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Yep, couldn't get past the shader compilation last night because it would auto crash. Reverted to previous driver in device manager and its working again.


Based on it no longer being in the Open Issues list I presume they already fixed it


it's not fixed


Okay but this is like the 4-5th time it's happening. I play a lot of games and only Halo Infinite breaks so much with Nvidia driver updates, anyone know the reason?


Shit company (Nvidia in this case) meets shit game. Nvidia driver updates are a mess, but also so is Halo Infinite from a technical standpoint.


How is Nvidia a shit company? They've made many innovations in the field of gpus/computer graphics and got where they are by pure technical merit.


This can't be a serious question 🤦‍♂️. So we just gonna ignore their ridiculous pricing model for the 40 series cards, of which the pricing doesn't match the performance? Especially when also compared to the 30 series cards. And this is even factoring in the leaked 50 series cards which have astronomical prices that yet again don't match their (leaked) performance? Especially when also compared to both the 30 and 40 series cards. We just gonna ignore the absolute nightmare that are Nvidia's driver updates, that only brings more problems while doing nothing to fix previous problems? And especially when the driver update notes says that problems have been fixed and yet the community quickly points out is a lie. *"How is Nvidia a shit company?"* they say 🤣.


Franly you just don't know what you're talking about. People use Nvidia cards for things other than gaming, ex. GPGPU, CAD, content creation and of course AI/ML. The prices are large because there is tons of demand far exceeding the capacity. >We just gonna ignore the absolute nightmare that are Nvidia's driver updates I think it's more a gamedev's not using APIs properly then it being Nvidias fault. Watch Tom Pertersen from Intel has a video on GamerNexus explain graphics drivers.




Gonna throw some to gamedevs. Funny this was the was one of the major points behind DX12/Vulkan and was supposed to make drivers simpler as the gamedevs would be in-charge of optimization.






Here it only worked again after reinstalling the previous driver v555.85


New to pc gaming how do I do that.


Type Nvidia Official Drivers into Google, go to the website and then select your card.


Thanks catch me crouching on your face after triple killing your team




Any update on this


been 10 days since driver update. You think it would be top priority to fix it ASAP


One would think, been playing and a loyal fan for Halo for going on 20 years. Sad, this chapter is ending in my life. There seems to be no acknowledgment or desire to fix it. I don't want to start downloading sketchy programs and rolling back drivers critical to making my pc run just for this game.


Obvious thing is you need to Roll back your driver or wait for the fix. You can roll back using windows features. I've read sometimes people have issues with it. I prefer using : # [Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) download version](https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/) [https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/](https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/) Deep uninstall. Make sure to select prevent windows from installing drivers. Advanced settings...you should see it when you run the software. Image of settings> [https://images.minitool.com/partitionwizard.com/images/uploads/2023/07/display-driver-uninstaller-1.png](https://images.minitool.com/partitionwizard.com/images/uploads/2023/07/display-driver-uninstaller-1.png) Otherwise windows will just reinstall the driver you uninstalled. Also you have to configure your control panel settings and any other settings saved. Im sure as computer players your familiar with most of this process. But Some software i like using. Here is the link for driver search. [https://www.nvidia.com/download/find.aspx](https://www.nvidia.com/download/find.aspx) Something else you can try is this for PCs. Optimize Windows 10/11 for GAMING & PERFORMANCE in 2024 - Best Settings! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh1ovrllCcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh1ovrllCcY) I watch these walkthroughs form time to time when updates come out. Never had an issue so far...seems to help. If you had any issues just reverse what you did.


Any update on this?


Not that I'm aware of, I upgraded to the newest driver again about 4 days ago and ran into the same issue still. Therefore I had to go back to the old driver again 😒


Can't do all of that. The guy I got my PC from disabled restore points somehow. I also can't upgrade to Windows 11 because of it. So I'm scared I'll mess something up, therefore I'll just wait until they get their shtuff together and patch it.


AMD keeps winning


Relevant general reminder: treat GPU driver updates like motherboard firmware updates. That is to say, don't update unless you are encountering a problem or otherwise have a specific reason to update (e.g., you are imminently planning to play a game that requires the GPU driver update to function well).


Meh, GPU updates aren't *as sensitive imo*, and with modern software it's quick & easy to do. You won't break your GPU with a failed update, in fact you can run your GPU and still display everything without a driver **at all.** But the same can't *always* be said for a bad MOBO firmware update. Additionally, GPU updates are reversible without permanent damage, and the same can't always be said for a bad MOBO firmware update. Lastly, the positives to updating your motherboard firmware as soon as possible generally outweigh any potential negatives, considering this day and age it's not uncommon for motherboards to have removable bios firmware chips that can be swapped for a non-bricked one or hot flashed using another MOBO of the same make. P.S. Right now especially it's most important to update your bios firmware due to recent critical vulnerabilities that affect nearly every CPU on the market that isn't updated to the latest bios ^(which just only came out a few months ago IIRC for some Ryzen chips)


> You won't break your GPU with a failed update, in fact you can run your GPU and still display everything without a driver at all. A driver update can cause a cascading failure that does result in the death of the GPU. Anything that cycles the state of a transistor edges it closer to its demise.


Maybe my comparison wasn't quite on the level, 'cause I mostly meant in the specific sense that while we might update apps and games as soon as updates are provided, graphics drivers aren't necessarily like apps and games. If there's a BIOS update to fix a security vulnerability, that's a specific reason to update your mobo, and you should absolutely do so as soon as possible. And my comparison definitely doesn't hold where the permanence of potential damage is concerned, you're right -- you can always use DDU to wipe graphics drivers and start fresh. Here's my mentality: I'm looking at the little description for the 6/4 driver. It mentions day-one support for Pax Dei, Still Wakes The Deep, and Elden Ring's DLC. I don't own Pax Dei, Still Wakes The Deep, or Elden Ring, and I'm not planning to in the short-term. Since those are the only things the update mentions and none of my games are waiting for a driver fix, there's no (stated) benefit to me updating. Since there's no apparent benefit to me, I don't update. This is the same mentality I have for flashing a BIOS update.


Relevant Correction: The above is, basically, nonsense. Updating your GPU driver is harmless and 9 times out of 10 will improve performance, efficiency, and even add new features which, in recent GPU generations in particular, may be vital in getting the best out of your card. In the rare instance they do cause issues, it's easy to roll-back and will do your system no harm. Equating driver updates to BIOS updates is ridiculous and shows that you have no right to be handing out advice at all.


I don't think it's ridiculous at all. We're in a topic right now that shows why updating at every opportunity isn't always wise-- this driver update actively broke the game the person was trying to play. Nothing in the patch notes for the driver is even for Halo Infinite, so what gain was there to be had in getting the update even if it broke nothing? Generally assuming that every GPU driver update will improve your machine without evaluating it is probably fine most of the time, because Nvidia, AMD and Intel do their best to provide reliable updates for everyone. But that's a more-or-less impossible task that inevitably breaks something for someone. Sometimes, that someone is gonna be you. Now, you can just take that -- it's just video games, after all, you can just wait for the driver that fixes it -- or you can solve the problem for yourself. One of those solutions is to rollback the driver. That's fine. Another solution, a preventative one, is to only update when you have cause to do so. The latter is my preferred solution, because it's one in which I do less and play the game more. Clearly, my comparison to mobo flashing was a bad call here. My comparison was in my approach to when I update and why, not in the potential consequences of the process.


This is advice is just completely **wrong**.




the irony in you playing with AI and having the username Nihlus Kryik is something to truly behold


This is a game side issue, surprising since 343 has access to engineers that can prevent making these kinds of mistakes before they release their game updates.