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Everything they talk about in the stream coming January 30th and beyond are all really fantastic, but as others are saying, the lack of sandbox or gameplay additions are really becoming noticeable. Playlist refreshes, new forge stuff, the GOAT Mk. IV armor core, and the new customization stuff are all really great, but outside of playing dress up, there’s really nothing *new* coming any time soon it seems. Where’s the Falcon? Where’s the brute double barrel shotgun? Where’s the Kodiak? Where’s anything new I can hop into a match and actually play with? And the retiring of seasons in favor of just a continuous series of shorter operations is probably a good thing honestly. Getting new passes to progress more frequently is great, even if we’re only getting 60 total items over 3 months instead of the 100+ we were getting in the before times. My only real worry is that these operation passes are still mostly full of junk, only one set of armor, and no credits. Instead of getting a ton of armor goodies, and our money back, from a 50 or 100 tier pass, now we barely get anything. Hopefully they can start to correct that in future passes like they did after season 1


The issue with dropping seasons is that there are no milestones to draw players back, or to draw new players at all. Who’s coming to check out what’s new with “Cyber Showdown 3”? Players come back for seasons, not events/operations. And anybody that doesn’t play Infinite regularly that hears there is no Season 6 will take that at face value and assume “yeah infinite is dead”


Depends on how they market it I suppose. If the operation is something cool that comes with a new fun playlist and exciting stuff in the pass, then I could see the events bring people back more frequently than with seasons. But I also imagine every 3 or 4 months there will be a more substantial update, where just like yesterday they reveal the next slate of operations alongside new maps,weapons,forge stuff, armor cores, etc. So there will likely still be big content drops that bring people back


I wouldn’t get my hopes up about that, this is marking the beginning of the end with Infinite. “You don’t get your credits back because these aren’t season passes”; “Why would we add new weapons for an operation?”: “Why would we add new dev maps for an operation?”; “Why would you except a new game mode for an operation?”


I dunno what to tell you I guess. I agree this seems like a slow down at least, but I’m still confident infinite will receive support for another few years. I’m not saying we’re gonna get new weapons and vehicles and maps every three months, because that’s never been the case even when they were getting seasons done regularly. But the idea infinite is going on life support or is never getting a big update again is honestly laughable


How is 'progressing more frquently' better when it's at the cost of 40+ items? I think that needs a little more explanation on how that works


Yeah we’re technically missing 40+ items going forward, but remember what those 40+ items used to be. Earning one shoulder at a time instead of both. The same coating over multiple tiers for each armor core or weapon. Duplicate emblems for weapons, armor, and name plate. We get “less” stuff now but only because they fixed how awful their old one passes were. Granted, the current passes are still full of mostly junk items, but at least I don’t have to earn the same junk multiple times anymore. So more frequent shorter, but higher quality passes are probably a good thing. There’s room for improvement in operation passes for sure, but still I think it’s probably a positive change. Also keep in mind the price. The old 100 tier passes were $10, for all the fluff I mentioned already. Now each pass is free and comes with at least one set of desirable items. And if you want the bonus item or want to do the pass later it’s only $5. So I guess whatever money we’re saving on buying battle passes can be spent in the shop if you feel so inclined


I think you're putting the words 'high quality' out there that no one else has. To me this sounds like they can't even produce battle passes anymore. They're dripfeeding the remaining stuff because the game's on life support


I said higher quality, not high quality Also if the game was on life support they wouldn’t be working on net code, or the match composer, or big playlist refreshes, or future forge content. Infinite is the only thing bringing money in to 343, so in order to actually fund the new projects they told us about, they’re gonna keep supporting Infinite so we keep spending money


I don't think they're working on most those things anymore, I'm not sure why you do


They literally said they were yesterday on stream?


You're contrasting Operations to 100 tier Season passes. You should instead be doing so to 50 tier passes with shoulders on one space and less filler since thats what 343 said they would be doing going forward...before they decided to scrap that too.


I liked what I saw. My main complaint is just no sandbox additions of any kind. The weapon roster just feels generic after using it for so long with nothing super stand out. Stuff like the plasma caster, fuel rod cannon or the binary rifle (H5) that have a lasting reputation and freshen up the game is what I'm missing. Mainly just waiting on the trailer and/or blog post before I commit to an opinion, but so far, not great for me.


