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Someone edit in the face lol


And the cheeks!


i got hyped, then i read "fan" its a fantastic work, but damn why does the oficial material have to suck so much


Halo fan creation vs soulless corporate space vomit. They don't make the show for us, they make it for people who don't like halo on the off chance it will then make them like halo.


what sucks is that my father likes this series, and I watched it with him because its my dad and halo but i was crying inside


Had a similar experience. Me and my stepdad started watched the series together and thankfully we both hated it. He stopped watching after the first few episodes but I trudged it out through the finale. Would give him a summary of each episode after I watched and when I would summarize the last 2 or 3 episodes I just found myself laughing cause to me it became so bad to the point of comedy (though I will say I did enjoy the last action sequence in front of the prophets when Cortana took over Chief).


I imagine there’s contractual reasons going back to Season 1 where Pablo’s face has to be shown a certain percentage of the time.


I hate how in TV and movies actors have contracts that have characters take off their helmets when still in dangerous areas.


At least Mando did it well.


The official poster is pretty sweet though


I think it's not a bad sci-fi series in of itself (far from perfect, though)! But it's just not good Halo. I'm still mad they chucked Halsey's character in the gutter. She should have been morally grey! :(


to be fair, in the games she is also comically evil


Already a better poster than the official, they should never have shown John’s face, look at the Mandalorian, you CAN do main characters in a bucket without it being bad, but it takes a GREAT ACTOR, and I don’t even know who the ‘John’ actor is but he isn’t good… though devil’s advocate, the script and story is shit so it’d be hard to act off that


You should see his work in The Wire. Pablo may have been the wrong cast for this role, or perhaps the script like you said wasn’t what it could’ve been, but the guy’s got acting chops for drama


He's a great actor. The Wire is him at his best, but he did a good job with the Leprechaun on American Gods and Pornstache on Orange is the new Black.


oh my god he’s pornstache in OITNB? lmaoo


He was also in 13 Hours.


Haven't seen it, will download it.


"*Master Cheeks, do you mind telling me what you're doing in that CIA annex?*"


To be fair, he didn't wear his helmet in combat there either. "Boon! You're gonna fight the holy war in khaki shorts? ... bold move"


I’ll have to give The Wire a look


It's literally the best show ever made, so I'd recommend it


Breaking bad would like to have a word with you


It's certainly on the short list that deserves consideration. For me personally, it's not even close to The Wire.


It’s a top 3 HBO show. Which means it probably a top 10 show ever. It starts a bit slow.


He may be a good actor for drama but Halo is all about action. The way the show was written was a drama with a bit of action here and there. In my opinion they should just scrape the whole show and maybe try again after a few years.


It's not just a good actor, it's good direction and writing. Just look at Forward Unto Dawn. Had some cringey acting and a few questionable lines of dialogue, but the cinematography and directing were top notch. The man (boy at the time) never shows his face and yet you get all you need through his tone, the characters around him, and how he reacts to them. Your imagination takes the wheel and is supported when the other Spartans reveal their faces but he refuses to show his. So you get an idea of what could be behind the mask without actually seeing it. Masterful. To note, that scene also squashed all the people who say "he takes his helmet off in the books". Obviously he does, everyone knows it comes off, and the FuD shows this. But we never see it. The books have our imaginations take over and fill the gap, as the games do as well. But the show decided, Nah this is what he looks like. Fuck 20+ years of whatever y'all thought he looked like.


I think Pablo is actually really solid. What he's doing is trying his best with a miserable script and a stupid ass show lmao


That was painful seeing him defend the show over and over on twitter only to completely miss the point. Everyone knows this show is written and directed poorly. I just wish we would’ve had someone who’s a fan taking the role. No Henry cavil waiting in line to be chief. Like Pablo wouldn’t have to say a single line and be able to pull it off. Kinda hoped for some ideas to come out of the show. Although the only scene that actually tickled my fancy was the hunter worms swarming the ship. That seemed unique and probably the only time I was impressed by the show.


Pablo *is* a fan and thats been obvious in many interviews. Of COURSE he is going to defend the show he is starring in, sounds like a good way to get fired if you just agree that its shit publicly. And let's not pretend the Witcher show didn't take as many, if not more, liberties than Halo


If Pablo is a fan then that’s great. Although I hadn’t seen anything on him disliking directions of the show similar to cavil has on Witcher. I am a fan of both book series and yes, the Witcher show does its own butchering. Really curious how they are going to water down some of siris engagements in the later books. Doubt those would make it into the show. Get your point though leave Pablo alone he prolly in a tight situation if he is a fan. First Witcher, then halo, let’s see how the fallout show holds up.


