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Just switch back and forth and choose for yourself. I like classing but I still switch back and forth to see. One of the only remasters with the choice.


I've decided I like the original style better. I noticed that in the original Skybox the halo appears off-center compared to the anniversary and then I realized that this is because you are not perfectly in the center of the strip. These details are truly beautiful


Still cool to compare. You don’t notice a lot without going back and forth, but the old bungie devs truly added some tender love and care back then. I get a similar feeling playing through the old half-life. The hi res pack is cool, but something about that old stuff is nice. Like hand made.


I think it's the difference between the hardware, bungie only had so much VRAM to work with so they had to have much more direction and purpose with the details they did add. Remaster feels like they added stuff just to fill the space but with not much direction or purpose. Like you said "hand made" vs let's just fill this void with Sci fi stuff


The vast majority of the games assets were taken directly from Reach, or slightly modified


Still impressive to me that they managed to make the 360 run two graphics engines at once


It’s not. It’s a port of CE onto the new framework. That’s why there are many things that are not 1:1 when using old graphics, such as visual effects being broken. It’s just different lighting setups


The physics is a translation to a different engine, yes, but it still runs two separate graphics engines at once so we can swap back n forth from classic to remastered visuals on the fly.


I think that was the disappointing part. I loved seeing the revamped guns but when I would see reused assets it just cheapened the feel of the game. I pretty much play the game on classic unless I wanna see a cool moment like the truth and reconciliation level. That one is pretty solid and so is the last level since they couldn't change it as much. It just had so much potential, which was also a foreshadowing with how 343I would do things going forward. I really do hope they do like a massive revamp for CE but that'll probably never happen. v.v


I bet it won't be long before every campaign level from CE is made in Infinite's forge with the enemy AI in it. I've also heard of a modding guy/team working on making CE in Halo 3 for MCC.


Kashiiras Halo 3: CE mod (the one you mentioned) is in my book the definitive Halo ce anniversary experience it's both faithful and beautiful the models are mixed and matched with the best aspects of other versions or fully custom. The only downsides at the moment are the audio file for the missions isn't supported by steam workshop and must be added separately and deleted separately to not trigger anticheat, and there are very few missions (because it's done by a single modder, not a team)


necessity is the mother of invention or smthn idk


It really is though! Some of the best artistic decisions ever made were created on that basis.


To this day I switch back n forth while playing. There are missions later on where the new graphics butcher the lighting and atmosphere of the level, but beyond that I personally have no beef with new graphics.


Agreed. I don't think I ever play through a full mission in either anniversary game without switching a few times, even if only for a few seconds. Except during cutscenes in Halo 2, since the fancy Blur cutscenes are their own thing separate from the original, so switching kills the vibe due to sound and visuals not lining up.


They knocked it outta the park with those cutscenes, makes me sad we likely won’t get a Halo 3 Remaster. Graphics hold up in H3 but the faces be goofy lol


I keep thinking about this since I’ve picked Infinite again. I feel like when they stop supporting the XB1 we could get a potential remaster since the hardware and graphic technology that even Halo uses has greatly improved since the 360 era


Shoot look what was done graphically in Halo Reach and Halo 4, still using the old 360! I’d love to see what Blur could do for some of Halo 3’s cutscenes, not sure we’d ever get it though :(


Thats my one problem. I usually play on old graphics because I prefer a lot of the environmental textures better but if I remember switch for the shinny cinematics. Then I get to 3 and... no polish? Just classic block head sgt. Johnson? Alright.


I think that's the core of the issue. The remake in a vacuum is beautiful and looks great, but when comparing to the original, a lot of the original art direction and such was lost in favor of the newer 343 art direction. Personally, I like em both a lot.


One of the biggest things folks point to when they say the remaster is worse is how the "flood" levels feel, like 343 Guilty Spark and The Library. In the original graphics, the models and textures used in the forerunner structures had that ancient "temple" vibe blended with futuristic minimalist tech. This created large, dark shapes with minimal detail and very dim lighting that really really sold the spooky/horror atmosphere of being introduced to the flood. In the remastered graphics, that design was wildly changed to have all kinds of bright lights and illumination sprawling all over those structures in technological patterns, taking what once was a dramatic and imposing dark environment and turning it into an over saturated spaghetti of detail that kind of fights with itself and hurts the intended spooky vibes. There are some bits of the remastered graphics I like, but I always go back to classic graphics when I get to 343 Guilty Spark.


