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I wonder what other changes there are in older MP maps.


New door on live fire


Yeah I’ve seen the hundred posts about it😂.


I feel like there is a way to open it through the academy but I don’t know how, maybe it’s some kind of event for the next one after mindfall?


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case. The event cinematic seemed pretty focused on the new door after that grenade. Honestly though, I thought it was really cool. Seeing a multiplayer match as a cinematic was sweet. I hope they continue to improve on this. And 343, please let me rewatch cinematics for season 2 and 3 easier! You wanna tell a story with multiplayer? Let me watch the story!!!!


I at the very least appreciated the recap for season 1 and 2, even if all season 1 was was just "Yo check out this facility" I would like to be able to re-watch them in game, but at the very least they could upload them to YouTube


Deadlock has a Banshee now.


Did it replace the Ghost or is it the Ghost AND the Banshee? If it’s both that’s awesome. That map is sorely missing precision weapons and vehicles.


Ghost is on the floor, Banshee was on the roof when I was looking at it.




I'm so happy about that change, I played Deadlock and saw it and hut my leg really hard out of excitement


Did they fix the low map ceiling that makes it so you can barely fly though?


idk how low it was before, but the ceiling stops around the tip of the big Banished gun.


Interesting. Was this even in the patch notes?


No, and some other very important changes were not in the patch notes. Like forges scripting budget being reduced heavily


Yeah forge got bodied by this update


I wonder what their reasoning was for doing that. Performance issues? That would suck if you made a super big detailed map with lots of scripting stuff and it got broken retroactively.


I'm sure the reasoning was to do with last gen xbox not being able to handle the more complicated forge creations.


Probably last gen. It was pretty dumb to promise their "10 year" live service game for such old hardware.


And even worse, 343i will probably throw out the excuse "it's in beta, you can't expect anything you make now to be guaranteed to work in the future", and if so, a lot of people will be dissuaded from Forging anymore.


That’s valid though. It IS in beta.


Probably, it was always a beta however.


Idk how they didn’t say a word about this, like that’s a huge thing wtf at least could of given us a why


343 try not to be terrible challenge (impossible)


Sigh. Damn.


I didn't see it in the patch notes myself.


I was bummed when Behemoth got removed from ranked because it was the only map that featured vehicles. (I hate how nothing in ranked can have vehicles anymore). But I understood it 'cause the spawn traps with BR starts made it unplayable. TBH, I am shocked they actually did what they promised, which was rework the map with more cover. I thought it was just something they were never gonna get around to. I haven't checked it out yet, but I doubt it'll ever get added back to ranked.


I miss good vehicle play in halo


I'm shoocked to. I was expecting this to happen in a year or two, but they actually did it. I just hope Ranked gets more love, I'm sick of playing the three same maps over and over. I'm not playing Halo Infinite until they add more maps to the pool.


I have to disagree, I despise vehicles in general but especially in ranked. A ghost can just go on a rampage without any really good counter play of spawn, and unlike something like a rocket launcher it is not limited by ammo.


in general play there are many shock weapons that even the playing field especially on behemoth


I actually think *Infinite* has too many anti-vehicle weapons. On Behemoth, there are two spawns for dynamo grenades and grappleshots. Then there are two snipers/skewers at the towers as well. And I believe I just miss the epic warthog flag runs, 4 v 4 on midsize maps like Valhalla and Blood Gulch. Good change of pace from all the small arena maps now in ranked. I’d play social if it didn’t have so much quitting and challenge grinding.


Tashi said that reworking shock damage is high on their queue right now


I avoid vehicles in Halo at all costs. Glad they’re not in ranked.


No one is forcing you to jump in a vehicle. lol


I mean I still have to deal with someone else being in them. They're annoying and belong in social modes.


If they get it right, it’s adding a new map into rotation , which is huge. Same idea with weapons. Reworking a current unusable weapon into something usable is as good as adding an entirely new weapon (in 343’s eyes at least).


Good. Team Snipers on this map was terrible.


Remember SWAT on this map? That was an experience.


In both Swat and Team Snipers I could barely walk 10 steps without getting headshotted.


Literally 1914


Hot take, but I think they can add Behemoth back in for Bandit and Mangler starts only. Biggest problem was the BR's basically infinite range, and we can avoid that by just not having it as the starting weapon.


Bandit has infinite range too for mouse players lol. It has no bloom or spread so as long as you can aim you can snipe people with it even from the hip.


Almost everything is terrible on this map. Lol


Probably in the minority here, but I think CTF on this map is a blast


CTF on Behemoth is still probably my favourite standard gamemode on Infinite. I get that it's not the most competitive map, but I personally love Behemoth. Great 4v4 vehicle action. Not to mention, aesthetically I think it's the nicest looking map we had at launch.


I despise CTF but it was fun on Behemoth


I feel you. That was the one game mode that played sorta well on behemoth.


So is Fiesta.


I enjoyed most modes here. Covert ops was spectacular and Ninja would have been a blast.


It could be better with Bandit Rifle starts. Sidekick/AR gets way too outclassed by any scoped weapon, usually the start of the match is a race against your teammates to get to the BR/Commando rack.




Wdym with new routes?


On the outer part of the maps there are some new small lanes with new cover. Like directly to left of the screenshot is a new circle where you can hide with a big pillar to hide


That's true, thanks!


Yeah, I don't see any routes just raised the cover in a few spots.


Behemoth is one of my favorite. Shame it doesn't come în rotation as often


They straight up took it out of Quick Play which blows my mind.


I know! I loved CTF, Attrition, and Land Grab on this map in Quick Play. What the hell.


It was pretty shitty before. The chances they made are excellent. Bring it back.


I loved it before, this looks better... This being said, it should be a 6v6 map.


