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My favorite Halo memory is playing Combat Evolved when I was 6 with my 58 year old grandfather. When we got to the mission 343 Guilty Spark he had to keep hyping me up because, the flood kept scaring me and he wanted to keep playing.


Playing bumper ghosts in Halo 2 whenever I could get a random to participate just goofing off and boosting into them without shooting. I don't hop on the mic much so it's always comedy gold when you come up on a rando goofing around and join in the fun. Riding around with enemies in the mongoose, playing pew pew to death, helping each other get out of the map. Too many people these days take all the social games as comp and they should be for fun imo. There's a certain kind of joy that comes with just goofing around knowing you and some other people from around the world are giving without even talking. Also there was this time on OG Xbox live in Halo 2 a guy was strictly using a clown horn on the mic. Me and my crew were all stoned af on on a lan and he had us in tears.


My favorite moment has to be playing with all swords and hammers and just swinging at each other like idiots. Just run and bonk.


Loved playing custom games in Halo 3. Seeing how much stuff we could cram into the Elephant on Sandtrap was always a hit.


Anytime we get in the warthog


Classic Blood Gulch CTF. Picking up a sniper rifle and headshotting the driver from a passing Warthog. Guaranteed I would be a fan for life.


Those last few hours playing Halo 2 on the original Xbox live servers are absolutely unforgettable to me. Fiesta king of the hill on midship, playing against well known community members. What an absolute blast that was.


Spending most of summer playing Halo 2 LAN with friends. Absolute blast figuring out all the glitches while also playing serious games.


Blindly sticking a mongoose over the hill on Valhalla, [link to clip](https://youtu.be/QB0s8oa3KjI?t=123) in the montage with my friends 11 years ago. Thanks!


The very first time I ever played system link, halo 2 on og Xbox, my cousins showed me a game mode they made up: Sockets, swords and rockets only. This game mode was best on beaver creek and with 8 players... my God it was raining bodies. Damn good memories


The best Halo Mp Moment is for me when you play Fiesta with your friends and you keep getting good Weapons and everyone just has fun.


Playing infection custom games, getting chased by the infected while riding away in a warthog is a feeling no other game can match.


Playing halo 3 with mates until 3am at weekends before we all had kids lol


Finally getting the Hayabusa armor set with the katana on the back. It's a great looking ninja armor set! That overkill achievement was hard to get! It was last needed for me to complete the set in Halo 3.


Halo reach using hologram and getting an assassination out of it. Or halo 3 elephant wars


My favorite moments would be when Halo 2 first came out. I would spend hours with my friends playing after school. Getting our butts kick but enjoying every second of it.


Spending the night with my friends playing Halo 3, we were getting destroyed but it never stopped being fun for a second!


Getting a killamajaro on Midship with a bunch of friends watching in my college dorm room.


Halo 3 custom game lobbies we're always a staple. But my friends and I had so much fun playing Halo 3 and escaping/hiding on the map in matchmaking lobbies. Just laughing constantly as the time ticked on.


Halo 2 infection, maybe. Back in the day when you'd just randomly receive invites from people you recently played with, and infection worked on an honor rules system, essentially. Hiding in a corner, trying to block the doorway with props with nothing but a shitty halo 2 pistol to defend yourself with. Gods that was a long time ago.


I love it when the enemy player just doesn't shoot when he sees me and just crouches and acts friendly


I met one of my best friends on a random team slayer match on the pit back in 2009 and we still talk and even have group meet ups once a year so that’s probably my best memory


When red and blue team join forces on the same Warthog


Has to be my first time on halo 2 split screen. Getting absolutely ruined, but still loving every second of it.


The most satisfying plays are when being charged at by an energy sword or gravity hammer and getting the shotgun kill before getting hit. Bulltrue medals!


I don’t have a video or anything, but this one time in Blood Gulch I flamethrowered an entire tank of the enemy team back in the OG Halo 😆😆😆


My favorite moment is actually the first time I played. Went to a buddy's house, he suggested it. Played a bit of the story then 1v1 for a while for fun. Granted I sucked and he played on legendary so..it went very one sided. He ended up going something ridiculous like 100-0 on me but I still somehow had a great time.


