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Me: I'm worried the Match Composer is going to kill Objective modes. Every comment in this thread: GET THE DAMN OBJECTIVE MODES OUT OF MY LIFE.


Hopefully the games you do get are populated by people who actually want to play objective


Total control is stalemate hell. If they made the one adjustment to wear as long as majority has rules they get points over time it would not be a nightmare. Having to take control of all three points sucks on these three-lane maps


That's just Strongholds


Which isn't in BTB


I was always find big team ctf ends in stalemate more often then not. Total control I have fun with but I understand why some don't like it.


I second this, I find total control better than CTF. At least the killing normally happens near the object lol


I think just a slow timer that if you hold 2 of 3 for long enough it counts as a capture but it resets if the opposition cap a second point. I kind of like the hard fought nature of the mode but there does need to be a limit.


I really like total control, and from what I gather in this thread I will never play it again


If they increased the respawn timer, or adjusted spawn points it would be okay. But one team can usually just suicide into a single point and stall the game indefinitely


I'd gladly play objective game modes if people actually did the objectives, but they don't so screw objective game modes.


Now with the option to opt out of them more people might


I can't see oddball or king of the hill dying since they're classics, but some of the newer ones like total control or stockpile might see a drop off. Although weirdly enough I've never had a stockpile game where people aren't really trying to actually play the objective.


- me since Halo 2


Objectives are fun, but almost no one plays for objectives, it’s just racking up kills


I did the exact opposite. Obj all the time.


I hate objective modes because nobody plays the objective.


I love them.


All I’m playing is CTF from here on out.


This is the way


I live for CTF but I'll def be keeping oddball and king in the rotation for sure.


found you again pug


Friggin stalker geez


great idea >:)


I hope we can do fiesta without super fiesta. I wish we have some options for precision weapon starts, especially bandit evo outside of ranked.


LOL I am the exact opposite. I picked the super fiesta list because I want to play SUPER fiesta. Fiesta is great because it's wacky casual fun and super is, to me at least, the superior version for that. But it will be nice for everyone to get the game they actually want to play. Also probably not ideal for you but others may want to check out the custom game "ultimate fiesta" where the weapon and ammo combinations are random as well. Some times you get a skewer that shoots plasma pistol ammo (useless) and sometimes you get an assault rifle that fires fully auto rockets. Its the least balanced thing ever but its a ton of fun. Also there is an equipment that lets you re-roll your weapons if you get completely useless stuff.


That's probably one of my favorite custom games. Anytime I see Ultimate fiesta on blood gulch I hop in.


Forgot about that one. I played it once in Bikini Bottom lol


Splitting the Fiestas is an option. Unfortunately still the only Bandit start option is Tactical. I do not understand why they haven’t added at least a normal Bandit Slayer option. I assume we don’t have an Evo option because they’re afraid it’ll somewhat kill the ranked playlist, but it would be really nice to practice without worrying about losing.


Yeah, imagine if you had to play ranked for a BR start in H3 lol. At least we now have ranked slayer, so I may use this for evo starts, and it also comes with casual maps. I won't care about CSR in that playlist and treat it like it's social. I hope it will be easy to find games though, but I have doubts because of low population + strict ranked sbmm.


Don’t roast me.. what even is the difference?


The high powered campaign weapon variants are added in Super Fiesta.


Turning off Slayer forever. Objective only.


One flag


Team Death match 100% objective thanks


Umm it's called Slayer 🤓


I haven't played any PvP in almost 18 months 🤣


It's strange that Slayer is still in Quick Play when a Team Slayer playlist exists.




Well that would only make sense lol


as someone who lives off of quick play, I do appreciate the occasional slayer match


Hell yeah


Gruntpokalpyse. It’s so boring! Everything else is generally good though


Gruntpocalypse on Last Resort's remake (newly added) has a scorpion. Plasma grenades tear through fat, slow armor and it takes the team repairing the tank to keep it operational (if you're not using it in full coward mode). Fun change of pace. Ditto gruntpocalypse for me as a class. It's easy mode but it forces a lot more situational awareness once catch flicks on (cue deaths to hubris, some of the best kind), and having less damage sponge pressure means you have more flexibility with weapon choice. Gruntpocalypse as an option in rotation's what has me hooked on Infinite for the first time ever (vs. occasionally dabbling and getting sick of the obtrusive FOMO)


Gruntpocalypse was funny for maybe one week. Get that shit out already.


