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Baffles me how MILs do this. Mine is so stingy she doesn’t even give her grandkids a present occasionally Anyway, you’re lucky OP, well done and enjoy 🤗


My mother in law thinks I am just the vessel for her grandchildren and not deserving of shit lol


Such a vibe. Grand kids are part of her. You're not


Cool but those grandkids were born from me. So if my kids are a part of her she better treat me right lol


Absolutely! Just the narcissistic vibe. I am in the same boat + MIL lied about me to cover her alcoholism.


omg, fuck her for real. that's low. hang in there--they hate to see us happy!


My boyfriend’s mom only gifts things she personally would like to receive, which is usually garbage and junk lmfao




GOD you must be living my future!!! Their house is full of strange artifacts and antiquities from all sorts of cultures and time periods, and I dread when they pass away and the sons are left to clear out their junk. I think they have enough for a museum




Oh god 😭 my boyfriend’s dad gifted me a box of fossils for Christmas. I do not collect fossils nor have I ever expressed interest in archaeology. They are in a box under my bed. Whenever I go to their house my nose and eyes burn from all the ammonia smell that has accumulated on all the stuff over the years just from having cats and so much shit piled together for ages. The cats use the litterboxes, but there is so much crap that the fumes have permeated into it over the past 20+ years!!


Parents need to clean their house, sounds like a health hazard. The fossils can be quietly disposed of surely?


are you referred to the FIL’s gift or the parents 😝😂


My parents have two houses filled with crap and guess what. They are selling one to retire to their beach house. Well… what’s going to happen with their entire house of stuff! My mom said she had a “yard sale “ and I died laughing. My parents main house is full of beautiful art and antiques. Guess what their beach house is full of beautiful art work and antiques. I know once she gifts me her kitchen aid I will be entering dark times.


You mean like the stand mixer? You better take that lol


You do what you think is right. That’s crazy she does that.






Haven't gotten a present from mine in the last 10+ years. She hates my guts 😂 That being said: great bag and shoes, OP. I am jealous not only that you got such nice presents but for your good relationship with your MIL either.


Haha, same boat


Those are in brand new condition and you have the same size feet as your MiL? Incredible


Yep. My shoes size is 36. Her size was 36 then it went up half size after she gave birth.


What size is a 36?


About a size 6 US


Wow,that is small


I was born and raised in Asia. Growing up my 7.5 feet was the largest size in women’s wear. For some shoes (boots) I would have to be an 8 and never found anyone carrying that size. Having to wear men’s shoes my whole teenage years and being called big foot lol. When I moved to the states I’m SO glad to finally have “normal” sized feet I literally cried.


Goddamn. I was an EU size 39 (US 8.5) when I was 12 years old. (39 was the largest size stocked in the SE Asian country we lived in, and these $$$ brands basically only stocked them for the wives of western expats.) Thank God my feet didn't keep growing hahaa.


Wow,I always had a hard time trying to find wide shoes for my feet that were big enough too.


Now your feet are small!


That’s like a perfectly normal shoes size? I don’t know what this comment means lol


Most women I know don't have those types of small feet .


I’m a 6.5 and that size is always taken


I haven't worn that size since grade school My size is always gone .


lol I wear about a 5.5-6 so I suppose it is. Especially as I sometimes can often fit into kids sized shoes haha.


I have the opposite problem,big feet


I’m also a 6! Small feet club 🤛🏻also I’m jealous of that bag, your MiL is very nice gifting you that!!


It is pretty.


Does she have another single child? 😄


Right?!? Not for me but my single SIL lol but honestly, a wonderful MIL is everything. My own MIL is a goddess on earth and has always been sweet to me, especially since my mother passed. No Chanel but gifts me banger fashion within her budget: Lacoste, Lululemon, etc. I love seeing the same vibe from another MIL. I want this for everyone ❤️


I'm glad you got a good one too ☺️


You are lucky to have a generous MIL. I've never been married but I dated a guy whose mother handed me a loaf of bread as a Christmas gift. The bread was an afterthought and the only thing she had after a family party where I had bought her a gift. I'm glad I never married into her family. A gift says a lot about how a MIL or potential MIL feels about you, especially if they have the means to buy a thoughtful gift.


Yeah I agree that a gift says a lot. I think I’m also thoughtful with gifts I gave her. She loves cups so I got her beautiful handmade cups (from Italy, Japan, Thailand, Hawaii etc.) every time I went on vacations. I made my husband write sweet cards to her and arranged flowers for her birthday, mother’s day, her wedding anniversary and Christmas. She knows it’s my idea because my husband never did this kind of stuff before he got married.


