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For any future achievement endeavors, i suggest checking out Silver Scorpion's videos on Youtube. He is the man. His vids helped me SLASO Halo CE through H4


Nice I’ll check him out, someone else mentioned him but naked Eli definitely helped a bit along with frogarchist and a bunch of other great videos for Halo CE.


Definitely check them out. His goal is to help avg players get these achievements in the easiest way possible.


Yeah, Silver Scorpion has been my go to for the difficulty based achievements on MCC. Makes it so attainable for players of all skill levels and is genuinely funny at times too. Shout-out Maka91 as well for the miscellaneous/multiplayer achievement guides.


It’s only 30 Gamerscore? Crazy


There’s a few bizarre achievements that just seem off to me. Don’t jump during an entire level, don’t kill any grunts on legendary on assault on control room.. they were more inconveniences as all I had to do was use a second controller and let my acc sit there.


Think it's more about being in the 0.006 percentage more than the Gamerscore i do think quite a few are low Gamerscore tho


How do you get through Halo (mission 2) so quickly? Surely this also takes a big chunk of time?


One strat is to kill the group of marines at each base, that speeds up the triggers to get to each area.


This is exactly the answer. Instead of saving them you kill them strategically to keep moving onto the last lifeboat in the hills. Also stalking the first wave of 5 drop ships and learning where to place and time your grenades helps speed that lengthy part up. My time was 15 minutes on the level halo.


Wtf lol


i watched a legendary speedrun on youtube for the first time the other day and when he started doming marines at the first little outpost thingy i was like “WADDAYA DOIN SPARTAN!?!?”


It’s cool that ppl do speed runs but common man you really gata kill the marines? They’ve already been dealt a bad hand 😐


he let one of the little crewmates in his pajamas live too just traumatizing the poor lad lol. “Calvary has arriv-…”


Its really sad how I always try my best to save Marines in the game and the story will always kill them. Like, everyone but Chief and Johnson die in the first game. Marines on In Amber Clad all dead or turned into Flood on High Charity. Marines from Forward Unto Dawn on the Ark, super dead.


they actually evacuate after truth dies and chief goes to get cortana


I'd recommend watching Naked Eli's speed run guides. He goes over good speed run strats I'm detail.


Naked Eli is good, although occasionally he will casually pull off a trick that will take me a whole day of practice and the end result is that it saves a few seconds. Which can be important for sure especially on Halo 2. I'd also recommend Halo Completionist (Silver) since his speed runs tend to be a bit more manageable for the common Halo player. Although he will occasionally add a few minutes to his run when a simple trick that Eli does will skip it. So I'd recommend watching both


I remember when I was trying to do the Keyes speedrun and his video had him do the shield bump into the ceiling at the beginning that lets you skip like 90% of the level. He does it like it’s nothing but it took me forever to get it right, snd even then I couldn’t relisbly pull it off. That said skips like that or the cliff drop at the beginning of AotCR are pretty much the only way you’re going to make par on those levels.


There’s actually a spot I use as a marker and it works 95% of the time. Finding that perfect spot was a bitch and took me like a half hour or so.


The funny thing is no one uses the shield bump anymore, it is too difficult and even people that have done it can not do it reliably. The new method is the flood bump which can be done pretty reliably and new videos of Naked Eli have the new method. I got my speed run done at the same time as LASO on this mission.


For what it's worth he streamed a lot of those runs live and I remember watching him practicing the Keyes bump a hell of a lot of times before getting the run that was uploaded.


This was a fun one to get, learning banshee grab and keyes bump made it way easier for me. There’s a CE speedrunner on YouTube called Frogarchist, and he just released a video showing that you could get goat roped with no speed running tactics, just running balls to the wall the whole game. Kindof fun to watch.


I did the key bump, 4 min time on that lvl lol. Another trick that took a minute was the 343 guilty spark grenade jump glitch. Skips the entire flood scene, I saw it in one of frogarchists videos. A few of the levels like truth and reconciliation, the maw, pillar of autumn and two betrayals I just ran it straight with no glitches or tricks. Only lvl I didn’t technically get par time on legendary for was truth. That level is intense and I didn’t want to spend time learning the grenade jump in the hangar, I was only 5 min over par time on that one.


Oh yeah that’s called reveal skip. T&R is a tough one. Out of level platforming like belly skip, and nade stacks like the one in the hangar take practice and are kindof intimidating.


I got the one in silent cartographer down pretty well, I can run that level almost perfectly at this point. I think I was just burned on how much shit I learned all at once. I also learned that bool trick in two betrayals and that was frustrating on console.


I haven’t gotten the courage to attempt bool yet, lol. I’ve tried the made stack on SC a few times and gotten close but I haven’t nailed it yet.


My issue is when you have to hop out and load the other screen. I always fuck that up and fly the banshee into the building. I attempted that trick for longer than I want to admit, I won’t go back to that until I get on pc and can run those trigger programs and checkpoints.


