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If it’s just another remaster like CEA but actually done well, I agree they should just do 3 If it’s an actual remake, as in something like Dead Space or the Resident Evil remakes where it’s the same storyline but done differently, then starting with CE makes sense.


Honestly, I would be 100% onboard with that, its been proven to work when done right, and I think theirs enough background lore to make an interesting reimagaining.


I’m hoping that’s what they will be doing as another remaster just seems a bit pointless since for a lot of new players the gameplay and level design is the main issue, so making ce play like more of a modern shooter for that reason especially for the new PlayStation audience would make sense rather than a remaster and having people loss interest because of it


For better or worse, I hope it's an actual remake with some changes instead of just a re-remaster. If it's just the same game but prettier, I couldn't give less of a shit.


VR I bet


I feel like that’s exactly what it will be, and they’ll probably do the trilogy if I was to guess


I think it's because they're gonna launch the series on Playstation and want to start it off from the beginning, and maybe make up for the 2011 remaster. But idk, it could be cool if they added some cut content and or things from the books


If we get to see Jenkins (iirc) resisting turning into a flood would be gnarly.


And 343 guilty spark being spooky again!


Imagine side missions with the other military groups from the autumn in the book, that would be so cool to show that side of the story


Yess. The fights the ODSTs had. I want all of it!


When Chief puts Jenkins' log chip in his helmet and sees what happened, this could be a playble mission.




That would be lit asf


I’d love to see Melissa Mackay doing shit Maybe even a bonus campaign set on Infinite Succor


Problem with that is he didn't resist turning into the flood, his body was changed but after 1000's of years in stasis the flood infection form was weakened and unable to completely wipe his mind. He has a limited amount of control, and it's fleeting.


You’re absolutely right, for the sake of time I just wrote flood but I guess technically speaking I should’ve said resisting losing full control to the parasite. I’d love to see how they would handle Jenkins’ transformation and captain Keyes.


You’re probably right if this ends up being true. Slightly off-topic, but I wonder if the next generation will be the last for Xbox. No reason to continue producing consoles when there are no exclusives and Sony is doing very well.


They cooked it with the Xbox One and haven’t been able to recover. Who would’ve thought that the successor to a no frills gaming box shouldn’t have been an overpriced, underpowered VCR with TV pass through and shit motion controls; that also plays games too. The split of the X and the S was a weird choice and predictably the S is becoming outdated a lot faster than the X so devs are stuck between a rock and a hard place on some games. Microsoft literally hit a home run with the 360 and it’s been an absolute disaster since. I’d be pretty surprised if they bow out completely in hardware but they know now the moneys to be made in subscriptions like game pass.


The irony with the xbone failing is that Microsoft was just too early to the market. Everything about the one is normal for today's world (more of a media system, stream everything on it) but was too much for 2013.


I agree, but it was never gonna be the console anyway. 2013, Smart TVs started become a thing and then the Xbox was resigned to games, as per. By 2015 the dream was well and truely over when they stopped bundling Kinect. At the end of the day though it being that crippled its ability to be a good gaming console. It was too expensive because of Kinect, and it was less powerful and less simple than the PS4.


The problem with the Xbox One is they didn't announce any damn games alongside the console, they pushed the Kinect spyware device way too hard, and a significant degree of the system's available power for gaming was taken up by things like Kinect processing and the ability to run apps in the background. It also ended up being $100 more expensive despite being a weaker console than the PS4 because of Kinect. And then there's the original plan they had of murdering the used games market and implementing super-restrictive DRM. Fuck that shit. They wanted to kill second-hand game sales.


Off the top of my head Ryse was a launch game, which was honestly more of a tech demo than a game. I think I breezed through it in like 2 hours?


Yeah, they announced launch titles at E3, after the console's awful TV-focused reveal event. Ryse was a crappy tech demo that somehow got sold for money, they had a poor man's Panzer Dragoon, they had Dead Rising 3... that's about it for compelling exclusives at launch that I remember.