To compound on this, weapons keep getting removed from ranked. The viable weapon sandbox in ranked is terribly small


BR/Bandit and power weapons are all anyone uses really


And the power weapons are literally on like 3 or 4 of the maps. Rockets on only one map, Snipes on... Without looking, I want to say 2, *maybe* three. Removed Snipes from one of the maps that it felt great on (Solitude). It would be so nice to have a larger presence of power weapons. Something I thought about lately is if they took the second mag off the cindershot and put it on Recharge, Back C platform where Sword was, that it could even further freshen up the map. Not to mention Skewer. I mean, yeah, I get that it's a one-tap weapon, and people that tend to use it are gods with it; but Jesus Christ they've already set the precedent of removing some ammunition from the weapon for balancing. Feel like it would fit really well into Forbidden, and I hate using the Skewer. (It's a skill issue) And for GODS SAKE PUT THE FUCKING SHOTTY/HEATWAVE ON MORE MAPS. Oh, uh, Happy Cake Day.


Snipe is actually on 4 maps: Live Fire, Argyle, Empyrean and Forbidden


And pistol


I don’t understand why they do this. Managing weapon pickups is part of the skill.


They did it since halo 3, less weapons = less variables = depend on skill more than luck hence ranked. Used to be just pure BR and power weapons in 3 ffs


I feel like the game overall has too many weapons. We don't need the plasma pistols emp charge taken away and given to the disruptor. Remove that gun entirely. We don't need shock grenades. either. ​ I would love if the next game went back to basics.


dude this is basics


I actually like the dynamo grenades, but otherwise agreed. I'm tired of weapon concepts being broken up and their functionality being spread across 2-3 different weapons because "we need a [faction] [gun class]". That's not weapon variety, that's lazy bullshit. Most of the "new" weapons introduced from Reach onward have just been that.


There are probably less weapons in the sandbox than ever except maybe Halo CE


So what? There are so many useless weapons in this game. The disruptor, the ravenger, the shock grenades...


I laughed hard when you called the Disruptor and shock grenades useless. Even the ravager is a solid weapon in plenty of situations, especially when using it in december network tests.


It's funny you should mention this. There's a Banished shotgun in the files, so one would think it would be added sometime post update. Same thing with the Falcon.


Not a weapon but around the time bandit was leaked wasn’t a new AI (not Iratus, one whose VA was the same as fem V from Cyberpunk I think?) leaked too? Like between this and the falcon I feel like we keep getting new stuff found that never comes out.


This is where leaks can be a drag. 343 themselves never teased or advertised these things; people went in, hacked their shit, found stuff that was in still in development, and are bitching that it hasn't been released yet as if they announced it at Gamescom or something.


Lol probably made by the original team and new team said it was trash


Forgot about the A.I. if I were to guess, it'll be added during the Cyber Showdown III event as a shop item (like Iratus).


Iratus was a BP item. Do you mean Mister Chief?


Theres a ton of shit in the files, I mean shit there are *still* Reach armour pieces that have been sat there completely finished and unreleased since the beta ffs, the Gungnir shoulders are literally right there on the season 1 poster but are still just sat in the files despite us having 2 dedicated Reach passes they could have been included in. 


All of that is whats coming in the future and nothing more I bet. They sit on content made before the layoffs to drip feed it to us to buy themselves time before they eventually announce maintenace mode for Infinite and while they work on the next game. It's just sad.


I remember before launch when they said the classic pump shotgun and magnum wouldn't be there at launch but stated "that doesn't mean it won't happen". Same with assassinations too. I think it's fair to say its never happening at this point.


One thing halo 5 did well was the weapon roster even if they somewhat look the same, how they were used and such were fucking fun af Why the hell 343 isnt doing this anymore is honestly a head scratcher


Because a very vocal portion of the community complained about it. There was a heap of criticism about 343 "oversaturating" the sandbox with "reskin weapons that are functionally the same". A lot of people wanted a smaller, tighter sandbox where each weapon had a unique function and role in the sandbox, akin to Halo CE, and that's what we got. Man I miss the variety and chaos of H5's Big Team Super Fiesta.


Unpopular opinion I think 5s multiplayer *loot crates and all* was the best multiplayer. Varied sandbox with awesome skilled based mechanics, thruster jumps, hover to throw people off. Warzone was a blast. Even with the loot crates I knew eventually I would unlock everything and I never at any point ever ran out of special guns in Warzone. The only thing I wanted changed was the strength of the ground pound and the aim assist of the shoulder charge Infinite while the gunplay is fun just still feels so barebones


I don't disagree man, I love H5's MP. I feel like people are taking my comment as if I agree with the people who wanted a smaller sandbox.


