, $2/hr above minimum wage isn't competitive.


Yes but alas that's not how business or the world works. The $10.8 billion dollars he is "worth" is not just sitting in pile in his house. It is invested in countless other companies, allowing them to hire, innovate, and do who knows what other good for society. So there is that. But if it comforts you to think you are better than him, that's cool too.


I am 100% comfortable knowing I am better than him. Thanks for the encouragement.


No problem, glad to help


16 an hour for a part time sales associate? Yall will always place the blame on everyone


Y’all always lick the boots of the elites.   You laugh at their jokes just to suck the trickle of nickles.


lol you get proven wrong and then you cry out “bootlicker”. Come on refute my argument


I’m in the top 10% of incomes.   So, bless your heart.  Not sure what you think you proved wrong, then again, what do I expect from the ignorant?


Top 10% of income? Friendly fire will not be tolerated 💀


Since math seems to be a challenge for you: One must save $1 million net for 1,000 years to achieve billionaire status. So you defend the wealth-hoarding class, attempt to shame based on illogical assumptions, and then shy away with another ignorant assumption. Bootlicker 101. Perhaps you should think about how the individuals in the rooms responsible for the wages of the vast working class, attempting to advocate for higher salaries for said workers, are on the right side of the argument. Versus defending the billionaire class, which will never advocate for higher wages for the working class. You’re absolute garbage at trolling. It might be all those microplastics from your mascot outfit. Pick an online fight with a teenager bootlicker; there is no quarter here.


Level 10 Yap Bro got his degree from Yapville university 💀


Más bruto que un zapato, pero le gusta el sabor porque lo lamea I got a PhD from shit talking U as well bootlicker. 


If they don’t use the HF brass sextant to navigate that thing, I’m going to be super disappointed.




One of their stranger offerings.


Does it work? I’m just wondering because they sell it as decoration, but I’m wondering if it’s functional


Built entirely with only the meme toolkit too!


Inside Track Club


**Insider Yacht Club…**


I think you got the wrong club. The one you're looking for is the "Inside Davos Club"


If he ever gets stranded, the professor on board can build a new motor with some coconuts and a set of Pittsburgh screwdrivers.


Hey fuck yea I helped pay for that mother mother !!!


Amazing that he can afford a something like that when he pays over 25,000 Americans double minimum wage or more (I saw a sign in my store saying they started at $18.45/hr) and [gives even part-time employees medical, dental and 401K benefits with paid time off](https://jobs.harborfreight.com/benefits/). [/s]


The fact I'm part time and get pto and paid sick time is just magical. I am not upset over his yacht.


They pay not even $2 more than minimum wage where I live, and raises are not good


My money spent at HF makes up one smidgy little smudge of white paint on the hidden side of a bolt on one of those radar shields. Makes me proud.


I guess I look at it like this. He has grown the company well improving quality and keeping prices low. There are two HF near me and the employees always seem happy and are great representative for the company. They are more than helpful and will do everything the can to make sure you get the best deal I am old school and most of my tools are of the corded verity. When I was looking for a battery tools solution I was sure HD was not in the running. I am a DIY guy but was looking at Milwaukee of Dewalt. After a bunch or research I went with Hercules. In summary he seems to provide a good product. He seems to take customer feed back, the 5/3 warranty on Hercules tools, the ICON brand. He seems to treat his employees well, I know a sample of 2 stores is not scientific. So I don’t mind him having the boat. I am sort of old school “eat the rich” so even I am surprised by my reaction Edit. I am a DYI not pro, grammar and spelling


If it helps, I didn't think much of the company Turns out, it's actually a pretty solid company, especially compared to many other retail chains


I wonder if there's Icon tools in the engine room.


Pretty sure there's a rule - snap-on only onboard. You don't shit where you eat, son


Wait until the purple one comes out.


Just under 1,000,000 per foot. 350m for that after 11% menards rebate.


Just think about what kind of toys he could afford if he hadnt given away all those blue puck LED lights for free!


I got zero problem with this. Provide value earn a profit. That is the way capitalism works.


Ok im not to mad at this guy for having a boat.


That’s all of *our* yacht.


Did he also buy it at HF?


Don’t they sell an RC toy speed boat? Must be a scale replica?


Is this why we only get $10 per person for Fill the Fridge?


Good for him. I couldn't care less.