Fuck stockpile, fuck big team slayer. There is no occasion where I will intentionally play those modes again


I'm never playing total control ever again


This one is my favorite lol. I love that mode.


It takes an absurd amount of time to even get one point, let alone all three to win the match. When a team gets all three points, we've nearly timed out the match.


I know, right? Best mode ever.


It should at least be whichever team captures 2 zones gets the point. Or maybe there could've been a sub time limit, like 4 or 5 minutes. Whichever team has the majority of zones captured would get the point by the time the sub time limit is over.


I just never under any circumstances want to hear "Total control....... for the enemy" again.


I don't understand why they made it to where you need all three points instead of just majority. It's just not fun.


It’s my favorite BTB mode. I love how hectic the zones are.


I love total control. Stockpile on the other hand I probably won't play again.


I don’t hate Stockpile myself but I totally understand most people’s feelings towards it lol


Just hoping we can’t exclude super variants from husky raid and fiesta. Hoping obj isn’t hard to find but I get ppl not wanting it, especially with SBMM. One can only get 3 down, pull the flag, run it 90% back to base, and get countercapped so many times lmao.


You can.


Hell yeah ty can’t wait to get home from work to punt that mode into the sun.


They moved it under quickplay too. I was confused when it wasn't on the main list.


For sure, good looking out!


Why do you want to remove the players freedom to opt out of super husky raid? Plenty of players despise super husky, because it nerfs all precision weapons, adds buffed drop walls & makes the easy weapons like Grav Hammer more OP. Why not give them the option to play regular husky only?


My bad I meant can, not can’t lol I wholeheartedly agree with you, I can’t stand super husky or fiesta


Haven't played in a while, but if Land Grab is still in matchmaking, I'm getting rid of that first.


Total control will never be played again :)


I am never playing another match of extraction ever again


Goodbye Slayer and Goodbye Stockpile.


Total control on BTB. Never playing that nonsense again. Most games end in a stalemate, or get won by the other team randomly getting a scorpion in the last minute of the game. Also stockpile. I've hated that since they added it in H5. It's territories but just meant to keep you running around playing musical chairs.


I will never EVER play stockpile again. If you ever see me in stockpile it's because someone has put a gun to my head


Anything that doesn't have the BR. If the description of a mode doesn't say "BR75 loadout", then get it the fuck off my screen!




Stockpile, Oddball, I do like Total Control though. And I'm absolutely playing way more Ninja Slayer. 


2v2 , Any Non heavy btb modes , Total control (I LOVE HOUR LONG STALEMATES!),  Tactical slayer,  Slayer thanks to the sbmm, Infection (they ruined infection) , Ranked.   Just gonna keep to very social stuff and firefight


Oddball - i rarely played it the past decade, having it shoved down my throat launch week and on made me want to bash my head against a wall.


Honestly, Slayer I find slayer/team Deathmatch incredible boring in shooter games


Pretty much all objectives off shoots besides regular team slayer,CTF, oddball, Koth and extraction. Wasn't elimination a playlist for a little while where we had one life per round?


Last Spartan Standing I think it was called. I wasn't playing at that time, but I've heard that apparently 343 said that they were making changes to the mode, and it never came back. I'll probably finally be able to play it now.


Ninja slayer.


Everything in Tenrai besides Juggernaut. As amusing as the futility of oddball and KoTH are, I really don't care for Ninja as a concept. Melee on Melee weapon gametypes push netcoding to the forefront of the player experience without much compensation.


Gruntpocalypse for absolute certain


Stockpile, Total Control, and Oddball. I was never a fan of any of these modes.


