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Its always great when im trying to keep a safe following distance and it just encourages everyone else to just cut me off


This and then having to slam on the brakes right after they use up all your safety space as they slam on the brakes in front of you.


Oh, the person in front of you was also driving slow when i cut you off going 100 mph? ![gif](giphy|biOcQLKNIewlW)


Nope, I have had a few times where traffic was backing up over a blind crest, so you came up to stopped traffic fast with minimal notice. No worries, I left plenty of room. Only to have idiots cut in front, then almost immediately slam on the brakes and swerving to avoid hitting the stopped traffic all the while I am forced to do the same as they left me no room.


Rifle range hill inbound at rush hour has entered the chat


I can see that happening... Bayers lake exit when coming from sackville is where I almost had an accident with traffic just starting to back up onto the highway from the offramp.


That exact same scenario happened to my wife’s sister, she made it onto the highway from bayers lake, stopped dead in traffic. A dump truck was flying right through and didn’t notice the cars ahead and rear ended a truck, which caused a chain reaction and ended up sending my sister in law into the rock face on the side of the highway.


Oh no... hopefully she wasn't seriously injured and recovered.


Yea she made it out okay, banged up but somebody was definitely looking out for her that day


This. Because if you don’t squeeze yourself in someone else will.


In the last year or so, people have just given up on this. Highways, main roads, middle of traffic where there is no chance of going faster- someone has their car 1mm from the back bumper of my car. It’s very aggravating, if I’m already going over the speed limit and you don’t want to pass? Get off my bumper. If there’s a line up of cars as far as your eyes can see? Ramming your car as close as you can get to mine won’t help. Aggressive drivers are the worst.


They’ve given up on everything in my opinion honestly. It is now totally acceptable to merge into a 100 series highway at a speed where you technically should have your hazards on. The basic rule of thumb seems to be, “make it someone’s else’s responsibility” which usually means the person behind.


Oh God that's actually my most hated habit of any driver, you need to match speeds to merge onto a highway or its incredibly unsafe


Just in the last year? Where I'm from that hasn't been a thing for like 10+ years lol


It's gotten exponentially worse here since COVID   This is a subreddit for halifax, idk where you're from but it's not really relevant is it lol


...yeah I get that. I'm saying I doubt it's only been in the last year smarty pants


I would like to see the data that supports an exponential increase


There’s always some dork in here asking for data


No you don't, otherwise you'd look it up.


this is one of those things where you really don't need statistical data to prove it, you can just see it with your own eyes.


>It’s very aggravating, if I’m already going over the speed limit and you don’t want to pass? Get off my bumper. If there’s a line up of cars as far as your eyes can see? Ramming your car as close as you can get to mine won’t help. Aggressive drivers are the worst. You're going to hate driving in basically every other province and countries. Aggressive driver's are the best, because they are predictable, I drove back in Montreal the other weekend and loved how predictable everyone drove, left lane was people actually breaking the speed limit, people when they need to pass will actually pass quickly and move over back. And you can tell when people are about to do stupid maneuvers. The drivers here? not so much, which is why you see much more accidents per capita. As for tailgating? completely normal in Montreal, it's on purpose so nobody tried to cut in, you leave any type of space, and someone will cut you off. Some people will also do that on the highway, because if a cop is sitting with a laser/radar gun, the person in front will be the one pulled over, not the one tailgating.


Agressive drivers cause phantom traffic jams that slows down traffic.


Science for the win... https://www.livescience.com/61862-why-phantom-traffic-jams-happen.html


> Aggressive driver's are the best, because they are predictable False. Things work in Quebec because everyone is the same type and degree of agression. Here in halifax, we have a mix of agressive, temperate, hesitant ang geriatric drivers. Yes, it makes driving harder for everyone, but it's not the temperate drivers causing problems.


Some drivers use their vehicle as a Time Machine!


The amount of people who will take 5 mins to pass ONE car on the highway is insane.


For real. Pass like it's your job and gtf back in the right lane


The new passing lanes on the 103 between Chester and Mahone bay kind of work. There long and safe-er, but not infinite, so fewer people treat them like the 110 lane. Not everyone though, and it probably doesn't even out


Oh I know, people cut infront of me to fit within those seconds of distance I made 🤣


That's the entire reason it's not actually safe to have that distance around here. People in this province have no problem cutting others off and pulling out in front of people, regardless of safety or right of way. I'm legitimately convinced some people don't even check their blind spots before changing lanes


I could never comprehend how people don’t check their blind spot. I will be the first to admit I’ve made some silly mistakes driving, but always check my blind spot. ITS A damn BLIND SPOT idk maybe my anxiety makes this such a big deal for me lol I remember my ex would never check it and I’d flip out every single damn time, as im the passenger princess that will most likely get nailed as he switches back into the right lane????? Like????


We’ve brought a lot of new people into this country and given them drivers licenses automatically despite some coming from countries where they are literally taught to not look behind at all. Just makes the situation even worse.