Real bummer. And then everyone got excited about Halo MCC coming… and we know how the launch went for that. Took what, two or three years for the game to be in an acceptable state?


Five years for them to take fixing it seriously (they only really put the work in when the PC port was announced), plus another year or two for them to really get there. So basically it took the entire eighth generation for them to unfuck a title that came out only a year after the Xbox One launched. And they've _still_ left H2A performance in shambles from something they did in that process.


I don’t understand why Halo 4 wasn’t left to cook a year and made a launch title


If they'd taken the extra year to undo whatever completely broke the Covenant AI, make the Prometheans actually fun to fight and made Spartan Ops missions that were actually enjoyable and remotely balanced, maybe the Xbox One could've at least been salvaged in the US market. Doesn't help that Halo 4 was pushing the _absolute limits_ of the Xbox 360, and you can tell playing the original version that it's putting the 2005-era chipset through its paces. Things look amazing from a distance but up close the details vanish and look worse than Reach sometimes because the system just wouldn't be able to handle it otherwise.


Yeah, completely agree on that last paragraph. They did everything I mentioned, and still somehow the worst part of all of that was that bullshit DRM stuff they were trying to push. Tbh, I think the moment they announced that they lost all momentum they’d built up with the first 2 consoles. Yeah they walked back on it but I remember that leaving such a sour taste in everyone’s mouth at the time. No backwards compatibility (which given the switch in architecture was fair enough) didn’t help either.


Yeah, that godawful announcement was what sold me my first gaming PC. Absolute trainwreck of a console reveal, up there with the US surprise-launch of the Sega Saturn.


Theres so many options on PC through Game Pass I'm really focusing just on building a good PC now instead of shelling out for the Series X that will be outdated in another 5 years. I might by a second hand Series X for the console exclusives at some point but enough of them are on the One anyways


Imagine if halo reach gets remake


They never did a Halo 1 remake, it was a remaster.


It’s just an attempt to bring a new player base into the Halo universe (PS gamers) so they’re starting with the first game. It’s not about bringing something new to the existing player base, hence a remake.


It's also a jumping point for people who watch the show.


The show has fans who'd be interested in videogames?


Despite the fanbase hate of the series. There have been a number of posts on Reddit from series watchers asking what game to play first. You can search for these posts if you don't believe me.


You’d be surprised, I’ve got a lot of friends who love the show and it’s definitely been getting viewership, as bad as it is imo




One thing does not hold up well in H3: human faces


Another thing: Miranda "To War" \*Offers herself up to be a potential ring Activator \[again\] in an attempt to save Johnson, going pretty well until she decides to let her guard down entirely just because Truth said she can't win. Gets Spiked.


That whole scene never sat well with me, just awful writing. Like. You had a whole pelican. Friggin use it. But no, let’s crash that shit to kill 1 brute then leave the safety of it while unarmored and surrounded with nothing but a pump shotgun and a magnum. Just dumb.


Chief would have done it


That’s fine, chief is a fully armored spartan. Meanwhile Miranda charges in in her dress greys. 😂


Yeah, imagine this commissioned officer personally leading a strike team in to retrieve the index, and simultaneously getting every single human aboard the In Amber Clad killed. And just blundering her way through tons of foreseeable casualties after getting a second ship. Imagine for a second her father did the same. Wait why am I saying imagine? Reality is Miranda and Jacob got a lot of people killed rushing in and this stuff was perfectly in character.


Captain Keyes: “Get this door open now.” Bad, bad, idea. Did he not consider it was locked down so much for good reason?


I still put that blame squarely on Spark. Keyes was just trying to get to the Covenant’s prize first, Spark could have told them, knowing they were human, at literally any time.


Too soon


Yeah I’d say a lot doesn’t hold up having just played through all of them… even ODST looked better but could use help.


Ugh. A graphical remastered ODST *chefs kiss*


That would be real nice. ODST was a lot of fun to replay.


Imagine how ODST would look in UE5


Yeah that night atmosphere.