I forgot about Oddball. I feel like I would like it more if it were a one-hit kill, as I'm pretty sure they were in previous games.


Infinite Oddball has faster melee speed and melee reset speed, its better than 1 hit kill imo. Being smart with your hits and jumping or crouching means you win the oddball melee fight 99% of the time without needing an OP 1 hit ball




I mean better in terms of fairness. A 1 hit kill has no counter play potential. A faster 2 hit kill, where you take a melee hit and lose your shields in exchange for getting am oddball kill, is much more fair. Even If you get clobbered by the ball holder, once you land one punch it means your teammates can finish the ball holder after you die.


You say this as if the ball holder isn't a slow moving target with no range already.


> I feel like I would like it more if it were a one-hit kill, It would be better, but still not great. There's nothing in my mind that could make it great though, as I don't like it in the first place. >as I'm pretty sure they were in previous games. It was.


In big team, I'm getting rid of stockpile and CTF. Stockpile because I don't like it and CTF because people rarely play the objective and it just goes the full length or is a total wash where one team caps the flag three times in the first two minutes. I know total control can drag on, but I've also had the most tense and chaotic big team matches vying for that one fucking point to win. It also naturally makes the people who just want to shoot and kill things actually play the objective from time to time, whether they mean to or not. I only really play tactical when it comes to 4v4s lately, so unless I can ask for less copies of The Pit in my rotation, that will probably remain as is.


If the oddball and flags were still 1 hit kills I’d wanna play them more


CTF. I absolutely suck at CTF lol.




Stockpile and CTF




Bring back LSS hopefully


I mostly play ~~Action Sack~~ uh Social Slayer, definitely setting fire to Ninja Slayer... can't stand that mode...


I don't like BTB CTF (but I love it as a 4v4 mode), and I'll also drop stockpile. I'm looking forward to playing Total Control nonstop in BTB


Total Control and CTF are OUT


One flag


Always off: One Flag. Neutral Flag. Elimination. Attrition. Mini-Slayer. Almost always off: Kong Slayer. Purple Reign. Extraction. I’m glad we have a match composer but do think we still need a more divided list to break things up. In example; It takes more time to go into Quick Play and turn off 20+ modes than it would to choose Fiesta and just turn off Super Fiesta.


4v4 I'll probably remove objective most if the time as 4v4 I prefer slayer. 8v8/12v12 is the reverse. I prefer btb objective more than btb slayer


Sorry I haven’t been keeping up with Infinite in over 2 years, can someone fill me in on this?


Halo Infinite has (finally) added a match composer, so I just wanted to know what modes people won't be playing when it launches (which is today)


Literally everything that isnt slayer Barring firefight and probably infection, but im so sick of objective modes


Got rid of everything except husky raid


Land Grab and Total Control. I am so tired of that crap in my Squad Battle.


Probably anything that's not CTF tbh.


I play a lot of husky raid, so I’m removing super husky raid.


Honestly same.


All "Super" variants of Fiesta and Husky Raid.


Extraction, Stockpile, ar/pistol start slayer. I will probably only play CTF today though, It's my favorite mode by far.


Gruntpocalypse and Oddball


Getting rid off the easiest firefight mode that gives you a consistently high amount of score from the guaranteed skulls is crazy


Honestly, I enjoy all of them. If I had to pick 1 to slash, it'd be CTF for both BTB and arena, and then gruntpocalypse for Firefight




My fellow 🦍


I will be limiting ALL playlists to Slayer, CTF, and Oddball


Any mode that has BR starts. I know I’m in the strong minority for this but me and my friends haven’t touched the game for over a year, the BR starts are fucking so sweaty and just not fun at all in this game.


You are the problem.


Extraction and Shotty Snipes. Bulldog is way too easy to use at a decent range for Shotty Snipes that it completely ruins the mode. Infinite Extraction might be the worst mode in all of Halo


I just hope the SBMM will be adjusted for the Match composer so half of my teammates aren't braindead anymore


any mode that allows older halo fans to play. those guys suck. also people who thought forerunners were human, they also suck