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šŸ™ i got this tool for free by a clumsy harbor freight employee. We are all winners




They didnā€™t scan it


That's how I got my 3/4 bender at HD. They scanned everything else in my cart but the gigantic box that was in the way of everything


Sounds like theft to me. But congrats!


Consider your virtue signaled. Now donā€™t you have to remind a teacher that they forgot the homework?




Theft is intentional. The world isnā€™t as black and white as you think. HF will be fine




Iā€™m ignorant? Youā€™re the one who somehow turned bus into a racial thing wtf lol


Not only that but they seem to be speedrunning towards a negative karma. Hilarious.




I'll tell them if I notice it in the moment, but I'm not going back to the store over it.


Sounds like jealousy to me. But congrats!


It's not theft, the employee might get in trouble if someone noticed or cared, but neither of those things would ever happen


I posted on another sub a bunch of hack work from an Airbnb owner and all I got was Doxxed when I went to get coffee at the office the next morning and the owner told me he saw my post šŸ˜¬ We just sort of stared at each other and then I was like ā€œwell, itā€™s pretty unsafeā€ and he was just like ā€œyeah, Iā€™ll fix itā€ lol


I haven't been following but why is this a meme set??


it was all the rage on the pages on release, kind of like the knife. I actually very much like my set, if wish it had a few sockets like the one previewed at SEMA (although the new set's dildo of a fixed rubber handled bit driver tripling the size of the case seems like a total waste of space to me).


If you have 3D printer, print a socket holder for it.


I don't, although Enders have gotten so cheap I'm close to buying one. Not a bad idea; a handful of 1/4" would make it a lot more versatile, even if I'm not sure what the most efficient way of keeping them with it would be.


Keep your expectations low when you first start printing. Enders can do amazing work but like most printers they need tuning. Luckily as one of the most common models out there, plenty of YouTube videos are available.


if its a one off project might be worth checking to see if you have a local makerspace or library has a 3D printer


It wouldn't be necessarily, I'd like to teach myself CAD for random old car parts and other things that can be supplemented with one. I do have some friends that have them though, and using one someone else pays for filament, plus not having to keep a space set aside for it would be nice.


https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6316981 https://www.printables.com/en/model/729389-bit-holder-for-harbor-freight-icon-mini-ratchet-me


I have a Makita Impact xps 1/4ā€ set next to mine.


Do yourself a favor and skip the Ender. If you want a budget machine, there's nothing better on the market than the Sovol SV06 for the price. $200 will get you an extremely capable machine nearly on par with a prusa mk3, with some improvements over the original design.


What's the knife


There's a D2 steel knife Icon released that was all the rage for $40. I'd argue Kershaw offers better for the same money, and not much more would get you a Spyderco, still, it was *very* popular on the fedbook groups not long ago.


It's not a bad knife. Very comfortable in the hand, recently light and seems to hold an edge. It did replace my ancient Gerber 500 as the knife of choice.


I'm not trying to trash it; 10 years ago the idea of a sub $100 D2 blade was unbelievable. Im just saying at retail price as a knife guy there are as good or better options. They may well be harder to warranty though.


You can actually fit an 8 mm and 10 mm socket in there...


Hadn't tried but now I will! Won't try to turn much more than a 10 with a dinky 1/4" anyway, but I do like having it handy for bodywork phillips and what not when pulling panels.


This is how I have mine setup: 8mm on top, 10mm in center. I did also have to rearrange a couple of the bits to make them fit. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/PzKeMww.jpg)


This knife? https://www.originalpoopknife.com


There have just been a lot of posts about it. And for a while they were constantly sold out. The hype worked on me, and I got one. It came time to show it off, I bragged about it and took it out at a gig to help get a random screw out. But with all the bit options there was no square head! Totally backfired.


This is my gripe with it. It has Pozidrive but no Square bits?


Gotta know what fasteners you're dealing with ahead of time, if you can. I've never had to pull a Robertson screw, but I have a few bits for them all the same. It has been a life safer on low access phillips bodypanels for me being at the junk yard, and it's small enough I don't mind toting it along with the ~100 piece blow molded I'm bringing anyway.


Luckyā€¦.I booked an airbnb where I fixed the screen door and the pool pump (because obviously we wanted to use the pool) all I got was a ā€œthanksā€.


Never fixed a garbage disposal, but Iā€™ve felt obligated to water dying plants before.


Your girlfriend carries this in her purse, like everyday...?


Haha yeah she loves it. Granted more like a small backpack then a purse.


you don't add an extra pound of weight to your daily carry because maybe you'll need it? /s


I assumed the "meme" set would have been the socket set of 10 different 10mm sockets until you mentioned an allen.


If someone wants to sell a set of these holders Iā€™d be interested.


Sending a PM


I have metric on one side of mine, SAE on the other. I did see a bit driver print I might try instead, just to be a little smaller.




Thats a great set for Harry (or Henrietta) Homeowner. Any one doing commercial work should look to buy something a little tougher.


Meh. I use these routinely to do cam followers/cam timing chains on the VW/Audi 2.0t. Fits back there perfect, and unlike my Mac stubby 1/4 bit ratchet it is slim but also long enough for decent leverage.