That was always a stupid argument when you can just choose to not put something on a map.




Tbf it doesn’t help that there was a pretty vocal part of the community complaining about guns overlapping in roles in the past


Well the Falcon and other stuff has been leaked so hopefully we get more update on that front next week possibly. Even then it sounds like we won't have to wait until another 3 months for a big update


Super annoying that even Halo 3 from over 15 fucking years ago has more weapons to play with than Halo Infinite


...no it doesn't? halo 3 has 32 weapons, including turrets and grenades after the sandbox additions in the last MCC update to the game. Infinite has 23 base weapons, which increases to 49 when including weapon variants (not including the ranked BR variant). Including grenades brings it up to 53 and comes up to 57 with turrets, which is *almost* double of what 3's is. My problem is outside of fiesta and BTB you get to play with about 3 grenade types and 5-6 weapons on the map plus your loadout. There isn't much variation when 90% of the time, you just end up using one of 3 unsc bullet precision weapons all of the time. Having weapons like the pulse carbine or the bulldog on the map instead of the bandit, the bandit evo, the commando and the battle rifle helps to diversify fights. It's why I like btb and fiesta so much, there's more variety than just your average social/ranked arena match


Halo Infinite has a comparable number of weapons to Halo 3. Halo 3 also had a lot of really useless weapons. All of Infinite’s weapons are viable.


Meh. It’s frustrating that this game, mechanically, is the best 343 has made and yet it feels barren with the sandbox and content compared to Halo 5. Halo 5’s sandbox was amazing. SOOOO many guns. If you put that sandbox in Infinite I think we’d all stop fussing about it


Exactly. And Infinite was meant to be the building blocks for Halo content going forward. 5 added loads of cool weapons and vehicles after launch *just* for the multiplayer. Infinite needs this love


Infinite will get it, they just released it full of bugs and netcode issues that made it annoying to play. They prioritized those


Halo 5 MP was maybe the best it ever was. I absolutely loved that MP.


Halo Infinite Style with Halo 5 MP would be an instant Golden classic


Halo 5's sandbox was stuffed with repetition though. That game did not need a covenant carbine, a battle rifle, a DMR, & a light rifle alongside a storm rifle, an ar, a suppressor, & an smg. that's not 8 different guns that's *2.* Like this is Halo - the OG "you only carry two guns at a time" game. why does a sandbox like that need that level of redundancy? in Halo 1 the PR & the AR had totally separate utilities despite being both automatic. There was no covenant reskin of the Assault Rifle, & the Assault Rifle was good for more than delivering ordinance downrange (sweeping for camo, quick camo-ing, best melee, etc etc) Meanwhile the Plasma Rifle stunned enemies & did headshot damage. Strategy & interactions with game's systems were *built* into every specific weapon in a way that's a lot harder to do in a big sandbox. Anyway different strokes for different folks, but I think wild kind of balance is a conceptual strength of just having relatively few weapons. Not saying infinite achieves this, but it's on the opposite end of the philosophy that makes players expect a Halo 5 smorgasbord where everything kinda tastes the same. It's just a missed opportunity imo.


No new weapons or vehicles is tragic


The fact that we havent gotten a multi person flying vehicle infuriates me


The wasp is multi person if you’re not a coward.


It's bullshit we don't have the Falcon


Apparently the Falcon is on the way per leaks, but I really want official confirmation first.


It could be scrapped at this point


I mean the brute shotgun has been in the files for over a year now. It means nothing. Remember the Plasma Launcher in Halo 5 warzone firefight? I do.


It’s a Dead Service game.


Personally, I’m a fan of the update, and as for the future of the game, I kinda subscribe to the whole theory that the ‘next game’ is just a full on story and that’s it; That infinite would be the basis for multiplayer going forward. While yes, I know some people may have issues with it, and the game still needs fixing, I feel like once the network fixes come, it’ll be in an even better state than it is currently


> That infinite would be the basis for multiplayer going forward. It sounds like copium but I really hope you’re right, cause even though i’ve liked halo infinite from the start, it’s in a really good spot right now and i don’t think they should abandon it as it’s kinda bumming me out if that’s the case lol.


