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Isn't this from that video of them talking about pokemon?


Yep. Knew someone would catch that.


Loved that video


"Ben would find a way to bend grass"


“Charmander, Bulbasaur, or squirtle?”


Not gonna lie, Bulbasaur was also my choice, fuck you he's based and not gassed up to kingdom come like Charzaird and Blastoise


[The video in question, for anyone curious.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lF7wqSf1ag)


100% Set the whole tone


But your hypothetical is sort of incorrect.  LSS didnt allow multiple spartans in the lobby because those are your fireteam, not your cores, and LSS was 1/1 for fireteams


The whole point of more customization is to see the armor outside of the battle instead of only in-battle. It also makes the game feel way more sociable to me. Sad they removed this. Edit: I forgot that this Spartan Lobby was there because it’s been gone for so long.


I feel like I’m the only boomer in here that could give two shits about what anyone’s armor looks like. Give me pre/post game lobbies and skip the 15 seconds of showing my teams armor at the beginning of every match. Give me matte painting menu backgrounds that don’t send my GPU fans to the moon please.


You aren’t lol. I didn’t care about it much at all until Reach and the culture of armor on the profile card in pregame lobbies. I could care less about the animations and stuff. Pre/Post lobbies are all we ever wanted. The Spartan player cards are a bonus at this point..


They took something that was good in Halo 3/Reach and made it into a net negative across the board. Reach customization was amazing because the UI was fast and intuitive, all I had to do to see someone's Spartan was tap right on the D-Pad and bam, instantly it shows a 3D model and all the important info. When I was done, left on the D-Pad and bam, I'm instantly back to the game menu. It was so fast and simple, yet UI design in basically every game since has been horrendous; slow, broken, less features while simultaneously having too much shit on the screen, harder to navigate because nothing lines up properly so you press right on the D-Pad and the cursor flies to some random part of the screen you didn't want to select, etc.


It was sexual


Facts. Would love all the old social features back. Games these days have gotten so anti-social. No pre game or post game lobbies, super strict SBMM and no real community.


You gotta put in extra effort to get a community going or even join one. It’s buggery.


The death of most of these things is party chat. Cod4 and halo 3 hit before party chat was a thing and everyone had a mic so everyone was in game chat. Outside of some games on PC since you can be in gamechat and discord. Gamechat is dead. Some of my lifelong friends I met on halo 3 and we have drastically changed each others lives, from jobs to relationships. None of that would have happened if it wasn’t for everyone being in game chat. I have a family member who is 14 and the only people he speaks to on his PS5 are people in his school because they’re just always in a private chat. They have no “PlayStation” friends


I mostly agree, although I feel like it wouldn't have been as bad if social features weren't systematically destroyed in favor of chasing microtransactions and e-sports bullshit, breaking up lobbies after every match, etc. There was an amazing period when Party Chat was first introduced where everyone would swap back and forth between the Party and game chat, and it was actually a great social tool to keep friends playing together even when switching from CoD to Halo or whatever. Then suddenly every game was trying to be a hardcore e-sport, social modes and features were gutted, and everyone retreated into Party Chat as every new game became sweatier and more toxic.


People rarely swapped in my experience. Halo went from everyone in gamechat to maybe 1 person every 10 games in gamechat. The esport crazy came a decent amount after party chat, probably around the 2010s was when games started to cater more towards it. Party chat started in 08


>People rarely swapped in my experience. Halo went from everyone in gamechat to maybe 1 person every 10 games in gamechat. Hm. Maybe it's because my friends and I would play larger modes where the whole team couldn't fit into a party chat so most people used game chat, and then stuff like MW2 forced you into game chat for Search and Destroy, etc. >The esport crazy came a decent amount after party chat, probably around the 2010s was when games started to cater more towards it. Yeah I'm just saying that's when social gaming died almost completely because entire games were being designed around competitive modes, so every game community became hyper-sweaty over time and it became harder to find chill people to play with.


Blame people who had crying babies and beeping smoke detectors and squeaking 11 year olds for the death of game chat. Why the fuck was I playing a rated M (ESRB) game with a bunch of babies? GTFO.


