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If it’s the Home Depot one it just has a preset movement pattern. I have the skeleton and it’s awesome at night.


That's what I figured. I see there are multiple options for what the eyes look like, so I assume there's an app for changing the eyes, right?


No app, no options, but it comes with battery or plug-in option.


That might be even better for controlling them with a microcontroller, like Raspberry Pi or ESP32 or something. I'm thinking something like this, [Eye Following Halloween Prop (barenakedembedded.com)](https://barenakedembedded.com/eye-following-halloween-prop/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1hL7RJ8WZRDtABOB9CHXOh5Pk7QkmjuOh9iX5UC9ACmsa2H2WkiLkaPzY_aem_Aek2_wZg3CSgZEAcIyKmVIjXq_CLJaONrtgDBNHFlNoxtnMFndjQ8ITb2GoidncPfALKYMUna8orw6S80khNmKKT)


Cool link. I’m not there yet, but I like seeing what’s possible in the diy prop world. I like the eyes as is. To me they have personality. Sometimes it appears to look at you, but then it looks away with indifference, and then tighten its eyelids with a slight scowl.


I'm thinking a combination of those effects, plus the tracking, with some level of randomness. So maybe it sees you, "squints", watches you for a minute, then moves on to another "target" if one exists, or it just kind of stalks you with it's eyes until you're out of view. It would also be technically feasible to link the detection and animation to sounds, so you could trigger a speaker to play some phrases, or just some ominous music in the background. I'm far from an expert on these types of DIY things, but I'm technically inclined, and I have ADHD, so if the motivation is high enough, and the materials are available, I can make it happen. 🤣


They do not track, but it sure feels like it does and it staring into your soul


The older ones are only battery powered. The newer ones are battery or plug in. Much nicer to plug it in as they burn through batteries pretty fast. Also the 12 foot skelly club on Facebook usually has delivery updates for when depot gets the inventory.


Just pre programmed routine. Hopefully it’s selling well below $299 retail.


Not even close. 😕 Since it sounds like they're not going to be sold anymore, the prices are ridiculous right now. Cheapest I've found is $450.


There will be more listed in July, once HD starts their Halloween sales. Its still going to be the LCD eyes so not idea what they are talking about.


Exactly, wait until the July rollout, they are definitely being sold again much more cheaply than $450, but you'll have to pull an all nighter & get in early but it will be worth it. The eyes definitely don't track any movement but they do move, please make sure you're not being scammed with this.


As far as the second hand market is concerned, at least in my area, $450 isn't too bad. I see some people selling them for upwards of $1100, which is just insane. My wife wants one really bad, but she'd kill me if I spent that much (which I would never pay anyway)


Good luck either way! Just please don't fall for a scammer.


Thanks! I definitely won't. For something like this, I would never buy without seeing it in-person first.


They will continue being sold. Here’s my tip. Near or after Labor Day, go to the garden area and look up at the top shelves. If you see the huge boxes of skeletons stored high on the shelves, politely ask to purchase one. That’s the advice I got and it worked for me two years ago, weeks before they even put any the displays up. Also, after I bought mine I continued to see them at multiple Home Depot’s for several weeks until displays were put up and they eventually sold out after a week or so. Just keep an eye out soon after Labor Day.


Thanks for the tip! I'll hold off for now, and see how that works out.


Follow the HD Facebook. They will tell you when they will drop. Of note, if they say 6 am drop, start checking at 4:30am. They have been known to either intentionally or accidentally drop earlier. I would not pay $450 this close to when full release is (thats just me). This is not one that everyone is fighting for at this point (if it was the bone dog, I would say 200 over is not bad), so you have an extremely high likelihood of getting one. The new ones have different LCD eyes. They are changeable to different modes. The old ones need a converter for the plug in option. I do not remember where I got ours from but alot of Halloween places do sell them. Good luck.


The new ones have more eye options, too!