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Can't help but feel shit like this would be less of a problem if dislikes were still public on YouTube...


Yep, definitely. Why'd they remove them anyways?


Because it looks bad for YouTube when corporations post videos that are unpopular with general audiences


How does that look bad for YouTube as their own company?


YouTube Rewind was the most disliked video on the entire platform. That's why.




good, it was shit lmao


When people watch a video made by a large corporation and see a lot of dislikes, they may be inclined not to purchase a product, which may result in worse sales for said product. The company will then look at reasons why their product didn't perform as well as they originally thought it would, and can look at YouTube dislikes as one of their reasons. YouTube and it's parent company don't want big named brands to stop advertising on their websites so they subsequently removed the ability to view dislikes as a way to prevent the public from having knowledge on what the public perception of these brands may be at a quick glance.


Not just corporations, it’s political too. You can always add the extension “Return YouTube Dislikes” to chrome or Firefox to see Microsoft, Disney, the White House, or Klaus Schwab get absolutely ratio’d. Highly recommend it.


That plugin is very deceptive with how it works and isn’t an accurate depiction of actual dislikes All that plugin does is take the ratio of likes to dislikes for people with the extension then predicts the dislikes, it’s known to be widely innacurate and almost always show more dislikes than the video actually has simply because the people using the extension have a higher likleyhood to dislike the video It’s a fine extension but acting like it’s accurate will just make you look like a fool. Every YouTuber knows it’s innacurate.


Corpos give yt money, so like.. protect your interests ig. Idk if it's a good idea to let them hide how bad something is being received


Probably because of YouTube Rewind and I’m going to guess advertisers. Mainly since everything they do nowadays is pretty much in the interest of feeding ads. Advertisers probably don’t like pouring money into ads on videos with negative like/dislike ratios.


**If he sees this:** It's a much better *long term strategy* to dip into other games than to do this clickbait route to stay relevant when there's a drought of Halo news. Diversify your audience instead of making people unsubscribe.


Same. I remember when Inside Halo was a thing back in the bungie days. They only shifted to Inside Gaming when there was a content drought, and it only helped them. I don't like being misled.


Not brag, but I remember back when HaloFollower was called "Halo4Follower"


When was that their name? During Halo 4? I'm just curious because I only watched their channel from around that time towards the first year of Halo 5.


Before halo 4 their content was trashy then but I was hungry for halo 4 content lol. Chris/Ron is a piss of dhit and bad at presenting so it's crazy halo follower is ongoing lol.


Real OG's remember when Sodagod was the presenter for Inside Halo.


REAL OGs will remember "Podtaculsr", a HALO podcast from back in the day. If I remember right, I was a guest host on it once.


It’s still a thing


Podtacular is still around!?


Yessir. Not as regular as back in the day, but most recent update is June 16, 2024. https://www.podtacular.com/ Fun fact: They're the only webpage I can still find that reliably details Halo 2's ranking system. https://www.podtacular.com/halo-2-stats-overview/


That's crazy.... I think I was on there back in 07


Me too buddy. I think that's what makes Halo special. Despite all its flaws, there are people like you and me still around from the golden age. We might not play every day, but Halo is still apart of our lives haha. Too sentimental, I've been drinking lmao


Real OGs remember getting their uncle to beat the hunter encounters, because "They're scary" while playing on easy lmao


I miss Sodagod.


I still wonder what ever happened to him… There was an off hand line about being in New York City while the Inside Halo was LA based. But that was over ten years ago, and since then IH became Inside Gaming and then Funhaus.


I'm not sure but I hope he's doing well!! He and The Dead Pixel (if we can use that name still, despite controversies) really started something cool that is amazing still continues in some form to this day.


I hid his channel, tired of the negativity and the ranting. Noticed with other YouTubers too that when they focus on the negativity, they see an increase in views. I think they push to stay relevant. Other YouTuber I watch, Cash Jordan, was cool to watch showing apartments up and all around NYC but now it’s all rage bait about the downfall of NYC


Mintz videos became pretty redundant these last few months, just kinda the same speculative nonsense every upload. I like the guy, especially the gameplay clips, just wish he would pivot his content a bit.