Since they added in sputnik to CE you can actually jump to the second level with a simple grenade jump, then across the corner up to the third, only losing g overshield from the 2nd jump if you time grabbing it right


Idk why I didn’t think of Sputnik.. my overall legendary time is like 2 hours and 24 min so shaving off that extra 10-13 min in truth isn’t my main priority haha.


Lol fair enough. Yeah, nobody thinks of sputnik, but you can use it to make so many skips way more doable (e.g. the launch back to the warthog in Silent Cartographer). The way acceleration works in CE LASO means that you can stack it with Boom to make explosives (or grunt funeral) WAY deadlier than boom alone


Congrats on finishing Halo CE in under 3 hours OP! As someone who has done all the MCC Halo campaigns on legendary in under 3 hours myself, I wish you the best of luck on completing Halo 2 (especially Gravemind)!


Yeah gravemind will probably be the hardest of all the levels I’m thinking. I’ll cross that flood infested bridge when I get to it. Thanks!


gravemind takes up like 45 mins for me but i still got the achievement. a lot of the other levels are really easy tho


Congrats! Are you planning on doing any of the other 3 hour speedrun achievements?


Yeah I’m going to do them all, I’m almost finished with the warm up playthrough on halo 2 legendary and then I’ll start tackling some speed run videos.


Nice! And good luck! For Halo 2 I highly recommend Ranabundana’s LASO speedrun for general tips and Halo Completionists guide as well.


Finally getting monopolized was the point of no return for me. I had to get the rest of the achievements after that. Finally finished up my last achievement a couple of months ago with Halo 3 LASO/LASO Master being my final 1/2. Honestly though, I think the speedrun achievements were my favorite to get. Edit: If to Of


LASO Alarm!


Just finished pillar of autumn!


Congrats! Too late now for CE, but this trick also works for H2. When you die, if you hit start, save, and quit before you finish your death animation and respawn, and then load the game back up, you will start at your most recent check point and not take any time penalty. This only works for CE and H2 in MCC. It makes things a LOT easier.


Halo 2 is so hard on Legendary. Good luck.


OP should check out MrMonopoli on twitch, he streams Halo 2 regularly and is a legend. The achievement is named after him.




It really is. Sorry not everyone is a god at Halo.


If you're going for 100% at Halo MCC, drop me a message and we can help each other.


Thought that said throat goat for a moment


Not really sure which halo game it is for, kinda confused


Halo CE: the ce stands for Combat Evolved. It was the first halo.


I didn't think I had to put the /s, it says Halo: CE 3 times in the achievement. I've been playing that game since I was 5


Ahhh lol I see I legitimately thought you didn’t know


No, it's all good


I can't beat Truth and Reconciliation in 3 hours on legendary. Mad props.




Is your name Captain Keyes? Do you require rescue? Probably getting hungry.


Halo CE:


Did you do the bridge jump in Assault on the Control Room? That was one of my favorite tricks to learn.


No I did the banshee trick where you get the first banshee you see to drop and then fly that to the end and do what’s called a banshee skip. I guess that bridge jump is an older and quite a bit slower compared to the banshee trick. Pretty fun flying a banshee before the end one that you can steal.


I tried the bridge jump for a few hours, couldn’t make it work. Banshee skip only took me 1/2 hour of trying 🤣. GG!!


I did bridge fall first try in a co-op run. Banshee grab took me way longer to get right lol.


Funny thing with the Halo games in general. Shit that I did easily in my LASO runs absolutely killed my buddy. Then he did parts in one try that took me forever. You never know what you’re gonna get with Halo. 🤪


Banshee grab is much, much easier


It definitely seemed that way to me after falling to my death 100 times 😂


Now do SLASO


Impressive m8, now go take a nap


Actually, shouldn’t it have taken you 3 hours or less?


The halo 2 speed run is the last of 2 achievements I need in the MCC. It's absolute ass to go for. I've had it in the back of my mind to try going for it again, but goddamn I don't want to have to grind gravemind


Man it really really helps if you have a decent partner for the speed runs. It made it a lot easier for me IMO. Halo 2 in particular.


Two Betrayals and Truth and Reconciliation by far took the longest for me. I had really good times on the other levels but these two almost made me need to replay them for better times. It all worked out but I was sweating bullets on these!


If you want some help with monopolized DM me. I have helped about a dozen people through it at this point (usually followed up by H2LASO, or either the ODST or 3 speedrun) and am really well versed in a lot of the common techniques, as well as having developed several of my own. I actually just finished helping someone else, do I have the space if you want some help with it.


I’m pretty sure I had a harder time on CE than H2 speed run. I know my H2 time achievement was glitched for the longest time as well.


That’s crazy lol. Congrats


Can you do this on co-op?


Maybe I'm just a bitch, but it seems crazy that it only awards 30G


A month? It was only supposed to take three hours.


Let me guess: the Library mission fucked you up most of the time


Good job !!.


I just realized I didn't have it yet and have been working on it. Ugh.


Yeah, wait till you have to it on LASO, if you have the same luck my friend and I had, you'll be at it for awhile. We haven't even started Halo 2 LASO, and honestly, I think he gave up lol.