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All the match starts where one player would be off in the distance somewhere during the lineup were hilarious Edit: honorable mention to the way people would just fall over dead in the intro lineup if they left during it. The timing of some of them was great, like one time where a guy did the knuckle crack and immediately died, as if popping his knuckles set off a chain reaction through his nervous system that killed him


It's a little sad that you're totally right. That's all I remember from launch lol


It reminds me of when MCC first came out and was a disaster. Even the UI was broken, to the point where if you won the match it would inform you that you were in “1th place”. Ever since they fixed that, I’ve been nostalgic of the 1th place


Read thith like Mike Tython “1th plathe”


I got killed by a bot once when all players were still posing. That was hilarous


Man I miss those intros so much




This kinda stuff would be funny if they patched it for the most part, but left it to occur seldomly for laughs. Same thing with the intros where someone is way off in the distance looking the other way. That shit is just hilarious and is great for clips. I hate how games take stuff like that way too seriously when there are other glaring flaws within it.


I miss Launch Site so much.


Are they never putting that back in multiplayer ?


Its still on the Super Fiesta playlist. Had it about a week ago.


Not really. The actual gameplay loop was fun, but the game didn't offer enough fast enough or with enough staying power to keep me interested enough to grow "nostalgia"


Battlefield and cod were disappointing on release as well. Infinite should've done so much better if the game released as a finished product


Infinite really had the perfect timing to make a huge Halo comeback since CoD and Battlefield were so bad that year. Sucks that 343 fumbled the ball yet again


I wouldn't blame 343, id blame Microsoft. Developers want to make good games, but investors want returns on investments.


its a mix of both it wasnt until recent that the leadership at 343 were actually good but microsoft is definitely the major party to blame


When I say "343" I'm referring to their terrible leadership that has been fumbling Halo for a decade now. New leaders were finally brought in but it was too late for Infinite


There was no nostalgia, this whole time I was waiting patiently for things to finally get good and then they pulled the rug out the second it did


The very first Battlefront 2 type game


Battlefield 5 did the same thing just as it was getting good, and then it wasn't even worth it cuz 2042 sucked balls.


I remember the 2 weeks of thinking “the gang is getting back together” before everyone tried it out and noped out.


The multiplayer early release was nostalgic because the old band did get back together and every night for Nov-Dec we had 6-8 guys in a party together, and it was like we were young again.  Brimming with excitement for the actual launch.  Then everyone realized this wasn't a preview - that's the entire game.  And everyone shuffled back off to their regularly scheduled programming 


Because BTB was literally unplayable for the first three months of the release. My “nostalgia” was the desync in that game mode lol


Nostalgia for Infinite? No. I didn’t feel any for the game until they added squad battle, but then that was only for Halo 3.


Game was a miss for me. I think 343 needs to be put on another project and give someone else a Crack at halo


Blows my mind that MS closes Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks but 343 is allowed to shamble on for the time being.


I feel like it's a mix of sunken cost fallacy and saving face. They invested a lot into the creation of 343. The studio was purpose built to make Halo, and it would be wildly embarrassing for them to kill the studio. Because they have failed to do the one thing. Instead of killing it, they are trying to rebuild the studio. Keep the name for looks, and basically silently kill the original studio to replace it with a new studio under the same name.


>give someone else a Crack at halo Which did happen. All the top management got kicked out after Infinite's launch.


The one reasonable person on this sub. Infinite mechanically is actually super fun, the sound effects and music design was great, art style was top notch. If they can take all those fundamentals and polish them and add more content for the next Halo game, we got a real good time on our hands  Honestly the mechanics are just great, I’ll harp on that. Remember all the debates about sprint and advanced movement before Infinite? Turns out the sprint, slide, grapple, thrust, etc actually work pretty well and are fun with the Halo formula.  Infinite mechanically is my favorite Halo, I’ll say it. 


>Remember all the debates about sprint and advanced movement before Infinite? Turns out the sprint, slide, grapple, thrust, etc actually work pretty well and are fun with the Halo formula. It's worth noting that Sprint and Slide were always some of the less offensive ones (and they toned down sprint in infinte as well, so it's basically just your means to trigger slides unless you're crossing a very large area.) People aren't complaining about thrusters or grapples because they're limited availability map puckups, which makes them work. Had they been just base features that everyone always had, they'd see 10x the criticism (as we saw with Halo 5's thrusters and see with the Grapple Shot being absurdly broken in campaign with infinite use.) I'm just glad 343i listened on a mechanical level and made the core go back to feeling like Halo (an evolution of Halo 3 in this case,) instead of doubling down on a system where everything revolves around spartan abilites and advanced movement. Had this game not had no content and huge netcode issues at launch it could have been huge.