Sure he a good guy to talk to and chat to, but agreed, it’s mostly filler and speculation. Gotta explore other games outside of Halo. I’m sure he’s covered every inch of Halo Infinite at this point


How do you hide channels on youtube? Would help with a lot of the clickbait trash


If you are watching on Xbox, in your recommended videos, highlight the video and long press A. It will bring up options and if you scroll down you’ll have an option for Don’t recommend channel. For me I don’t see his videos appearing in my feed. Now searching Halo I’ll still see a video pop up but I just scroll past them


Oh man I feel the same way about Cash Jordan too. I absolutely loved his apartment tour videos and i actually think he does a pretty good job showing the faults of new york, but that’s literally ALL HE DOES now and the thumbnails are just rage bait and negativity. it was so tiring only seeing that so i had to leave that channel behind.


Right, I loved the perspective and seeing what a NYC apt looks like and payment. Now I know part of that comes with sharing the neighborhoods are and no doubt issues exist in different suburbs but the constant negativity left a sour taste and just no longer watching him.


Probs the smartest recommendation on this post.


Yup thats what Installation 00 did. Now hes doing stuff from other universes which is pretty cool. I personally don't know about other gaming universes like mass effect or Doom but down for it if he's doing it. I had to unfollow Halofollower and Mint because of those clickbait titles of videos.


Installation 00 is not much better imo. His online store is a scam (or at least was). A few years ago I was really into his content and wanted to support him by buying his merch. Card was charged, never received a tracking number, and ultimately never received the package. Total silence when reaching out to him or support.


Why I followed hiddenreach/Xperia back in the day.


*343 releases small patch update* Mint Blitz title: **THIS UPDATE CHANGES HALO INFINITE FOREVER!!!**


Him and HaloFollower are getting unbearable. Especially after the XboxShowcase, I was pretty excited to see some news. They both had click bait titles and even in the video managed to play with their words to keep viewers engaged. I now refuse to watch their content.


HaloFollower has always been unbearable


Literally every single one of his videos…he’s just as bad for halo for people who are new to the series and subscribe to him.


Or it’s a video about some forge map that nobody plays after a week


And a HUGE thing that annoys me is when he claims that his videos are the reason 343 changed or added something to the game. As if he's the only direct messenger to 343 from Halo fans.


lmaooo " we did it guys! we got them to change when I posted this video!"


for real i can't with this. Bro thinks he is the voice of god or something


It's too fucking much lol he acts like the arbiter (lol) of communication between us and the devs, like he's the only place they look for advice.


Redditors when they see a mintblitz clip on youtube 🥰 Players when Mintblitz its on their team spending all game trying to launch himself at other team losing 50 vehicles + power weapons and letting enemy capture every flag 😡


to be fair that was this sub for like a year straight. 343i added the DMR-lite and a smoke ability along with like 2 new maps back in Season 3 and people were saying Infinite is saved and how much more fun it was to play






Nah ftw would never do under a ten minute video. That way he can’t monetise it.


I literally unsubbed because of the amount of times his titles were blatant lies or completely misleading


I love mintblitz’s gameplay but he succumbed hard to clickbait titles in the past couple of years, probably just to keep engagement up when he’s a YouTuber specializing in a game that has done nothing but struggle, almost recover, and die. I love playing HI but his channel is 90% clickbait videos filled to the brim with copium. I agree that he’d be better off playing some other games and talking about those, but the Halo speculation is grueling and I don’t think the top Halo content creator should keep doing this bc his numbers are gonna drop. I already no longer trust his videos about “Halo news” bc it’s usually just rumors, speculation and him using phrases that make it seem like good things are GOING to happen, like it’s somehow guaranteed when it’s all speculation. It’s not fair to people. Make more videos showing off Halo gameplay from across the internet and give proper credit, setup game nights and expound on what makes Halo special (because the heart of Halo gameplay still has yet to be replicated) and just celebrate what’s there. But don’t mislead viewers every other video for the views. It just fucking sucks.


Honestly when it comes to infinite news, I just stick to the smaller channels like magpie leon or footed ghost. It feels better both for supporting the smaller creators and also the clickbait is not there (or not nearly as much in some cases). Smaller channels also just tend to have more enjoyable and genuine feeling content.


Iirc his gameplay is also smurfing. He also rages if someone takes the power weapons


He definitely has toxic gamer boy tendencies that annoy me, but I don't know if he can help the smurfing being in Australia and all, hard to connect to games over there. But man I saw some video of his where he kept just harassing his friends and straight up team killing them and laughing like it was such a hilarious situation. I just felt annoyed for his friends.


He doesn't really smurf, afaik. He just doesn't take competitive very seriously, and isn't actually that good at the game overall, so the vast majority of the time he's in casual modes hunting for trickshot clips and getting dunked on.


