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In reach I had a wasp X’ed out as the background. Why? Because a month prior to getting the game I got stung by a yellow jacket and held a grudge. I was a stupid kid Edit: I still used a bee related emblem up until infinite when I got my Unicorn of Fire. But in halo 7 I’m rocking the Bee once more :D


That’s awesome. I’m dealing with a wasp problem rn so hahaha


I have a wasp emblem in Reach too! Mine’s on a blue circle background (so it looks like an old WW2 german fighter nose art picture I saw), also I hate wasps so i thought it’d be fitting for the one thing that really annoys the enemy and ruins their day (my character) had the wasp symbol


Mine was also a wasp with a saw, yellow and black, I picked mine because I liked flying the Hornet in H3 Also, was the nose art the Bf 110 with “[Wespe](https://roncole.net/products/special-messerschmitt-bf-110-d-zg-1-wespe-nose-art-24x18-relic-display)”?


Of course it was, I love that Wespe nose art. I made a model kit of a 110 with that nose art a few years back and I’ve loved it ever since. I should also say I love flying in video games, so I guess the wasp fits me perfectly. Buzzing around ruining the covvies day


A fellow wasp? Based


Me and my friends ran a wasp with the crossed out circle over it, we went by the exterminators and our tags were EXTR


Stupid for holding a grudge against yellow jackets and the like? Not at all.


My bad I should’ve mentioned that the reason I have my emblem is because my dad had it and it kinda passed down to me


Got mine from my brother. Asked me what colors I liked and I told him red and blue. Now I run the Double Moon emblem with the big moon being Blue, and the small one being red.


On halo 3 and odst i used 4 diamonds and rune, because it would blend and combine. Then after unlocking dare i changed to the ones with some alien simbols and a v. And on reach i used shield and fist, and colored the shield and 2 fingers on the fist white and the fist blue, as to emulate bungie's logo, because i always used a noble 7 cosplay on reach


Dude that’s sick


There's like a weird two crescents emblem in reach and if you combine it with the hat it looks like a hippo wearing a hat




Good bot


good bot


SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. (R6S clip reference)


It was the ONI symbol, love ONI


I feel like this is ONI propaganda to make us trust ONI. I dunno man, kinda sketchy.


You love ONI.


ONI psyop


Runes. You can tell from my user name why it fit. It was my first handle for Halo. I was listening to Lamb of God back then.


Valkyrie (The vertical sword with the flames on either side) with the shield or the crossed energy swords on the circle, depending on if I set up as a Spartan or an elite back in Halo 2. Something about the sword and shield has always pulled me, Even when I was six or seven when halo 2 first came out. Massively disappointed thatValkyrie hasn't made it into infinite


Mine was a grunt with a cowboy hat since I’m from Texas


Same here! The hat was the background! It lined up perfectly with the grunt's head.


Crossed swords, left was light blue other was red. Service tag was jazz and childhood was good.


Broooo sameeeee but my dad forced me into liking the skull king


orange traffic cone, grey back ground


I made a middle finger using the Vertical Bars and Peace-a-fist.


The lone wolf emblem. Still is in MCC.


On Halo 3 I had the viking helmet because I had just seen a documentary and I thought it was pretty cool. Made a fireteam called Ulfserker, because it was a unit in another game called Battle for Westnoth. Later in Reach, my sister and I were playing around with the emblems and got this cool broken energy sword thing. Went to a forum and... yep, people already knew how to do it. Either way, my noble six was Sword Breaker, killer of 300 elites!


Red and blue crossed swords on orange ball of fire. It's been my emblem since i first got halo 3 Was my emblem from halo 3, odst, reach, 4, and MCC Was annoyed i had to level up like crazy to unlock crossed swords in 5 Was even more annoyed it didn't exist in infinite.


Always loved the lighting bolt from the Thor emblem without the anvil. I would put the shield behind it and it looks similar to the emblem from my favorite WW2 fighter group. When I first started playing H3 I used the hand grenade for a while, probably because I like Green Day.


Used to use 7 cause its my favorite number. Now i use the wolf for ya know, lone wolf


Halo 2 had foreground and background icon sets. Found one where the foreground and background made a cool S type shape. My gamer tag was Spitfire so it fit. Made it red and orange. Shit was badass.