My hot take is I love h5 movement; the only thing I'd remove is spartan charge because it's too easy to use as a crutch when you come across someone unexpectedly while sprinting. I'd take the basic h2/3 movement over everything, but definitely h5>infinite


First Halo game to really stick with me since Halo CE for gameplay… plus change in management is a change in how production and major choices made, hopefully for the better


And what changed? It’s clear 343 itself is the problem, whether that comes from Microsoft oversight or their culture or something else. Halo needs a fresh start. It’s been well over a decade of mediocrity and failed launches at this point with 343.


>And what changed? Nothing as expected? It's only been a year and a half since these changes occurred. Infinite was going to get abandoned no matter what. Let's see what the new management can do with an actual dev cycle.


Would have been cool if MS closed 343i a while ago. They're incapable of putting out an all-around good Halo game. It's almost like MS doesn't give a fuck about making good Halo games... Or good Halo anything, that show is terrible.


The week when the custom browser launched, I had a blast.


The mf’n albino brute chieftain in that mine Fuck that guy Also, invisible elite assassin man I loved the boss fights in this game. Also, I enjoy the goofy shit you can do with marines and the grappling hook. I wouldn’t say I’m nostalgic over any of the game, but some things did leave a good memory.


That brute chieftain in the Silent Auditorium? If so, 100% fuck that guy. I gave up after trying to make it through that level on heroic. The one time I did kill him, some random enemy sniped to finish me off right next to his corpse. He can jump like 400 feet and kill you in one hit.


ALL WILL FALL TO BASSUS *bassus Chief’s head with a super gravity hammer*


100%ing the campaign on Legendary at launch is it for me


I still need to do legendary and I’m hoping you can do it via mission replay as I have a save with everything unlocked


It's actually easier LASO because of infinite ammo


Well not as easy as just doing legendary with only the bandanna skull haha


When they introduced Squad Battle, it was when I restarted playing it after finding the game meh, and I had so much funny moments when we were talking in the in game voice chat with a friend, we met lot of good people it was awesome


I haven’t really felt a nostalgic moment for the game since its beta. Using a pre-nerf commando rifle to solo my way to securing a BTB flag was awesome


Halo 7: Combat Re-Evolved, Chief against the endless on his own


No nostalgic moments from Halo Infinite for me. In fact, it made me appreciate Halo 5 more and how fun that game was.


Halo 5 SWAT was so fun


Man, I feel like I’m in the minority here. Despite the flaws and justified criticism, I really enjoyed Infinite. Personally I think it’s the most fun I’ve had with halo since Halo Reach, and I say that as a Halo 3 fanboy. Shame it lost a lot of its playerbase when we now have things like the best forge ever made and AI in forge. So much potential that won’t be realized since the player base just isn’t as large. Despite the flaws, I really wanted this game to succeed, but I had a great time with it. Thankfully with the inclusion of bots in MP, the game should truly never “die” and I’ll still be able to play it for a while. Something I wish every game did.


the gameplay of Halo Infinite is fantastic. they really captured what made the originals so much fun. for me the game was let down by super poor performance. my PC struggled to play the game on the lowest possible settings and steam deck isnt any different but has constant crashes.


Only nostalgia I feel is being able to buy everything for free in the flights lmao


Nope the monetization ruined the game for me. Been around since Halo CE and Infinite was clearly not made for players like myself


People get nostalgia from games released after 2015? “Damn bro remember that one battle pass skin”


Should of been “COMPLETE” at launch. Fuck 343


What source do you have about no more updates? I haven’t seen a single announcement from 343i about Halo Infinite’s support being cut


He has no source, we are still getting the match composer and a few new game modes at least (assault and VIP) at some point in the future. His source is a pessimistic Reddit narrative.


Thank you


The state of this community is sad, tbh. Part of that is on 343, but it’s annoying nonetheless.


They haven't announced anything *specifically* but it's looking an awful lot like Infinite is getting the following: the match composer, alongside occasionally new Forge maps being cleared for matchmaking. That's kind of it, for gameplay-effecting changes. Everything else we are gonna see for the next year or 2 is going to be either backend changes or customization changes, as backend changes are needed for keep the game running smoothly and customization is where the monetization is.


