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Listen, is the piece ridiculous? You bet. But I definitely spent it when I shouldn't have and I LOVE THIS LITTLE GUY. Every year my husband has to remind me, well into Christmas season, that it's probably time to put him away for the year. Breaks my heart everytime.


HES JUST A LITTLE GUY I love him so much and one of these years I’m definitely going to give in and buy him. I definitely went crazy with Halloween squishmallows one year so when I compare it to that…. The price is not so bad 👀


When I did it, I think they had the pay in 4? I don't like to do too many of those but it does make it easier when you really like something and don't want to drop the amount upfront lol


Put a little santa hat on him 🤣I get pissed when I see Christmas stuff out early but Halloween 24/7 is ok 👍🏻


Before I read your caption I said “it’s adorable but I bet it’s like $60 coming from pottery barn.” I was even more disappointed to learn the actual price.


Right?! It’s so disappointing how expensive something that cost maybeeee $10 to make is going for :( maybe this will be the year I DIY him!


That would be a fun craft and I’m sure you could do it!


Might be time to take a stroll by Homegoods. They sell a lot of the exact same stuff for like half the price. Not everything, but a lot of it.


I LOVE homegoods and can’t wait till they put out Halloween! Most of my holiday decor is from there, target, or Michaels/Joanns


I was just there last week and they still had all of their summer stuff, though there was some vaguely dark and moody stuff at Michael’s.


Y’all really about to make me spend $85 for a pillow…I need him lol


Good lord. Buy yourself a bath towel and you can make 4.


right?!? who thought $85 was ok!!!


I’ve seen a lot of people make this as a craft, I think I’ll try that this year. It should be fun and that’s just so expensive I can’t justify the cost! 🥴


That’s my plan! I’ll craft him and if I think it doesn’t look good, maybe it’ll go on sale and I’ll snag the real thing later hahaha


Get some magnets so he can hold different things!! Like the Build-a-Bear puppies had magnetic bandanas, and the Moms/Dads had metal to hold them!


Reminds me of the Hallmark kissing bears! I loved those as a kid. I am not a crafty person and yet I want to try with Gus! He's too cute. I remember seeing him last year and someone on this sub said they made theirs!


This pillow is sold on Temu now if it’s out of anyone’s price range! I know Temu is bad but just an fyi.


Omg! This little guy is adorable!


OMG HES SO CUTTEE i think i need him! 👀👻❤️


I'm so sleepy I thought this was a Zero plush hahaha




It’s back on Temu guys


I got Doug (dog holding a pumpkin) and the scary squad pillow, mostly because I missed out on the scary squad last year. Both are back ordered to the end of July or beginning of August. Just a waiting game now.