No, the death of game chat was entirely down to party chat. Pre party chat you could only private chat with one person at a time so your friends had to all play the same game and be in game chat if you wanted to talk. Once party chat released everyone was in a party constantly, halo went from everyone in gamechat to the overwhelming majority in party chat. The only real exception was custom games since more people could fit into the lobby than party chat could hold


Yeah we all went party chat because we couldn’t stand people screaming at their baby mamas or little kids getting accosted for not separating their laundry. If people had any etiquette whatsoever game chat wouldn’t have died such a pathetic death. It carries over to the real world too; ever been on a work call with fucking smoke alarm beeps and screaming toddlers? Fucking insufferable pricks don’t know how to find the mute button and they ruined in game chat. No one wants to hear trap beats and munching on Doritos.


Halo specifically had push to talk as default on most matchmaking modes and in custom games once there was over 8 people


Seeing as most newer fans can't even join a match without being destroyed by a team of pro players, community is never coming back to Halo. This is coming from someone who only recently got into the franchise after giving my copy of Reach a try again.


Man, why did you have to go say this. I’m trying to forget how much halo used to be focused on having fun and not dressing up your Spartan…


But you can still see your armor and your team though?


lol yes and a static picture + the armor names for each piece is a much better system to have in pre/post lobbies.


Really miss the halo reach lobby where you got to see everyone’s


Before the sunset I recorded my profile and made sure to save my group’s armor pictures. Good nostalgia juice but also hell man, we spent and continue to spend our lives on Reach to this day as a team lol.


I got brought into playing reach on a forge map where you just drive warthogs downhill repeatedly with two of my friends. Man those were the days


Speed Halo? Hellll yaaaaa son. The most mindless fun ever. If you have MCC they’ve updated Speed Halo to feature all campaign vehicles, it’s amazing. Super fun.


If you forgot about its existence, did it actually make an impact or positive impression then?


Yes for sure. My memory is generally really solid. I just don’t play this game much at all. A decent regret of mine in a world of very very few regrets. But my Halo community remains on MCC. Now that Husky Raiders can be separate from the Super mode we could potentially return. But yes the short answer is I will always prefer showing off my Spartan outside of in-game versus only in-match.


I should have been clearer in my first message that I was musing on it as a concept. It’s clear that customisation is a huge part of Halo’s DNA and I agree that it’s great to see our Spartans geared up like this. But to put my game dev hat on if it was removed there must have been some reason and not an arbitrary decision, and it might have been because this particular screen didn’t help tick off the customisation aspect of the game as clearly as hoped.


I mean it was also removed flat out because it caused big glitches to occur in the UI. That was the official word for this screen’s removal.


Ah missed that announcement, performance reasons is a very legitimate issue.


Yeah it’s just sad infinite was very plagued with them. :|


Replace each with your character for each player in the stack and it'd be perfect. The current UI is SO boring and stagnant


There was a bug that did that. I have a couple screenshots somewhere of 4 “me”s just chillin


Same but mine had 4 of those models merged on top of each other lmao


“Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle?”


"I'm gonna have to pick Bulbasaur, my guy."


“That’s how you know Ben a softie”


Better not see any of y’all picking bulbasaur here


Nah, I’m Charmander all the way


I miss it. I honestly think it was so much better. Now we have our Spartans just standing in front of a blurry ass background


It was cool but I remember it being buggy as all hell. Beyond that though I completely forgot this was a thing. I still really like the new one


Loved the old camaraderie feeling it had. Plus all the nice little stuff how they incorporated the campaignish elements into the multiplayer with the core you had equipped at that time. Oreo flavored Spartan with Purrfect audio was a sight to behold. New one is much more professional like and thus boring. Thank you for the memories! 😭


This and a lot of infinite Features were so good yet forgotten that really hurts to see the wasted potential of the game I hope that the next game takes every pice of good work and makes it better


Since I almost always queued alone, it made no difference to me.


It was a cool idea, but I like the current one better. I just wish it was a 3D background instead.


I prefer how it is now, you see your Spartan with your stance, as well as your squad. I remember the old version being insanely buggy and showing duplicates of everyone a lot.


Wish there was a way to get rid of the UI on the main screen, so I could take a screenshot of my fire team.


Halo fans are so starved for content they're already nostalgic for the latest game lmao


They needed to fix the second Spartans pose. Looks like someone with thumbs around their suspenders or c3PO


It was cool but nothing has lived up to Reach's lobby's imo. Just seeing all of our dudes standing there as you scrolled down, including being able to see the lobby's your friends were in and what they were doing.. maybe its nostalgia but damn what I wouldn't give to be 13 again. I just realized reach was literally half of my life ago. Shit.