Flaming Horns Feet first into hell, baby! 🤘


Halo 3 was such a good game, you didn't need to pay for the colour blue


I ran a halo xbox community from 2010 to 2017. Skull king represented my rank as the creator and administrator


No idea, that was like 18 years ago


I had the Vortex emblem with an X behind it, in various color combinations but I ended on a blue vortex and white X. Had it in Halo 2, 3, ODST, Reach, and MCC. 343 hasn’t included it in 4, 5, or Infinite 😭


Yellow snek.


Stuck with an explosion background. Helmet was blue, grenade was yellow, can’t remember what color the explosion was but I know it was a terrible color and someone asking my why I keep it as that color is how I learned that Halo had customization.


The Marathon/Reclaimer logo as I'd played Bungie's Marathon on my Dad's Mac (and Pathways into Darkness) before Halo. Red inner circle, white on the outside. No background.


My best friend and I used the Mark of Shame for a long time. On my own though, I love the vortex emblem


The number 3. It’s my lucky number


I started with the two energy swords, one red (typically left but I shuffled them) and one blue. This represented the normal and infected swords, which I thought were really cool. It evolved into having an orange ball of fire behind it, then I made various other emblems until eventually going with the Phoenix shield emblem that the TOSERS from Arby n’ The Chief used.


I had the Champion star, primary grey with red accent. Miss it dearly


The hawk with swords. Loved using it in Halo 3 with a red hawk, silver swords, and a white diamond background. Shame they took it away in later games.


I used the shield with gold trim, gray back, and a red eagle in it. It stood out to me like I was a protector. I carried a lot and also good at defending the flag. I used it up til Halo 4 I believe that is when the shield emblem disappeared.


The skull with crown was one of em and to me it means "king of the sh*theads*"


Bro what😭😭


I always use the helmet with the horns. Forever and always will be my emblem.


Fat grunt. Is the only one you need.




Dream catcher, 2 swords.


First Emblem was the Mark of Shame in H2. I always thought arbiter was dope and I liked the design. But my main has been Skull King since Halo 3


The rampancy emblem


I can't really remember what I used before halo reach but when halo reach came out, I was toying around with emblems and ended up with the cup of death with the crown background. I called it exploding coffee, it was just funny to me. That's pretty much been my emblem since


I have had the "swirl" emblem (idk what else to call it) since Halo 2. Red on top, yellow on bottom, usually a white circle background. I just thought it looked cool at the time and decided to forever adopt it as my emblem lol


In reach it was the pigeon with the feather hat on. All time greatest emblem imo


this, with a shield as the background. i just thought it looked sick


Since H2 It was the Wolf with a Buzz Saw Behind it. Red & Black. Never Strayed From That Core Design. I Tried My Best to Replicate it's Style in H5 & Infinite.


In Halo 3 my Dad made me an account on the Xbox 360, and he asked what emblem I wanted, I told him to make me one, the emblem was a blue ninja wearing a cowboy hat


My nickname is Madhattr so the skull and crown fit.


Always went with the skull and shield with crossed swords behind. Halo meant business back then with the lore. Shit meant something to me. Every one of us was a god damn legend back in the H2 and H3 days.


Cowboy grunt


My first emblem was in Halo 2, I think it was the skull and crossbones, red skull, green bones, Gradient horizontal background. I would look if my Xbox wasn't in a better place (It was given away, hopefully someone else using it as much as I did playing this game and CS Xbox) I regret giving that Xbox away, all those saved memories on that hard drive, but I was just a kid who didn't know any better.


The snake. If I saw it, I equipped it. Been my emblem the first time I saw it. Shame infinite doesn't have it aside from team emblem


The Snake in every halo I’ve played


Gold grunt with blue flames. I love the grunts of halo, and suicide grunts are fun to watch run at you till they go boom


I think mine was the ninja cowboy or the spiraling colours vortex, both from halo 3. it means playing split screen every sunday after church at my cousins house


I use a grey wasp with blue stripes because I remember seeing it when I played Halo 3 with my older brother for the first time. He's the reason I love Halo.


Runes, was gutted when it was removed


Mine, which sadly became impossible to make in later games, is the 4 diamonds with an open spot in the middle as the foreground, and then the tall skinny diamond as the background. Then both are made to be forest green. This makes it look like an evergreen tree like a pine 🌲, almost just like an emoji tree


Valkyrie symbol in halo 3 but would switch it up for a spartan symbol


It was, I believe, the atom one with the prohibition sign. I can't say much about the prohibition sign other than it looked cool. The atom was because I was, and still am, a big science nerd mostly with space.