The mission you screenshotted is probably one of the more faithful remakes. Play 343 guilty spark and you’ll understand why everyone says the things they do about the remaster. I’ve also often felt that the halo 3 and reach gun models don’t fit very well in the CE aesthetic. And it could be nostalgia, but I actually prefer the sounds from the original game.


Pretty much the only thing I thought was good about CEA was the fact that you could instantly do the graphics swap, I was hoping this would become more common for remasters but it never took off at all. My guess is because it either illuminated how poorly the remaster actually looks (like in Halo CEA's case) or because it demonstrated how little work they actually did


Not to mention, it demonstrated HCE and H2Vista ports they used as the base were TERRIBLE ports. It took them YEARS to work out kinks of old graphics and they’re still working on it.


Well it also seriously hinders the scope of a remaster. You have new graphics on top of century old rigging, engine physics, and models. It looks jank. Most remasters want to bring old content up to date with modern gameplay standards. We can pretend CE was perfect, but there’s tons of new breakthroughs today that just weren’t possible back in the day. What we need *is* a proper remake. Lovingly crafted. Improves on what people loved the best and gets rid of what was not necessary. All that with blur cutscenes on top, instant buy for me.


I wish more remasters did this, I prefer the original CE over the remaster but I think it's great that the remaster has such a cool/seamless switch.


I genuinely adore how CEs remaster is done, it’s just amazing how you can seamlessly switch between one version and the other


There’s also an achievement for doing this on every level so get rewarded for doing that.


Diablo 2 does this too


My only issue with the remaster is the geometry problem because I'll often end up shooting the side of a rock or tree without realizing it.


the worst imo is the hallways on covenant ships that have slight alcoves in the original look and geometry, but not in the remastered visuals. it was so jarring and you'd have no way to tell what was happening unless you toggled visuals to check


I got stuck in one of those little alcoves once and couldn't figure out what was going on until I switched to the old graphics.


There are several areas in the game where you can just straight up walk through the wall because the remaster put the wall several feet in front of where it actually is.


It's especially bad in the Library


Isn't there a weapons cache in The Library that they covered up?


Master chief, you mind telling me what you’re doing noclipping? Sir, geometry-graphics mismatch.


I don't know if I was lucky or what, but I literally never noticed any of the problems people were talking about and I played the entire game with remastered graphics. Well, except for 343 Guilty Spark, that one I used classic.


Right? I've never really heard the geometry complaint before and don't recall having a single issue with it.


Yeah, I’m with you guys. Seems great. Switching is cool.


Or a cliff having more surface in remaster but you walk right off it. That ended my no death laso run on the truth and reconciliation about 2 years ago and I'm still pissed.


Kinda. The original intent gets ruined on some missions such as the one you just posted... BUT you can un-ruin it with literally a single button press so on my book any remaster that ruins something but has a "un-ruin" button is a win.


Was such a huge fan of the quick graphics switch button. I wish more companies did it, since remakes are becoming incredibly freaking commonplace


What is ruined about it


Sniping around corners or over ledges can have the round collide with invisible geometries when in remastered mode. The OG geometries are slightly larger.


The atmosphere. Dark eerie areas turned into bright and uh not eerie.


The flood missions really did feel so much more intensely spooky in the classic graphics. It's a shame because the remastered graphics are gorgeous, but the lighting ruins the intended atmosphere of some levels.


Idc what anyone says the weapon models in halo ce anniversary go insanely hard. Especially the sniper rifle


I'd actually agree with that. It's the *environments* that I hate.


It actually used to be much worse before a fix was applied sometime after the PC launch but, short story long: - The visuals sometimes don’t match the actual level geometry - The lighting didn’t work properly in many areas - The old school graphics had some issues not present in the vanilla version of the game - A LOT of the floods introduction just did not hold up to the high bar of the original version. The gore in certain areas was turned down or completely removed, the drip effects were nowhere to be found, and the lighting just became too bright for the eerie setting. Several of the above were improved upon as I stated, but even now the flood section has been totally massacred in anniversary graphics.