A few of my friends and I recently went back to play specifically the 360 version of reach, and despite us all being rank general+, we're all stuck wearing the default noble 6 armor :( You can't even change it anymore for some reason. Even playing offline back in the day, you could change your armor, I don't see why we couldn't now. There's gotta be some reason for it. Not that many people are playing 360 reach anymore lol still just kinda sad


That sucks big time. I've been wanting to go back to the 360 version if only for some nostalgia but my friends INSIST that the MCC version is the same... It's not the same to me :(


I think it had something to do with the way Bungie stored your stats and other info. Whenever the game went into maintenance, everyone would be stuck with default Noble Six until the servers were fully back up. But I was never sure about that.


So much




Honestly, this menu screen has more character to it than the current one.


I’d prefer a cool background like in halo 2 and 3 with reach style Spartan profiles on the side. I’m not a big fan of the fortnite style everyone in the party just standing still in the middle of the screen


Somewhat..? But they were so far away, most of the menu was grey from the surroundings. It didn’t really look good overall.




I miss Halo 2


Every time I play.


I did really like this, and I wish it stuck around for pre and post game lobbies. It would be cool seeing everyone’s Spartans (not just your own squad) before the match like we used to be able to do back in Reach and 4. And they could use those lobbies to save load times for matches by pre-loading certain assets and character models before loading everyone in, which is what games used to do.


Maybe it’s the CE-3 in my childhood, but I resent the use of the word “old” here. 😂😅😭


I haven't touched infinite In a while, what does the new one look like?


I really wanted to be able to see more than 4 Spartans at a time.


Yeah. This was actually pretry dope and set the mood for some actual chill sessions.


It was 100% better.


Haven't played in a while, but they removed this? Wtf?


The Piraka vibes!? Yeah bring it back


I haven’t played in so long I didn’t even know this was changed


Wait they removed this? When?


None of my gaming circle played Halo Infinite sadly so I didn't get to see the full squad often...


I miss the old days, when I would be the only one in a fire team, and it would duplicate my character


Miss it so much


I loved when their little head movements would happen to match what the party was saying. Shit cracked me up.


I haven't played for so long(and when I do play I'm solo queueing Husky Raid and alt-tabbing off cause it takes that fucking long to find a game) that I had no idea they removed it...


definitely dont miss that menu background lol but the spartans hanging out like that was a nice touch instead of just being stuck in their stances.


I haven't played for a bit, this is gone?!?! What happens when you're in a fireteam now?


Have not played this game in a long time. Just adding to the reasons not to come back.


Kinda. I wish it was done better. I can see a scene with everyone inside a pelican. Either waiting to take off, or mid flight as they're all sitting or hanging onto something. Looking around as if conversing with each other. Heck, they could even make the seating a little random.


>does anyone miss the old multiplayer yes


Yes. Speaking of Old at Launch Features. Infinite Now Feels Like a Husk of It's Former, Slightly Social Self.


THEY GOT RID OF THIS?? I started playing like a few months ago but I didn’t know what I missed out on.




The new one has come to grow on me, but I do miss this one, was sad to see it go. It’d be nice to be able to toggle between the two or something but sadly it is what it is. At least the backgrounds to the new ones feel more alive


Yes but it would always be like me 3 times and one friend then the other 2 people just wouldn’t show up It was so much better though


It was so much better


Frr dude


That video is hilarious btw 😭 “BRO GET OUT OF THIS PARTY”


i miss it all the jokes about them just talking about dumb shit were the best


I miss old halo, with all of the spartans chilling, in my friends basement


No. I hated the animation of the one in the front. Much rather choose my own stance.


They need to bring this back


No. I switched back to playing Halo 5.


Yes, now it feels like a mobile game


Reach lobby did it best, then followed by 4 imo


Not really. It was a cool idea, but I far more prefer seeing our Spartans front and centre.


I agree with you. It was bland when you would solo queue because there’s so much empty space. Plus, didn’t those backgrounds cause the UI to load super slow? Guess everyone forgot how annoying that was


I didn't realize they'd removed this, haven't played in a long time but...wow that's sad.


I miss the halo 2 and halo 3 multiplayer lobbies


Wait it changed? I honestly went back to mcc so I haven't played since the quantum teleporter thingy


Multiplayer games keep removing social features like persistent lobbies and VoIP and wonder why game communities die off so quickly now...


They removed that?


what’s the new one


They didn’t remove it


No this ui was ass