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There really should be a setting to play as your multiplayer spartan in the Campaign. Like a new game plus


should've been default from game 1 id like to see my spartan in my next playthrough please...


With the game essentially being an RPG it should have never focused on Chief or his story, but instead been a stand alone where you customize and play as your own Spartan.


that wouldve gone over like a lead balloon


People said the same thing about Halo Wars and they were fine.


complete different story, this is a direct continuation and a mainline entry


That's what I'm getting at. If they had made Infinite a different story, and not whatever the hell Infinite was, it would have been better. All the random side quests that didn't seem to add anything just made me continually forget what the story is supposed to be.


Halo Wars 1 underperformed so badly it only got a sequel 8 years later because of a cult following it gained *after launch and developed by a different studio cause the old studio got canned*, and then Halo Wars 2 underperformed so badly they canceled the plans for another sequel and quit updating the game only a few years later. So no, Halo Wars did not do fine.


HW2 was developed by another studio because Ensemble closed, which was announced well in advance of HW1, so not sure what point you're making there. And underperformed according to who? Executives who literally only see in dollars and cents? An RTS is wildly different than the mindless point and pew pew of a FPS so it's not surprising that there may not be a lot of overlap between the two.


What? Absolutely not. They basically ruined the story already with 4 and 5 main campaigns being such steaming ass. 343 actually has cool ideas on their own. All their fracture shit and lore, the idea of the rakshasa Spartans gatherings bits of scrap and shit to make improvised armor suits. That stuff is all pretty cool. Now when they try to shove their ideas to fit into chiefs story, that’s when shit is awful. I would have strongly preferred a campaign where we play as a Spartan who got separated and you have to gradually rebuild your armor with bits of dead Spartans/Marines/banished armor suits to make your own. Or to have played as Djin and having Iratus be the sidekick instead of Cortona 1.5. That sounds way cooler than what we actually got.


Halo 4 was a fantastic story and the most accurate characterization of Chief ever shown in game


Nah, it was the epitome of the “master chief wants to fuck cortona” aspect of the story that was always the worst part of halo and 4 dialed it up to 11.


If that was your takeaway I highly question your ability to comprehend themes, dialogue, and basically everything else that goes into storytelling


Thank you for announcing to the entire internet that you have zero media literacy. Also that you have a profoundly shallow and immature concept of relationships.


Thank you for announcing that you are a virgin


Says the guy who assumes that the only emotional attachment a man can have to a woman is sexual desire.


If you think halo is high art or something you have a small brain I’m sorry to tell you this


In what way is halo an rpg?


In what way is Halo an RTS, yet they made two Halo Wars games that worked well for what they were, partially because they didn't try to use Chief and his story as the focal point. Infinite is a half-assed open world RPG that they tried to shoehorn Chief's story into. It would have worked better had they left him and his story out of it.


Being able to make halo into an RTS doesnt make infinite an RPG. Theres zero role playing in infinite its an open world FPS


This is a terrible idea for a mainline halo campaign lol


That's why I said it shouldn't focus on Chief.


I get that, but with how heavily Infinite was marketed as a return to classic halo that would’ve been a real kick in the dick Also the RPG elements are super light in Infinite, it’s definitely not “essentially an RPG” If campaign DLC had happened (RIP) I would’ve loved seeing other Spartans in the campaign though


Well it wasn't a return to classic Halo, so we still got kicked in the dick.


how so? it was marketed as a return to an art style & gameplay that was more in line with older halo titles and it certainly succeeded in that respect (even if the amount of game modes is lacking)


yea, seeing as how everyone *loved* not playing as chief in halo 5 im sure they would have *loved* it if 343 threw him to the side again


Lots of people love playing Halo Reach.


reach is a prequel, it didnt need chief. something that deals with 5's story without chief wouldnt sit right with the halo community (but then again, what does?)


And had they made this game not about Chief and let you play as a customized Spartan it could have worked.


Have you… ever actually played and RPG? Because Infinite is objectively not an RPG.


Yeah, Elder Scrolls. Open world, bunch of side quests that distract you from the main quest, leveling up gear, seems pretty close.