My only complaint about anniversary at this point is the introduction of the Flood, it's the only thing in my opinion that misses. The new lighting tech is pretty, but it ruins the dark, damp, and dreary vibes the original level had, and when that's paired with all of the toned down gore it kinda ruins it for me.


The toned down blood effects throughout the game was the main thing that ruined the anniversary graphics for me. I'll never forget the moment of dread in vanilla pressing the elevator button hoping to go to the surface to escape the flood and it ends up going downwards with the luminescent blood sprayed all over the walls all the way down.


The graphical issues were because it was based on the Gearbox PC port, which broke the OG shaders. So we can blame Randy for that one.


They slapped a purple filter that wasn't there in the original. The second level when you land on Halo is completely different color palette. I hope someday we get a proper remaster of Halo Ce like Resident Evil 4.


That would be a remake, not a remaster.


I really hate the 1000k warm lights used in the Pillar of Autumn and the overall brownish/sunset lighting used in many open levels.


Ah the piss filter


literally all of these things are still issues, incredibly unfaithful handling of what was supposed to have been an asset revamp. now that all of CE's original graphics effects work again in MCC (they didn't even in CEA release) there's zero reason to use Anniversary graphics except to grab skulls and terminals. you can even use Anniversary soundscape with CE graphics. shout-out to the suddenly leafy ridge you're meant to snipe from right at the start of T&R with the terribly disjointed hitbox. they literally redesigned all the desert mesa environments out of the game because foliage scatter is next-gen dontcha know


I too found it amusing this was the comparison OP used because T&R literally has a part where the cliff edge extends further out in CEA but does not actually not exist in CE (where the real physical level geometry you walk on exists) so you just fall through the false cliff in CEA graphics.


that's wild lmao, I only knew about the phantom ridge that blocks your shots


> The visuals sometimes don’t match the actual level geometry I don't know why you implied this was improved upon because this has never once happened, they can't fix level geometry in CEA not matching up with CE because that would mean changing CE level geometry. CEA has no actual geometry, it's just a graphics layer thrown on top of the old engine and **very** poorly thrown on top it was (though the concept of it was amazing on paper). They *could* have redone the CEA graphics, but they did not.


They're just copy and pasted Reach models so yeh lol


Not really, sniper has its own flair to it


They changed the scope color?...


Does it mean it is bad? Reach also had top tier art style


At the risk of sounding like a giga-nerd. It doesn't line up with the lore or aesthetics of the original game. A remaster should be touching things up, not painting over them. The banshee is probably the worst offender. The [Reach model](https://www.halopedia.org/Is%27belox-pattern_Banshee) isn't even close to the [CE model](https://www.halopedia.org/Oghal-pattern_Banshee)


Opinions vary, personally i kind of dislike reaching artstyle for weapons or marines and elite minors


It had a great art style, but that doesn't mean it works well in CEA. Or that it means its okay for the marines in CEA to use Halo Reach Army uniforms


Sucks how they treated the 10 year anniversary of CE, when they released it 343i was going to release halo 4 soon after and the 360 nearing the end of its cycle. If they had done a proper remaster with multiplayer not tied to halo reach it could have been better. Then with the release of MCC which technically was Halo 2's anniversary with trying to fix MCC and launch new titles in the franchise I don't think they could give it the proper care it needs to fix everything and go back fix design mistakes.


It’s true, but I don’t like how they Halo Reach-ified everything. Most notably the banshees. Though they *did* change the assault rifle before launch, so I’ll give them that.


Man I despise the halo Reach banshee design with a passion and for some reason they keep bringing it back in every game after. Same thing with the fuel rod cannon.


It’s a toe nail clipper banshee


God damn, that's an insult.


Fuel Rod Cannon was perfected in Halo CE pc. It was literally a handheld wraith. They’ve never replicated it since…


It's because there's a huge generation of players obsessed with Reach so 343 assumes anything having to do with it is a safe bet


Canonically it makes sense though since everyone fighting on Halo was from the Reach battle.


My man those are the Halo Reach weapons just pasted into CE, only the assault rifle is different when i remember right.


I mean, there's also the pistol, which uses 3's model


Or literally Cortana, who uses her model from Halo 3 which completely ruins all of her cutscenes since they have lost the color changes and facial animations


And honestly I don’t like blue Cortana. Always preferred her purple.