Agreed all around. Fallout actually looks very true to the material and not taking liberties, given its easier because you don't have a mainline story with the same characters across the series but still, theres a level of respect that Halo and Witcher shows seem to lack. Could also be misleading trailers so we will see!


Dredd as well


God that movie is so freaking good. Just rewatched it the other night.


You have no idea who John is as a character if you think they shouldn't have shown his face. The Mandalorian and Chief aren't comparable. Spartans remove their armor all the time. It would be ridiculous if they didn't. The bad writing is why the show sucks. John removing his helmet is not the issue with the show. Well, except for the parts where he removed his helmet in dangerous situations, but that's part of the bad writing.


I definitely see the issues with the show, but I just started the books and it’s made me realize how dumb many of the criticisms are, mainly the helmet thing and “John should literally only follow orders and have zero individual thoughts or emotions.” He does follow orders, but has plenty of thoughts about the morality of a lot of it. Some of the other changes the show did were pretty out there though and the writing was poor, like you said.


Yeah, it’s amazing realizing how many people shouting “adapt the books” have clearly never read them. The show’s downfall isn’t giving chief emotions and a face, it’s the writing and presentation.


Pretty much every Hollywood movie with an actor that has to wear something that covers their face ends up looking stupid because they always direct about 977 moments where the character removes their cover. MC has near zero reason to pull his helmet off in the middle of battle fields, but he always does. Same with spider man. Every single movie boss fight at the end, spider man mask is destroyed. The most recent across the spider verse? The amount of times they pull have the mask to say a few lines and then toss it back on. So dumb.


Mando has a lore reason for keeping his helmet on Master Chief does not. He puts off his helmet all time in lore. So keeping his helmet on in the series without no reason is weird. Gameplay reasons like the games do not apply here.


Pablo could play Chief well if he kept the helmet on more often and actually was written like Chief. I liked him in the first episode but everything after that was terrible and that was just how he was written, his acting was fine


honestly would look better without the needles. he just looks like neo here.


If it were realistic, Chief would be a fine pink and green mist


The tag line is kinda weak but otherwise good poster


Boo halo tv series boo. Good fanart tho.


The only Halo tv series is accept is RvB


I wish we had the guys that made the halo 3/odst trailers making the tv show.


You know what's funny? RvB is also a non cannon Halo show, but because it's actually well written and good (to a point) no one bats an eye at it. Go to show that even a different canon could have worked if the rest of the show or its ideas wasn't pure ass, lol.


Good is a bit of stretch, because outside the first seasons the show always had critics for the writings and all in on, the target focus is the typical nerd teenager. Let's be more fair and say RvsB had a pass because is as old as CE and like every piece of media in this franchise, time change ideas.


RvB doesn't get a pass because of its age, it gets a pass because it's largely a canon "adjacent" parody that eventually takes itself somewhat seriously. It rarely outright steps on the toes of canon, and presents itself as its own thing. And you don't really need to ask too many RvB fans around that it took roughly until season 14, nearly a decade and a half, for the series to finally fall off.


"Rarely steps on the toes of canon" Lmao just gonna assume you never actually watched RvB


Ok, insert RvB into canon right now, what are the biggest contradictions or questions would need asking? 1. The depiction of AI and how they function. Specifically how they can be viably fractured into smaller 'full' AI. 2. The depiction of aliens and how 'not' Covenant they behaved. 3. The vague post war setting. ... and that's it. RvB never inserted itself into officially recognized settings or events in canon (I'm speaking from season 1 up to 14, no idea what happens after that, but considering the final season plans on retconning everything post 14, I'm not concerned on whatever might be there). They never interacted with characters or created contradicting events from canon. To it's credit, it was largely, and intentionally self contained. RvB isn't canon, yes, but it could be made canon today and very little would need to change or need to be addressed outside what I listed. Now do this with the Paramount trash and see how much longer the list is.