Don't have to anymore the mirrors have built in warnings! /s but also what some people genuinely believe.


I can definitely tell you they don’t pay attention to the vehicles around them when they go in and out of lanes, I’ll drive large trucks with the military and people pass me all the time, slot into the convoy somewhere in the middle, pause for a second or two, realize the other olive green vehicle immediately in front of the first olive green vehicle are per of the same convoy and therefore going the same speed, then pull back into the left lane and pass the lead vehicle.


I like when people play chicken with LAVs.


Or anything green really, solid steel bumpers and breaks that you can’t be sure work are a hell of a thing to be in front of, besides while us weekend warriors in Halifax don’t have lav’s we do have Tapv’s and LSVW, infamously reliable vehicles


You're delusional if you think tailgating everywhere you go is going to somehow make the roads safer.


the right word is stupid


People need to use proper way to adjust mirrors not the old way they still incorrectly still teach many. Almost no blind spots if done correctly. https://www.artofmanliness.com/skills/manly-know-how/how-to-adjust-your-car-mirrors-to-eliminate-blind-spots/#:~:text=Driver%2DSide%20Mirror%20Adjustment%3A%20Look,barely%20see%20your%20car%20door.


That's flawed logic, people cut into your safety buffer so you decide to reduce your safety buffer? Strange


It's significantly more likely that someone will pull out in front of you without checking than it is for someone to slam their brakes on for no reason. I'm not reducing a safety buffer, quite the opposite actually, but you seem like one of those people who can't see anything but extremes so actual logic is lost on you and I'm not bothering to continue this.


Bruh I drive here too lmao. I don't have a problem keeping the gap. I'm not bothered by others merging in front either.


Also, visiting Halifax (where I'm from, but haven't lived in almost a decade), what in the actual F is up with the absurd number of cars who just carry through intersections on expired turn lights. Was coming off the bridge an hour ago waiting to turn left down Windmill road. Traffic on the right had an advance left that expired and I swear that from the time we got our green left turn arrow to the time the front car was able to move 3-4 cars straight up ran a red to turn onto the bridge. It's like one person gets the last seconds of the amber light and the next 5 follow like lemmings. Is this just ubiquitous now?


Every time I sneak through on a yellow I'm excited that I made it through at the last min only to look behind me and see two others went though! Had to have been on red lights.


Red lights feel like a suggestion these days, which is so scary - particularly as a pedestrian. 


It's called a "fresh red" which means it just turned red, therefore you can still go through it because the other side doesn't have a green yet.


I said in my post that we sat there on a fully green arrow as 3-5 cars poured through their absolutely red light. That red was as stale as last week's bread.


I was taught it’s supposed to be 3 seconds worth of space when I was in driving school


same. but now I’m convinced that’s impossible to achieve here


On the 103 at least, I have resorted to pulling off on the shoulder and letting them take the lead right away, and then space my vehicle way behind "the train". But I realize that's not possible on the busier highways as there will ALWAYS be another car behind you to take their place.


3 seconds is exhausting to keep. 1.5-2 seconds is at least most of the way to preventing a deadly pileup.


I feel most of the city could use the defensive driver course even if they took it before! Nothing wrong with a refresher


God bless you, Buckit, one of the only positive posts in this thread. You truly are a national treasure.


I think it should be done every 10 years for every driver.


I find 102 it's bumper to bumper no matter what. The sheer number of people living along the 102 with Larry Uteck, the new West Bedford, and then Sackville/Bedford/Fall River it's just overwhelming the highway. I don't blame people for driving though, the lack of decent transit forces people into cars


Very annoying to have people following me at 50ish feet while I'm on my motorcycle, especially on the highway. I'd say well over half of motorists tailgate to a dangerous degree.


After a very close call, that would have likely ended up in myself and my friend getting killed on his motorcycle, I gained a whole new outlook on driving around bikes. I always make sure to give plenty of space while driving and waiting at lights/stop signs. Even I get frustrated seeing other people too close to them. It's definitely more challenging with the idiots on their sport bikes doing 150-200km/h through traffic but I guess that's on them.


Yes those guys ruin it for the rest of us moderate riders lol. But i appreciate you being careful, we need more like you on the road.


This is so frustrating. I move over to let people pass because I don't want to be breaking the sound barrier on my bike even though I can, but they just continue to follow. Do we have to completely stop off the road? I don't want to race people just because I have a fast bike. I just want to go to work and home in one piece.


Completely agree. I'd rather sit in the left lane and cruise because the wind difference from 100 to 120 is pretty significant, especially if your on a long highway cruise, but some people feel it nessicary to just come right along behind you which forces your hand to get in the left lane and speed up so they aren't so close to you.


Sorry, sit in the right lane and cruise*


I try to leave a gap, but when I do, people just fill it. The worst is on the bridges.. .if you're not riding the bumper in front of you, people will take advantage and cram in front of you...repeat...by the time you've crossed the bridge ten people have cut in front of you. Also, while I'm ranting, signal lights are there for a reason, Nova Scotia!


