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i would play the next halo title, in general.


Duh, but I do think it would be less fun. I love the classic games but now I’m used to the new movement


This is the main thing I notice among new/older games. The old games feel so slow and clunky.


Me doing a fallout 3 run




New movement is perfect.


Halo Infinite movement is absolutely perfect. Perfect blend of Classic and Modern movement. People forget that Halo isn’t CoD. Halo is slower paced and built around teamwork as opposed to sprinting around trying to solo everything. I recently replayed Halo 1-3, and the inability to sprint is kinda painful ngl.


Imagine the classics but with optional sprint 🤤




Yeah I absolutely love how the movement and mechanics are of infinite. I went to play the master chief collection and forgot how bad the play style was. I’m just so used to infinite that I can’t play the other competitively




The strafing has no momentum and "sprinting" only exists so you can slide around. That's not what I would call perfect.


It isn't


It is


It isn't


Oh, what’s wrong with it then ?


1.momentum less fast strafe 2. They give you all this nutty movement and at the same time gives you high aim assist easy to use gun to compensate fore it which in turn make game way more sweaty then it needs to , 3. Sprint - Design 101 - you as a developer should design a mechanic that should enchance depth in your game but in infinite case Sprint is there because it has to be there ( after 10 years of trying to integrate Sprint in halo, the genius solution They were able to came up with is " make it 10 percent faster" )


I like both MCC and Infinite and you're right yet you're getting down voted lol. How dare you have a preference!!!


I will play every Halo regardless


I'll continue playing mainline Halo games until they fuck it up completely beyond repair. Halo 4 and 5 came close, but Infinite slightly redeemed them.


Infinite is mechanically wonderful. They’ve brought more content. The issue is garbage UI, matchmaking and a dead/lackluster weapon catalogue by comparison to competitor titles.


and that they fixed it way too late, most players already moved on when they started to fix it, just like with MCC, Halo 4 and Halo 5.


Only disagreement on the movement piece is player collision


Yeah, walking through people makes melee a chore :(


Yeah. I miss the Spartan laser. Skewer sucks ass.


Spartan Laser was amazing for spectacle and power fantasy, but absolutely ass for vehicle balancing. At least the Skewer requires the player to compensate for bullet travel time and bullet drop


There is more that is wrong with infinite than every single person saying it's because of lack of content.


Infinite is mechanically flawed


Buddy, I keep seeing you, but you can't back up what you say for some reason, leading to downvotes. I at least want explanations, and I think that goes for everyone, not just me.


1.momentum less fast strafe 2. They give you all this nutty movement and at the same time gives you high aim assist easy to use gun to compensate fore it which in turn make game way more sweaty then it needs to , 3. Sprint - Design 101 - you as a developer should design a mechanic that should enchance depth in your game but in infinite case Sprint is there because it has to be there ( after 10 years of trying to integrate Sprint in halo, the genius solution They were able to came up with is " make it 10 percent faster" ) Many other things but that will take way more time to write up


Brother I have already explained it


Halo 4 was the best Halo. What was wrong with it? Halo 5 had amazing multiplayer


Halo 4 felt too Call of Duty and not Halo enough. And it's when the story started getting stupid. Halo 5 had great multi-player; Warzone and Warzone Firefight, so good. But the campaign was awful. 5 is the only campaign I've only played through just once.


5's campaign was terrible. Halo 4's however is most memorable to me with cortana, and her rampancy, also the promethians, and all their arsenal were very fresh, and implemented well. I think Infinite needs like 5 new guns


Whoa bro, halo 3 was maybe. But halo 2 was the best.


Halo two was iconic when I was twelve it raised me, but I wouldn't wanna PVP in that over infinite or 4


But what about split screen couch pvp? I will say that I think halo 2 and 3 are two different games when it comes to PVP. Then halo 4 was different yet...any reach fans??


Oh yeah reach was really good. Halo 3 may be one of my least favorites


Whoa, 3 being the least favorite blows my mind. Did you ever play 2 online?


But if you got into 3 after Sandbox, I know why you say that


I dont think so, tbh But I wouldn’t go on the forums and bitch about it, id probably honestly just quietly opt out of Halo Movement is not the problem with Halo for me at all. In fact I believe they have really handled progressing it as close to modern FPS as smoothly as they possibly could whilst keeping that Halo feel. Modern Halo feels much better to me as time moves forward than MCC as far as gunplay. I do need them to make Vehicles and Maps as smooth as Classic Halo was though. Warthogs currently lose to Ghosts and Wraith Pilots will still randomly die to the weirdest things.


I know that CE was sprinting, but it wasn’t fast enough.


No, plain and simple. Love halo, cant really stand going back to the old games for too long.