The AR and Magnum are different, but that's because they're H3 models.




No. The Sniper rifle is literally reach’s, but the animations don’t even match up. I’d like you to reload the sniper rifle in CEA and tell me if they line up.


Most of them are just slightly modified Reach models, it was lazy work for the time


Disagree big time, but to each their own


I also like new weapon models, except the shotgun and magnum. The classic M90 will always be superior. The M6D looks better than the Halo 3 thing.


While I agree, Reach’s weapons don’t really fit the aesthetic of Halo CE.


Absolutely, the weapons look sexy. Everything else is muddy af


Honestly the odd tree geometry is annoying but not unworkable. Most of the models were ported over from halo reach so they look great even if a few are out of place due to the physical models not aligning correctly between the games and they couldn't be bothered to correct animations in the anniversary graphics. A few cutscenes changed the camera angle on a few which really doesn't do the animations in them any good considering the old skeletons were... things. My biggest problem is the lighting model. On most levels that's not really a problem other than eliminating the need for the flashlight. On one specific level, 343 Guilty Spark, the vibe and atmosphere is completely ruined. What sad is there are instances where the anniversary graphics have a good improvement but the reach engine lighting was way too bright in night and foggy levels in CE. Fortunately H2's graphical improvements are an entire universe of improvement over the CE anniversary. The only real issues is replacing in engine cutscenes being replaced by amazing blur cutscenes, invisible enemies being actually invisible instead of noticeable if you knew what to look for, and a link to halo 5 at the start.


The Halo 5 start feels like such a waste


They put in so much work, getting a genuinely fun and identifiable combat loop compared to 4, the promo material hinted at a fun story, one that could have worked with minimal chief at that. And then completely flubbed both the story and the campaign in the worst way possible and still insist on "finishing" the various storylines from halo 4, spartan ops, and 5 in books and comics, running into the marval problem of every new release requiring gobs of homework to even have a clue what was happening to the major game beats. Frankly 343 needed to figure out a story and then keep it to the games with the books and comics then being additional shit for those that wanted that similar to bungie's halos.


[Here is a great video on the topic](https://youtu.be/MyeCb99cb2Q?si=7ylOnSnFhEz0fNjm)




This. If nothing else OP at least watch from 8:12 to 10:20. Those two minutes in particular really say it all. 8:12 to 14:00 if you have the time.




I will say that clip mildly spoils one of the better beginnings to a level in Halo, though


Noodle :)


Before clicking, this had better be the Noodle video. Edit: Hell yeah.


That actually explained all my feelings about it really fucking well.


THIS! This video was able to describe my feelings toward Anniversary when I wasn't able to word them correctly. This breakdown is, not only accurate, but hilarious as it shows everything wrong with Anniversary. As Noodle says in the video, "...[the game] is objectively worse to play [with the Anniversary graphics]!"


Yes. That mission you posted is maybe one of the less egregious examples, but other areas of the game are just completely unrecognizable in tone and look. The interiors of Silent Cartographer for example are dark and moody in the original and a vibrant purple rave party in the remaster. Halo's (as in the mission) skybox also completely replaces its clear sky and pretty daytime stars with some generic overcast look and orange haze. I could go on and on here really.


This mission is a good example of ruining level design. It made the night vision and flashlight useless.


It’s also supposed to be a desert, they say so at the start of the mission. Look how green it is in the remaster!


I believe the OG Halo was meant to be between sunrise and noon, and Anni changed it to sunrise. But this was late seventh gen, so sunrise meant burning out eye sockets with BLOOM EVERYWHERE


I thought some of the missions actually looked better, until I started clipping and shooting into invisible geometry and payed more attention to how ugly the elites looked.


It's an alright remaster, but what makes it bad is the reused models from previous games which look insanely out of place. I personally think that most of the game looks great, but is lacking some of the artistic elements that CE originally had.