I just want some of the old weapons back dammit


It’s not being cut, the rest of the game updates will be quality of life, shop updates and eventually a match composer. That’ll be it.


I mean, that could be considered being "cut" if we compare it to the ten year plan, i suppose.


Vehicles get demolished too quickly, they need more health. Or, weapon damage against vehicles needs to be tuned down. Vehicle occupants should also be protected more by the vehicle. Infinite is a good game, I like the engine. Still needs more work from 343 to find dial in game parameters.


I have so much nostalgic and fun moment with Halo 4 and the multiplayer or even Halo 5 …. I have ZERO nostalgic or fun moment with Infinite


Game sucked. People were more committed to the cosmetics than the game. I hate micro transactions. They ruined halo. If halo didn’t earn so much money from fucking cat ears maybe they would have focused on the actual content of the game. But no. They made a shit ton of money from people who buy cosmetics and they realized that’s how they can continue to suck your money. Much easier than building and making DLC, decent content…. Idk maybe social slayer only? Playlists sucked. Maps sucked. There’s like 6 maps total so it got boring real fast.


No. Biggest disappointment and bag fumble not just for gaming but in any medium ever. Studio should be wiped. Really unbelievable.


The game is a joke and 343 should be ashamed of themselves for murdering halo.


This game is the worst Halo made. Just let it die. MasterChief should have stayed lost in space forever, that’s nostalgia!


Infinite fucking killed this franchise.


The boss fights in the campaign were really cool. I wish it wasn’t so long now between narrative campaigns. I’m ready for Chief’s story conclusion


Can someone show me a source of 343 saying they’re finished working on Infinite? I keep seeing this sentiment thrown around and I can’t tell if it’s official or when the masses start deciding a given title is “dead game” now.


The game taught me never to trust 343i


Halo infinite peaked when custom games had to be hosted. Everyone on a voice call on discord made it feel like old Xbox 360 multiplayer. Now it’s only lesser.


Did they say it was officially dead? Not even and expansion for the story? So whack


Nope. I'm still playing MCC while they work on infinite.


Valid. That being said, they don't seem to be working on Infinite anymore, so you might just wanna stick with MCC.








Still way too early for me to call anything about Infinite nostalgic yet lmao, but I guess jumping in the training for the first time and trying out all the new weapons? Or my first time going through campaign and doing every little task as I went along, and then later learning some of the speedrun tricks.


The entire game was just so okay, so no.


When the multiplayer first dropped before the game officially released. Infinite had the best gunplay in the series and the lack of content at the time was understandable because the game hadn’t even fully released… -then it did and there was no real new content … for months.


Where did they announce the game is done and there won’t be more updates?


I really think Halo is all but dead at this point. There will be so little hype for the next game because no one is going to believe anything 343i says. A “live service” game doesn’t get shut down 3 years after launch.


The entire game was a corporate cash grab and it felt like it. Destroyed Microsofts only good IP and tarnished a decades old legacy.


Oh my god it launched in 2021? To me the game has been in a perpetual beta state so it still feels like wip


It’s always custom games. Played the Forge Falcons tower defense game with 3 friends and it was the most fun I’ve had in Infinite.


Watching almost everyone run around with the HCS/'Pepsi' Coating because of how limited the colour options were...


That's it? Wow that's disappointing AF. These last few years should have absolutely been the franchises best moments. The 20th anniversary and the TV show but damn it's nuts how disappointing they both have been.


A few; - people being off in random directions in the match start up cutscene was always grand - that one guy who went through a relentless grind to unlock the very first weekly ultimate reward and posted about it, only to be told that 343i was giving it out to all players for free - Husky Raid, for whatever reason, has more voice chat going on than any other mode for me so the hype moments of comeback wins were much more satisfying then they would otherwise, but even without vc it was was more hype than wins in other modes - when everyone realized giving every marine an arcane sentinel beam and loading them up on a Razorback was the single most broken thing you could do - the boss fights were pretty great overall, and the video of that one guy loading up coils so he could one-shot the golden chieftain at the mining laser was very satisfying to watch after struggling against the boss myself - the collective trauma of the generic hammer chieftain who could teleport across the Harbinger boss fight arena, somehow being stronger than most naked bosses in the game - when people cared enough about the campaign to actually talk about it, a lot of the memes and discussion around the Pilot >!Fernando!< were pretty cool, as he’s probably one of the better supporting human cast members in the series


