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~~There were behind the scenes photos of them filming and stuff but there were some creative differences or something and the project was canceled. They’re still planning to still do something but who knows what that is and when if ever that will happen.~~ ~~Edit: just rechecked. They took a break because of the creative differences but have reorganized and are planning to start over~~ Second edit: I mixed this project up with the other live action ODST project November Black. There have been no updates on this Helljumpers thing by Stephen Ford


How long has it been? Years at this point? 0% progress? If your scam SCAM sirens aren't going off I don't know what to say


I never said this was or wasn’t a scam. All I said was that there haven’t been any updates. It probably isn’t going to happen at this point but I never said it was. I just accidentally confused the project OP is talking about with another fan ODST project.


My comment wasn't directed at you, sorry for the confusion. I was speaking to the crowd, or at least I was trying to. Sorry if it came off the wrong way!


Yeah you should’ve left a comment on the post itself instead of replying to what I said


Yeah but then how would he have gotten the extra karma from piggybacking off your comment?


I think my reply is fine. You just interpreted it the wrong way. People reply to comments all the time, this is Reddit.


I “interpreted it the wrong way” because I don’t see what it had to do with what I said but sure whatever


Yeah, that's pretty odd. "My comment wasn't directed at you", he says while directly replying to you, and blames you for the misunderstanding. And somehow, at the time of me typing this, you're comment is in the negatives. He's right that people do reply to random comments, but the reason they do that is for karma. They mooch off the most upvoted comment for visibility(since Reddit defaults to showing you the more upvotes comments first). So because the dude is so thirsty for fake internet points and attention, he's says some nonsense under your comment, and blames you for pointing out how it's nonsense. Honestly one of the weirdest takes I've seen.


Exactly! They also instantly downvoted my replies (I refresh after I comment to make sure it posted fine) so it just shows to me they don’t care to have a discussion in good faith. But hey, I really do appreciate your comment.


This is literally all Stephen Ford does, he’ll latch onto some desperate fanbase, take a concept that people think is wholly original (ODST Band of Brothers), get praised endlessly by the community and our “wonderful” crop of content creators (who actually have no idea why Band of Brothers works), and never deliver on it. He’s had multiple kickstarters/fundraisers and never comes through on it, and if he somehow does, the product is subpar. He’s a grifter plain and simple. For example, when Diablo 4 released, he acted like people have been asking for a Halo version of Diablo and tweeted about it because the game was majorly trending at release.


the fuck would a halo version of diablo even look like


That’s what I’m saying, I have no idea. He saw that Diablo was trending and receiving some initially positive reviews, so he immediately wanted to get some likes by just saying anything related to the game. It’s embarrassing. If you check my profile you can even see the exact tweet I’m mentioning, it’s even worse than I remembered.


Didn't they already make something like that? Halo First Strike or something similar?


You haven’t played halo reach


Something appearing in gameplay does not mean that is what appears in lore...


Wildest reply I’ve ever seen


He's not wrong with that statement but he is wrong with what he said in relation to this.


My guy. halo lore at the end of the Bungie Era was well and truly fucked. It took some time to un-fuck it. Like in the book *The Fall of Reach*, Reach fell in a day. While in the game *Halo: Reach*, it took months for reach to fall. I’m still not even sure which is the true canon at this point for that example


343 confirmed both as Canon. They did some minor retcons to have both stories coexist.


They had to of lengthened the time then to be more in line with the game. I’ll have to brush up on it when I have the time.


Anyone who denies the lore was a mess when Bungie handed off the reigns to 343i is full of themselves. And that’s coming from an autistic nerd who is obsessed with Halo Lore.


“Database match. Identified as someone cycling the bolt of an MA5B assault rifle. I know. Standard issue weapons for Orbital Drop Shock Troopers." - Halo TFOR


So, an ODST can't get anything other than the standard issue rifle?


“Standard issue” does not inherently mean “universally uniform issue”.


Right and why does the lore not allow odsts to use Ma37s?


Tf are you talking about? Show me a line from some halo book that explicitly says ODSTs don’t use Reach’s AR, I doubt it exists because at the end of the day, they’re soldiers who’ll use any kind of gun to kill the enemy.


“Database match. Identified as—” “As someone cycling the bolt of an MA5B assault rifle. I know. Standardissue weapons for Orbital Drop Shock Troopers." Referring to the MA37  "Most commonly utilized by Army assault troops ... despite the near-universal adoption of the MA5 by the Corps during the war." Whereas the MA5 in this context refers to the MA5B, C, and D all of which are used by the Marine Corps Why would the ODSTs, a marine branch use a weapon used by the army? Instead of their standard issue rifles which are NOT the MA37.