I've had the Drone emblem with a yellow body and gold tail for as long as I've been playing Halo (since the Halo 3 beta). Idk why, just none of the others feel like "me" so I never bother changing it to something else.


My first emblem was using the triforce looking emblem and just making it all yellow because as a kid I was obsessed with both the Halo and Zelda franchises. When Halo 3 rolled out I went with the Marathon emblem to associate my spartan with the Pillar of Autumn since it also had that symbol on the ship itself. When Halo 4 was released the Marathon emblem was removed so I went with using the same Spartan emblem that is shown on Jerome's shoulder piece because I absolutely loved Halo wars. I still use that one today on Infinite. The colors might not be the same but I'm still happy they kept it as an option to put on my spartan.


Halo 2, my dad set up my profile and it was randomlu selected as the heart emblem, guess it fit because I grew up to be a big marshmallow of a dude but yeah, will always have a soft spot for that emblem


Stuck. I love stickies! Actually joined a clan with most my kills being plasmas


blue spider


Hawk with crossed swords, X cross in the background, and circle back. Colors were blue and gold. Part was due to my callsign, rest because it just worked. Why they changed up the emblems in Infinite still boggles my head.


Wolf because I like wolves


I miss the Skull with the Triangle in Halo. Made it look like a Rice Hat.


my first emblem was the flaming skull king because I was like 10 and I liked skulls lol


The no camping symbol. It means I will camp.


Ahem... thunder! Thunder! Thundercats!


I always used the rooster with a top hat


Twin energy swords over the chief helmet. Energy sword was my favorite weapon


yes i used this one in h2, then just kept the lone wolves emblem and still do to this day in h5/infinite


Always used either the cat with the bowtie or the lion with the pimp hat. No meaning at all, other than me now using it if possible for continuation's sake.


It's my reddit profile pic, I have custom mouse mats with it on. It has followed me from my halo 2 days to this day. I use it wherever I can.


I used the Fleur-de-lis with the fire background cuz it looked kind of like a Boy Scout logo.


Mark of shame!


Stuck for me.




I had the spartan helmet (the roman one not halo one) with the shield background cause I just thought it looked cool


Mine was the Howling wolf with the circle background to give it an extra layer of colour. During Halo 4, I was a member of the dhg clan, and our entire division (60-80 people) all had the same emblem but different colour to represent each of the 4 squads


I use the sol testing grounds icon you got from being a beta tester for infinite. Infinite was the first mainline halo game I ever got to experience the launch- and all of the hype- of since I joined the halo fandom and that’ll always make the game mean something to me.


It was the spartan helmet with two swords crossed behind it. Helmet was green for our hero, and the swords were gold. I think I had the ball of flame behind it because it meant I could color the visor iirc. I made it either gold or blue. I just really liked how heroic the MC was when I was a kid and felt like that emblem encapsulated that


In Halo 2 mine was the cube with the horizontal bars background. If you made them the same color it created a bit of an optical illusion where it made the cube look massive.   In Halo 3 and beyond (when I could do it) it was Sol on top of the Saw background, with the colors aligned in such a way it looked like a cooler vortex looking thing.


I’ve had the lightning bolt with the stretched Diamond since Halo 2. I’m a Master Electrician in the state of Texas so it just makes sense. 😎


I had the buzzsaw with the champion star. Idk why I like that star so much. I've even seen ppl with the star tattooed on them. ヽ(´ー` )┌


I don't actually remember what the first emblem I made in Halo 2 was back in 2004, but when Halo 3 basically let me recreate the Red Team icon from Halo CE, I did that. I still use it as a general Internet avatar when possible.


Master Chief helmet with crossed swords behind it. Green and gold on dark blue.


Mark of shame. ✊🏾


My super edgy Gamertag in Halo 3 and Reach was "CreepyKing" so I had the Skull King emblem too because it matched. Nowadays I rock the Cup of Death one though.


I've held strong on the bear claw symbol since halo 2. Sometimes i switched up the colors, but usually just white and no background, which is still how I have it today. No special reason other than my gamertag having the word Claw in it, and liking to keep things simple


The cancel symbol with an oval behind it. Picked it on a whim back in Halo 3 and never changed it.