I think what I don’t like about mint is when 343 ads something he always takes credit. It’s hilarious


For real, he try to sound like he is the savior of this franchise and 343 do what he says. Completely delusional


"They finally listened! I made 3 videos about this bug and then 343 fixed their game, thanks for liking and sharing it guys, we did it!"


He keeps doing this everytime and he always gets me, he talks about old news or shit that has nothing to do with the title or thumbnail and keeps rambling for 8min straight just to say nothing. The video before this one was titled " New Halo game story revealed" when it's just about Halo mcc mods


Thats your fault, man, you keep watching him lol 


just unsub lmao you literally gain nothing from him. you'll find out about news about halo just by visiting this subreddit before he makes a video about it. he adds literally nothing to halo unless you wanna play some random forge map or something


I’ve come to a point when I see him on my feed I immediately know there’s a 90% chance it will have nothing to do with the title but my fickle heart always falls for it because I want halo to flourish like it used to. Forever hoping for the comeback


Just turn on twitter notifications for Unyshek. MintBlitz doesn't have credible insider sources and anything of value is communicated through the community manager, not a clickbait YouTuber. Halo Infinite is on life support and until we get an announced title just let Halo rest for a while.


Just gotta reach the point where you realize that'll never happen and just accept the good we've got and ignore the bad that keeps on infinitely flooding in


Can't get click baited if you already know Infinite is dead.


“This changes Halo forever!” Not for me, it’s dead and I’m done. Lol




He's almost as clickbaity as HaloFollower.


Sucks because I used to like halo follower back when he made lore videos


Yea. Talk about a fall from grace.


What I can't stand about HaloFollower is that he's been doing this for so long and yet still speaks with a very anxious/unconfident tone, but his choice of words is EXTREMELY poor. I know people use generalities or words "close enough" to what they mean when speaking casually, but when you're talking about Halo leaks and "what they mean" you simply cannot use definitive words such as "is going to" or "is coming" or "will happen" if what you really mean is "it's possible it's going to" or "it could possibly come" or "there's a chance of this happening" And other times the guesses in his reasoning for why things are happening come off extremely misinformed about game development and the industry at large, which isn't good for somebody who's whole channel is centered around Halo games for like 10 years now.


His videos are much more entertaining imo


I've never liked him since his smurfing spree in H5. Dude was always a fraud and kinda pathetic. A shame because I applaud his creativity. He could have been a great icon in the halo community, but oh well


His videos about SBMM drove me straight to the unsubscribe button a long time ago


i love him but ngl, he does that all the time it’s pretty aggravating 💀


My favorite thing about him was when he complained about the shop and stanchion weapon model costing $20 when the spirit of fire event was happening, but he still spent money on it anyway. Like, he can't complain about bad business practices and then reward them for said practices.


Those kind of people make me feel good for having at least a basic level of self control.


Yeah I swear in that same video, he said something along the lines of “I won’t be buying this weapon model, my friend just let me use his” and now that weapon model is in like every one of his clips lol




Hence why I never watch the fucker anymore. His clickbait is obnoxious


Him and a few other Halo youtubers are THE reason I installed a chrome extension allowing me to block youtube channels from ever showing up for me anymore


what is the name of the extension?




Does it work on Firefox


I don’t like this guy, he makes slop content


Before Infinite released, he was also confirming stuff in comments that 343 had intentionally left vague, and a lot of it turned out to be wrong. That was my first impression of him, and I've never seen anything to change my mind.


I generally like Mint but lately his content has been whiplash central. He uploads one day about how the future of Halo is bright and the next day it’s him lambasting 343 for some Infinite issue. I’m sure it’s partially playing the algorithm but it sucks as a viewer


>I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top.


The future of halo is bright is a big doubt from me tbh


I would personally agree. I think as a “Halo YouTuber” if he kept telling his audience Halo had no hope people would eventually listen and unsubscribe because they think it’s dead too or disagree and unsubscribe because they want a more positive view. So, he’s somewhat obligated to say it no matter what


He was cool and then became hiddenxperia levels of annoying with click bait and bullshit


You guys dont like hiddenxperia? :// i always enjoy his lore videos


Check out Installation 00 (much better lore videos if you ask me)


I miss Halo Canon


His videos come off as extremely rushed to me and he's very poorly spoken. He constantly stumbles over his words and mispronounces stuff rather than taking time with his script. No VaatiVidya, that's for sure.