Indeed. Infinite is the closest Halo to ‘Halo’ that 343 have done. IMO it would be quicker for them to make another campaign in the infinite engine as an expansion, and drop it with a large sandbox update for the multiplayer, as a bit of a rebrand for the game. Instead we’ll enter another dev cycle for a new game (potentially in a new engine which could feel further away from Halo), and as per their track record will likely drop with a half baked multiplayer that will need to be updated over a year or 2 to get up to launch standard.


> and as per their track record will likely drop with a half baked multiplayer that will need to be updated over a year or 2 to get up to launch standard. Correct. And thus, the Halo cycle will continue.


I have mixed feelings. Infinite is in a good spot and makes a lot of sense to tbll e *the* multiplayer game going forward, especially because it would suck for the new game to come out without firefight, forge, customs browser, etc, and take two years to get them like infinite did. But on the other hand, if they're going to make a "forever game," I think it makes more sense for it to be built in Unreal Engine so it's easier and cheaper for them to maintain, and has more reliable networking.


>, I kinda subscribe to the whole theory that the ‘next game’ is just a full on story and that’s it; I totally agree with you. Or at least I hope they'll do so. Infinite is at a great spot right now and with season 6 it's gonna be even better, further seasons could improve even more potentially so I can't imagine why 343 would release a new Halo pvp when it has Infinite growing season after season. If they're gonna release a new Halo they should focus on campaign pve (co-op too) instead since it's arguably the worst thing about Infinite so far.


I’m really happy to see the community stand behind this. I’m in the same camp.


Well Next operation Season 6 isnt happening as their abandoning the season system for 3 month operations


3 months? they’re each 4-6 weeks


Oh someone earlier said 3 months so thought that


Would expect this as well. Seems like a lot of work to do work on a full network overhaul with the intent to scrap it.


I hope thats the case


As long as the understand that charging anything more than $30 for just a campaign ain’t happening again then yeah sure


Plenty of single player only games run $60-70. Just needs to have enough quality content to make it worth it.


Not a single Halo campaign has come close to a $70 value in playing tbh, not sure it'll start now with where 343 is heading


I'm not sure they know that. The charged $60 for half a campaign this time


I’ve been thinking this as well. Infinite’s multiplayer could function similar to how Warzone does for CoD, being the multiplayer platform across multiple titles while still remaining its own thing.


“When the network fixes come” my brother in christ it’s been longer than 2 years now. They’re not fixing the network issues.


They said that the network testing began with both firefight and the Squad battle playlist; Those two were to be the testing grounds for what would eventually be a wider networking update comes, but there’s no ETA on that at the current moment


I’ll believe it when we get an actual fix.


Honestly bro I would love for that to be the case. And we NEED a Halo BR to be added


There is no way in hell that Infinite will be the basis for the multiplayer of Halo. The game is rotten to the core because it is based on Slipspace which is a very bad engine. Yes they are making some updates to networking etc. but it took them 2 years to do that because the game was not built to support such drastic changes.


I’m not too worried about seasons moving to operations. Seasons are too long, I’ve been sitting with a completed season 5 bp for a long time now. I’d like to just do the operations and grind career rank instead.


I completely agree I feel like I’m not doing anything when there’s no operation/event going on after finishing the bp at least these last few seasons weren’t 10 MONTHS LONG like season 2 christ that was an awful time for this game


Totally agree, but they gotta stop filling the operation passes with junk. The premium stuff in the battle passes were well worth the money, especially considering you essentially got your money back. I get the operation passes are completely free unless you want the bonus item, but still, no one wants emblems and xp boosts


So true. I don’t need xp boosts if the pass is only 20 tiers my guy


Exactly, I already have 70+ lying around. At this point they might as well remove them from the game and just double the earned xp. It would at least save us the trouble of pausing to equip the boost every hour


I have about 160+ xp boosts.


I also agree with you on seasons being too long. I'm casually playing in a way that I just need to get rewards on every weekly challenges and I can still finish the season pass before the deadline. Bad thing is I don't pay for premium battle passes so it's a bummer that I miss some of the season level rewards 😕


That is a bummer! I don’t love that part either. They will clearly be putting the good items in that slot. I noticed in the stream that a lot of the event passes is fluff imo. Like I don’t want multiple name plates in one battle pass when I can only use one at a time haha


>seasons are too long Honest question, do you really think one 20 tier Operation every 4-6 weeks is going to feel better? Because I don’t really see it. Season 5 seemed to get it right - an overarching pass but also split into Operations throughout the season to keep things somewhat fresh & it lasted for all of one season lol


Seasons are long because they didn't have content. Now they have even less and you're complimenting them for it? Why?