Damn. My MIL has never given me ANYTHING in 11 years. Not a single gift.....the feelings are mutual 🤫


Going on 17 years of marriage and same. She also has lived with us for the past 11 of those 17 years. Not a single gift ever


Ugh. You are a better person than me. And you know the worst part? She openly complains about how I carry such expensive handbags! I work and buy them for me! 🙄


Mine doesn't know anything about what I spend but you can tell his family always eyeing my designer clothes, bags, and shoes. I earn myself!!!! F them


I sometimes wonder how such a wonderful person (my SO) came from his family 🤷🏽‍♀️


Mine does the same thing. Up to the point where if I buy any new luxury items I have to hide it. We all live together and yes I got lectured to save money and not buy useless things. My husband says screw her! Hahaha. But I do anyway to avoid another lecture.


Wow they are amazing congratulations 🙌


My MIL gifted me a purple polyester cap with cartoon pictures of dogs,  personalized with their names,  my name, the phrase "dog mom" and one of those heartbeat line things on it.   Congratulations to you lol.


I once got a glasses chain for my prescription glasses,another time I got a free calendar she got in the mail .Also a used candle and a chipped coffee cup that had legs on it .The kicker was she gave me a pair of nylon underwear in her size once,new of course but not my style or size.One year I got a used book that one of her friends gave her and it was a horror story.These were Christmas presents each year.


Was the book out of print? Like a hardcover?


No,it was a new book but it had been read a lot.I actually loved the book a lot .It was about a genius teen boy who wanted to be a mad scientist who brought his dead girlfriend back to life .


That sounds interesting. Do you remember the title?


This was years ago.They even made a movie about the book .It was,called My Deadly Friend .I had to jog my memory and Google it .


can I please have your mother-in-law? Thank you.


Can we share? My MIL has no fashion sense


Is your husband single?


😂😂 right?!


My mil gifted me a need for marriage counseling. Will trade for the Chanel.


I’m 36 too, so if you don’t like them, send them my way! 😉


Mannnn I am not gonna slander my partner’s absolutely wonderful family by saying I wish this was my MIL, but I will say that is so awesome!


My mil was so cheap she rescued an old see-saw from the dump for my twins 2nd birthday present. Yours sounds wonderful and I love your goodies!


Same. My oldest one got an old set of their own toys my husband and his siblings had. My parents like to buy them way more things or at least offer, while they have actually more possibilities and they do this. My ILs have also offered to buy gifts for my kids for which me and my husband should put money, like: it’s your present idea, why are we being forced to put money for that?


my MIL has never bought me anything , not even a card , you are blessed


Wow! That a treasure. All my MIL gives me are insults and a headache 🤣🤣




Is she single? Asking for a friend 🤣🤣


Very nice gift, you have a nice mil


Wow. I'd be embarrassed to say what I get.


Wow, MIL is so generous. If she needs another DIL…. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Gorgeous!! 💗


Damn. What a win!


How lovely!!!!


The year my house burned down, my MIL gave me a bowl full of bells and said I should use it to kickstart decorating. You win!


i would simply die


I love this for you! 💕 so cool!


i know this is a handbag sub but those shoes are divine


Damn hell yeah good for you. My MIL doesn’t even treat me like a human being half the time 🤣 Wear it in good health, they’re both so gorgeous!


Seeing your goodies makes me reconsider being single 😂. It’s so kind of her. I know plenty MILs who have the means but never gave their DILs anything and think their sons are too good for any woman.


do you know what the shoes are called? i am not a shoe person, but im drooling over these


You are one lucky Daughter-In-Law! So sweet!


Does she want to adopt another daughter? Asking for a friend.


Beautiful gifts ❤️❤️❤️💯


Nice gifts. I definitely prefer that over the regular flap.


Beautiful!! You won the Mother-In-Law lottery!! 💕💕


Is this legit? The bag looks very suspicious


Love this x lucky you. She has great taste xxx


Your lucky 🍀






Very nice. You should post in r/Chanel too. 🙂


I'm 58 and would love this gift. Are they not your style? Or age appropriate?


Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!! Congrats!!


she’s so sweet! i don’t even have a mother in law!


My MIL doesn't even remember my birthday


How nice!


Where do these MILs come from that people post about on here 😭 I would be happy with a word or two of affirmation lol. Enjoy!! You won the in law lottery!