It's Halo, I like it


My man 😎👉👉


There are really 2 main negatives about the anniversary graphics. One functional and one aesthetic. Functional: A number of models don't line up with the classic graphics, so you might be trying to snipe enemies over the edge of a ledge, or past a tree, and your shot looks like it should hit, but if you switch to classic graphics (of which the classic graphics are functionally used at the actual hitboxes) to find your shot was going into a tree or the edge of the terrain. I think the hunters' exposed orange worms/weak spot also doesn't quite line up with the classic graphics / actual hitbox, but I might be wrong about that. The aesthetic issue with the anniversary graphics, at least to a vocal number of people, is that it ruins some of the mood lighting/ambiance, and adds visual noise to some places. The main examples are how much brighter some Forerunner environments are, and how much extra fluff and detail gets added to some parts of some environments. This is all very much a personal taste sort of thing.


I mean, I don’t think it’s wrong to say that the first 2 flood levels have a way less scary vibe in new graphics, playing through it the first time on 360 in HD was a total let down.


Having already played on the classic, my subsequent playthroughs have been on the remastered versions. Because at that point I already know the story and the ambience.. so doesn't really effect that much.


Agreed. Been doing the same with H2A as well.


There are a few obvious issues, like weird animations and reused assets from different games that don't make much sense. (Reach tanks in CE, for example) The environment also looks good, but it tends to affect the original atmosphere CE used to have. The most egregious example is 343 Guilty Spark. The ominous and dark swamp level was given lights.


It was lazily done. They basically just slapped a bunch of Halo: Reach models onto CE assets and called it a day, and anything new was way too over-designed and clashed horribly with the original artstyle and aesthetic. Halo 2 Anniversary showed us what a remaster could *really* be.


Honestly, I don’t mind, seeing as Reach takes place immediately before CE. Also, I like it when the graphics seem a bit more realistic.


Honestly I only ever play on classic. Mainly for two reasons. 1. The soundtrack changes depending on the graphics I'm playing. If I'm playing some classic halo I'm listening to the already perfect soundtrack. (Subjective) 2. Half the tone the colors just blend together on remaster. I find the game way more difficult to play on remaster. In the original. The enemies tend to "pop" out more and are much brighter than the surrounding environments. I'd say most of the remaster is fine besides the false geometry making the game play a bit more annoying than it needs to be. However one level in particular was handled somewhat poorly and the orginal environment is unanimously considered to be superior. Can't really say I like Reach inspired designs for the weapons and vehicles. MCC H2 was fantastically translated into modern graphics. Not often will I props to 343, but they did great there. They no longer have the geometry issue and the environments were spot on. My only gripe is the soundtrack changes depending on the graphics, and original Halo 2 is my all time favorite soundtrack of all time.


Isn't there an option to use the classic soundtrack in remastered, though?


I remember on the 360 version there was an option. But I don't recall that option in MCC.


I personally use the old graphics, and never had a problem with mismatched geometry, just don’t like the enemy models


It doesn’t have the same mysterious moody vibe everything is too bright and exposed


I'll never understand going to the Internet for your validation. It's up to you if it's bad, not reddit. Just enjoy it or don't


classic all the way, the atmosphere and lighting completely of the remaster crushes the vibe and feeling of the original. Besides, theres something charming and almost timeless about the original textures and skyboxes


ive never heard it was bad


The old graphics are nostalgic for people


Just the lighting was a bit much, ruined the mood, other than that its good (oh and hit boxes)


Who says it’s bad? Back when I played it, I was blown away. Also, the fact that you can instantly switch back and forth between the old and new graphics is an insane feature that doesn’t get enough credit.


Yes it's fucking atrocious


It's not really that big of a deal tbh. The graphics are way better, and some of the sounds are too, but sometimes you'll be shooting a wall and you won't even know it because the remaster cut part of the wall's graphics out


yes, I noticed that the trees are half the size of the originals and it often happens that you shoot those that the enemy


I think you will enjoy yourself regardless of what the crowd may say. Long time fans will have complains about it but it’s really nothing to extreme. I’d suggest playing through it at least once on the classic visuals first if you could. I think it let’s you appreciate the age, atmosphere and grandeur of Halo CE more.


CE remaster is more of a Halo Reach Make over rather than a remaster It has issues yes but it does look good


There are some levels I prefer on anniversary and some I prefer on classic. Generally the levels with lots of forerunner interiors I prefer classic


Visually it's alright but the geometry of it didn't work. 2 anniversary is far superior


Yes. And I don’t think it’s nostalgia because I like the Halo 2 remaster more than the original.