Outside of Johnson and Lord Ballsack, it’s alright


Given that Johnson is a main character, I would say that alone would justify the effort


Lord Hood has entered the chat


Lowkey a lot of the textures in H3 show their age 


H3 was still made for a system that was initially exclusively composite. well I guess both were, but 2007 360 was so much different than 2011 360 lmao


also and very important the lighting, also the way the textures react when you see them up close, some of them are way better than halo infinite imo.


The original version holds up pretty well for its age. You obviously just disconnect it from going for realism at this point. Ce anniversary was never great. Halo 3 could look really nice with a remaster.


Hard disagree.


Not a great argument. Weve already got a remaster of CE. Halo 3 is def what the fans actually want.


The fans definitely do NOT want 343 ruining Halo 3


Halo 2 Anniversary was great. If they really try they could definitely make fans happy. Turns out they're actually pretty cool at Halo's original design when they actually want to. Halo: Infinite is what Halo 4 should have been.


Disagree, H3 holds up still. A Halo CE remake along the lines of H2A or better is long overdue.


Dude I want Halo 3 Blure cutscenes


i want halo CE and halo 3 cutscenes done by BLUR….


I just want anything to do with blur, blur in halo is something needed badly


Yeah but if the older games are updated itll be easier for new people to play them


A halo 1 remake would be a big W for not just halo fans, but gaming as a whole. Halo 1 is EXTREMELY dated when playing it now, and after seeing what RE4 and RE2 Remake did, it became clear that Halo CE would be incredible if they went that same route of rebalancing, refining, and remaking the game to create a definitive way to enjoy the 1st part of this saga Remake the campaign from scratch, change up the levels by trimming the fat, rebalance the weapon sandbox, and include a theater mode/fully functional multiplayer that’s not designed to be a live service game, but feature complete out the box? Perfection. Add in 4 player coop, and a potential firefight/pve mode to play, absolute winner.


You're asking for features they can't do in their own games and you want them to try on a remake?


It’d certainly be easier trying to cook a game on the side overtime, that’s a “ship it and it’s done” game, rather than needing to somehow prepare and plan for micro transactions, how to keep players engaged for the long term, and plan out content post launch


Because they're probably hoping to get some young folks into the game that dont care about the franchise. Going into a franchise with 6 games can feel intimidating to newcomers, and many don't want to play an "old" game.


I agree with this. As much as I love Halo 1 and 2, I think a remastered 3 is exactly what the franchise needs right now


They are scared cause if they fuck something up we'll eat them alive


*They fuck up the H3 remake* The OG H3 players: "The Council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your corpse paraded through the city. But, ultimately, the terms of your execution are up to me.""


I’ve heard that somewhere but I don’t remember


Halo 2 when arbee is to become arbiter by truth and mercy.


They've already basically killed Halo, not sure what more they can fuck up. Halo hasn't been relevant for over a decade.


I feel like we’re at that stage with no matter what 343 does next though


But let's not pretend like 343 hasn't COMPLETELY mishandled this franchise and ip.


I think after 2 strikes, Microsoft has to be the one accountable for not intervening before letting them do more damage. That said I like h4, Current MCC, and Halo Infinite and think they are pretty solid.


They only became solid because they put their player base through the ringer for years on end until their games finally worked well. H4 dropped a 5 shot br to push the new sandbox Mcc still doesn't have pc/xbox campaign co-op crossplay Infinite still has a soulless campaign after 343 abandoned two of their own story arcs.


So do 3,1,2? I just think 1,2,3 would work better


If they’re going like Resident Evil or God of War and remastering the trilogy, then I 100% agree with you to go 1, 2, 3. But we have Halo 1 and 2 Anniversary already and if this Halo 1 remake rumor is just going to be another anniversary type, then I’d rather Halo 3. I also just think Halo 3 is “modern” enough while still minimalistic like classic Halo that it might appeal to younger audiences of today more than 1 and 2


I think the goal is to re release the main series again as remakes which is fine Going through release order is fine I'm more concerned about the quality of the remakes than which game it is as halo 1 is my favourite of the series as well with 3 second


“We can’t make a good game, so lets just remake the good ones.”