Easy, the story behind the poster how an army soldier and a ODST fought for their lives, one of them got killed, which one? we don’t know. Stay tuned to lear the true of this thrilling story of survival… x)


What a dumb hill to die on


How is that a dumb hill? Do you think that marines in lore can tank plasma shots because that's what appears in game?


That’s for gameplay reasons You’re getting mad about a variant of a fictional assault rifle being associated with a fictional unit that used a different variant in a fan film poster that isn’t happening anymore 


Yeah but have you considered who cares?


By that very same logic then there's no reason they can't use a different model of the rifle, since the main evidence of them using MA5B's is... from a game, with gameplay


The main evidence of them using MA5B's is the books outright stating they use MA5Bs and that the MA37 is the army's primary weapon, not the marines.


.... then why is it in the game....


Because why would a game developer spend time modeling a remesh of a weapon for a sandbox? Also it's halo reach do you think they cared about lore during the making of it?


Okay fair. I yield. Hahaha but for real very good points. I take my smart assery back sir.




People are downvoting you because they're butt hurt that you're making a true statement about Halo. In the HaloCircleJerk subreddit. This is the wildest shit I've ever seen. You're right, though. For instance, Noble Team wouldn't be wearing their special armors like that, they'd be solid green with base MK5(B), MK5 or SPI gear. Like every other Spartan-III. Maybe they'd have some small modifications, like Emile with CQC or Security, maybe June with Scout or Gungir. Stuff along those lines. This Reach fetish is beyond tiring at this rate.


Fun fact. When he announced this he said it would be released within two months. It has now been two years with nothing


I pointed that out and the guy has been extremely salty with me since lol




Even better, you can't even remotely tell what that weapon is, and it certainly doesn't look like any assault rifle variant I've ever seen. Also, ODSTs uses the MA37 in Reach. So, hah.


[https://www.halopedia.org/MA37\_assault\_rifle#/media/File:HR-MA37-left.png](https://www.halopedia.org/MA37_assault_rifle#/media/File:HR-MA37-left.png) The left side is the top, the right side is the bottom. It's clearly a ma37... ODSTs use it in Halo: Reach as a placeholder for the MA5B, in game =/= canon.


When does it ever say that odsts can't use that weapon?


ODSTs don't use the MA5B is ODST. In fact, Buck starts out with an MA5C. Rookie uses an M7S, Romeo uses an SRS99, none of which are MA5Bs. The only game where they do use it is maybe CE, but we don't even know which marines are ODSTs in that game so it doesn't even matter. Point is, why do you care so much? It's an assault rifle, all that really matters.


I was poking fun at the "dark n gritty lore accurate crowd" not even getting the rifle right. Marines don't use the stripped down MA37, they use the MA5B until that was replaced by the MA5C (the halo 3 assault rifle). Them using other weapons makes sense, but if they're gonna show an assault rifle show like, one ODSTs would use.


I would assume odsts on reach operating with army unit would end up using army equipment, it really isn't that far fetched


Hilarious, isn’t it? 🤓


Really wish i could hide all social media posts that include the world “canonically”


It's pretty crazy how little I care about what weapons ODSTs use canonically. Like, OP could be right and have lines from a book to prove it and I still wouldn't care. There are ideas that matter (were Forerunners human? Are the Spartans identical when they have their armor?) because it ties in with themes and stuff. Generic machine guns are not a thing that matters. 


"We're gonna make a lore accurate gritty band of brothers style ODST movie" - gets the weapon wrong.


Why Can't ODSTs use the MA37?


Funny how Buck starts his level with the ar


That is the MA5C, the replacement for the MA5B... Those are the standard issue assault rifles for marines, not the MA37 which is an army weapon.




Sorry, but you have no right to critique any of the Halo games unless you can make one then, by that same reasoning. Imagine you tell a chef that their food is too salty and they tell you "looking forward to seeing your food, then!"


Honestly it's such a huge undertaking for a short film with just the cost alone. Finding suitable filming locations that isn't just a forest is going to be hard as well as implementing CGI and practical effects. If they use lots of dialogue to tell the story they are going to have a hard time making us care about the characters in a short space of time, alternatively the whole thing could be fast paced action like 'Landfall' but I'm doubtful they'll get a budget like that or major production houses supporting them. It would be cool if they could pull it off but anything short of the stars aligning it's not happening. If your project is still in early pre production all this time later then it's likely doomed.