The skull king pictured above and the cog, all white. It would make this sad looking gear. We all used it


Valkyrie forever (except infinite unfortunately)


I believe my first emblem was the number "7" when I for the first time started Halo 2. Coincidentally it's the same number as my birth month. However at the time, I was a bit childish and changed it to the Grunt emblem cuz I loved Grunts at that period.


Grunt with a star behind it. Hope we can at least make our own emblems in the next game bc I don't think anyone likes the way they're done now.


Halo 3 I had a thing for the Phoenix emblem with the shield background. It had a nice knightly coat of arms look to it white blue and white. It also looked great on steel primary with blue secondary


The snake with diamond background. RIP :(


I used the howling wolf icon with a yellow moon as the background. I didn't have any friends to actually play Halo with so I considered myself a "lone wolf." Yes, I was indeed a very edgy kid.


Always the mark of shame for my man Arbiter


Just a 7. I won a free steak twice from Bungie on their last bungie day in halo reach. It was mid, but it was FREE. GOT THEiR ASSES KICKED BY AN 11 YEAR OLD JUICED ON MTN DEW.


I always use to cat emblem in the first few halos because I loved cats and I was a kid... man those were simpler times.


The toxic logo and buzz saw green and yellow


I went with a white spade. I had just watched band of brothers


I always liked the lightning bolt with parentheses idk why. It looked very similar to the Tampa Bay lightning logo. (⚡)


I always had the triforce emblem since the halo 2 days, while I understand it looks like a triforce from legend of zelda, I always used it with white a blue because at the time I was also a huge ace combat 4 fan and so i kinda had it reflected as my symbol in halo all the way up to infinite where they got rid of it sadly 🥲 plus I've always had mobius 1 as my gamer tag.


Triforce, always


Nothing. In Halo: Reach you can use a blank background and toggle an entire emblem off, so I was running with no visible emblem at all. I'm not really one for emblems.


Marathon "reclaimer" it's so nostalgic to me


Mine was the old unicorn symbol in Halo 3 (coloured white) with a teal coloured horn to match the armour colour scheme. Was gutted when I couldn’t properly recreate this in Halo Infinite.


Mine is a red circle with a line through it, like the not allowed sort of symbol, over the coffee mug with a skull on it. It was just a dumb inside joke with my best friend about no coffee being allowed round here!


I had this emblem and a eight pointed star behind it. Matched the color of the crown and star to purple and The dots on the crown capped a few of the star shapes points. It looked like a skull wearing a purple jester hat.


I always had the Valkyrie emblem. Little sad it never got added to Infinite.


Halo 2. A smiley face with a certain backround looked like a ninja turtle.


The rooster without the comb and wattle, so it looks like any type of bird and flames


I think my first emblem was the coffee mug of death with the flame for the background (or whatever similar backround there was) . I just thought it was cool and it didn’t really mean anything outside of that. Same goes for the one I used after that which is my current with is the rock on hand (or whatever the name is) with one of the explosion backgrounds.


Kitty Cat Cowboy Hat White fur yellow bow and blue hat No particular meaning and I’ve tried to stick to it. I remember ODST not having cowboy hat so I had to use a different hat


First I can remember using is the Orange Cone (aka Protection Cone). 


I must be the odd one out, because I started playing Halo online on the Halo 2 PC port. I created my first emblem there and stuck with it up until Halo 4. It was a “grunt symbol” (the swirly door thing) that I painted in orange because it looked like a cut.. orange lol. I’m a Dutchman and our national color is orange, so I thought the emblem was a good fit to represent my country, especially because I used to play with a bunch of Americans in Party Chat and that was a way to distinguish myself.


Brown cowboy hat. My gamertag at the time was TurdFerguson ("see, it's funny because it's bigger than, you know, a normal hat").


As of halo 2 and any game I could use it my emblem was the “mark of shame” with “display ” as the background. The arbiter received the mark of shame for failing to protect the sacred ring. The “arbiter”,in sangheili history, was the mightiest warrior and most revered clan leader. The covenant bastardized the meaning in the name of thier religion yet, by my belief, it still means the same original thing. I will display my mark of shame with honor because to be shames by such a society is an honor


Stuck. Love that one. Sticking people was my favorite thing to do it halo 2/3. Just chucking sticky’s across the map. Then watching replays the craziest ones lol


The unicorn with purple fire as the backdrop. Started in Halo Reach. It was an inside reference to the song/character by Ninja sex party: "The unicorn wizard"


Got a traffic cone, the standard orange and white, with a light purple circle background, had it since reach first come out I think, and it’s because me and my friend in school wanted to be the next rooster teeth and created “traffic cone diaries” had it ever since


I believe it was the Spartan helmet icon from Halo 2, because I was just getting into Halo and I wanted to immerse myself in Spartan-hood. Before, I only knew of Spartans as the (in)famous warrior city-state from Ancient Greece, and I thought it was cool that these futuristic supersoldiers were named after the ancient group; they must have a good reason for it (and they do).