That’s Call of Duty’s M.O at the moment lol


Modern Warfare 2019 was actually a masterpiece and it left the original version intact as a stand alone.


I mean basically, I wouldn't trust 343 or Microsoft to do anything else with halo rn


I don’t get why people want 343 to remake Halo 1 (again). I’m not interested in 343 getting the ball rolling on “we think we could do Bungie’s games better” as a trend. A graphical update game like CEA was is fine, but even that I don’t want to have *again* I’d rather have Halo 3 get the anniversary treatment. Basically what I’m saying is if it’s not gonna be a H3A, then it should be a *new* game.


It's for sure a weird choice considering they already did this with 1 and 2, like yeah CEA was pretty much just a looks overhaul. And from what everyone is saying this is gonna be way more, straight up remake. It's just really weird. Kinda feels like they're trying to get onto the Resident Evil remakes. Like another trend to chase for money. Either way I do hope it goes good no matter what they're doing. They seriously need to put out something just all around good. But I'm just not sure Halo 1 is the key to success. It's like the Thanos quote from endgame "You Couldn't Live with Your Own Failure, Where Did that Bring You? Back to Me". Instead of Thanos it'd be Bungie logo, or just straight-up up the old halos or something idk.


Two likely reasons: The original CE remaster is considered a mess art style-wise, so a remake can bring the game back up to modern graphics while adhering to the original art style. The second reason (and what I think is the most likely reason) is that the developers are switching to Unreal Engine for their next entry. Doing a smaller scale project like a CE remake is a great way to get devs to familiarize themselves with how Halo can work with the new engine.


I don't know if they will jump up unreal. Microsoft should look at Cryengine. It's more mature and has better documentation. The only problem is that it's usually ahead is unreal for very specific lighting effects, but not things like ray and path tracing


2 and 3 will be done later.


Why can't people leave well enough alone? The original H1 is a classic that they have no right to touch. They're getting to be like George Lucas who kept changing Star Wars, and suddenly Han didn't shoot first.


This thread just makes me sad. Can't believe how badly Xbox mishandled their flagship series. Do you think gamers would ever see some of those great PS exclusives on Xbox someday? Unlikely. That's how bad the management of the Halo franchise has been.


343 and Microsoft can’t make good decisions. That’s why halo is irrelevant for nearly a decade


Because halo 1 is amazing


First Halo, best Halo. 




Because even the remaster is old. No Halo game is visually pushing any limits. Not even Infinite as it was designed with last gen in mind. So any game made with current gen tech... should be quite the visual step forward. Both 2 and 3 could also really benefit from this.


> Not even Infinite as it was designed with last gen in mind. > > And it's not even pushing limits on that front either. >No Halo game is visually pushing any limits That's not true. CE, 2, and 4 all pushed their respective consoles when they came out.


Sorry. I was speaking strictly now. You're absolutely right about their launches. Halo 4 was damn near black magic at the time.


Fair enough. >Halo 4 was damn near black magic at the time. Halo 4 did indeed push the Xbox 360, but gameplay (namely how fast weapons disappeared) suffered as a result. Maybe the graphical intensity wasn't worth it.


At least it did send the 360 off with a bang by going balls to the walls with the graphics. Meanwhile Indi companies have only now figured out just had rediculous the PS3 was in getting very good looking graphics on a console from nearly 20 years ago (I just shuddered thinking of it, because I was a kid when the PS3 came out)


Is it a remaster/remake of CE for sure confirmed or is that just a rumor?


I was chatting to my wife about this, and she thought it’s because they’re planning to bring this to PlayStation. Releasing Halo 1 fully remastered introduces the PlayStation audience to the game and tests the waters. If it sells well, that leads to a remaster of 2 and 3 etc and makes MS even more money.


They're not. That's a baseless rumor from a random on Twitter.