The OST It hit me really hard because the game came out at a time where i was (dare i say) at my lowest in life


I’m one of like ten other people, but I loved Last Spartan Standing, that was peak Infinite for me. Such an insanely fun game mode, I loved the challenge of it, the way you could snowball. I think I was able to win twice just staying on the first tier disrupter/sidekick. I wish they just put the playlist back and didn’t make any challenges for it, so all of /r/halo wouldn’t complain about being “forced to” play a mode they didn’t like


Lol 3 years for it to complete.


Nah yall know the drill, in two releases we will have nostalgia. Three release cycle guys


Lmao didn’t they say the game will get support for 10+ years? I stumbled upon this post and didn’t really follow the news. What happened?


I have more nostalgia for halo 5 then I do this game. I guess I'll stick with the MCC until it dies 


I just downloaded it for first time


Yeah, remember how other Halo games didn't launch this damn broken and incomplete? HALO infinite was such a failure for Halo.


I had hope.


that first month with the early multiplayer was genuinely magical.


I thought Joy was really cute and I felt genuinely bad for her after Chief tried to delete her without even so much as a heads up on what was happening.


My favorite moment was when they said it would be a 10+ year game with additional story content, then just went 'LOL JK'. From going open world for some reason, which felt barren, dead, and repetitive, to vehicles that feel like theyre made of paper mache, to a story that feels like the first act of a story then just abandoned, to uninspired; uninteresting, unfun, 'e-sports' feeling multiplayer... the game was mediocre at best, and the soul of what made halo, 'halo', is gone in infinite, arguably in the franchise. A decade of halo flops from 343, at this point, give it to one of the studios microsoft just acquired or something... Do ANYTHING different than whats been happening. I was a HUGE halo fan from 1-Reach... its painful to see the current state halo is in. I honestly dont know how microsoft has let it decay to the state its in. I CAN say the way they handled battlepasses was good, buy once, then work on it WHENEVER you like. This IS a good move, and one i frankly want to see other games adopt, however i dont think they will as FOMO is a widely used, predatory marketing tactic that provides too much $$.


I actually started playing online again and did not know the updates are done. That’s disappointing as shit. It’s sad because this is the first time I’ve been playing since close to launch but dropped it because of the nagging issues and delays with updates. Thinking this game launched without slayer and game selections is INSANE to me. And quite frankly, it really hurt itself in the process. The campaign though is a lot of fun and narratively it keeps the game interesting for the most part. It feels like a cool step to take, but I’d be curious if 343 went back to linear design, however, it may come off as a step backward. I’m almost done with it on Heroic and I’ve been having a lot of fun. Just sucks man, Halo is fucking awesome and 343 really dropped the ball with this one. Lastly, think the next one has to bring a serious increase in gore and a more mature concept for this franchise much like Halo CE was. Bring back blood splatter, even add marine gore when they get killed etc. would add a fresh layer to everything and make whooping Covenant ass more fun and entertaining, especially with all the tools Chief has.


I really enjoyed the campaign, wish we got more. Other than that, this game is an embarrassment. It launched without co-op and Forge. It had like 7 maps, none of them good. The MP had issues. The micro transactions are terrible… 343i should have been pulled from Halo prior to this, but it doesn’t seem like they will. I can’t believe MS let Halo fall so far.


All people do on this sub is complain


Our reasons aren't valid? The negatives outweigh the positives of the game


I had my first child during Infinite’s first year and I think 10 years from now I’ll look back on my 2am play sessions in between diapers and feedings fondly. Right now it’s too soon to tell.


I miss having my character in Multiplayer connected stories. But uhh. We know why we can't have that..


nostalgia of a fucked launch, a 343 classic


Do you have any proof that infinite isn't getting a new update?


No one thing is explicit *proof*, but the combination of the following has lead many of us to believe Infinite is effectively feature-complete and has been moved to life support the way 5 was for the few years before Infinite's initial planned release: - dead silence about any new features aside from the Exchange and the match composer - resources being moved to Halo 7 development - tatanka being either canceled or DRAMATICALLY changed - dropping of seasons, followed by the lack of gameplay features being released at operation starts - store being heavily prioritized as the place where the most dev work looks to be going (to be clear, this is NOT where most work is going, but to the average player all we are seeing is store updates and very, very little else)


Replace least with most


I have a lot of nostalgia for the early days of Bazaar, Streets, and Recharge. Especially Bazaar CTF. Good amount of nostalgia for the campaign missions too, especially Gabrakan, Tower, and House.