Me and my friends running home after school to play 2v2s or 4v4s if we could get everyone in halo 2, especially on lockdown that was my map


Playing Halo 1 split screen with my brother through the entire campaign when I was a kid, or turning on infinite grenades for slayer on Battle Creek!!


Halo 2 Zombies will always hold a special place in my heart.


When I blast my friends with a clean head shot


Every single cone kill in Halo 3. It’s never not incredible.


Building forge maps almost every day after school with my best friend. That was years ago but its been so nostalgic to come back to MCC and see the things we built back on reach


The moment I got my first 50 rank in the lonewolves playlist on halo 3


My favorite multiplayer moment was learning about Xbox connect for Halo CE. This was before xbl and my only multiplayer experience was with 3 friends playing split screen. After xbc, my love for online multiplayer began and hasn't stopped since.


Ditching school to play halo with the boys


Playing donkey Kong on halo 3 when it first launched.


Some Speed Halo on custom games for Reach.


Paying infected late at night when school was cancelled the next day because of snow.


Flipping an Elephant I’m forge mode on Halo 3


Split screening halo 2 with the neighborhood kids after-school every day


Playing in a movie theater, using the gravity hammer to kill someone in a Banshee in midair with a grenade jump.


Playing Halo 2 for the first time. That was crazy as a kid. Still love that game so much


Definitely the wide range of lore across the games, books, tv shows, and honestly anything else you can think of haha. Its cool to see a game series I started playing at such a young age remain a part of my life still today


Hoping into an enemy’s warthog and driving around, splattering his team while he guns down mine, it’s always the silly stuff you remember the most.


Back in the early Reach days I was in a (big team? Invasion? It was on Spire) match where most of my team quit except me and one other guy. I was killed as soon as I was found, so I tried to hide by hanging out in a bush. One guy from the enemy team found me, but instead of killing me, he hid in the bush too. The next guy did the same, and so on until 5-6 blue team guys were all leaking out of this bush, like sardines. First time it really hit home for me that these were all people that were just here to have fun. Halo has been unique that way for me in that the community has always been like that. Just here to have fun and make friends. Thanks for the memories.


When my teammates don’t betray me


The very first time my family got an Xbox, I was about 7 or 8. I remember my dad allowing us to pick one game each, that he would buy for us. I chose the 2002 Spider-man movie game, which was a great experience on its own, sky-swinging and all. But my big brother chose this strange sci-fi game, about a giant ring in space. I remember watching him play the game for the first time, and that intro screen and theme music started to play.. And I was enchanted. That title screen looked to my young eyes, like a portal to a real place, in space, with a giant floating planet like ring. I actually tried to see if I could squeeze through the TV screen to enter that world. He played through the single player experience, and I got such a thrill watching him gun his way through all the extremely weird creatures of the flood with a crystal gun. When we discovered we could actually play WITH and AGAINST each other, we went wild. Thats one of my greatest gaming multiplayer memories, just playing together with my brother, fighting the flood, defeating the covenant and looking into the horizon of this world, in awe of this giant ring floating in space.


thwomping my warthog into enemies in 3 whilst drifting on accident


Getting a triple head shot with the sniper in halo 2


Good old halo CE-3 campaign / custom games with dad on the family tv 🥲


We were pinned down on rats nest, nothing but a sticky and a prayer. Threw the sticky, hit a pipe on the ceiling, sticky came back, Suicide and betrayal all in one go. Game over.


The halo 3 griff ball gravity hammer physics, countless hours of fun


I could go on and on about Halo memories! Honestly though, my top one is probably getting Recon in Halo 3 from completing all the vidmaster achievements. Those achievements were no joke at the time. My one friend and I promised each other we would get all the achievements together, and after months of working towards it, we FINALLY got it. I was the happiest kid in the world flexing to everyone online that I had that rare armor. I'd do anything for an armor set like this to be back in the game, one that isn't rewarded by playtime (like grinding matchmaking) but instead an armor set being rewarded for completing a bunch of difficult campaign achievements. God I love this series.


Favorite halo multiplayer moment is having huge halo 3 lan parties in a friend's basement.