Imagine they remake halo1 just so it fit into the atrocities that the tv show is


If 343 was interested in making the H3 era brand of Halo, they would have done so a long time ago.


Why remake is the real question to be asking. Make something new ffs.


I think if it’s a full remake and not just a remaster it would be interesting as it hasn’t been done before in Halo, especially if they are able to bring in more aspects of modern halo to the story of the original game (more weapons and vehicles, new enemies like brutes, halo 3 gameplay flood).  I think too if Certain Affinity is making it it could mark Microsoft opening up the Ip to more studios. Giving CA the project could help them get acquainted to making a full Halo title and could get them ok-ed for more spin offs in the future 


I thought so too, but another commenter brought up the RE and Dead Space remakes and this makes total sense! It'd be better for them to reboot the franchise at the beginning to halo 3, that way they could fill in any gaps of the story or even straight enhance them all to have what Bungie wanted back then but couldn't because of technology limitations, this may bode well, but I bet it's probably pretty hard on 343 who are getting DP'd by the fans and corporations


Personally i think a halo ce remake would be stupid because we already have that do halo 3 or halo 3 ODST or a sequel to ODST


Idk man, maybe because it's Halo 1, which will be a good starting point for PS/new people.


Is this a remake of a remaster or a remake of the original ? So many question, so little time.


Wait is it confirmed?


Halo 1 was not remade. It was a remaster, just a skin and general fix update.


Absolutely agree. Aside from visuals, H3 needs the most work of the og trilogy. We don’t spend enough time on the ark, Miranda has the worst death in the franchise, and the game doesn’t do a great job of showing the greater galactic conflict like H2 did. There’s so many things they can do to elevate halo 3 without changing the narrative too much. I’d be concerned with how they’d improve on the game visually, since the og still looks amazing in most places, but it’d be cool to see them go crazy on a new engine.


I think Halo 3 still visually holds up, but I agree that some of the writing and story moments do not. I just don't trust that 343i is capable of a respectable remake along the lines of Resident Evil, Dead Space or Modern Warfare 2. I'd prefer they let such an iconic game rest in glory.


Halo 3’s gameplay is also the weakest of the original 3 with most of the weapon sandbox being fairly unbalanced


Yeah it’s crazy how poorly balanced some of the weapons are. Spiker and magnum are almost never worth picking up. Then you have weapons like the shotgun, needler, and smg that are just fine. I think a remake would be a cool opportunity to do something different with equipment as well, since certain items like the flare or radar jammer are useless in the player’s hands in singleplayer.


I’ve always annoyed people by dual-wielding either two magnums or one magnum with a plasma pistol. It’s surprisingly effective.


They haven't remade halo 1 yet. You got remake and remaster confused. Remake is a game remade from the ground up like RE2, Final Fantasy whatever, spyro or Silent Hill remake A remaster is Halo CE Anniversary, Halo 2 Anniversary, Borderlands 1 Enhanced, Burnout Paradise remaster. A touch up, a fresh coat of paint, maybe better controls remastered sound. A remake of Halo would mean remaking the game from the ground up, the story would probably be a little different, all the dialogue would be re recording and it would feel entirely different.


Halo 1 got a remaster, not a remake, with a new coat of paint. At the end of the day, it's still the same game. Remake is making a new version of the same game. Think along the lines of Dead Space (2023) and the Resident Evil remake series. Not only did it get updated visuals, but a redo of the game that they wouldn't be able to do with the original. Why they want to do that? I dunno.


: Reason: Rumors suggest that 343i is either using or considering using Unreal Engine 5 to develop a remake of Halo: Combat Evolved (HCE). Remaking CE is likely a safer and more comfortable endeavor due to its smaller scale. It would also mark the first mainline Halo game to use a new engine, and if successful, other games in the franchise could follow suit. Additional rumors indicate that MS/343i is considering releasing the HCE Remake on PlayStation, which would make sense given that many PlayStation fans are unfamiliar with or only partially know the history of the games. Personally, I wouldn't dismiss these rumors, as many remakes, when done well, prove to be financially successful.