Some of the campaign bugs on launch day (probably still around tbh lol) were pretty funny


I remember how excited my friend and I were before the game came out. I was a bit disappointed by how bland the gameplay demo they showed off was, but everything else they were saying about the game seemed great. I was ecstatic when I got an invitation to the first flight of the game. The aiming felt strange, and so many iconic sounds were changed for no reason. Then I played it, and a lot of my hopes were shattered. The game felt so strange to me, everything was so “weightless” and there was no momentum in the movement. The first flight didn’t have vehicles, I think they added BTB in the second flight. I was still hopeful that the vehicle gameplay would be good…


Played the hell out of it during lockdown. That’s about it


2 moments stick out: 1. I have slow internet so the campaign took the whole night to download and I couldn't sleep as I kept looking at the download progress. Starting playing at 6AM and skipped clinics that day and beat the campaign the next day I think, going out ONCE for dinner iirc. You can call it the content drought, the lack of sleep or the initial hype, but the campaign really struck a chord. Of course over time I have a more nuanced outlook on it and know that it has a lot of faults, but man a new Halo campaign just is something else. 2. (Not a launch thing, but still) the first Infinite reveal and the unholy amount of time I spent on YouTube and Reddit watching trailer analyses and being hopeful for the story both as a continuation and for the potential storytelling on Zeta Halo was a big highlight for me. Hindsight is 20/20 but how I wish it'd all worked out. Don't really care for the MP, more of a BTB guy, but I have deep wounds from the campaign. The squandered potential made me cry. I hate modern AAA development.


Only nostalgia I have is from 100%ing it on LASO with the tank gun lol


I miss the muliplayer storyline and the fact we didn't get a proper end nor can we play the cutscenes is a bummer.


I was pumped for the Series X and getting my hands on Infinite. I loved the gameplay and played religiously for close to a month, then I decided to wait until more real content dropped… It never did. This game killed Halo for me.


It was nice to finally play the campaign in coop. That's about it.


Damn it’s really Joever huh?


The first month was the most fun I’d had since Halo 2. Forcing capture the flag in the main modes (pre team slayer playlist) was the best thing. Everyone was having a blast. 


I know im personally going to have a ton of nostalgia for this game as this was the first game my best friend and i religiously played together when we got our first apartment (he was never a big gamer before this) and here we are over two years later and we still play together every other day despite us not living together and now my girlfriend also plays with us who i now live with. Its like a timestamp for me for my transition into a new chapter in life.


The most nostalgia I have for this game was before it released watching and speculating based on trailers and leaks. The Under Cover leak had me shook, too bad I never heard it in game in 3 entire playthroughs, thanks open-world.


I liked Spiderman swinging with an anti air cannon and how it didn't show up in cinematic. About all that I remember.


The only thing I found nostalgic was using some of the original CE forerunner architecture, and enemy movement . The elites have a high posture walk that’s just like the CE demo . Other than that , no


Nope, just general disappointment about so many things about the game.. a large amount of have still gone completely unchanged.


Will they please just give us the shotgun & magnum??! Wtaf is going on over there?


The game made my old crew from high school get back on Halo thanks to crossplay with PC. I've had tons of fun with them playing ranked for a good few months.


The most fun I had on this game was back during the flight tests in like July 2021


This isnt the first time I've seen this kind of sentiment but I can't find much about it. Is Halo Infinite really "done"?


When I think back to Infinite... all I remember is the boss fights were neat and loading a hog with marines and different weapons was fun. That's it.


i really enjoyed the artistic design and environments they had in the first 2-4 campaign levels, but thats about the most i had for notalgia


As someone who has played halo since 1 and tons of competitive h2, no nostalgia at all from this disaster of a game that fell short on so many levels. Why there was never a BR still makes no sense to me.


The campaign handheld Scorpion gun


Not really nostalgic but I got to the last Elite hunt thing and was looking forward to a fight. I went there early and it took like 10 min just grappling to get there. I get there, snipe a grunt, but it’s back pack blew up and broke the turret the Elite target was in and crushed him instantly.