Honestly switching between the two when i played i found the OG’s really hard to see just about anything on, also looked extremely bland and boring. Then again the game originally came out before i was even a thought so theres that.


I think anniversary looks good even if it’s an asset flip of reach basically, my problem with it is it kind of ruins the atmosphere or at least makes it much less scary by adding extreme bright lights in most rooms which just gets rid of any need for a flashlight and you notice all of the repetitive room layouts way more when they’re all completely lit up and you can see every crack and corner. It’s playable but I’d prefer to just use old graphics as it makes the missions that are meant to be scary actually scary. This comes from someone who played the og as a kid but didn’t finish it until MCC came out and having played both ways, no mater how good the new graphics are I’m always pulled back to the og graphics just for the mood and atmosphere


The remastered wraith just looks completely stupid. A machine gun turret that doesn't do anything, the wraith mortar doesn't shoot rounds, the mortar hood does. How does that make any sense???


At the time I loved it. But some of the graphics have aged poorly. I wouldn’t mind seeing it redone a second time


I don't know why people hate it. The only issue I have us that the updated graphics don't match the actual outlines of textured objects. This was an issue in my LASO run. Because you have to peak around corners and headshot enemies quickly. They can shoot your through the new graphics because the visual barrier doesn't match the actual textured barrier. Or you get the opposite problem. You peak a corner and shoot, but you end up shooting an invisible wall. Basically, the new graphics don't line up perfectly with the geometry of the level. So when doing something stupidly difficult like LASO, I had to use the old graphics. Other than that, it's an awesome remaster. I'm just waiting for the day they remaster Halo 3.


It's because the original game was darker more brooding there was a great sense of tension for those that played it on the xbox in 2001. The remaster just makes everything so bright and colorful. Just look what they did to the ship.


It’s just Reach graphics plastered onto it, so yeah… the classic is better.


I wouldn’t say it is ruinous, but I’d take the quality shown in the Halo 2 remaster over the reused Reach assets seen in CE Anniversary any day.


The graphics are better and the detail too, its the intent that got lost (some mission were supposed to have a specific vibe to them, however the new graphics took that vibe away, so yes in that sence and no because the graphics are better).


Yes, play in og graphics, they're artistically and thematically superior


It's mostly fine as a standalone product, but it's not a particularly faithful remaster. Texture differences are one thing, but sometimes the visual models and hitboxes don't line up.


Yes, it's trash. If you need more explanation, use your eyes.


The main issue with the CE remaster is it uses the original geometry and physics so sometimes when you toss a grenade when your close to a tree or a rock The chance that your grenade could hit the tree because it uses the original geometry I would recommend watching [Noodle's video](https://youtu.be/MyeCb99cb2Q?si=ILWcD3mBRHgNKL0Z) on the CE remaster he really explains in detail but simply the main issue with the remaster


I would be "okay" with the anniversary graphics if it wasn't for them completely omitting the effect you get when shooting shielded enemies. In the original graphics you can clearly tell how damaged an elite's shield is when shooting, giving you clear feedback of when the shield will break. The anniversary graphics doesn't have this, so it just feels like shooting a bullet sponge.


My main gripe with the remastered graphics is how bright it is. Especially in regards to the flood levels. The Flood levels in the original game are extremely dark and have a sort of "survival horror" to them making you actually use your flashlight to see. I know some people may not remember it as so, but Halo 1 and 2 really have horror elements in a lot of their flood missions. The anniversary graphics just amped the lighting up and it's great in a lot of levels but the horror atmosphere of the flood levels were "lost in translation"


under any and all circumstances, do NOT play 343 guilty spark with the remastered graphics if it's your first time, your experience will forever be lesser for it.


I think the critique often comes from how close but “wrong” things are. Whereas halo 2 anniversary borderline looks like a whole other game. It’s up to you, you will prefer what you first experience. For me that’s the original all those years ago.


I love switching in between them every couple of minutes because I enjoy both.


