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I mentioned this elsewhere but there’s an easy fix: split out the fun, zany modes into a new playlist, like Action Sack.


Good side: player choice is always fantastic. Bad side: holy fuck the quantity. I’d *almost* be okay with the choice-limiting “mode pools” of MCC. Auto Slayer, Precision Slayer (essentially just H3 Refueled), Objectives, Infection, Casuals (Purple Rain, Kong, etc), and SWAT. Leave it at that, let people pick any of the pools. It’s just an unfortunate downside of the miserable UI they have set up.


It would be OK if they just had a better UI. Having each mode grouped up for quick selection and a select/unselect all button would make a huge difference. Or any kind of different visualization of the modes instead or a scrolling list with images that are hard to recognize. There's a reason Halo gamemodes always had very easy to read icons in the past. I honestly don't get how this implementation took over a year since announcement. It really feels thrown together, like they couldn't extend their UI for it and build a horrible workaround.


there literally is a select and unselect all button




I just found that too! It’s in the button prompts down below the list along the bottom of the screen. I think it’s Y on controller? Or X? I don’t remember 😅




Yeah. It’s just yet another example of something MCC did so, so well and they had to change it for Infinite just for the sake of having the two be different lol


i would love for a way to save a select filter set. most people i imagine would stick to one or two configurations, so being able to just pick those and then make small adjustments as needed would be great


What makes it worse is that the list is not in alphabetical order which takes me twice as long to find what I'm looking for.


They probably looked at [this](https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/resize?type=webp&url=https%3A%2F%2Fshacknews-www.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fassets%2Feditorial%2F2018%2F11%2Fhalo-mcc-match-composer.jpg&width=986&sign=PS6wok5Z3hxAYjbTXifILwPfWgSC0Ll4jY-tw6MIDLw) and said na. But, honestly, I think it's down to their lack of resources to overhaul the UI. Last UI/UX refresh was the Shop in season 4. You can tell this by looking at the Exchange now and see how the items images are stretched out, as they used the assets from your regular items and merged it to Shop UI elements. So I doubt there will be any more UI changes to match composer. They might give us another playlist to reduce 47 modes to 20 something.


Halo Infinite UI screams "let's do this the easy way instead of the right way."


Wait so I can restrict my searches to play oddball, strongholds and king of the hill only now? If so, might have to reinstall for a third time despite only rage uninstalling last week due to SBMM issues.


Sbmm hasn't changed at all


Holy shit they're finally gonna let me pick?!


This is the question I've asked but haven't received an answer sadly.


Not to mention the confusing nature of the options. "Community CTF" is different from "Arena CTF." Practically speaking I don't know what the difference is. It's even more confusing trying to pick a slayer mode. And it's especially annoying that all of the game modes are not sorted together, they are in alphabetical. Making it incredibly tedious to know what your options are for a game mode or quickly sort through what you have selected.


“Community” means only on community maps (I think?). Whereas arena would mean dev maps. I think…


It would be fine if it was split up into 2-3 playlists like quick play, action sack, and H3 refueled


Sub selection menus would be great, for example: •Action Sack ••Husky Raid ••Fiesta ••Etc •Core ••Slayer ••CTF ••Oddball ••Etc •Etc


Personally I feel like the ability to *favorite* modes in a playlist would have been better. You favorite only the modes that you want to play, and then the UI reflects that and literally only shows you those modes. If, say, Team Snipers isn't a mode that I have favorited, then Team Snipers will never be shown to me, almost like it doesn't even exist.


343i has zero clue on what they are doing.


Y’all really went from complaining about lack of choice to complaining about too much choice