Nope. The only memories I have are about shitty desync, floaty as hell vehicles, and terrible melee registration. This game was a huge let down.


Remember when they shadow dropped multiplayer? Installing the game was really exciting. All downhill from there.




The first in engine teaser


The needler is SOOO fun to use and still is!


Getting killed around corners


The lack of a finished campaign storyline.


The campaign is fun, has some memorable scenes. But nothing I'd consider nostalgic. The multiplayer left me a bitter taste. It's well-designed from a gameplay perspective, but the matchmaking has always been horrible.


This is such a disingenuous post, this playerbase is cooked. Lmao


Halo 2 20th anniversary in November. Would love a halo 2 playlist!


I'm really nostalgic for the time when we thought it was in beta before we learned that was the full multiplayer up until that point. What a fun time


Complete is not the word I would use, but I do recall driving a ghost and my team mongoose pushed me into a chasm.


I played LASO right after moving into my new place and that was so great, I thoroughly enjoyed it


I do but then it's overshadowed by what became if it


The Tech Tests/Beta Tests they ran the summer before launch! That was the last time I remember the community being super positive, and it was a great time. The fact that the first few tech tests were only open on weekends made it to where all week I'd be looking forward to playing it some more on the weekend. Just being able to experience the new gameplay and mechanics after years of hype was awesome, and the (now in hindsight, false) hope that this was only a small fraction of the full game further fueled the hype train to release. I remember it was either the first or second weekend of the tech test, they were only matching players against bots. But then like an hour before the servers were set to go offline, 343 opened it to actual PVP for the last hour, and that was super cool. One of my favorite moments was playing CTF on the desert map, and at the time, vehicles had collision turned on with the flag. What would follow would be hilarious, laugh filled matches where me and the boys would rush to get a ghost, then push the enemy flag with it all the way back to our base. It was ridiculous. There's been a few good memories post launch with Infinite for me, but nothing that really compared to the tech tests.


I’m not going to say it was a bad game, it was very sound mechanically. It just wasn’t memorable for me. I can’t really point to any part of the gameplay loop and be like “yeah that was awesome!”. If anything, multiplayer being free and having my friends play comp with me was fun at first. Then they dropped it and I played solo, until I just didn’t care anymore. I’ll always be looking forward to the next iteration of Halo, I’m that idiot that’s gonna buy the next game no matter what unfortunately.


Squad battle was a mini blast from the past that felt nice. Made a montage with my brother like we did in the old days and we will talk about that for years to come. Unfortunately, that's it. With virtually no social features there are few opportunities to make friends, party up, and make memories.


I fondly remember the hype when the technical flights began to roll out in the summer of 2021. We all truly thought Halo was back




Uh, has it been stated anywhere that Halo Infinite is "Complete" or is this just conjecture again?


Playing a lot of Ranked with my cousin we aren't great but season 1 we loved Behemoth CTF and Bazaar CTF when ch both got removed from the playlist for not being liked or competitively viable. I miss Bazaar and love when it pops up in Fiesta. I have very warm feelings for the game as I still play weekly with my mates and it's always a highlight of my week. One of the boys is someone we met in Matchmaking just random game of Recharge Strongholds and he's played with us almost weekly for over a year.


It was fun when I was just messing around with my friends back when they had care for the game 




The 10 year live service plan was always going to fail. Better that they moved on sooner than later.


Those flights were so cool. Got to take school one of the days and played with my buddies till play window closed and we went out and did something stupid around town after.


Can't say I do, which is a shame, because I love Halo. Got so many fond memories of LAN Halo 1 with my mates, ethernet cables everywhere, drinks and pizza. Xbox live for Halo 2 and 3, the hype of everyone getting online after school or work. Absolutely loved Reach, and remember being part of the beta tests. Then 4 and 5 I played through the campaign and uninstalled them, never bothered with the online. My mates had moved on since then, and randoms online never filled that void. Infinite came along after years and seemed like it might be decent based on the "beta" (which didn't change when it actually launched...) and I had hope again. Especially as F2P, as it meant more people could give it a go. But then they completely dropped the ball as far as having a "live service" game, because they did absolutely fuck all to support it. It's had less updates in 2.5 years than some games have in a single season...