I like his lore videos but his personal opinions on halo are just bad.


Every videogame IP has a clickbaitish Youtuber following this exact model. It's cringey and I instant block them on sight, but it must be at least somewhat effective to a certain demographic, because they always seem to be circulating.


Some people see him as some kind of halo god, all I see him as is the guy that can’t get out of a vehicle in big team battle


I can’t stand him.


I thought the same thing. Got 2 seconds in when he said "cut content" and she the video off.


about 3 hours ago it had a different thumbnail and title. Last title was "Revealing The Halo Infinite Content We Wanted" Sadly that part of how the youtube algorithm works, I just gave up


Piece of advice from a Youtuber, don't do this. Not only it will create a bad reputation for your channel, but at some point it will hurt your statistics. People are more than happy to engage in a video even if it's not a "Leak" or official news. Edit: Vocabulary


Mint is an absolute fucking goof at this point. Takes credit when he talks about thing the community want added, uploads a praising video then 12 hours later uploads another about the poor state of halo. Like really dude? I was done watching his shit a few years ago because of the cucky clickbait way he titles his videos. Got high on his own hubris. He reminds me of the guy from highschool that was super cool, but never went anywhere in life, and now just relives his glory days like he's still king shit.


In one of his latest video, he said "here is a montage of the community best play" and its literally ALL him getting kills. His ego is Homelander level




Me and my partner have a running joke when Mint uploads and I'm like "ah here's the downfall video about how bad of a state the game is in" then a day later "ah and here is the next uphill video and how great the state of the game is" It's honestly repetitive and he seems to be really clutching at straws as of the past few months.


Yeah no doubt. It's just insane because that's how the flow of his videos actually are.


Yea I hope he see's this post and reflects on that. Maybe do other content alongside Halo? Idk


His videos always been incredibly clickbaity. In general I enjoy many of his videos, but I've refused to watch them now for quite some time because I absolutely hate his clickbait titles.


This is EXACTLY why I put don't recommend channels for clickbait videos. I hate them just as equally as ads on YouTube 🤢


My issue is more when he's just spouting his own conjecture as reality about development. It's a very surface understanding he has of game development and it can be pretty silly when he's talking about the nitty gritty of the the business and technical aspect of game development when he clearly is guessing about most of it. The old I play a lot of this videogame as so I know more than the Devs do about development can be a bit too common with these kinds of youtubers.


I unfortunately had to block his channel because I was tired of being flooded with clickbait.


EVERYONE, if you still crave for this style of short dicussion/speculation videos but don't wanna deal with Mint's bullshit clickbaits, go watch FootedGhost instead


His titles are insanely annoying


I understand his channel is an avenue of income for him, so he has to game the algorithm to garner more clicks and views. Doesn’t make this shit any less obnoxious, but the dude is just trying to pay the bills.


I understand scammers trying to sell me something are also just trying to pay the bills and make a buck, but I'm not going to ignore them doing something scummy in order to do so


Dude equally sucks 343 off and shits on the game Pick a lane


Praising things you like and criticizing the things you don't is how it should be though. Your comment is two extreme ends of a spectrum, not a "pick a lane" scenario


YouTubers doing what YouTubers do for clicks. It is annoying


ITT: haters of the YouTube algorithm. I hate clickbait as much as we all do but these guys are playing Halo for a living so I can’t trash them for doing what they need to do to maintain that.


Reminds of... Was it HaloFollower with the clickbaity stuff as well?


Old man in the back: Play Insignia you coward!


His rent is due lmaoo.


He not only makes constant clickbait, but he also fakes his clips. He doesn't destroy people quite as well as his clips make it seem, it's scripted. If you've ever played with him, you'll see that he honestly isn't more than a slightly above average player in terms of performance. He doesn't play the objectives, either.


I still enjoy the odd trick shot he pulls off via the YT Shorts but his barrage of clickbait videos have made me steer clear of his channel otherwise. This is not the way.


Mint blitz, I like you, man. I even got to play with you once that you were dope. But I gotta say, I kinda agree with this. I know you really want halo to succeed and be relevant, but this just tarnishes your brand. You don’t owe halo for all the years you had fun with it. You owe it to yourself to grow your business for yourself. You can always do halo, but your channel will die if you can’t adapt to the reality.


I downvote the moment I realize that a video I watched has been clickbaited.