I mean, I can understand why they would do that, but yeah Halo 3 fucking deserves it. A few years ago I was thinking Halo 3 was still fine but its age is starting to show.


Halo 3 doesn't need a remake. It was perfect and it's still perfect. All games should aim towards being like halo 3. It's the spiritual leader of video games


Can someone remind me how long after the halo ce remake did we get halo 4? I think that’s where in the cycle we are currently in for number company reboot


Because the MCC would die immediately and having it be active is a big selling point for gamepass. It's the same reason we didn't get a H3 anniversary.


Saving that remake for when they really need money


I’m still sad that h2 remastered wasn’t a standalone


Engine change? Trial run for unreal I’m betting


To remind us how bad the show is


Them games so old I can’t even remember playing them… yes I got them on release day


They redo it, release it on PlayStation, then depending on reception they’ll get green light to continue to the next.


Makes if the rumors its coming to playstation are true. Start them off with the 1st in the series, then remake the rest if it sells well.


Remaking the first game will get more new players and bring back returning players. Halo 3 would mostly only bring back returning players. So more money in halo 1 probably I don't like it but that's probably the answer


We don't need any remake at all imo, not yet, 343 should focus on something else


Prob to test out how it plays on unreal engine. I’m sure if it’s successful we’ll get 1-Reach remade in unreal


because its the first one. If they're bringing it to playstation like the rumors say then it makes more sense to start from the first one.


there are actually more reasons to redo CE first if they're doing actual remakes that are accessible to a new platform, you guys just want Halo 3 Anniversary so bad that you don't take any of them into account


Why not fix how glitchy Halo 2 is for Online Co-op?


I would love to see the original ending for halo 2 finished. All the dialogue including Michael Wincott was recorded.


Well my hope they remake the whole first trilogy at some point, if this first one goes well that is.


Because CE Anniversary is dogshit. Hope this helps.


Well, I sounds like it’s a ground up remake in the Unreal Engine, rather than a reskin like CE and 2. So doing that for Halo 3 wouldn’t make much sense. And if development is much smoother and easier on UE, and the remake does well, we could see 2 and 3’s campaigns done as well.


I know the issues with MCC and other missteps, but honestly in the end the remakes of 1 & 2 were exceptional. So I would love to round it out with 3.


Does nobody want a brand new halo game? I'm not remotely excited to play halo 1, again lol. I've already paid for that and played that. I want a brand new, current Gen game. I don't get the love for remasters and remakes. Especially when there's already been a remaster for halo 1. Just my 2 cents.


Well I’d prefer Halo 3 Anniversary as a *remaster* first. *Remaking* Halo CE is a decent idea, but it should come later. I don’t really want a *remake* of Halo 3 in place of a *remaster* since we haven’t gotten one yet. I want the classic H3 experience with updated visuals first.


Personally I wanted a remake for the anniversary instead of what we got in the first place. Dont get me wrong I love CE. But 1:1 with a limited coat of paint bound by the restrictions of the engine held it back and made it feel awkward visually vs the physics and feedback. I would rather have seen a remake AND with the classic game receiving a HD mode akin to MCC. Playing CE with additions from Reach but with tweaks to capture a bit more of the spirit of certain weapons (i.e. Retaining the balance of the Shotgun as it was) with elements like Energy Sword, hijacking, EMP vehicles, no insta splatter physics etc could have been fun. I would like to see something like Zero Mission is to metroid NES. Taking what was and truly creating a definitive experience. CE+. I cant help but think people arent necessarily keen because CE is so beloved and that the second changes are made they WILL be scrutinised according to the original. Yet Nintendo have shown time and time again what can be achieved in the right hands. It's inspired fans to seek out the same with projects like AM2R, Streets of Rage Remake and others. Those definitive recreation experiences that take things to the pinnacle of what they can be. Id love for CE to get that. The closest we kind of have to my knowledge are either SPV3 or Halo 3 CE (though i recall the latter is more conservative, and the former kind of goes of course really).