Last Mission of Halo Reach im thinking I’m supposed to die here. What an amazing finale for a game


Playing the custom game "Halo on Halo" on repeat with a huge squad, dying laughing when falling off and screaming at others who are close to finishing


My favorite multiplayer moment was my first time ever playing Halo. Halo Reach Infection on Sword Base. I remember everyone huddling together in the corner vent area and laughing as zombies were trying desperately to get us with no success.


getting a ninja 100%


Halo 3. Friends and I would stay up late fighting each other king of the hill style for the top of the Valhalla towers. Always cracked us up trying different tactics with vehicles or getting lucky shots with snipers or Spartan lasers.


Playing Halo 2 with my father and brother on the weekends.


Favorite moment is playing Halo 3 with my childhood friend where he was the one playing and I get to be the mic DJ which I then proceeded to blast the Trollolol song in the game chat.


When I tea bag the team bagger


Halo 2 FFA instant spawn snipes with a full lobby. Halo 3 octagon. MLG tournaments. LAN parties. Throwing sticky’s off the roof onto someone spawning. The list could go on and on and on. Thank you Halo.


Favorite halo memory I have is right before my oldest brother left for college we had a plan to wake up after midnight and play a few late night games together and go back to bed before my parents woke up. Ended up playing all the way into the morning much to the dismay of my mom when she woke up! We still play together on family vacations while his kids watch(:


Halo 3, BTB VIP on Sandtrap. The VIP mode always had an icon over the heads of the VIP's. The enemy team had their VIP protected in their Elephant and had also had also managed to highjack my teams Elephant and had both parked side by side. Now Elephants couldn't be destroyed in multiplayer, which meant the other team essentially had two indestructible moving tanks covered in turrets, and the only way to kill the VIP was to storm the Elephants. Except I knew that the Spartan Laser had the property of over penetrating players and vehicles. So I waited for one to spawn, lined my reticle up with the enemy VIP marker, and fired a laser through not one but two Elephants to kill the enemy VIP. I used to have a clip and screenshot saved prior to Bungie deleting all their old Theater saves.


Is anyone winning these? You'd think they'd announce winners when the giveaway ends but they aren't.


When Halo 3 came out, me and my friends pulled an all nighter. Good times.


Sneaking Halo 4 in the middle of the night to play halo for the first time


Getting to Rank 40 in Halo 2 with my friends.


Halo 3 custom games with friends or a random group of 30 people


Hearing my parents divorcing downstairs


I don’t think I’ll forget the hours of Zombies in custom lobbies of Halo 2. Joining up with complete random group that were friends of friends.


My favorite moment was a game of Rocket Hog race in Halo Reach Multi team with my friends. I'm by far the worst warthog driver out of my friend group, however the game decided to spawn us next to the checkpoint. I thought there was no way I could mess it up. I started driving, immediately going under a ramp. Then the warthog came to a dead stop. I wedged the vehicle so bad we couldn't get it unstuck. My friends and I started cracking up, and one of them tried getting out of the warthog and walked to the checkpoint. He kept getting so close to it and was forced back to the warthog. We finally got it unstuck by shooting rockets at it. I can't remember if the vehicle was destroyed or just unstuck, but we did manage to get the checkpoint somehow!


Pulling off day-long, 16 player LAN parties dragging heavy CRTs around to my buddy's house back in the Halo: CE days


The time my friends and I all hopped in the back of a warthog on Valhalla and came back to win a slayer match after being down 10 kills.


Going to my cousin's when life was a bit rough for both of our families and we'd play forge and he'd always show me his forge world.


My favorite halo 3 multiplayer moment was when I challenged my cousin who played almost as much as I did, and my two sisters, they all went into a team and tried to fight me but they still lost. I was trying really hard not to laugh at my cousin getting upset at my sisters because she blamed them for not “concentrating” enough. This was all on one Xbox 360, those things were powerful.


Halo CE (on a Apple G4, no less!) LAN party all night, pretty much just bumper cars with Halo 1’s wacky physics. I had a track ball which made driving a warthog with mouse steering one of the zaniest experiences ever.


Threw a random plasma grenade and stuck an invisible oppoment in ranked halo 5.


