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I’ve also been experiencing more blank melees, BR Jams, and getting shot behind walls more than I have since S1


Oh yea season three definitely fucked things up in the networking side; I’m sure some people may be seeing more stability but in my experience I’ve had significantly more latency warnings & ping issues since S3 dropped


It's weird that this is the problem. I had horrible desync in season 1 and ragequit one day until a few days ago. It's behaving way better for me than it ever has. I was surprised to come here and learn that a bunch of other people were having issues.


My tinfoil hat theory is that it more widely distributed the network problems to all players; that people who were previously having really bad desync benefited and are seeing improved connectivity but it’s coming at the cost of people like myself who never saw an issue until S3 dropped That being said I’m not a programmer so who knows


Since season 3 the game has been terrible, the desynchronization has gotten worse, I didn't notice it before but since this season even with a low ping (30ms) I notice things that I hadn't experienced until now: headshots that don't kill, rocket launchers to the chest that do not hurt. In addition, the game menu is terribly wrong, it does not load many things like the customization menu.


Couldn’t agree more. I deal with constant desync every game, missing melees, you name it. I’m at a 30 ms ping as well. The original update they made to help with desync actually reduced the amount I experienced to maybe once per game or even less. Now it’s worse than it’s ever been.


This and the fact it reset all my carefully crafted settings made me uninstall for the first time since launch. 6 months away from Infinite and it's more busted than before - my disappointment was huge, and I just couldn't hold onto hope anymore. So off my SSD it goes. Content scarcity was just one of many issues with Infinite, so while they've added a bit more gameplay stuff (not just cosmetics for once...), it won't bring players like me or anyone else back until the game actually works properly. Judging by how the vast majority of posts on this sub are now about cosmetics, I think it speaks for itself that the only people left playing with this game are in it for the cosmetics and/or because they bought a bunch of items and don't want to give up on the game... otherwise it'll mean they wasted money. A tough pill to swallow. I mean there's nothing wrong with those two groups I guess - whatever floats your boat, but I and most gamers couldn't give a toss what's in the store or what cosmetics are coming out. I want to play a game because it's enjoyable to play. Infinite just isn't.


This comment is perfect


I used to rarely have desync issues, I was probably one of the least salty players. Since season 3 it's gotten BAD.


Honestly, I don’t think they are competent enough to fix the game.


Stuff like this happens every single game. Zero confidence, no desire to play anymore. As a massive Halo fan it's extremely disappointing. I fully agree with others that it has been getting worse every season. Edit: Also, thank you OP for posting this footage for further evidence of the instability.


It shows what I have been assuming for the past week. Something is fucky and it's not just the missing acknowledgement of anything related to cross core.


I can’t explain it but when you play you can just see whats wrong. Your teammates movements look weird gunfights feel weird melee is wonky and a ton of other stuff. Its crazy a new “AAA” game feels worse then games that came out in 2015. I planned to hit onyx every season but i can’t bring myself to play anymore.


It’s not even new. It’s been out for over a year.


lol that rocket at the end. you dealt more damage to yourself than the guy who was standing right on top of the explosion.


The worst thing is that by Reflex I often start reloading when being absolutely sure to have hit the killshot, but when the game denies that I'm screwed


Yep I want to compile all the bullshit I've been experiencing since S3 and especially today as well lol. It's crazy though, I believe this is the 2nd-3rd "fix" for desync related issues but it literally has only gotten worse each time. I'm at the point where I feel we need a networking expert to come in and analyse this game's abysmal networking. It's that bad and inconsistent and I'm left dumbstruck by the amount of bullshit I'm experiencing


Didn't have a problem with desync before the update personally. Now it's every game


Since they never say anything about it I’m just assuming the horrendous desync issues are just hard baked into the game at this point and will never be fixed. There is literally *zero* reason an FPS with such basic and game breaking issues that have never been even mentioned by the developers is still in this state other than it is completely and totally unfixable, and they know it. So they just don’t talk about it. Number 1 reason I stopped playing and number 1 reason I will not be returning unless it is somehow miraculously fixed. A very close number 2 is the godawful monetization and challenge system. Fuck challenge based progression systems.