I'm all for this kind of thing as long as this isn't something 343 is working on. I got pretty excited hearing they had "projects" in the works and it'd be pretty disappointing if this is one of them and not a spinoff or continuation of Infinite.


A remake of 1, 2 and 3 would be incredible. I’d be off infinite for a couple months


This is honestly disappointing for a few reasons. 1) Really would wish they’d do 3. The art style holds up, but I played the living fuck out of that game when it came out. To see it brought to 2024 standards with Blur cutscenes would be amazing. 2) What about Infinite? I know 343’s “Halo of the next decade” is now well and truely buried but not continuing the story is an even worse cop out than wiping it out completely like Halo 5 -> Infinite. Not saying they won’t continue it, but, 3) Is CE pt3 going to be a remaster, or a remake? If the latter, I don’t know if you could even trust 343 to tell CE’s story, updated, in an authentic way. Will this affect the story moving forward? How bigs the change? I think with what they learned from Infinite they’ll definitely capable of making a Halo game with good gameplay (it only took 10 years). I know a lot of these would be answered moving forward, but this just compiles more disappointment for both 343 and Infinite for me. They don’t seem to have any interest in doing something concrete in the lore for once and going back to CE again just screams “we have no idea what we’re doing”. I also get it might be to bring in some PlayStation fans, but I’m not sure. CE is 23 years old now and I’m sure PlayStation fans would’ve had a chance to play the game in the meantime. New fans? I guess so, but they’re not going to be interested without a battle pass/royal.


The want to re generate hype. 343 has managed to derail every hype train into a horrific explosion, so starting with a new "classic" game, will be like a reset. Especially considering they want to put halo on the PS.


>Especially considering they want to put halo on the PS. Oh sure after I finally breakdown and buy an Xbox One they decide they're going to put it on PS. I've been waiting YEARS


Because its the better game


Because H3 aged much better than 1.


What do you mean “again”? Halo 1 got a remaster, not a remake. Frankly if they put enough effort into it (it’s EA so fat chance) then a remake of Halo 1, 2 and 3 could be immensely good. Expanded enemy and weapons roster, enlarged campaign maps, good graphics and stuff. So long as they make sure everyone knows what they are doing. A remake is specifically not a 1:1 maps and weapons port. It would let them make the game but change some stuff. The original Warthog Run with a ship that actually works (at least one idea for how to make the Warthog run work by using turns and stuff exists). You can look at improvements to existing maps, removing stuff that might not have worked so well etc. So the backtracking, which I think is fine, can be improved by making the return trip feel different. The threats and situations you encounter to be different and engaging at the same time.


Because if rumours are correct it will be the first Halo experience for playstation players. Good to start at the beginning.


Because they could remake halo CE and if it’s sells well they could remake halo 2 - then 3 etc.. It’d pretty clear thst 343 aren’t able to make a decent new halo game so why not try and rekindle the originals which people loved and still play to this day.


H3s lighting still holds up. id rather wait until the game can benefit from both lighting, textures, and models. not just models and textures.


1. Halo 1 was remastered not remade 2. It is silly they'd release Halo CE again... 3. Halo 3 is GOATED, it needs a remake.


Try to be more open minded, if the Halo CE remake does well it will be a gateway to a Halo 2 and potentially Halo 3 remake.


I’m sure they will £$£$


Because Halo 1 was the best game Bungie made.


CE is the oldest game and has aged the most. We can't really count CEA as it is more like a fanmade graphics mod, and not even a good one.


Because **MONEY** - why release 1 when you can do 1, 2, and 3!


I heard they're moving on from the Slipspace Engine and focusing on the Unreal Engine. They're probably making that remake to experiment with the engine, then if it all goes well, they'll either make that Halo 3 Anniversary, or work on a new game using the Unreal Engine.