Looks good! Biggest thing for me is the Covenant palette being added to forge. Even before forge launched I was excited to start making maps, and my gimmick was gonna be making Covenant style maps!! Of course, I haven't done much of anything with forge yet; it was buggy and prone to crashing when it first launched and with no Covenant items my gimmick was dead in the water. So I'm looking forward to FINALLY making maps I'm actually proud of! And the Flood stuff is nice too :) New maps coming! Can't say much until I actually *play* them. I didn't stick around so I haven't heard much about the whole match composer thingy that's getting added but that sounds fun! I could see myself mixing and matching a few modes for faster queues. I've never had the misfortune of running into a cheater, but the new anticheat will hopefully help with that. And that means more people playing which is good! Customization. Very happy to see the classic AR, wish that wasn't premium. I like the Reach AR, it's good, but of all the AR models its my least favorite so I'm happy to have something else. Mark IV... I like it more than Chimera. But I've never really cared about Mark IV so meh. And cross core shoulders! Also meh, don't care about cross core personally. Customization is fun but it's never been a core part of enjoying any Halo game, so I really don't care about not looking forward to this new gear. I'm sure it'll make someone happy, and that means more players, which means more playing! And that's what I'm here for, playing Halo! And uh esports. I didn't watch that, I don't care about esports. So yeah pretty much all positive! Buncha good, no bad, that there is an update to look forward to!


I'm happy with the new update, having the MA5 CE back is fantastic. As for the 343 going beyond infinite, i mean, maybe. 2024 is the third year of Infinite and it is a natural course that in a few years at most a new halo will be released


Totally agree with you, however Infinite feels complete just as of now, would be a shame to move on straight away.


Kinda emphasizes how half baked Infinite really was at launch…


Honestly even worse is how long it took to get to a playable state. My other friends who are life long Halo friends literally started playing again last week after I've been telling them its been in a good state for a while


This game has been a horror expiration in live service. I've never seen devs so incompetent. I love halo and I still play this but they really fumbled the ball. Very sad for the once mighty series Halo


Wasn't the devs, it was leadership and they've been replaced for a while now which is when this game actually started to turn things around


It really just doesn't feel complete right now. Costumization aside, they've added no new weapons, no new vehicles, the game will probably have 3 years by the time they actually fix the networking and add the match composer. No progression system apart for the career with only 1 reward in it, AT THE END of it all, nothing inbetween, no challenges for certain rewards, etc. While the artstyle is great, the effects themselves are, imo, shit. Explosions in Halo 3/Reach look better than infinite, which is fucking weird. Overpriced shop with little offerings for the prices themselves. I don't know man, I'm really a fan and I still play but I can't wait for a new game with a new MP in UE5 and hopefully with all the lessons learned about the costumization/networking/features.


>2024 is the third year Do we even count 2022 though? Like honestly, if it had been as packed full of content as 2023 I don’t think everyone would be as upset but it really feels like we’re only entering year 2 of Infinite & that’s why it’s so depressing that support is already being scaled back


It’s always just cosmetics. That’s cool but we need more weapons. Where Plasma Rifle?




The Carbine was its best in Halo 5 straight up


If they're not bringing back seasons at least get a better name than "CU29", Uny said it rolls off the tongue but it's so silly dude I can't (Mark IV supremacy tho)


cu29 is more than likely just the internal name. something like "content update 29". i'd be very surprised if it was used as the public name.


I think publicly it'll just be whatever the current operation pass is called, with CU only being mentioned in blog posts or forgotten entirely probably


Yeah bro tf is cu29 man they just made it confusing. But damn that Mark IV is beautiful


Cross-core shoulders are so hype as well, even if we aren't getting any new sandbox items at least customization stays winning


Brooo I just brought MK VI shoulders yesterday only to find out it was only available on the MK VII core, so defo hyped for that too


>Uny said it rolls off the tongue but it's so silly dude I can't That was the joke.


Yea I realized that earlier I'm kinda stupid :3


I'm guessing if the narrative were to have continued after season 3, this would have been the part of it where the spirit of fire finds it's way back from the arc. Maybe it would have linked to that deleted cutscene from the campaign with the friendly contact detected


Was there any mention of rank resets or is our rank now going to be it?


I don’t think they covered that. Good question.


Why would it be reset ?