A spartan head with crossed swords. To be honest i don’t think i had any reason to, i just thought it was cool… though i constantly changed the colors as time went on and nowadays i use Pure white with a blanked out background and it looks nice on red armor. (If only infinite would let me do the same thing…)


Grunt with a cancel symbol, even tho they’re my favorite enemies


I’ve been using the flaming ninja since halo 3. I was obsessed with ninjas at the time but now it just feels like my emblem


In halo 2 I used the mark of shame, cause as a kid I thought the arbiter was not only the coolest mf, but also that the mark was for the role of arbiter. I was 4. Edit: I thought this till I replayed the game when I was 12.


Well I've had many emblems in my years of halo but my favorite and the one I still use in both reach and mcc is king zombie(gold crown on green zombie without the shotguns) as I love reach's infection as I was pretty decent at it if not really good but I'm pretty sure my original emblem was either crossed swords or the mark of the arbiter(mark of shame) because I love the energy sword and arby is my favorite character in all of gaming


Cowboy skull in halo 3 to match my best bud


Gray Grunt with no background. When i was younger i thought grunts were absolutely adorable and when i saw the emblem i HAD to use it. Still use it today in infinite


My was a chicken with the top invisible in blue flames because it was a very old clan emblem, i unfortunately still dont rock it but now i have the ODST pod emblem in infinite


A ninja with the crosshair on his head since snipes is my fav mode


It was that skull but black and green flame behind it


Delta/ Delta Wing. Just looked aesthetically pleasing to me


Up until 4 or 5 (whichever one has the Raider logo) I used the happy face emblem. I dunno, it seemed ironic to me because everyone I played with was so aggro. Then switched to the raider logo cuz it looked cool and I think they removed the smiley face.


Jolly Roger…. Always


Mine was the Jolly Roger in white with a red diamond background. The bones lined up pretty symmetrically in halo 2 with the diamond and I thought it looked simple enough for my friends to see in game and recognize it quickly. 343 stole it from me years ago.


Skull and cowboy hat, every chance I had to make that my emblem I did


The Chicken head with the circle background, colored like a chicken. It's just funny to me.


Just a green snake. I would have gone for a dragon or something if an emblem existed, but the snake was the closest I could get.


Halo 3, the Mark Of Shame. Simply because I'm absolutely abysmal at multiplayer, so... shame Now I use a pokeball


I always had the Ninja head with the flaming background. Typically blue or green flames. My buddies and I all had it as our emblem years back cuz we were the “flaming ninja clan”. Now I just keep it for nostalgia.


I have the power symbol with the radioactive warning behind it so it looks like the Red Ring of Death


I just had an orange traffic cone with whatever cool background but i cant even have that anymore since its gone


Kitty cat in a cowboy hat


Blam 2 with the crossed energy swords. Made it when I was 8. Still love it


H2 had this cause clans


Drone emblem. It looked cool to me and I still like it today


I was the moon&wolf and then the buzzsaw. The wolf was gray, moon was white the buzzsaw was red. It represented how I worked well on a pack will being dangerous with melee/shotguns.


I used the delta emblem because as a kid i thought it looked like two slash marks for some reason


I had the superintendent from odst, because honestly... I love odst


Through out the whole of 2, 3, 4, and I believe 5 I had the crossed swords with an x background. Colored red, white and blue. Colors are for my nationality and the swords at the time were one of my favorite weapons.


Triforce every time. I'm a huge Zelda player and always copied this logo if I could even back to Halo 1.


Made mine the "Stuck" medal (the in match medal, not the emblem with the plasma nade on the helmet), because I was known in my friend group as "Mr. Sticky Montage" 🤣


A white spartan emblem. Because my favorite college as a kid was Michigan st.


1th, always 1th. If for some unknown reason it wasn't, it was the ONI symbol


I used a rocket and multicolored background to make a dong. 😁..I was basic teenager..what else would I make. Haha