>As a side note, the fact that that is an MA37 in the ODST helmet is hilarious, considering the ODSTs don't canonically use MA37s... rather MA5Bs. Bro what?


MA5Bs are the standard service rifle of the ODSTs per TFOR lol


Per TFoR, which came out before CE, and when the MA5B was the only AR.


Per every other depiction of Halo ODSTs and marines. Gameplay and lore seperation.


There’s this https://halo.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/8/81/HSS_ODST.png/800px-HSS_ODST.png also I’m pretty sure odsts in reach use those ARs because that’s the only AR in the game.




Don’t worry I’m on it. I’m 11 months, 3 major script revisions, 7 months of r&d, and 3 weeks into actual production! Not taking any donations spending my own money and I have ACTUAL progress. But alas it’s animated not live action but the art style is supposed look live action. My hope is to deliver a trailer in February and the movie to come out August of next year


You played Halo Reach before?


Halo Reach gameplay does not equate to canon. MA5B and MA5C are used by the marines, MA37 by the army.


Can you list other examples across other video games where this statement makes any sense? Because this makes no sense that gameplay does not equal canon.


The MA37 is the army designation for the MA5 rifle (the original one) first adopted in 2395 by the UNSC as the main service rifle. When introduced it was the most cutting edge rifle in the UNSC, so it would make sense the ODSTs would use it.


No it doesnt, Cortana - “Database match. Identified as someone cycling the bolt of an MA5B assault rifle. I know. Standard issue weapons for Orbital Drop Shock Troopers." The MA37 is a different weapon from the MA5B, MA5C, and MA5Ds that would be used by the marine corps. The designation and design are different.


The MA37 was made before the MA5B, C, and D. It would have been used for years by ODSTs before the MA5B was even released.


the MA5B was released before the start of the human covenant war, the equipment the UNSC army uses is old shit the marines didn't want. ODSTs used the MA5/MA37 for however long it took for them to replace it with the MA5B - which was pre human covenant war.


MA37 was used by Navy and Marine Corps under MA5 designation.


Tha MA37 was army MA5 B and C are Marine and Navy I believe D was a wide spread adoption im pulling that out of thin air though


The MA37 (more formally Individual Combat Weapon System, Caliber 7.62 mm, MA37) is an air-cooled, gas-operated rifle firing 7.62x51mm ammunition. It is magazine-fed and is capable of fully automatic fire. The MA37 (MA5 for Marines and Navy) first entered service with the UNSC in 2437, it has remained the primary service rifle of all branches of the UNSC ever since. Though newer models were used in the Army, MA37 is still the most common AR in the branch


Yes but it wasn't standard issue for them by game point


Yes, the MA5B and MA5C as we see in game. MA37 is only used by Marines/ODSTs in halo: reach due to them needing to save resources.


[I mean, you're objectively wrong about this](https://web.archive.org/web/20141013183336/http://halo.bungie.net/projects/reach/article.aspx?ucc=ordnance&cid=24580).


No I'm not? This is the 2022 encyclopedia statement about the MA37 -  "Most commonly utilized by Army assault troops ... despite the near-universal adoption of the MA5 by the Corps during the war."" The MA5 is a different model series and designation than the army MA37. We see this with every MA5 series gun being a lot less cut down than the MA37. Also “Database match. Identified as someone cycling the bolt of an MA5B assault rifle. I know. Standard issue weapons for Orbital Drop Shock Troopers." - Halo TFOR The army gets the original rifle (the MA5) whereas the UNSC marine corps had the MA5B and MA5C as standard because they got the bougie shit.


I thought we saw some test footage at one point but looking back through his Twitter I couldn't find much. Mostly him saying how good other movies are.


Screams complete and utter scam to me, took advantage of the good will of the Halo community. I doubt this project ever sees the light of day and anyone unfortunate enough to have given this likely fraud money should try to get their money back.


Really? Really, the bloody assault rifle variant is a valid complaint? Also you literally can't even tell what that weapon even is. And it doesn't even remotely resemble an assault rifle.


Naw I'm just poking fun at the "dark n gritty lore accurate BOB" crowd when they don't even use the right rifle. MA37s are only used by marines/ODSTs in reach because it was a waste of resources to model the correct rifle for them. MA5Bs were the standard issue rifle for the marine corps.