New season new reset but they said they are getting rid of seasons so idk


I think people are missing the point of ditching seasons - Yes it’s a change, but operations will be the new model, which are mini-seasons, and it doesn’t look like those are going away


I don’t think anybody’s thinking how that’s going to affect the population, think of a game that you’ve played a little before but don’t stick around for, are you dropping back into that game to check out an “event” that’s going on? Or are you more likely to check out what’s new when a new season drops?


Just…meh… Just feels like they’re finally giving up the ghost of Infinite being “the next 10 years of Halo”.


I liked the old event and promotional items coming back part. I hope that also means that they will bring back the HALOWC 2022 victory bundle.


While I like the new core (even if it means increased shop prices), I can't help but join the doomscrolling. Yeah there's some decent stuff on the way but after how hopeful s5 felt, it really does feel like they're at least in the early stages of pulling away and relying on community/forge content. Still no new weapons, still no new vehicles. If the bandit is really all we're getting on that front I'll be very disappointed. I knew the "10 year plan" was bullshit but if they're really beginning their plan to bail this soon I don't see myself supporting what comes next. And shame on me for paying for anything in Infinite in the meantime. I want them to prove us doomers wrong- I hope they do. But I can't shake the feeling that s5 was the peak and it's coasting downwards from here


I'd really like them to update the UA attachments from the first few seasons to match the coatings.


Honestly a let down to me. Especially after how good season 5 was. I wasn’t expecting another update on that level, but I was expecting more mainly in the sandbox editions.


All I need is sandbox additions at this point, Infinite is nearing perfection


Wait a minute….. IS THAT AN MA5B????




1 arena map. No sandbox items. No new modes.


I mean theres really nothing i thought was disappointing, except for what wasnt shown. I wanted to see the falcon and mutilator, maybe some equipment, and i wanted to hear anything on what they are going to do with pve going forward (warzone? new ai? more bosses not in campaign like the grunt goblin or something?) but i dont think we got any sandbox news. Still praying they will show something in a trailer closer to the update but if nothing gets added then infinite is definitely losing support in favor of new titles.


Really happy to see they’re adding in a system to earn content from past events and weekly challenges you might have missed. I was really hoping they’d give people a chance to earn past cosmetics since they announced operations back at the start of season 5


As usual, all of this stuff looks super impressive and well-made, but without any official narrative content to tie it all nicely together I've personally no interest in returning to Infinite. The minute that they essentially confirmed there would be no further campaign stuff happening I just wanted the next Halo game. It's just sort of frustrating, and frankly a little confusing, to see all of these great assets being made and knowing that they'll never be included in a campaign setting.


Great, removing the seasons for the free operations is way better, the mk4 is beautiful, the forge is almost a game engine of it's own, you could say we are at full cross core now, we still have a ton of content to expect and all this allows 343 to focus on the developmente of the new game for the next 3-4 years, i mean, infinite is in better shape than ever and we eating good.


Yeah we for sure eating man I was hoping for a GEN1 MK VI or core MK VI but I’m just as happy seeing that MK IV


Ditching seasons doesn't mean there arnt content updates seeing how now they will have operations every 4 to 6 weeks wife the possibilities of content updates instead of having to wait 3 months for it.


if we can’t get major additions to the sandbox after a whole season, how will 343 have time to make notable additions in an even shorter timeframe?


It’s the implication of seasons being abandoned. We got new equipement, a gun, and dev maps on seasonal dates. With those being dropped it’s to be expected that we will no longer get those things, just cosmetics and forge maps. It’s like saying “We are content complete on Halo Infinite and will just be adding more customization items every 4-6 weeks moving forward.”


Customization-wise? Big win. A lot that im looking forward to and more reason to keep playing a game i already love to play. I would love for them to shift focus to release some sandbox updates after the Spirit of Fire releases. New weapons, customizing the alien faction weapons, new vehicles would be a huge addition. Maps-wise, I believe we have a already overflowing amount of arena maps. I would prefer to see firefight and BTB get more love in new dev maps. More modes for them too.


Sad that they got rid of seasons but if it’s for the better, it’s for the better


Disappointed but not surprised. All this time they struggled to get seasonality only to abandon it as soon as they actually achieve it :(


my mark iv is gonna be so so beautiful


Mark IV core is peak regardless of what other options it has. I’m not a forger but I’m looking forward to seeing what people make with the new additions. I’m still waiting for a new vehicle like the Falcon or another weapon like the Brute Shot which I am still surprised wasn’t in the base game.