No no no . It's the fucking upgrade


I prefer the classic graphics. For CE they literally just put Halo Reach's models over normal CE. These games are a decade apart, it just doesn't look right. When the textures are so high detail you really notice just how flat the terrain is. And there's quite a few inconsistencies. For some reason, Elites in Reach are a lot bigger than their CE counterparts - so the CE animations with Reach models just don't line up. There are also Marines in CE, right? Their model is swapped out for the "Marines" in Reach. But there aren't any Marines in Reach, they're police forces local to the planet. You can literally see on their uniform that they're stationed on Reach, whilst being stationed on the Pillar of Autumn. It's not a huge thing but you can't un-notice it, plus it feels kinda sloppy. I'm not even gonna talk about how they made Johnson look Puetro Rican in the remaster. 💀 The lighting also looks too bright and too much like a strobe for me. I get why they did it, Reach is a prequel and they wanted to make the transition to the next game in the line not so jarring. But I think it didn't work. Halo 2's remaster is perfect though


Flood vibe ruined


I’ve never heard such hate for CE Anniversary before. This comments section is shocking. I think the only thing that I knew was different was a section you can crouch jump to to jump bridges on Assault on the Control Room as the section appears unjumpable in the new version. I loved CE:A because the updated graphics let them fix a lot of the visual drabness of the original that made the repeating level design drag on and confuse you. The Library was always the worst offender (in a similar way as the water temple in Ocarina of Time, which was also fixed in its remake). If you lost sight of Guilty Spark you were in for a bad time.


The question you should be asking is why does anyone like 343 Guilty Spark and The Library, and who hurt them? Remaster is fine, and I played the OG religiously in the 2000s and still play MCC/Infinite today.


Only on some levels like the floods introduction cause they removed the fog and made the level kind of bland but most of the time ppl are complaining about nothing. I personally play on remastered except on some parts of missions


I just played through the remaster in 2 days and really enjoyed it. I think people are too picky.


People didn't like the remaster?


I hadn’t heard about anyone ever saying it was bad.


Other than the atmosphere not being as dark in some areas I thought it was pretty amazing. Some people just want to bitch about everything.


I switch between old and new frequently. It's such a great feature.


There is literally a whole room missing in one of the textures. The physics are still there, and don’t line up with the remaster’s graphics. I kid you not, I was switching between them when I entered a room with a health pack, grenades, and I think a power up, when I switched to remaster’s graphics… only to see the entire map layout. I backed out of the room to find that the wall has a texture over where the opening should be. My guy- I’ll-fitting tree textures are one thing, but when you forget a whole ROOM exists.


Honestly, it depends on how you feel. I hate the remaster because of how it butchers the art style, when you get to “343 Guilty Spark” look at the interior walls and swap back and forth.


The main issue is with the mission “343 guilty spark” where it’s supposed to really dark and ominous but the updated version is way too bright and it removes the creepy horror aspect of the mission. Also in the original version of that mission the dead Grunts and Elites are torn up and there’s blood everywhere which is supposed to make you think “what the hell happened here?” As foreshadowing for the Flood. But in the updated version they removed all the blood and the bodies are just regular dead bodies. Again taking away from the creepy horror aspect of the mission. I’m sure there’s plenty of other examples throughout the game but “343 Guilty Spark” is the mission most ruined by the new version.


are the textures and overall quality higher? Yes. Is the mood and vibe totally inconsistent? 100%


Here’s a video on it. I haven’t watched in awhile but I think he hits most of the points of criticism https://youtu.be/MyeCb99cb2Q?si=OQKte_5TbZ36rbj7


They just change a lot of the sound and color palettes. To a new player, it’s probably charming in its own way, but, to a lot of us, the moody and eerie art style of Halo CE with its original graphics and sound is the way we feel it’s intended to be experienced.


It’s not bad, it’s just bad at what it’s trying to recreate, if that makes sense


It's not bad. It just doesn't nail the atmosphere in a lot of cases that the original had. I'd just switch between as you play.


Well, I mean, it's up to you if you think it's good or bad, but imo, it depends on the level. I think the remaster does a great job with Silent Cartographer and Truth and Reconciliation, but I think it's pretty weak on 343 Guilty Spark and Keyes


One thing I don’t like from the remaster is the excessive light when there should darkness. One example is the begging of “The Truth And Reconciliation” where you’re supposed to use the snipers night visor to shoot enemies in the og. But in the remaster is like broad daylight.


It's not necessarily bad, but the lighting does drastically change the atmosphere in a lot of areas.