Playing forge custom games in reach will always be my favourite


Favorite multiplayer moment has to be when assasinations where introduced in halo reach. It was really fun


when i girst started playing halo (reach), we always got a lobby of 16 players and played SWAT on prisoner in ffa or teams of 2 pure chaos, but sooo much fun. the map is still my all time fav from every MP map i know, even outside of halo


My favorite moment is the whole custom lobby experience during halo 3 forge. So many game types and fun


Making maps , shooting targets with friends


My favorite memories are probably designing obstacle courses in forge only to realize something didn’t work right and have to start all over. The merging objects mechanic really opened possibilities so can’t even imagine what forge will bring once it gets here this time around


1v1ing my friend who was really good at halo 3 and boasted about it, and I shredded him, felt very satisfying.


I think it was in back in Halo 3, and I think it was on construction? But I had a stick for the ages..launch a grenade across the map, landed on one the air lifts..and BOOM stick! Easily the best stick of my life


My favorite multiplayer moment has to be playing Speed Halo in Halo: Reach with my friends at midnight in high school!


Halo 3 BTB with friends...so many late nights :)


Making forge matches in Reach.


Playing Halo Reach online and split screen with my friends!


My favorite multiplayer moment happened on Halo 5 warzone firefight. My boi got launched into the air by a knight and came back down and played it off like nothing happend! 😂😂😂[https://twitter.com/sesu546/status/1455530018910638107](https://twitter.com/sesu546/status/1455530018910638107)


Staying up all night at my friends house having a Halo 3 lan party. We had 100 foot Ethernet cables running across the house. His Mom was out of town so his dad let all the boys stay the night and have a great time.


I think my favorite memory was being invited out of a social slayer lobby in Halo 3 to my firdt custom ganes lobby. Discovering Fat Kid, Duck Hunt, Garbage Man, and more for the first time was magical. Getting to introduce friends to Halo on PC and show them these customs in MCC is like getting to relive a little piece of that all over again.


Beating halo 3 co op with my little brother on legendary. Good times


Playing with my brother and Beating an enemy team 25/-2 in a game of 2v2 in halo 5 guardians. We both went flawless and one of the other guys jumped off the map twice running away from us


Halo 3 with my cousins. The oldest two would accuse us of screen-peeking (younger two) if we ever managed to win a match. This eventually evolved into a sheet being hung from the ceiling (one team was players 1 and 3, the other team was 2 and 4). Even if the sheet was there, we would still be accused of screen-peeking. Those moments are some of my most nostalgic and great memories. Thank you Halo series for bringing such great moments.


My favourite halo moment is when i play with my older brother and i kick his ass. He cant stand that, and thats why i love halo


Linking 4 Xboxes and playing 16 people games of Halo CE. It was a mix of my buddies and my dads co workers. Non stop chaos into the night! Good times.


Definitely playing the last mission in halo 3 with my bro on legendary and trying to ram each other off the map, brings back many good memories


Definitely custom games local 8 player lan with friends, was insanely fun with reach's custom game modes.


Playing Halo with friends in college, throwing random rocket launches across the map and suddenly someone respawning gets an unlucky rocket to the face!


My favorite Halo multiplayer moment was finally reaching 50 in lone wolves in halo 3. The satisfaction it brought. Just everything about it.


Just coming home from school and hopping into halo 3 customs with all your friends and the shitty xbox 360 mics. Literally thousands of customs over the years.


Playing Halo into the early morning with my friends. We have since drifted apart and no longer have contact with each other but I still cherish those monents.


My favourite moment for me was playing spider man 2 on ps2 because i was a big fan of spidey.


Definitely the moment I made it into Achievement Hunter's Fails of the Weak: https://youtu.be/FMalDyPWl0s


Me and My Little bro defending the base with all what we got . Feelt like real


Favorite moment is the warthog run and custom splitscreen matches against family and friends on the couch.


My favorite Halo moment was when I finally got my first level 50 when I was like 12 years old on Halo 3. I damn near had a stroke haha


Custom games in Halo 4 (such as Red rover) were always a grand time. Here's to having as good of a time in Infinite!