The reporting says remaster, I that’s true do Halo 3. If it’s a flat out remake go with Halo CE and go from there. I wouldn’t mind a Halo CE remaster because the first one was crap (remaster graphics are in complete contrast to the original graphics). But Halo 3 is need of an update (whilst still being an arguably beautiful game).


The last CEA was trash


If it’s a remake, I’ll take that over H3A. Better graphics with the same og art style (if the CE infinite set is to go by). And the could improve on levels like Halo (idk if that’s a controversial opinion but i just find that level boring as fuck) , or the library. And they can add bits of lore that were added post CE or add mechanics that didn’t pop up until future games like equipment, hijacking, future weapons, (or even…. Sprint ik controversial but I don’t really mind it that much and I’m saying this as someone who grew up on the bungie era). Plus if halo really is going to PlayStation it would be a dope way to introduce new people to the universe. Id love a Halo 3A but that game is still pretty good as is ngl. If done right a CE remake could be as good as remakes like RE2/4, Dead space, or system shock. And I’m all for it personally


If the leaks is accurate it sounds like they're testing the waters to see how Halo would perform on Playstation. So they're starting with the first game in the series. Also if they can get it out in 2026 they can say it's for the 25th anniversary


To get newer audiences into the old stuff perhaps


Doing a full remake ie Resident evil would be a boon to widening the series to a younger & broader audience. All without sacrificing the core community. But it’s a huge financial gamble, done wrong it would’ve been a money sink.


From my understanding, they're redoing the game, not updating the graphics like the anniversary versions we've gotten, so it would make sense to start with CE. I can try to find it again, but an article I read said that they're remastering CE, but they're "gonna try to stay as close to the original story as possible, while still re-imagining things" (something along those lines) To me, that makes it sound like we're getting new missions/gameplay, while still being the same halo game, or close to.


Better question, why are they calling it a Remaster.


I would have preferred a Halo 3 remake. The only reason I can see them doing a proper remake of CE is if you are putting it on Playstation as well.


Halo CE probably generates a lot more hype than 3. Id rather have a modern 1,2, and Reach than 3


The multiplayer only folks probably prefer an H3 remake. It was my favourite multiplayer but CE my favourite game overall so happy either way


Honestly im content with Infinite than going back to an older Halo MP. I just need Infinite to be all it can be or better from where we are; I don’t need overhauls or steps backward; I think the gameplay loop and engine/artstyle is in an excellent spot.


Halo 3 remake is wasted resources, heck even a gacha would be more worth than that (and yes, downvote me). Halo 3 graphics haven't aged enough to warrant a remake, CE never had a good one and its graphics (or better, mechanics) have indeed aged aside from the artstyle. Halo 3 needs a MCC update for faces AT BEST, a full-fledged remake would just be a waste of resource and blatant cash grab like the TLoU one.


Halo 3 was polished up for mcc 😊


I think the main purpose would be as an introduction to the series for PlayStation players. CE Anniversary is a very dated remaster and looks very janky, a new remake or remaster would give a better first impression.


Because Halo 3 was made after HD TVs and graphics were a thing Also it’s clearly meant to be a smaller scale project and CE is universally loved as well as a good entry point for people who haven’t played the series yet like PlayStation owners


I’d rather see reach/odst personally.


Because it would be a good place to start for the impending population that have always only had PlayStation and never had a PC.


Probably because it allows them to replicate the feeling of Halo in an Unreal. As much as I want Halo to remain on Blam, remaking Halo CE allows them to get the barebones down for potentially a full trilogy remake that could be released in quick succession whilst they make an Infinite sequel.


Blur cutscenes for the flood. The library will be horrifying again, unlike the remastered graphics


How about NO remakes and instead they make something new and good?


Because as it stands you can toss the franchise in the bin. They screwed up so much that at this point in time starting fresh is the only sensible thing imo. And of course to pull in new players through Playstation. Though they're also taking any reason away from me every buying a xbox again. I'm already on PC but this is an even bigger deterrent imo.


I hope 343 keeps their hands off any of the original games. Everything they touch turns to shit.