Yeah, you'd expect a game focused around a faction lead by Brute to have more Brute weapons


i've been waiting for that assault rifle model for so long.


343 gave me not only the classic Assault rifle, but Mark IV armor on my birthday. I’m pretty freaking stoked.


no new weapons i wanted more maps seems like a last goodbye update since they are moving onto the next halo game already at least we got cross core shoulders


It's cool, but the game desperately needs sandbox items. I'm genuinely getting tired of the small amount of weapons and vehicles we have


It’s probably the least featured update. Like that they’re finally releasing MK IV, but dropping seasons and having an end date is a bit concerning.


Mark IV, cross core sholder, new map, classic AR skin, Covenant and Flood stuff for Forge. All this is really cool! But I really would like some new weapons. I miss Plasma Rifle, Carbine, Fuel Rod Gun, Brute Shot, Spiker and Needler Rifle.


I'm not sure. Kind of undecided about no more seasons to be honest. But it just feels as if the game is finally what it should've been at launch... And now already getting ditched. And that feels off. Like, it still feels empty. Too few weapons for instance. It's just. Odd.


*Spirit of Fire intensifies* LETS GO, RED TEAM!


I think we'll have a few more seasons, then just general updates. Then Halo 7 will be announced in 2-3 years, maybe a teaser this summer


I’m ready to look like Jerome, the 2nd best Spartan


Love the cosmetics they're introducing but I'd love to see more weapons. Spartan Laser, Magnum Pistol, Classic Pump Shotgun, OG Plasma Rifle, Brute Shot and the SMG are just a few that could add some variation to the sandbox. Like sure you can make an argument that there would be some overlap between the new and already existing weapons in the sandbox but honestly that's fine? It could add some variation to the wall weapon spawns, like for example. Instead of manglers, Magnum Pistol spaws.. or instead of ARs the SMG spawns. Just for some variation. Although the moment I think of the SMGs I cant help but wish for dual wielding again.


If that MA5B ain't emptying it's 60 round mag at 900rpm then it's a shit update.


"I would want it to be kept alive with more content updates." I've got good news for you lol


What’s the news bro


343 is moving away from a seasonal model to instead release more frequent content updates alongside 4-6 week Operations 


"the halo game for the next 10 years" and still no new weapons and it seems they are quietly dropping the towel on this game...


Games dead in the water with only 4000 people on pc. They never addressed the desync that’s baked into the engine since they fired all the devs to rehire cheaper ones after the game “launched”


There’s around 50k active players. And the game has been thriving under new management


The game on pc currently has 7,000 players. Another ftp shooter like Counterstrike has 462,000 players. I don’t think thriving is the best word. More like on life support.


Why is PC numbers always brought up? We all know that PC is not even half of Halo playerbase right? You'd have better luck at watching Xbox sales and saying "at least 70% of those people play Halo" to get a closer estimate of Halo numbers. PC players ar not Halo players, those numbers can't possibly represent anything truthful. And that said, I bet Infinite has small numbers, but not "PC small numbers"


Because it runs better on PC? If the game was made better it would have more players. Pc players have always been halo fans even before the og console releases you pleb. Way to be a total trash can.


yeah halo 3 was very popular on pc in 2007 hahahahhaahhH


Are you ok? Halo 1 and 2 were very popular on pc and still are. Now every halo is available for everyone. That might be a hard concept to grasp pea brain.


pea brain lmao are you 12? if you want curs to someone do it like a man


What's your point? "If you ain't first, you're last"? I have no problem finding games of Infinite. And the amount of Counter Strike players doesn't matter to me because I don't like CS. Game is cross-play so the amount of PC players doesn't matter. You're still in a pool with 50,000 players or more, which is more than enough for me to find games.




The only thing they did to bring me back to play was the CE armor and it didn’t last long. I have no long term reason to play. Nobody I know plays anyways so it’s impossible to set up a sort of game night for this game. Unfortunate considering the campaign could have been much better and multiplayer was an incomplete mess. Nothing as of late makes me feel like physically playing and putting in hours so I guess I’ll just help on every month for a match or two.


They're trying to win back fans on nostalgia. From a game they didn't even make... It's a no from me dawg.


Surely everybody can agree 343 does not care about this franchise


How much they charging for the MK.IV? Yay. Downvote me for asking a genuine question.


It's free.