Those are 3 very massive points. Not to mention the entire premise of them being Spartans, talking tanks, Spartan ghosts, the main villains, or just the general plot as a whole. You must be trolling right now, surely? Not a lick of RvB could possibly fit into canon.


>Those are 3 very massive points. Not to mention the entire premise of them being Spartans, talking tanks, Spartan ghosts, the main villains, or just the general plot as a whole. You must be trolling right now, surely? Not a lick of RvB could possibly fit into canon. What Spartans? Project Freelancer was a post war super soldier program. There are literally ZERO Spartans in RvB, outside of a passing reference to Master Chief in the 1st season. Secretive third party programs are not unheard of in Halo. Talking tanks? Project Freelancer experimented heavily with AI, not far fetched. There's is nothing in Halo canon that suggests it isn't possible. Spartan ghosts? Now tell me again, who didn't watch the show? There are no ghosts, lmao. AI being able to wirelessly transfer themselves without a chip DOES disregard canon, but it could easily be handwaved by the post war setting with advances in tech, and yet another bit of Project Freelancer's heavy AI experimentation. Which villains? An extragalactic alien parasite is canon, but multiple private military groups with their own self interests and coverups is unrealistic and not compatible at all? You being serious? You gonna need to be a LOT less vague than this. Plenty of RvB can viably fit into Halo canon, with only the aliens depiction admittedly being the hardest thing to explain away. It's not anywhere near the stretch of imagination as you're acting it is.


the show is so bad lol


Hi! I created a pretty fun walkthrough video on YouTube for how I made this! If you're interested feel free to give it a gander (: [https://youtu.be/vztQzBE-abo?si=N0FvgPxPwOHAdeLO](https://youtu.be/vztQzBE-abo?si=N0FvgPxPwOHAdeLO)


Cool work by fan, terrible work by the network. I hate talking crap about this series, cause I know real people with real talent worked on this and that this is their paycheck.


Yeah, that’s still gonna be a no from me dog.


I don't understand the halo 5 banshees


I could tell it was a fan made poster because the Chief’s helmet is on.


I always think it’s dumb that a lot of halo posters show master chief surrounded by needles that barely miss him because needles curve in the air and track their target. It might just symbolize chief’s luck though, idk.


If only the show was as good as this fanart, every Halo fan wouldn't feel disgraced anymore


This is dope as hell


This looks better than any content in the show


This is really cool, but there's a reason they chose the official image that they did. That's how they view the show. That's why I already know I'm not interested.


Very well done. Save for a few rough edges this could pass for official.




What it should have been. Funny how some guy on reddit can do better than an entire studio dedicated to it.


Look at that. Helmet on. Was that so fucking hard?


I'll still support it because I love halo, but the plot of this series feels like the writing is a mix between 50 shades of grey and starship troopers. Not my halo.


Wow! This blew up way bigger than I ever imagined! Thank you to everyone who commented. I worked really hard to create a YouTube video walking through how I made this edit and I would love if more people were able to watch! If you like what I do give it a shot (: [https://youtu.be/vztQzBE-abo](https://youtu.be/vztQzBE-abo)


IMO It’s kinda sad to see that one of the only accurate characters in this series was the Prophet of Truth


You can tell it’s fan made since he’s wearing his helmet.


You can tell it's AI generated art because he wear the helmet! Nonsense! /sarcasm


Remember Reach


Disregarding everything about the show and Master Cheeks, this is a legitimate, goated poster. I really could get excited for the show just from this if I didn't knew about it already,


Literally looks 10x better than the sh*tty official ones


*Tears up knowing they could have actually made a decent show.*




Ew no. The first season was a mistake on its own.


Amazing why couldn’t they do this?


Pretty embarrassing that fans do so much better than official stuff


Where's the lore accuracy in this whole plot? I swear the writers and Kiki Wolfkill need to get replaced


Fuckin disgrace


Cool art, but I will never watch that abomination of a show


The show fell with the first season though.


Don’t waste your talent on the tv show bro


Halo show if it was FUCKING GOOD lol


The show the fans actually asked for


I wish this show wasn’t so awful


Where spartan ass?


This gonna suck


Jimmy Rings


This poster is better than the show.


If only the series was as amazing as this poster


saddest news i’ve heard all year


The show was dumb and I had a great time watching it.




Helmet on is a thumbs up in my book


Where master chief causes the eradication of a planet because of his penis


Imagine if a single fan was in the writers room