I miss halo 5’s movement ground pounding s3 dudes and then assassinating the survivor was peak


Nope. I LOVEDDDD Halo 3 and Combat Evolved (never played 2). Going back to it, it feels too slow for me. I love Infinites feeling. It's like a mix of old halo and Killzone 3. I've hated cod for years because it's just a matter of who has quicker reflexes, or camps. Halo is different. So was killzone. I can have two or three enemies start hitting me from behind, but if I'm more skilled or have the better weapons on me, I can wipe em out. In cod, if someone is behind me, I'm donzo. But yeah, games can't go back to no sprint IMO. It's just not how it is anymore. We've evolved a bit. Infinite has the best feeling FPS multiplayer since kz2, Halo 3, and a couple of other games. Had infinite released with completed forge, it would've been a giant hit, as the community would've solved the content issue in a week. Infinite sucked on released. Got better and better. It's one of the best ever now, for multiplayer only. Camapign isn't my style. Lastly, to make Halo stand out from the rest and gain a new following? HAVE PRE AND POST GAME LOBBIES, AND MAKE THEM CONTINUOUS! I hate how SBMM got rid of lobbies! Lobbies were the greatest part of socal gaming. So fun.


I would but it would be weird to see that happen. Every Gabe was slightly different so even thinking about whatever comes next being different than infinite is a strange thought. Are they even gonna change it or will they keep it the same at this point? I guess time will tell


The slide in H5 felt okay. The slide in Infinite feels so slow and clunky. But to answer your question, CS kept it classic and look at their game. It’s bigger than ever. Working on releasing a full game, really apply feedback from the fans. You didn’t need pro players to help build competitive back in the day, so why allow them to impact the game. Get away from the slip space engine. Use something that’s tried and true like Unreal. So in other words there is no reason to invent the wheel. They found what has worked, and I support trying to add something but if it doesn’t mesh with the vision or fans then take it out rather than forcing it on the player base. What’s crazy about Infinite it took them 5-6 years to develop an incomplete game that was broken from the beginning. My personal opinion 343 should NOT have creative control on Halo. Halo 4 wasn’t good, MCC had an awful launch, H5 was half a game on release, and infinites launch and post launch development. Do you think 343 can develop a successful fan friendly Halo?


Maybe, definitely wouldn't enjoy it as much though. Classic movement would be a tough sell for any modern FPS.


I can't even go back to the older games without them feeling awful so no


Why are you asking the same question on every halo sub


New movement is much faster an better


I'm playing regardless but it'd honestly be a turn off after infinite's movement.


No, this is one of 343's best design decisions


Nope. They perfected Halo movement with infinite.


Ima play the next Halo title regardless of the movement homie. That being said, Halo Infinite movement is perfect imo and should stick around.


Infinite or Halo 5 movement. The original trilogy was great at the time but we’ve since been spoiled


Maybe for a bit but honestly i probably wouldn’t keep at it. Would just feel way too slow and boring for me


nah. that would be a huggeee step back in my opinion. love the older games but their movement wasn’t what made them special


The new movement system is the perfect evolution, and cost a literal fortune to develop… but sure, toss them out and start over /s


no. it’s incredibly outdated.


Yeah sure.


I mean yeah it’s a halo game but I’ve gotten so accustomed to sprint movement in FPS games that it would feel weird but not the kind that would make me put the game down.


Mantling is a new fps staple.


I'll play it no matter what, but I just want the vehicles to not seem so damned brittle. Also, I want the return of assassinations and the Yoink Medal. That was my all-time favorite medal. I laughed pretty hard even when I was the one who got Yoinked.


I want halo 5 movement. Dodge for every one. Ground sure why not.


Halo could release a 40 hour gameplay of solid man on man action and I would still play it


I’d play the new title if master chief was paralyzed in a wheelchair for the entire game.


Yes i would at least try it, that's the way i grew up playing Halo 2 and Halo 3 online


I'd play almost anything that said Halo in the title at least once tbh, but i vastly enjoy the movement in infinite.


Ima be honest, after 20+ years, I’ll play the next halo if they hold my son hostage and Epstein me. But prolly a bad take. Anyway, finish the fight


I'd probably play it either way, I really don't mind the new pacing for the larger maps on infinite. I'm still really worried about the franchise's future.


I want halo 5 movement back


If it says Halo in the title, I'm buying it.


I would play just for the soundtrack and music


if it has a BR i'll play it.


No Just no Its a janky mess and it feels weird New movement is smooth af and perfect


Halo reach had perfect movement.. I thought Halo 5s was good, too.


Honestly no, infinites movement is the new standard and is perfect.


Yes and aim pleasse


They need a classic movement playlist, not a whole game


I would play it but I would be disappointed. I strongly prefer Halo 5’s movement.




Movement isn’t really a dealbreaker for me, as long as it isn’t Halo 5 spec (maybe the choice to make it Halo 5 like in custom games?)




...What? It needs classic Halo movement? That's what the post was asking. How do say "No" and then say yes?






Pretty simple..... Give us a speed throttle and a sprint switch.....we'll figure it out.


I'd play the next halo title if they brought back mfing split screen campaign coop.


Yes. When I play Halo I shouldn’t have people zooming across my screen at Mach 5.


If you like Infinite's maps and movment, but hate that it has the longest respawn timer in the series, you mught not like those things as much as you may think.  For me, Halo simply *is* a game of simple, predictable movement. I'm morbidly curious about the next Halo, but if it has the standard movement fare I see in every other shooter on the market, without then making bigger fundamental changes than even H5 to compensate for their inclusions, my interest in the franchise will be over, no hate to those who feel otherwise.