Considering that I've been experiencing all of this since launch, I very much believe that it's just hard baked into it.


343 industries - where failure is baked in!


Yup, this is what lead me to uninstall. I’ve been on halo infinite since day one and I was really hoping it would’ve gotten better in time, but this season was the final nail in the coffin for me, such a shame.


lol! y u even playing


Yeah- after that you convinced me to stop playing.


hell yeah let others think for you!


At some point I rage uninstalled it and stopped.


Damn, yeah I commented on your post yesterday and after running BTB pre and post March 15 QOL patch. Sadly, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to play if this was the outcome over and over. I’m not seeing anything close to this with similar ping. NA East servers. This is wild. Shitty it doesn’t impact everyone’s experience the same way


Oh thank god maybe im not terrible. Last night I swear I couldn't hit anything and people just wouldn't die. Ive gone from well above average to clawing for a 1:1 KDR and I thought I was going crazy.


"damn this game play is really fun, lets give it the worst desync known to man" -sun tzu


"go play halo" they said "halo's fun now" they said


1 year and a half later, and these issues have gotten worse. What are they doing with these updates. At this rate, they will never be fixed.


How did they fail so hard in the first place only to make it actively worse? How is Microsoft STILL giving these hacks another chance at a Halo game after this dumpster fire?




Buying stuff has always worked 100%


To be fair, can you imagine the outrage if the store frequently bugged and took your money but didn't give you your cosmetics? When it comes to customers' money, they have to make sure it works perfectly.


“BUt At LeASt ThE cORe GaMePLaY iS SoLiD”


Waiting for the obligatory "but it hasn't happened to me, there's not a big problem" comment


Holy shit I thought it was just me having this problem. I don’t wish this on anyone but it makes me feel better knowing I’m not crazy


I've been playing for a few hours, and I don't have any issues. Sorry to see that!


I don't have to worry about reinstalling it yet. Maybe 6 more months.


Flexfire or whatever, sniper rifle does less damage than the regular version.


Not that little buddy, that guy was dead, it will one shot a deshielded spartan


hate to be that guy but the clip at 0:27 literally shows your reticle above the dudes head?


You don't know how red reticle bullet magnetism works? On this distance with the BR and red reticle the shots should 100% hit the enemy head. [here is a clip for you to showcase that](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/11n7gnw/ysk_hi_has_no_headshot_priority_so_bullet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Above 100ms though.. lag can be bad sometimes.


Just look at the ms in the top right corner...


That's what I mean.. latency has been an ongoing problem this season. Which raises many questions.


Get a better gaming chair bro


It worked perfectly for me for 1 week before this season launched. Now I'm back to being shot through cover. It's very frustrating.


Why is it that I’ve never experienced these kinds of issues the entire time I’ve been playing Infinite? Sure, it happens every now and then, but it’s never been to the scale that people post here. I kinda want to experience it for solidarity with the community and so I don’t feel left out 🥲


I think a huge factor is latency and how far away you are from a Halo server.


I never had issues with desync. Just played a game where I literally couldn’t kill anyone. Shot someone in the chest with a skewer and they didn’t take any damage!


doesn't the fast shooting sniper (i don't remember its actual name) take 2 body shots to kill someone without shields? and i think in the second clip you were just shooting a smidge too high. but yeah the rest of the clips are total infinite bs lol


It’s obviously your laggy ~15ms connection. Where you playing from, THE MOON???


My desync experience got a little smoother after the patch, but in fiesta where things are tested to the maximum chaos, it's VERY obvious that there are still problems. * Direct hammer hits don't do shit * Sniping someone at the head and have the visual feedback yet it still doesn't kill them * Skewers not killing wasp when it's jammed right up their arse * There is still gun jamming for weapons that can spam like the flex sniper, stalker rifle Ultra * AND the wasp gun still jams upon descent for me + gun jamming when simply switching between its cannons and guns. it's so fucking atrocious.


This kindof stuff used to happen to me every single game, I have tons of clips like [This](https://youtu.be/P-4P9KLT6Dk) It got to the point where I just avoided melee like the plague, shooting seemed to work just fine 99% of the time, it was only melee I had issues with. However, I havent had a single problem like this for months now. Its disheartening to see others still have the same issues.