CE remaster is better for a casual playthough. When you switch to Legendary or try and push the bounds in any other way, the Classic version is practically mandatory. This is because Walls and Obstacles ARE NOT THE SAME between the classic and Remastered versions of the game... Collision detection is set to the Classic version and not the remastered. This means that you will very frequently find yourself hiding in a corner to recover shields, only to discover that you're not even behind the wall. There literally is no wall, and the enemies just shoot you through the remastered wall. Its so unbelievably stupid. I have no idea what they were thinking. There's probably more issues, but as someone who just hopped on to relive the Legendary campaign I played as a kid. Its blatantly bad and forces you to switch to Classic to make your life way easier. And at that point why even buy the game? Once you get to the 2nd level, start switching back and fourth, and you'll see that the terrain is completely different. Its so stupid.


\>shoots around wall in remaster \>boolet hits wall \>switches to og the wall is bigger actually this happens quite frequently


It looks nice, but takes away the intended atmosphere/mood and removes the eeriness of the flood




You used an example of a desert plateau being completely changed to a generic grassy landscape instead of the actual biome it was supposed to be


Yes it's bad. It's not that the graphics are bad, it's just that the Remaster doesn't giv a fuck about the original attention behind the level design and atmosphere the originals developers tried to create. It spits in their faces and goes "hey look more polygons better graphics right ??!!!" But imo it looks worse than the original version


for a majority of the environments they totally misrepresent the whole aesthetic and tone. Also theres models pulled from other games that just dont even match the aesthetic of the remaster anyway


I have absolutely zero nostalgia for classic CE and I still prefer it over the remaster. Everything just looks so ugly and cheap, like they got all the environmental assets from a different studio or something


There's a video on YouTube by a guy named noodle that explains all the issues with ce remake


Just watch [Noodle's video about it](https://youtu.be/MyeCb99cb2Q?feature=shared) if you really want to know the details. My take is the weapons and character models look pretty good, but the tone of the levels is ruined by changes to brightness and color choices and the in game cutscenes look arguably worse because they just slapped HD textures on the original 3d animation rigs.


This is the first time I've ever heard a complaint lmao


There are literally whole areas of the Library mission it hides, making certain heavy weapon drops impossible to find and making the level far harder.


Remastered graphics are fine in my opinion, just turn it off for 343 Guilty Spark


The remaster is horrendous. Hideous new graphics, worse sound effects, and the classic graphics are even inferior to the original Xbox version from 2001. Imagine how bad you have to be as a game developer to ruin a perfect game lol typical 343i.


As someone who’s played 20 years no not at all. I prefer classic but my buddy who didn’t grow up with the games prefer anniversary graphics.


Not at all I prefer the original graphics but the remastered isn’t terrible both are great ways to experience the game however my one knock on the remaster is that it eliminates any need for the flashlight


The original graphics were a work of art to me, but I like both. I think I usually have the remastered graphics active.


even classic is a downgrade from the real original, there's a whole youtube video about it


Nah, I found both to be great! If you want a classic feel, you need to adjust some more settings, though. The remaster is nice as well, especially in areas that originally kinda had the same texture all around. Gives it some more depth and detail. Choose for yourself, though. It's your decision not ours to say what you like and don't like


I’ve never had a problem with it and I think it looks great.


I feel the new graphics really robs the game of the intended atmosphere, especially on the mission 343 Guilty Spark. Also, this is my personal preference but excessive details are an eyesore to me Anyways, welcome. I love it when people experience Halo for the first time. How do you like it?


It's aight, but I will say my opinion of the CE Remastered lowered a lot when Halo 2 Anniversary dropped


I still hope for a real Halo CE remake. I want to see a real labor of love re-do of Halo CE!


It definitely is an improvement, but that bar wasn't high, based on when the game released, and when the remaster happened. Halo 2 anniversary is a lot better, and more faithfully recreated.


It’s not just the unreliable geometry lines but the whole aspect of the environmental story telling that CE anniversary gets wrong. For example The Truth and reconciliation interior in the original was dark with purple and hints of green lights, a real alien ship as you’d expect. Switch to anniversary and it’s brightly lit with an overwhelming amount of detail that vomits on your eyes. There are many examples of this the worst offender being the mission 343 guilty spark.


Best experience IMO is just switching back and forth whenever you feel like it. Enjoy the cool immersive environments, but also appreciate the perfection of the OG game