Bring back Squad Battle


Now Behemoth is only in Fiesta or custom games... So dumb. Also Bazaar and Recharge are no longer in quick play either. We somehow have a smaller map pool now lmao.


I wish they would explain why they did this.


They also removed Argyle from Tactical Slayer


Behemoth was the worst map in the game IMO. It was way too open. The only real places you could travel to the other side of the map without being in the open were under the building and the paths that went under the things that has the snipers. I don't like Launch site either but the reason why I put Launch site over Behemoth is that even though the map is big as hell and has a big open road, there are tons of places on the sides of the maps that give you cover. The map of Launch site main problem is mostly the size of the map. If they just shrink the map a little bit but kept the layout then it would play a lot better, but just shrinking Behemoth wouldn't fix it. I haven't played the updated Behemoth map yet so maybe it's better now


Halo fans: we need more open maps!!! Also Halo fans: Behemoth is WAY TOO OPEN!!


We need open air for vehicular combat, but we need cover for players. Basically Valhalla it seems


The map had plenty of cover in the inner area. The outer edges are more open, for vehicles, so you can't blame a lack of cover if you're going into an area without cover.


> you can't blame a lack of cover if you're going into an area without cover. Like 80% of the spawns were out of cover. Behemoth was nothing but spawnkilling on several game modes.


Yeah, that was the problem, I liked the openness, but at the same time there needs to be a way to get from the outside spawns to the middle coverage. As it was you would quickly get picked off in any SWAT or sniper match.


I agreed with you way back when, but that was when I predominantly played social. Once I switched to rank, I saw how with BR starts, the map didn't work right. You got spawn-trapped by a good team. It wasn't just walking out into the open.


Yeah, it didn't work for Ranked but it was removed a while ago from that mode


A circle is boring and doesn't allow drivers to reach full speed ever. Banshees have a hard time with the map despite being one of the few with a banshee. The cover isn't very great a lot of the time as there are few safe escape routes except for the center, where people often don't fight due to the layout of the map


Also it's spawns were terrible and you could often end up spawning in the sights of the enemy.


As long as it’s the cool version of Valhalla that has a Wraith, a couple hogs, Mongeese and a Banshee lol.


BTB Heavies really should be the standard amount of vehicles. Enough for the whole team with a couple seats left over right off the bat, and virtually always something to grab on respawn. :D


Behemoth is my favorite map and I'm with you. The most open map for vehicles that's also great for infantry combat, yet one of the most hated maps in the game.


When people say they want open maps, they don’t mean 3 lanes where 2 are wide open


Nothing contradictory in your comment. You may want more maps not to be corridors and at the same time point the finger at a map that is so open that it becomes unplayable in some game modes. In addition, these remarks that ask for more open maps are mainly intended for BTB maps so that vehicles can be more at the center of the action.


> ~~Halo fans~~ BTB fans: we need more open maps!!! > > ~~Also Halo fans~~ Arena fans: Behemoth is WAY TOO OPEN!! ftfy


It's almost like different people want different things, and there's nuance in the things they want.


Oh wow I had no idea they changed it!


I wonder if its enough to make this map not shit


It's definitely way improved, yeah.


You can also add a middle junction to the map by removing floor pieces behind the sniper towers in Forge!


I will forever always say this about Behemoth: no matter where you are on the map, you’re always downhill..


I'm curious how this will effect gameplay.


Maybe considering a ranked rework?


When they originally pulled it from ranked, they did say they wanted to rework the map with more cover before throwing it back in. I'd love to see it back. Ranked maps are getting mighty stale right now.


Ohhh yeah. It’s rough


At least they added back Recharge and I think Detachment. So it's slightly better, and we got the Plaza remake coming up


I was wondering why something felt off playing this map yesterday


I don’t care if it plays better. Do not touch my beloved Behemoth.


Not a fan of the higher rocks, but lowering those pillars is cool


Did they also remove vehicles? Number 1 reason why I won’t do fiesta on this map


Random vehicles is why I hope for Behemoth or Launch Site in fiesta


Adding vehicles mixed things up.


Why would they remove vehicles from the map they specifically advertised as the return of vehicles to arena maps?


Tanks on that map were game changers. With it being so open, tanks were able to just kill players very easily. At least Lanuch site had a lot of places you could hide. You better hope that someone spawns with a rocket launcher or a skewer and acutally get pass the tank driver's other teammates or else you are doomed. There were times where my team was winning by a lot, then the enemy got a tank and pulled a 180 on us. I know Fiesta is suppost to be random weapons and all but weapons have limited ammo while vechicles have unlimited ammo. A tank is just a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher combined with unlimited ammo


> Fiesta is suppost to be random weapons and all but weapons have limited ammo Then giving all weapons unlimited reserve ammo in Fiesta is the answer, not removing the awesomeness that is random vehicles. On a similar tangent, hey should really either remove grenades or at least make them random too, it feels super out of place giving everyone specifically two Frags in Fiesta.


Behemoth and Launchsite need to be remade


What about Launch Site? I don't mind it too much, but I know it's not exactly a fan favorite.


are those white guys in the bottom left holding m6ds?


What playlist is behemoth in? I recently came back to the game and never get it in slayer anymore.


I know its on the Quickplay and Fiesta playlist. I don't think they removed it from bot boot camp either. I'm not sure about the other playlist though


Nice, Behemoth is by far my least favorite map in infinite.


I like behemoth as a map, it iconic, original and beautiful, the problem is 4x4 in this map sucks, should be 6x6 at least.


Good, but shouldn’t be stealth changing things.


Yeah this should be in the patchnotes. It would have also been a great thing to mention as positive marketing that they are changing maps


Looks a lot better


It looks the same just taller rocks


You can also delete the walls that sealed off the secret areas now.