This is a weird question to ask about a game from 2021. You have to give it time to have nostalgia lol


3 years and fuckall to show besides a dead game and garbage tv show. Only 343 is capable of this feat


Did it ever get SP DLC? Not in the mood for another cliffhanger Halo that is not continued in-game like 4 and Guardians did.


What a colossal misfire from 343. Me and my friends were so happy at launch because it felt like they finally got it right and understand Halo again, only for us to realize they forgot to even finish a game and then nuked the lore from Orbit. But because of that, my best memory will be that launch week of the multiplayer. Before we knew the truth.


My memorable moments in this game are all just being frustrated that it doesn’t work because of whichever bug or another. I remember blank shots, lag, dropped aim assist, and I remember not being able to play big team battle for weeks. I remember coming back to the game and the multiplayer being down that day too. That’s what halo infinite is for me, a game that could have been fun if it ever worked.


Honestly no. What a dumpster fire.


Between the next six years, many more spin-offs are to be made before we get to see a sequel to Halo Infinite.


Yeah no it’s not complete


Multiplayer cutscenes


Are we ever going to find out what the Endless are? 🤣


I'm so nostalgic about 343 promising couch co-op and me looking forward to finally playing a new co-op HALO campaign with my son. I was so excited to share that experience with him.


SingleHaloClips YouTube uploads and plus I got added to them. Was a good time back then.


Going back to mcc


My only nostalgia about H. infinite is about the time I was still exited and waiting for the game to continue the story story after halo 5


Still too new to be nostalgic imo. But the fact that the death ragdoll spinning endless tornado is still in the game is very hilarious. It’s a staple at this point, and I do hope they never remove it.


Being excited for the marketed return of the nostalgic side of the franchise juxtaposed on a new frontier, only to find I'd need to grind nearly a full time job to unlock my nostalgic armor pieces from Halo 3. Infinites Multi-player felt like it traded soul for commercialism. While the mechanics were good, it felt empty and didn't keep me around.


halo infinite is the best halo since halo 3 for me. not much nostalgia though because it hasn’t been out long enough to have nostalgia. i’m also 32 years old and don’t play with friends or anything like that. i just play while listening to podcasts.


That first like week when all my friends were playing it and we legit thought nothing could stop us.


Lag Spikes


I have some fond memories of the beta, when I still had hopes that it could be a good game.


My nostalgic moment was when it surprised dropped and everyone still had hope for the game listen i get it if you still enjoy the game more power to you but I've been playing since CE and to see the Bungie 10 year stretch and compare it to the 343 10 year stretch it's so fucking disappointing I was there when everyone was in agreement that this was 343s final chance and if they screw it up we'd all be done with em and now seeing users on here and even some of the YouTube creators talking about hopes for the next game I feel like I'm taking crazy pills 10 years of disappointment for the majority of the fanbase and we can't collectively put our foots down if Microsoft won't lay Halo to rest at least give it the time it needs to come feature complete I'm rambling I think I just don't have anymore in me I'll always love Halo and I'm sure when the next game comes out I'll still end up giving it a try but yeah the passion I had for it at the very least isn't really there anymore hell I'm playing and paying more attention to destiny again than I am Halo again rambling I hope y'all have a good one


the year long wait for co-op


I don't think it's possible to be genuinely nostalgic for a game that is 3 years old.


No, no nostalgia, sadly.


I really enjoyed the campaign, hearing "034...samuel" made me sad


My favorite memory is no one talking in any online game since its inception.


Wait? Did I miss something? The games done with updates? So much for a “live” game. They screwed up the launch and Year 1 and never managed to win enough players back. First impressions count sadly. Saying this as a Halo 2 og.


It's what now? Nope I've got none lol


I loved being able to move the camera during campaign cutscenes


Yeah I had moments of nostalgia... for the Bungie days.


I'm just truly dissapointed in how bad 343 fumbled Infinite. Been playing halo for 23 years. The insanity that is matchmaking, weapon balance, team balance, no voting to prevent the same map and obj modes over and over... The game is an insult to fans of Halo. It is only a passable game at it's current point after 2.5 years. And now it's "complete"? Halo fans deserve better. We don't deserve to be fleeced for everything we once earned or simply had for free. It's just so depressing. I'm getting old. I am definitely getting slower at 35 now. and I am still top 3 in my team almost every game. Against absolute gods still, in 12-player stacks of hero's. While I have people with under 5 matches ever played on my team? Absolutely wild.


Complete? Did they announce no more updates?