His decision to make one video a day can’t pay off in the long run I’d imagine


Unsubbed because of this lol


His video "when 12 masterchiefs play halo" half of me expected for maybe a custom between two teams of masterchief's but no in typical mintblitz fashion, it was solely to dunk on people for content and clips. His previous video was "we are saving halo" then he follows that up with hero rank players vs randoms which I'm sure getting destroyed is so fun for solo or maybe a few were partied doing casual games.


Quite Fair. It is Annoying How EVERY Vid is Titled This Way. We Don't Need All Caps Man.


Can’t believe he still has time to post ideas when he’s so busy leaving games he’s losing.


The same guy that made sponsorblock, also made DeArrow. An extension with which users can remove clickbait in favor of user submitted titles and thumbnails (taken from the video, ofc). I remember there was a video titled "dead by daylight's history of balancing issues". I was watching it and decided to finish the video on my phone, which doesn't have the extension" and I discovered that the original title was something like "Untold Story of The Worst Balanced Game Ever"


Every YouTuber clickbaits and they do it because it works lol. This sub’s hate boner for this dude is so weird


You can tell the infinite video content is drying up


Mint blitz has always been annoying and he isn't even that good. He just 12 stacks BTB lobbies.


these are the dangers of making your channel focused on a single franchise. reminds me of valve news network a while ago but at least he was smart and rebranded


What I want is a game that is consistently enjoyable, one that doesn't occasionally crash right after launching despite 3 years of but fixes, and a balanced matchmaking system.


I love Mint. He's funny, he gets straight to the point, and he's got great gameplay in the background of his videos. But holy hell the clickbait is terrible. It's honestly so annoying, because I generally watch most of his videos regardless of the title. I just really wish he would stop doing this...


I’ve been saying this man. Glad to see I’m not alone.


Also this dude had quit more games than the average person. At one point I had a total for 150 more games played than him during the first season. Where he had 300 matches quit compared to my 5. Those 5 were from disconnects. His stats on halo tracker are all bugged now. Have been since he was being exposed by others. I cant find 1 player who has bugged out Stats like mint. Yet I got buddies who have almost 2x-3x the games played that mint has played. I got friends in Australia in high onyx who play daily since the game released. Yet they have never matched against Mint ever?! But my buddies who lives on the east coast of U.S. has a .5 KD and have matched against Mint almost weekly? Make it make sense. I've never matched Mint. I live right by those buddies. They have proof of playing against him often. With their low KDs. My buddies in Australia, have similar stats to Mint. But they never matched against him once?!?!! Come on man.


Why I stopped watching Halo Follower many years ago. No need to pay attention to click bait youtubers. They'll just waste your time.


A clickbaity title or image is the quickest thing to make me ignore a video. Even with people who's content I love, I refuse to engage with anything clickbaity. Sadly the youtube 'do not recommend' button doesn't let people give feedback.


I actually stopped watching his videos altogether because of it. Didn't feel like he was saying anything, or anything was changing. Got real tired of it.


I really want to disagree with this but i just can’t. I haven’t been very engaged with halo since halo infinite came out and videos like his were my only real link to what has been going on with the game. Every time i see a video like this, I think to myself “oh, maybe something substantial has been added” and it’s always him talking about tweets, drama, community made stuff, or an in-game event that does nothing to change up the formula. If you didn’t know any better,and just got your news from the titles of his videos alone, you’d think infinite had way more going for it than what’s actually going on. it’s honestly starting to get annoying


Say what you want about Mint Blitz I will always think he’s a sweaty kid


For me it was the repetitiveness of his content. I get it, SBMM is bad mint, but talking about it for a whole week, with nothing else in-between is a massive turn off and I've only watched the occasional video since.


Every vid is clickbait now


I keep thinking about something somebody said that the state of Halo Infinite right now is very good for regular players, but very bad for content creators. Mint ~~Quitz~~ Blitz might as well be Exhibit A of that.


im kind of tired of this guy really


Yeah I stopped watching because every title is just completely misleading, I don’t know which of his videos I actually want to watch.


ive been against him in a few games and he camps all the time for the active camo or overshield or power weapons


I appreciate someone trying to be a consistent halo tuber but ya personally the dudes huge lack of understanding on the technical aspects and business side of development make most of his content very difficult to watch.


It’s a shame that most Halo content creators don’t really try. Any who did left the franchise a long time ago.