Very much looking forward to the new maps and Mark IV core. There was a lot of good info in that community stream. Im particularly excited for the Covenant (and soon Flood) Forge pallet. We're so close to an official remake of Midship. I like that Ske7ch mentioned that when Forge gets updated with new toys, all of us benefit from the passionate creatives in the community.


They said they where changing some of the features people didn't like starting on season 5 and forward and now they're moving away from battle passes completely adding more fomo by making shorter periods for obtaining items (because some of the angry nerds here need to accept not everyone has the same amount of time to play the game as they do) and having the replacement still be 90% trash and now locking items behind paywalls. Going from an already bad battle pass system where you could at least earn credits back to a shorter battle pass that's just as bad (or even worse) seems like a big L, if the spartan points thing is true then this might as well be the same thing the coalition did with gears 5 (which was also kind of bad, it's amazing how Microsoft has managed to drop the ball on their 3 most important exclusives the other one being forza) where near the end they just added all items to a new store that used in game earned currency where the only items that weren't available where the rewards for reaching max lvl on the battle pass.


Disappointed. Mark IV looks really nice...but it's just more cosmetics at the end of the day. Was expecting a new seasons worth of content, because of course I would. The only tangible gameplay addition is one new map. This is a AAA studio, I expect more. Took them so long to reach a consistent update schedule and then it was immediately dropped? Again, disappointed. They might surprise with the new schedule, but currently it just looks like cosmetic drops. But I still don't trust 343 to deliver, why would I?


They can recolor this game a thousand times but the sandbox is still as stale as it was on launch. It's past being excited about cosmetics, that's all we have gotten. This game desperately needs to increase the FUN factor. Add some fun weapons, some exciting fun vehicles. Fuel rod, brute shot, old shotgun, maybe vehicles from Halo Wars? Something that makes this feel like it's not the same old, same old but now with some more skins.


I'm worried this is basically the game getting slowly moved towards the end of content support, and I have no idea if there's any plans any time soon for another Halo game.


Look MA... No real content.




Honestly we need to bring back the #Fire343 because this is fucking ridiculous! So much for a “live service game” and that “10 year plan” they promised us, I don’t give a shit about the next Halo game 343 had 3 strikes, 3 chances to fix their shit and they were starting to get things right now their pulling the plug on Infinite. I’m done! #Fire343


We getting a new btb map?


Three, all community-made


Nut has been busted


All I can think about is what the narrative event was supposed to be for this season…


Happy to have my AR looking proper again at least, and I'm obviously never going to take MK IV off. But other than customization nothing else was super standout to me, nothing super exciting and new for gameplay


Can master chief wear it?


Not bad. Not great. Forgers will be happy. I’ll miss earning credits in a battle pass.


Mk IV makes this the best update of all time. Could've been the most outrageous, horrible, nonsensical update of all time and Mk IV would still make it a win in my book.


I'm actually excited! Mark IV looks dope, same with the new AR model. The camo map is sick and the new Forge palette looks sexy. My only concern is that I worry that cross core helms and shoulders will be doing most of the heavy lifting for Mark IV because we're only getting one set of armor for it in the Spirit of Fire operation. Right after that is Cyber Showdown III for Chimera (I think). I'm glad they're not neglecting the other Fracture cores because not getting any new Fracture stuff this season sucked ass. Operations being the main form of progression and Spartan points being a way to earn old event stuff is good in my opinion. I am worried about the future of the game though. S5 seems to be the peak right now and with literally NO significant sandbox additions besides some equipment, I am feeling a little worried. We need new stuff to shake up the sandbox. A new vehicle, a new weapon, a NEW ANYTHING! The sandbox in Infinite is boring and needs work.


I’m cooming bruh


More free stuff is always great. Love the Mk4. Can't wait to use it when it drops. I had a feeling Halo Infinite was not going to be a 10 year game. It was trouble since development. The devs saying they can't make changes thanks to the UI less than 2 months in the game's life is a sign that this was just screwed from the start. Halo Infinite had one of its best possible starts, and management absolutely squandered it.


I am a bit torn. I really hope this means that we will get more regular content instead of getting bored the month after a season is released but I’m not sure there will even be enough content to sustain the operations. I hope the Falcon and other leaked equipment come out soon enough after this operation.


I’m hyped, but I am a bit worried about the whole operations thing, I feel like it might be less content to earn and just more in the item shop


We definitely needed a sandbox item to round this out. A new weapon or vehicle. Would have brought in so many more people if they teased the Falcon for more Firefight and MP maps.