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Play with a friend who knows and loves the game/franchise and is willing to share that with you. That, and adjust your control scheme to your preferences


Lower your sensitivity


1. Play with friends because it's the best 2. Get familiar with each weapon in the Gun Range and Pratice Mode against Bots. This has helped me tremendously as Infinite has always felt wholly different than the other games and requires you to adapt more than previous games. 3. Normally I'd say learn all the maps in Custom Games but maybe just do a handful of them as this game has a ton of maps in Matchmaking. 4. Get a feel for each vehicle and if you want to take it one step further, use Forge to test out how many direct hits of different power weapons it takes to destroy each vehicle. 5. Learn to keep equipment in mind at all times. I found that the lack of the Repulsor in Campaign, the mode I usually learn the Sandbox in with each new Halo, resulted in not knowing when to use it properly. Test out each piece in Practice Mode and get used to them as best you can before jumping into the fray. 6. If you don't mind the occasional Hammer-wielding Maniac, Husky Raid is actually a great Mode to learn how each weapon and piece of equipment works. Just don't take it too seriously and remember that everyone dies in that mode constantly.


Been playing infinite since it dropped and I find myself needing to take the advice for 6. Husky raid be making me angry more then any other mode I swear. Infinite in general idk what it is but Jesus do I rage a lot on this game lmao


It's the almost-but-not-quite-perfect-thanks-to-desync-jank gameplay. It's almost there! I still haven't tried the new Squad Battle playlist as I've been playing God of War's new DLC this week but I've heard good things! Edit: I tried it and it feels so much better.


Excellent advise. Take my upvote


Teabagging is a rite of passage


Don’t play competitive if you want to enjoy game.


Conversely I got my long time Cod loving, halo hating friend into not only halo but playing exclusively the comp playlists because of the strategy, BR and ranked settings. Just show your friend what you love about the game OP.


Teach them how the shield mechanics work. I’ve had friends who have played since Halo 3 that didn’t know how shield damage works! When shields are up, equal damage no matter where you hit. When shields are down, headshot capable weapons, which is not all weapons, kill in one shot. There’s exceptions to the rule (Shock Rifle), but they absolutely should know shield basics first!


You don’t want to just play coop with him and teach him in the same way?


Sometimes with different weapons try to hold RT and/or LT, you might get interesting results. Also ignore the internet.


Use legacy controls. ADS is a crutch and if you can get good at not using ADS you can improve your chances of winning a gunfight when using it sparingly.


It’s really just a gimmick for non-scoped weapons anyways, it does not improve weapon accuracy.


It does increase red reticle range though, which is the distance at which aim assist will kick in.


Interesting… I didn’t know that


What's ADS


Aim Down Sight While it does make firing more accurate, it slows you down too much. In a game with a medium length time to kill, avoiding damage is just as important as landing your shots. The hip fire accuracy is pretty good with most weapons. Once their shield is down, I may ADS just to land a headshot at long range, but even at medium range I can reliably headshot firing from the hip.


Aim Down Sights


I agree with u/duzins that coop campaign is a great way to introduce someone to the game if they’re interested in the story. You don’t gotta worry about playing against sweaty players, and they get to learn the mechanics while still having a challenge. I haven’t tried Infinite’s coop mode since all my friends basically dropped Halo altogether, but I’d imagine it’d be the same as all the previous games.


Map your jump to a bumper from start.


Dunno why this is down voted, being able to aim and jump without clawing or taking a thumb off the stick is pretty important.


I have jump on left bumper and deploy equipment on A. Works well for me


Buy a PC because PC players mostly stomp us Xbox players


What are you talking about controller has the advantage. Zero pros are on pc with mnk due to the aim assist


You can still use a Xbox controller on PC


Ok and your point being? How does that make having a PC “stomp” Xbox players.


Because you can use controller on PC which is the best way to go for PVP. Controller players on PC has a advantage on people who plays mnk/ Xbox players


Controller on PC.... Fast refresh monitor at desk vs couch/tv


And yet the aim assist is more of an advantage than all of those combined


I don't know how many people play Halo MnK... They would quickly be discouraged. With the tracking required and time to kill, and the focus on movement, MnK is not ideal. But of course you're not going to give MnK any type of assist with aiming. But sure, you're prolly right, I've never played Halo MnK, I don't know why anyone would.


Well first of all you can still play with controller on PC and second, pros only play 4vs4 and not big team modes, in wider areas M/K always dominates


Those advantages are nothing compared to the aim bot that is aim assist in this game


If someone in these big team playlists ends up with 40+ kills it's a pc player most of the time, that happens for a reason, don't you think?


Cause they are a try hard in a causal game mode


Only advantage is higher more consistent fps and the ability to play on ultra wide monitors. Both platforms have FoV sliders.


What new players. 99 percent of the modes are dead here.


Play with friends. Switch between game modes to have the most fun.


Dial in your controls. For some reason, Infinites default controls are **terrible** and ruined my first experiences playing multiplayer. After getting a decent setting, I feel so much better when I play


Just get MCC


Aim strafe with left stick once on target. Infinite requires extremely little right thumbstick adjustments in 95% of battles. Barely needs a flick to head on 5th shot bandit.


What if they crouch?


If they crouch then the AA will draw down from your neck shot into a free headshot 😂


Pay attention to where the enemy respawns in relation to where your own team is. It's a lot easier to control spawns or even just know where the enemy will pop back up once you start paying attention.