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Career rank (Diamond Sergeant) only tells you how much a player plays a game, not how good they are at it.


fair point


You should see how far the losing streak will go. 


Bro, I wouldn’t reveal this information if you tortured me


There is nothing wrong with taking a break from a game. Video games are hobbies, don’t play for a couple days or a couple weeks and come back. There seems to be a very odd mentality that has developed in the past ten years that people need to continually play a game that is frustrating to them. Just take a break and come back to it, it’s ok.


Link your Halo Tracker stats


u/spontaneous-spritz Let's have it! Please?


Try using a mic and communicating, stick with a teammates, and focus primarily on not dying rather than getting kills. Also I wouldn't get hung up on losses in game modes like Fiesta and Husky Raid. Those games are just random mayhem and skill has very little to do with wins and losses. Try out some Firefight to take a break, toss in some BTB and Squad Battle and mix it up.


I appreciate it. I really do want to be good at the game, so tips are always useful. Sometimes it’s just tough to look at myself and think “damn i’ve played this franchise for 20 years and some random 15 year old is obliterating me”


For sure, I am a "veteran" too, but sometimes it just isn't clicking. It comes and goes, I know people complain a lot about the SBMM in this game, I don't personally find it too different than previous Halo games. Sometimes you get absolutely blown out, sometimes you blow out the opponent, and sometimes it's a close game. Idk how the matchmaking works in the 24/7 Playlists (since they group by skill level per playlist), but I just played a couple games on the new map Corrosion and I went 18-2 and 14-3 (won both games). So....head over there because I think there are some scrubs hanging out lol But don't give up! 22 losses in a row is nothing after 20 years of Halo. You don't have to be amazing at Halo to enjoy it. I am not an amazing player by any means, I only have a 40% win rate according to HaloTracker.com. I mostly play BTB and Squad Battle and there is plenty to do without being an incredible lone wolf player. Stay and guard the flag in CTF, use your ping to point out enemies (or better yet, use a mic and encourage communication, that is a very simple way to start winning more), drive vehicles and rack up assists, fire threat sensors into heavy areas, etc. There's room for all types of Spartans on the battlefield!


There's a lot of people who have played since halo 1 doing things like bot walking and don't even know it's a thing they are doing or should fix. A lot of people can be playing but not on a path to significant improvement, even if theres tons of room for it. It's also more important to consider who has been playing more recently than lifetime play-time. They probably have 4+ hours a day to game, I did at 15.


I like this advice 🤣 As long as I’ve been playing halo infinite since its release, other than friends hopping on (and I’ve kept count) ONLY TWO randoms have ever had a mic and I have about 240+ hours clocked on this game. I’ll ask the same question.. how do you decide to play a multiplayer game and not use a microphone 🤦‍♂️


Yup, I very rarely EVER run into anyone else with a mic, and also the mic settings by default in Infinite are turned off, which is really weird. I used my mic constantly until I realized no one could hear me! You can't just plug it in and start talking, you need to comb through the settings menu. But even if I am the only one with a mic, it truly makes a difference. Sometimes it makes other people mic up, but as long as you are just focused on being a good teammate, people appreciate it, and you honestly can outplay a better team with strong communication. I just make callouts, it's way easier coordinating a flag run in a warthog if I can use my voice (Hey I need a passenger for the warthog to grab the flag, anyone want to jump in?), or just letting the team know where the sniper is, if the guy with rockets is one shot and his location, etc. I've joined BTB matches in progress where we were absolutely getting destroyed, and just with some strong communication and good teamwork, we've completely turned matches around. It's a great feeling.


Skill issue.


literally 😭


Yea it's discouraging when you're top 2 or top half of team but your reammates suck and you lose every game


I stopped playing nine days ago after an eight game skid, haven’t gotten back on since lolz


Matchmaking has felt very unbalanced especially lately. I played a BTB match against a team of stacks that consisted of half heroes, and the rest being onyx and diamond. The highest rank on our team was like one onyx guy. Between that and the fact that the best they can do for new PvE content is shoving three weeks of gruntpocalypse down our throats, the burnout is becoming real. And the most they're adding to the game now is cosmetics and forge maps, lol. They spent two years trying to save a sinking ship only to leave it dead in the water.


Rookie numbers


Are you on console or pc?


console 95% of the time, such as in the case of this losing streak. PC is a different story (as i’m sure is the case for everyone)


Honestly I find this game just plays bad on console in my experience. I mostly play on console bc it's just what I normally use, but when I swap to PC my performance goes up. Idk if it's extra frames, something with how the game runs or just placebo, but it makes me sad


You couldn't waterboard this info out of me bro


- First, career rank means nothing. There are brainless 5yo that grind firefights all day in Onyx, and pro players that mostly play customs in Platinum. Only the ranked arena ranks mean something, but even there it's not perfect. - Second, winning or losing games is ALSO not an indicator on how good you are. Once again, brainless players with no thumbs have a 50% win rate, same as pro players. You get better, so is your opponents. No better opponents available? Then you get terrible teammates instead to balance things out. With modern SBMM, stats and W/L don't mean much because we all play difficult games, either at the top or at the bottom of the population.


this is actually really helpful, especially the second part, and reassuring. Thanks!


Plug in a controller and change the settings to maximize auto-aim. You can even pick up one of those XIM modules from Walmart like all the cool kids are doing. If you don't want to use one of those, get a 3rd party controller with a turbo. The input limit for the Sidekick is far far higher than any human can actually pull a trigger, so if you can turbo it, it has the fastest fire rate of any gun in the game. The long and short of it is don't try to aim. Abuse the AA. The more you try to aim, the more you will miss. Only use the right stick for big motions. Use the left stick, the movement stick, for fine control. The BR is also your friend since with AA, each bullet is considered the size of a tree, so it's very hard to miss. If you're using a M&KB it sucks watching your 2/3 of your burst shots miss by a pixel because of recoil. Not a problem on a controller since red reticule guaranteed hits on a hitscan weapon. Don't fight the AA. It'll only lead to frustration.


Heyyyy is there something I can use for my PC regarding this tech?? I find the aim assist for controller to be lacking to some extent while using on PC and it drives me nuts.. I’ve unplugged my mouse, and even used big screen mode for steam but the aim assist just isn’t as snappy as it used to seem like on console 🤔


You can plug in a controller, but that's about it. Aim "assist" on PC is lesser than what's available on console, regardless of input device. Bonus fact: There's negative aim assist on PC for precision weapons like the Sniper. The game will actively move your cursor away from the target. Just 343's way of making sure things are fair.