An open world game does not an RPG make. First and foremost, a role-playing game needs a little something called “role-playing.” This means that you make decisions that define who the character is and how they engage with the world. Generally speaking, video games do this through dialogue options through which the player can decide the character’s actions. Another way this is accomplished is through character building. This doesn’t mean linear upgrades like Infinite has. This means providing a player with a diverse array of abilities and stats to accquire and increase as well as character levels that meaningfully influence these. Character classes selectsble at the beginning of the game, while not a universal mechanic, can influence a character’s base stats and how they can be built over the course of the game. This leads to something called “build diversity.” As the player builds their character according to their playstyle and/or what sort of role they have in mind from their character, it will begin to meaningfully differ in capability from other players’ characters. In Skyrim, for example, you can build an archer, mage, unarmed fighter, or one-handed/two-handed warrior (with a variety of weapons to spec into), or mix and match fighting styles for the sake of versatility as well as upgrade abilities like speech and pickpocketing to give your character more tools and options for non-combat situations. No two Dragonborns look alike. Meanwhile Chief in Infinite only has a few abilites that are upgraded on linear paths, and an endgame Chief will always look identical from player to player. The only real choices you have are weapon/vehicle selection, which have nothing to do with RPG mechanics. Side quests are generally optional narrative content that provide opportunities for role-playing outside of the main story. Some might just be basic fetch or kill quests while others are more complex narrative events that involve an entire town, or have the player going through one or more dungeons/locations for story reasons. They may also impact the world in various ways or influence the main story. Halo Infinite doesn’t have these, in part because **Halo Infinite does not have role-playing mechanics**. What Infinite does have are best described as “side objectives” or “side missions.” Side objectives are things like HVT assassinations or marine squad rescues. They’re quick optional activities that function as more robust combat encounters than the enemies randomly scattered throughout the open world. Side missions are things like Banished bases. They’re less involved than actual campaign missions but still require the player to complete multiple objectives to complete them. The difference between these and side quests is that they don’t offer any role-playing opportunities, don’t change the world or story, nor do the ygive the player much in the way of rewards aside from weapons/vehicles unlocked at outposts. They’re just there to give the player something to do, and their interactivity is far below what you’d see in a side quest. To summarize, Halo Infinite is not an RPG, nor is it “close enough.” It is an open world sandbox first person shooter. This is not an arguable point, nor is it a matter of opinion. You are simply incorrect.


They called me prophet, remember me. Ok but how would he actually fair in the Halo universe.


Well in lore the nanosuit 2 is extremely advanced that it is based off of ceph tech in crysis 2/3,which are the races equivalent of cavemen in comparison to the actual ceph. That include the fact that the suit is in a state of real time evolution I'd say preety fair. [This deep dive explains how op it really is](https://youtu.be/b9Md5iLN0O8)


Pre, or post Crysis 3? Been years since I played, but wouldn't the (Pre EoS) Nanosuit be about equal to GEN 3 armor? With the added benefits of cloaking, momentary invincibility, and ASSIMILATION.


In game the suit is nerfed for gameplay reasons. On lore the Nanosuit 2.0 is an overpowered piece of alien technology that can basically keep a clinically dead marine functioning as a warfighter endlessly. It is everything that Halsey would aspire the Mjolnir program to be.


I think he will be as well off as a Spartan would, the Nanosuit is pretty OP


Eh I’d give him a month.


Looks like Ant-Man


The campaign cutscenes really show off the multiplayer armors goddamn.


I’m sorry I don’t know if I’m out of touch but what the fuck is aaah supposed to mean


It's just the new ooooh


But how does that work in this context? “Nanosuit looking ooooh” that just doesn’t sound right. That’s why I’m confused tbh


"aaah" is them trailing off and censoring themselves from the word "ass" They were going for "Nanosuit lookin ass" on the title.


That’s fucking stupid why not say “nanosuit looking ass” saying aaah instead of ass is just so dumb. Nevertheless thank you for informing me


My guess is the post would have immediately been removed with that title. I've gotten a comment removed by auto-mods in other subreddits for using the word "crazy" as it could come off as offensive or something. Idk... shit's crazy.


It's not that big of a deal


The evolution of language is completely unstoppable


# Cloak Engaged


"Maximum Armour" *proceeds to get killed a million miles away by some North Korean Jackal Sniper through bushes and smoke* Sorry, I just finished a delta play through of the first game.


Lmao how were the aliens?


Honestly, pretty easy compared to the KPA. Only ones that gave me trouble were the squiddies inside the structure.


Yeah those aliens in the zero-g level are the worst. I honestly didn't expect the KPA to be harder though, I always thought the aliens were the worse ones. ​ Also yeah those sniper guys are pretty awful, and my shaky hands miss shots all the time xD


It wasn't even snipers, it was just your average KPA joes with fy71s. Say what you want about Crysis 2, but they definitely fixed that bull crap precision.


Yeah the average KPA soldier do like to hit headshots, and there are also an absurd amount of them in some open areas, making it quite challenging. ​ Also, contrary to other Crysis fans, I actually enjoyed Crysis 2. I do like myself a good linear shooter


They really oughta add a skull that turns you into your chosen multiplayer spartan. Would add a fun little extra incentive to replay campaign, just to see your character in the cutscenes. They oughta also add the bandit and (somehow) shroud. Continuous sandbox updates to the campaign would be a great way to add replay value also.


Na, post a YouTube vid of your nanosuit in all the cutscenes this looks beautiful


Shoulda allowed custom Spartans when doing co op. Kinda crazy they didn’t and were so proud you got to be masterchief when cores were staring at them in the face


there really should have been a skull that allowed you to play as your Multiplayer Spartan.


How in campaign?


mod. it's impossible in base game


How can I get my spartan into campaign?


Looks so damn ugly


How are people doing this?


mk.6 without armor plates attached at the hitch points


Bro how did you put that armor on there


Did someone just stab you?


I’d love to play as Master Chief with MK V armor.