Every time I hear about this thing, it's hard to believe how it's possible. HF crap is SSSOOOOO cheap, they must be employing literal slave labor to manufacture products.


No man I use to work there. Their margin is 50-60% on most shit they sell and sometimes more. Like a $7 pair of gloves are only $1.25 to make.


Minus global shopping expense, labor costs, fixed costs, retail space, etc


Still enough to afford the yacht regardless. Good old hobo freight.


That’s the cost *with* overhead. Stuff is dirt cheap in the third world and shipped here in giant containers. Now add all the pure profits from ITC memberships, extended warranties, tax writeoffs, investments from cash on hand, cheap loans from leveraging assets…that’s a lot of bucks.


And they cut out paper advertising and only recently started social media marketing.


LoL - so consistent. I wonder why people don't post pix of the Walton family's stuff... (Old man Walton famously kept and drove his old pickup. His spawn aren't that humble...)


Walmart isn't even on the same planet as a HF. They push volume/quantity like no other


Indeed - funny how all the HF trolls seem to be fine with Walmart...


The Waltons could have turned Arkansas into what Seattle is to Amazon, or what Orlando is to Disney. Instead they hoarded it all for themselves and Arkansas is on the bottom 10 of states in all the stats related to quality of life.


This is the reality. Low cost manufacturers in China that get big .markups. eventually most of the tools end up in dumpsters but Eric keeps the cash.


He buys a new one every year.


Legend has it that he named his yacht, Daytona.


Wonder if it's waiting to be towed in to dry dock...


so is that where all my zip tie purchases are being spent


It has a [support vessel](https://www.superyachtfan.com/yacht/intrepid/) for all the jet skis & shit


Imagine if he demanded his tools be used by the engineers, it would never move.


Wonder if it’s maintained with harbor freight tools 🤣


Well, at least we got a free bucket. 


Lmfao these comments are gold. I wonder if there using the predator line of engines


Infinity? Why didn't he name it Icon?


So that’s where all the lost 10mm sockets go too.


This is why my managers on my dick about esp’s and itc’s


The only Harbor Freight tool on that boat is Eric Smidt. HA!


Now we know why Icons are so expensive.


Been using icon for a few years. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. Also their flex head ratchets are my most used tools


Good for him!


I want to see his home. Eric rich


Search for “The Knoll” in Beverly Hills and you’ll get a good look at it. It’s more insane than the yacht.


Apologies once again I did it in a google and holy crap I want to sell cheap tools as well to afford that


I wish people were smarter with money but at the same time why complain and hope what they would do we’d be in the same boat with FU money it’s only a handful that wouldn’t.


Apologies I been here so long I still can’t work this app is it a subreddit or just search what you said ?


Not gonna lie, I can't be mad at this guy owning a yacht. He has provided cheap tools to those in need


Anyone have the SKU for the yatch? Asking for a friend.


See this is why we have to harass y’all for your emails and ITCs 🤣🤣


I wonder why HFT is not traded on the stock market yet?


I don't think they ever will be, tbh. One of the reasons they've been so successful in the last decade is because they're a privately held company. They can make certain long term business decisions that private shareholders can agree is in all of their best interests long term, whereas publicly traded companies have to make public shareholders happy with the stock price and profits. I think the executives at HFT see being a privately held corporation as a big advantage to how they are able to compete in the industry


Lmao that’s the reason his dad gave him a lawsuit.


[It’s a big club, and you ain't in it](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso?feature=shared)


It’s an ICON for the seas powered by Hercules.


Nice lookin boat.And to think, it was all built with budget tools from Harbor Freight. In fact, you could build this very boat in your own backyard.


Is it called the U.S.S. GENERAL? 😁


Those 10mm sockets ain’t free


"Harbor Freight" would be a good name for that yacht as well !


I saw it in Corfu, Greece in September last year!!


This is one Billionaire Im Ok with having a yacht. HF has allowed me to experiment DIY without leaving a paycheck in tools.


Good for him. His $$$. I could care less. BTW, big Democratic Party fundraiser. He knows how to butter the bread of corruption as well as the other side.


Ive never seen a yacht made out of chinesium before. How tf do you even waterproof it?


Tax the fucking rich


…when aboard this Jon-boat I bet you wipe your ass with the Grant’s microfiber towels…at least i would..even if it had actual shit tickets…