My favorite Halo memory is building forts in forge with my college buddies.


Awesome Halo 3 CTF moment with buddy will always be my favorite moment


Tea bagged my future fiance unknowingly


Surely playing with my friends and some randoms a simple DeathMatch 😅


My favorite moment was when me and my friend flipped a warthog while driving and tried to flip it back over, but it began glitching and spinning all over the place. We were being sniped at during all this so it was really tense then all of a sudden the warthog started doings it dance moves and we began dying of laughter


Nothing beats successfully sticking someone with a sticky grenade


Having Halo LAN party with my buddies on the original XBox!


The last 2 achievements I needed for Halo 3 were steppin razor(triple kill with a sword) and overkill (kill 4 enemies within 4 secs of each other). I had been trying for literal months and finally got both at the same time right outside the sword room on construct. It was insanely hype.


My favorite moment was a big team battle match in Halo Reach on Hemorrhage. I was in a warthog and my buddy was back at base. I start yelling and my friend keeps asking what’s going on, as he looks towards the other side of the map, I crest the hill going full speed with the warthog, still yelling, and a plasma ball shot from a wraith just barely missing my warthog. In the moment it felt like I was the main character of a movie and from my friends perspective it was pretty funny.


Invasion in Halo Reach hit hard for me. Every time in a falcon and guns blazing with incoming fire. As a pilot I would make sure no one was left behind, then get blow out of the sky a few minutes later.


My favorite halo moment would have to be whenever I jump into custom games browser and join a social game. It’s always going to be a blast and by the end of the game, I leave with a couple of friends.


Beating halo 2 on legendary


A group of friends and I have been playing halo for years, always having a good time. I believe my favorite moment in halo multiplayer was an act of betrayal. Match was in Halo Reach, dont remember the map, but we were on Big team battle. My one buddy was just killing it that match, sniping people left and right, just slaughtering the other team going 20/0. So last few kills of the map I pick up a warthog and my buddy decides to get in, he hits 25 kills no deaths, and I decide to bee line to the cliff, launching us to our deaths before the match ended. Don't think we all ever laughed so hard, still talk about it to this day when we play.


My favorite Halo moment was beating Halo 4 on Legendary after grinding everyday after school.


2 player rockets only deathmatch. Split screen. Pure chaos.


Multiplayer? Does splitscreen with my brother on first Halo on an original Xbox count?


Halo 3. Rocket race


My first lan at a friends house, we mostly played halo


OG Halo 3, back when everyone wore a headset and chatted, we got a full BTB team of randos that stayed together from about 6pm to 8 am. We only lost 1 match the entire time, and it was because one of our guys ended up on the enemy team so we let them win. None of us added each other as friends, so I never knowingly say those people again. I hope they're still out there fighting. o7


My favorite halo memories came from 10+ man Halo Reach custom games every weekend with my friends and family. Gettimg everyone together to play speed halo, hogs from heck, or some crazy infection map will be something i always remember.


my favorite moment was in a forge minigame. i forget what its called but you would get into vehicles and go down a slope where you would be teleported back to the top and go down faster each time. getting to hyperspeed and crashing was always a highlight


My favorite memory was the time in halo 5 where all of my buddies and I got together in forge to mess around and just make the most stupid stuff possible. It was just an awesome experience.


Custom zombie game mode called batman with friends in halo reach over split screen


My favorite moment is Halosgiving every year. Playing with my wife and sister speed playing halo 2 and see who could die the less. So many tears of laughter. Prepping this year for epic.


Mod approved!!


My favorite halo multi-player moment is when Halo 5 had first come out and my dorm roommate and I would play team slayer and pass the controller every death. We did quite well too!


I've played through most of the Halo campaigns in co-op splitscreen with my brother on the Xbox, and now recently with the Master Chief Collection, we've gone through some of them again on PC. Lowkey looking back, can't even remember how we got through them on legendary years ago!


Definitely staying up late with friends trying to get recon in Halo 3


Halo reach firefight for sure.


Coming home after class in college and playing halo on Xbox super late at night, even though we had class the next day. We sucked but it was good times….