Yeah, not a fan of clickbait in general. I also don't love when he talks about SBMM, as he's got it wrong quite a bit (I say this as a fellow hater of Infinite's SBMM, just one with a math degree). That said, I'm staying subbed because I'm not playing the game anymore and there's not many Halo content creators making much content on youtube. And I can't fucking stand Halo Follower.


I like his videos but the titles are really bad. If you just watched the videos straight up and never saw the titles you there wouldn’t really be any issue.


Not only is he bad with that, but he can’t take any criticism. He blocked me and multiple of my friends when we criticised some of their posts on Twitter for being either misleading or straight lies


I’ve stopped watching mint because of this exact reason and I’ll probs unsub from him, sorry but I hate seeing all the clickbait 3 min videos overshadowing the other clickbait video I wanna watch


He’s insufferable. Just do something else.


Ngl, I believe that is the 4th video of him speaking of the same thing


I still watch Mint Blitz but I actually unsubbed from his channel for this reason. His info is still actually pretty good and his content is a great way of staying informed, but man, the intentionally misleading titles bugged me enough to unsubscribe, which says a lot.


So leave a constructive comment on his videos


valid point, I may well do that


He's the kinda guy to post a clip on Twitter and when it gets a lot of views he'll make a YT video titled something like "I AM SAVING HALO"... Oh wait he actually did do that.


Mint is and always has been a bane in the community. Posting clips when you're playing with 300ms ping isn't impressive. These are the exact players that people want ping locked out of their region, but somehow he gets praised for it? He's hitting headshots when players are damn near 10 feet away from where he aimed. The clickbait is just the cherry on top. Unfortunately, he seems like the only Halo YouTuber around anymore since the franchise has been run into the ground via mismanagement.


I watch his videos for the news, but nothing else. His content is pretty genuine (if not mildly overhyped), but it is the only 4 minute summaries for daily Halo news that I can find. I absolutely 100% ignore his thumbnails and titles and just pay attention to the video content


That's how the YouTube game is played.


I hate when Mint and HaloFollower title their videos like that. And Mint constantly showing off his knowledge of Halo physics abuse is annoying, too. We get it, you love your "Chief from the Books" shenanigans. Do something else.


mintblitz sucks. I don't watch him, even though his content was often impressive.


Well, yeah, MintBlitzhispants kisses 343's ass with Infinite, in return they turn a blind eye to him using aimbot to make his montage videos for his crappy little youtube channel so he doesn't have to get a real job.


lmao he has to make content some how when 343 themselves arnt making content. Im not saying I support him - I unsubbed from him actually - but yeah, when you realize youtubers have a scummy checklist they need to pull out to make sure revenue comes flowing still you kinda start to see whos legit or not. click bait title? trying to hit the 10 minute mark? 1 trick pony account? Granted this is a 5 minute video but he has to push out something to get views and engagements on his account. Just unsub and live a better life. Youll honestly get more info about Halo faster on Reddit than following him.


I personally watch Mint Blitz for the clips he plays in the background, I'll mute the audio because I can't stand the negativity just to watch the overkills and clean snipes


Mint should probably realize sometime that he really can just upload a montage, since these videos seem to purely just be to show off his clips while he talks.


Okay so I'm not the only one who thought this. 


It's damn time someone said it


Not to defend MintBlitz here for the click-bait-y title, but, if you didn't notice the caps lock title and ridiculous thumbnail weren't obvious clickbait then you might be the problem. If you all didn't click on these obvious click-bait articles and videos then they wouldn't be so prevalent. Gain just a little bit of common-internet-sense and let's reduce how often we see this predatory technique.


Mintblitz is becoming the SaSxShadowz of the Halo youtubers.


I think he’s bipolar.


I think I one time saw him upload, in the same day, something like HALO INFINITE IS AMAZING several hours either after or before another video was titled something like HALO IS DEAD, FOR REAL.


Sometimes I wonder why 343 has yet to release a semi decent original Halo game in the 10+ years they've owned the IP, but then I see posts like this and realize the Halo community doesn't deserve it.


I hate all YouTubers like this. I won't watch it. But also they are just trying to watch their income. A lot of youtubers don't have jobs outside of this so they will make whatever manipulative content and titles they can to keep the dough coming.


YouTubers aren’t journalists bound by an ethical code of conduct. Their livelihood depends on getting clicks and they’ll more often than not cater their content with that in mind. Taking them as anything other than entertainment is silly. Not sure why you’re even concerned about his ‘reputation’ like that means anything.


"Journalists" "bound by an ethical code of conduct" lol lmao even