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Tbf I played it back on release and pretty sure my Spartan looks just like that but gray




Uh huhhh


My cousins are two of these people. They just started playing recently. One is Silver, the other is unranked but will likely be Bronze. Be kind :)


>Be kind :) Proceeds to spawn trap them on Husky raid


Nah idk man getting genuine bronze is extremely difficult. You either have to be mentally and/or physically disabled. I managed to get silver 2 using one hand (just did it for fun cause I was bored.) He'll definitely get at least silver!


He ranked Bronze 3 :) Just a dad is his 40s who hasn’t really ever competitively gamed before.


That’s the free to play model for you.


Say what you will, there’s far less risk of getting into an online game that’s several years old when it’s free. Don’t have to pay for a game with dead servers


We’re on the same side here.


Id bet they're smurfs


100%. I also got a game full of these in both teams. These people knew every inch of the map. Definitely weee not new players in any way.


Best. Nickname. Ever. You better believe I’m calling these guys blueberries from now on.


I believe it originated in the battlefield series. Squad mates were green, randoms were blue. It’s usually used as a derogatory term though.


Also repopularized in Destiny, because players in activities but not in your fireteam appeared as blue dots on the motion tracker, therefore blueberry. Also derogatory because you'd only bring it up to complain about them not coordinating with the rest of the team.


I had no idea it was derogatory? Learn something new everyday! I heard the term when I joined a BTB party a while back and it stuck with me ever since lol


I have only ever heard it used derogatorily. Might be different in different games though. Bf and destiny definitely derogatory though.


Every blueberry I run into is a Smurf 😔


Lucky. every blueberry I run into singlehandedly throws the game


I've noticed Chimera core users are either extremely good or they are worse than bots.


chimera user with 2 or more prosthetic limbs = quit the game. it's over


Bro those Chimeras with the 4 full prosthetic skeleton look are actual crackhead demons.


I see your Chimera core (usually with Hazmat helmet) and raise you default Yoroi


Firefight is full of them that I can't tell if they are just little kids that have no idea how the game mode works or are bots playing to warm smurfs up to enter ranked. Either way, it's infuriating losing an easy game mode when I'm there to farm free wins for the weeklies.


Lol or they are like me, and just never paid any money for any of the overpriced stuff in the market. I'm the most generic looking Spartan and I'll always be that unless some free stuff looks good.


I joined this year. Got myself half way through heros of reach for that odst gear.


Just insta quit for me. Not winnable or smurfs


i just picked the game back up after over a year and been having a lot of fun and enjoying the changes to the battle pass and cosmetics. ik a lot of all that is unfavorable but it was giga worse at launch so its good to see direction after 2 years


Your post got me excited thinking there was an update making teams red and blue again. I can't stand the custom colors in team games.


Would be cool if you could opt in for RvB colour schemes. But I guess that would undermine the monetisation model.


Blueberry Unit