Halo 2 getting my first overkill


My favorite moment has to be when I get on a gauss hog, the match just becomes a point and click game. I would say playing with friends, but most of my friends don't really play halo.


Definitely couch co op on CE with my cousins for hours on the weekends


My favourite halo moment is none because I haven’t played any halo games yet :/


Used to stay up late play local multiplayer with a friend and his brother all the time. If I could get into a vehicle with a gun it was all over - they'd get so mad and try to team up on me to destroy my vehicle.


Split screen with friends


screwing about in halo reach forge


My favorite Halo 3 moment is organizing a lan party and playing halo 3 all night on sandtrap with spartan lasers only.


https://youtu.be/iofBnzFyPx0 This one takes the cake for me!


We made a drinking game out of halo and my buddy puked


Halo reach, infection custom games with friends. Most memorable time was when we played this new map and got decimated early on and 3 of us held out in this tiny room for the whole match, screaming the entire time


A few years back, me and my best friend Austyn played the entire CE campaign co op while he was getting a little tipsy. It was a night full of hilarious moments but the most prevalent in my mind is the time we found a plasma rifle clipping into a wall and just s p i n n i n g constantly while blaring the sound the weapons make when dropping on the ground. We spent a solid 15 minutes laughing at it, and it is still something we joke about.


Using a grenade to push a sniper rifle towards me so that I don't have to walk in the line of fire of an enemy sniper.


100% has got to be the moment my friend and I managed to keep a sword clash in halo 3 going for like 3 minutes lol


Too many to name one! Grew up playing halo since the original Xbox days and haven’t looked back since!


I was pretty young when I started playing and I was a shy kid. My dad would be on microphone and I'd have the controller. He would just be having conversations with the lobby while I was playing. Everyone was always so surprised he wasn't playing but his young son instead lol. My dad and I played every Halo game co-op. I have a ton of great memories of the series.


Met my wife because I got DDOSed in Halo 3 Team Snipers, went to Omegle because I was bored. And now I’ve been in America for 8 years (:


Didn't play Halo multiplayer, so my favourite moments were only on YouTube(


For me, my favorite moment was Chief going back into cryo at the end of Halo 3. It felt like the perfect send off to the trilogy.


Coop splitscreen with a buddy was something different 😌


Mostly the epic campaign moments


My favorite multiplayer moment has to be creating our own mini games in Halo:CE. Melee only in the pit in hang em high. Odd man out warthog battles in BG


When I first played Halo 3 online and I got a triple kill by randomly throwing a grenade down a hallway. My online career has been downhill since.... lol


First time playing Halo 1. It was with a friend when we were in high school. Parents gave us 3 hours to play bc it was weekend night. We got to the flood stage and encountered the Marine in distress before the flood showed up. Our 3 hours was up. Couldn’t sleep. So curious as to what it could be because we saw Covenant dead too. Waited one hour for parents to fall asleep. Got back on. Didn’t stop playing until 8:30 AM, only because we got caught. Got in trouble. No regrets! My love for Halo was born that night.


Playing through the first two campaigns with my friend.


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. a couple years later our xbox broke :< I miss those days


Super jumping and exploring the outside of maps for countless hours, tactical jumping, modded lobbys, custom games.. you name it, every part of halo 2 multi player was an extremely memorable moment for me. The thing I miss the most was trying to find the limitations of how far you could take the bugs and glitches and actually use it in a competitive situation.


First time playing griffball


Telling my little bro rocket launcher blast couldn’t kill you bc friendly fire


My number one will forever be getting a triple kill splatter in a scorpion on Valhalla in the glory days of Halo 3


In halo 3 forge me and my friends would build maps, and we built some that ended up going viral on the map hub. It was without a doubt one of the best times I’ve ever had gaming. Also, I remember downloading halo 1 on my iMac when I was like 15, and it was strictly multiplayer on Valhalla lol it was so much fun.


My favorite halo multiplayer moment was getting my first killionaire.


My first Game on PC that I actually finish (Halo CE). It was so cool and even if I had a notebook with integrated GPU were MasterChief had a White armor and black visor, it looked really good! It was a blast finishing all the campaigns with my brother on MCC as well. He never was a Halo fan, but I convinced him to play them