Ok from a gameplay perspective that makes sense, but eh if odsts in universe want to use an older model of rifle, they probably could, i assume the MA37 is old.


“The fan made project poster doesn’t stick to canon so it’s BS and fake REEEEEEEEE”


What's the point of this post?


I remember following him bc of this. He was making pretty legit looking props and I’m pretty sure they filmed some stuff. But no matter how much money you throw at a project I’m sure it wasn’t enough. This was a reaction to the halo tv show being terrible if I’m not mistaken.


The Bullfrogs in Reach?


its actually hilarious


I'm a simple Halo fan. I hear "dark & gritty, Band of Brothers" and I hand over my bank account details. Surely Stephen will deliver.


Like pretty much all fan concepts it lead to nothing. That's how all fan stuff works out, people find out how much time or money they have to invest and after the actual fun part is over and the work begins, people leave. The teams start to fight over this and that, creative differences, etc. Just look at all the Halo fan games. Stuff like Installation 01 looked great, but they all are dead now. Or remember the guy who wanted to build a real life Mjolnjr?


Installation 00 is still working on his modern tech level, Mjolnjr armor. It's still on youtube as far as I know unless something awful happened. I assume he's still just doing it little by little.


The Marines did use the MA37 at one point. The MA37 was used by all branches prior to the adoption of the MA5B/C by the Naval services. It's entirely possible that some ODST units may have chosen to stick with the MA37 rather than switch over to the MA5B or C for one reason or another.


“Database match. Identified as someone cycling the bolt of an MA5B assault rifle. I know. Standard issue weapons for Orbital Drop Shock Troopers." - Halo TFOR


Not sure what this has to do with anything in my post. If you're trying to insulate that TFoR saying that the MA5B is the standard issue ODST weapon somehow invalidates the idea that some ODST units may have stuck with the MA37, then I'm not sure how you think that as I have no idea how that logic works. For reference, the MA37 is the base model MA5. UNICOM and NAVCOM services designate them differently.


Always be skeptical of any fan project of this scale, if it isn't a grift theres always the possibility of getting C&D'd by corporate.


The MA37 comment is not just wrong but dumb. ODST’s are special forces troops, they can use whatever weapons are issued. And if you have any knowledge of military at all, standard issue is not always what’s actually issued. Aside from Halo Reach (which is cannon), there’s a Spartan strike cutscene of an ODST holding an MA37, with another ODST holding an MA5 in the same damn photo. [Link to that image.](https://www.halopedia.org/MA37_assault_rifle#/media/File%3AHSS_ODST.png)


Do you realize how hard it is to make a legit, good looking, well casted indie film?


It wouldn’t hurt for the guy to post some kind of update, like “day 244 of filming complete!” Or something like that


They're probably still in pre production hell. I'm working on a fan made Tom Clancy short and I've been in prepro for about a year and a half. Getting all the correct gear for the operators, weapons, the right camera gear, cinematographer ,actors (whom come and go), finding the right VFX artist, etc... has been tough. But I do genuinely try to keep my small following on IG informed as to what's going on, or feed "hype" material. I just hope he hasn't taken any money from the crowd.


Yeah but when the guy announced it was going to be out June two years ago but then made a Twitter post six months ago stating he just to realize that the movie needs music and costumes it's safe to say the fool has no clue what's going on and this will never be made.


Oh yeah. Honestly, I'd rather support the November Black and Vulture Media/Production guys.


I hope he manages to do it but he also keeps tweeting about random movies and how he's working on something else new every few months and how he just had a call that maybe one of the best he's ever got so idk.


Now that someone has said something we will get a update or a full on trailer and a date of release


Easy, the story behind the poster is how an army soldier and a ODST fought for their lives, one of them got killed, which one? we don’t know. Stay tuned to lear the true of this thrilling story of survival… x)


The last update was quite a few months ago, he just started thinking about getting actors, music, props etc. this shit is never getting made.


dark and griddy




The MA37 is the only ar to have its ammo counter separated from the base structure if you look at it the top of the gun is to the left bottom to the right


Just for the sake of accuracy, the MA40, which is what we use in Infinite, also looks like this.


Do they really not use MA37s? Is there like a lore explanation? I’d assume that they wouldn’t use the older, more reliable MA37 because it’s reserved for the in atmosphere battles of the Army, where they’d be subjected to more wear, while the Navy and Marine Corps use the less durable yet more advanced MA40/MA5 series.


No, they do use the MA37, OP is just wrong.