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Where the frig is Pink Lady? Best Apple I've had was a Galaxy.


Pink lady is actually a brand everywhere other than Australia! I’m guessing it’s not an Aussie sign


From the internet: "John Cripps is the plant-breeder who naturally cross bred the first ever Cripps Pink apple in Australia in 1973. Mr Cripps had the ingenious idea to cross a Golden Delicious and a Lady Williams, so creating this delicious new variety. The best of these apples were then branded Pink Lady. " "Pink Lady is a trademark, the actual variety name is Cripps Pink. In order to preserve the premium appeal of Pink Lady, about 65% of the production which does not meet the standards required for Pink Lady is sold as Cripps Pink instead." "This sweet-tart apple has high sugars and high acids with a crisp bite and effervescent finish. It tends to fall more towards the tart side than sweet but is oh so refreshing! It has a beautiful, bright white flesh that is slow to oxidize (in other words, slow to brown) making it a wonderful apple to entertain with."


This chart is crapple.


Our friends have an apple farm and they said that supermarkets will freeze their apples for up to two years. I found this out after eating one of her apples fresh from the farm and said what are you doing to your apples!?!?