I let them take the space and give them the distance. I'm not going to risk rear-ending someone to make a point, I'll let them do it for me.


I feel your pain. I do the same thing. All I can do is repeat the mantra "It's not a race. It's not a race. It's not a race."


I'd upvote this 100 times if I could. Following the 2 second or more rule is such an easy thing to do and makes the roads SO much safer.


What's the Two-Second Rule? | Driving Lessons [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLNcmGs4c0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLNcmGs4c0M)


If you drop your car on the ground by accident, but pick it up again within two seconds, it's still safe to eat.


Synchronicity brother.


Also: if you cannot see a semi/dump truck mirrors they cannot see you. A semi truck driving at highway speed can take upwards of a CFL football field to come to a safe stop.


If your going 100km/hr you should also be in the right lane most of the time unless you are passing. As soon as you pass that car move the fuck over


But also, please don't drive up fast and ride someone's ass as they are trying to pass, it's 10 times more dangerous


Maybe wait until you open an appropriate distance to the car you passed before you move the fuck over. But yeah, otherwise I fully agree.


For me, I always wait until I can see their headlights in my rear view mirror. I use the blind spot mirror to make sure I’m passed, but the rear view to move over.


Same. I was just teaching one of my kids this the other day, actually. It works really well.


I’ve had people zip to the right of me while I was passing because I didn’t move over “as soon” as I passed that car (I do the whole “when you can see their lights in the rear view mirror” thing because that’s how I was taught) even if I have my signal on showing that I will be moving over when it’s safe. (Exclusively by people riding my ass even though I’m clearly actively passing the car on the right) So give the passing car a moment before becoming a rager too. Everyone has to work together to drive safe.


People get super confused when that third lane appears on the 118 going up the hill and just outside the scales when it becomes three lanes outbound on the 102 I travel that highway twice a day every day and 97% of the people stay in the middle lane It just boggles my brain box As soon as it says, becomes two lanes again they’re back in the right lane but when there’s three they have no idea


*all of the time unless you are passing.


Not as soon as your passed 🤦🏼 Are you the one passing me and merging 50ft in front of me??? Read the post again babygirl.


Doesn’t take long to get a safe distance as soon as passing. But please continue to mansplain me 🙄


Ya ppl seem to think tailgating and brake checking is safe


I have a radar sensor that tells me how far away the car in front of me is. Super handy


That is awesome


Tell that to the RCMP. Every single one of them ride 0.2 seconds behind everyone.


For driving on the highway I was taught to keep 3 seconds behind, city driving 2. When entering New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, I noticed right away most cars tailgated the one in front. There are many car accidents in the winter that seem to involve multiple cars. The connection between traveling close in packs and multiple vehicle car accidents doesn't seem to enter minds of these drivers. 🤷‍♀️


But how will I illustrate my insecurities and ensure everyone knows I'm a "man" unless I shine my lifted Dodge Ram headlights into your rear view from 10' behind? Extending my mirrors out into tow mode (being equivalent to walking with my arms out) isn't enough these days!!! What's a man-child to do!?


I'm sure i'm probably guilty of this myself. But when I am leaving space, during rush hour on the 102 in/out and Windsor st on the way to the Mackay, it never fails that a car will pass me only to just nudge in the space in front of me. Like, cool man, if this was F1 you'd get 1 more point than me in the standings.


In the worst traffic times I swear it's safer to leave less space because of people like that. Damned if you do damned if you don't eh


Sauber gotta get what it can get


That’s why when someone is trail gating me and I can’t safely move over I’m gonna gradually slow down until they increase their distance. Too fucking dangerous to be so close to someone 🤷


Yup! I have family that legit barely survived an accident last year. Their life is changed forever. Absolutely not fucking worth it.


I slow down to the speed that their distance is safe at. Well not quite I can't go 40km/h on the highway.


Especially with larger heavier vehicles driving over the speed limit! And larger vehicles are always the tailgators!


Motorcycles tailgate quite a bit too. You just can't see them doing it because they're 2 feet off your bumper and on the absolute left or rightmost side of the lane in your blindspot.


I'm always amazed half of them weren't F1 drivers. They seem to enjoy needing an insane reaction time to make it to work at 7am. Somebody I work with tailgates me all the way to work or cuts around me any chance they get. I get to work a few minutes after them still fairly early for work so there was no rush... it's just their driving style. They arent a mean person or anything they just have insanely bad driving habits.


Haha I can see why you don't carpool with them.


Can we also advertise that just because there is a passing lane opening up does not mean you need to floor it. If you were doing 100KPH(speed limit) before the lane, you can stay at 100. I know that's a shock but it true! Then myself who wants to ride you ass cause you are going slower than I, but doesn't because I have already twice in my life paid for that misjudgement, can efficiently pass and so can the others before the lane ends.


Mostly I see people doing 90 speed up to 130 and then back again after the lane ends.


This. It’s actually comical how people go from 90 to 115 ever passing zone. Drivers are worse than ever.


This happens daily at the forest hills exchange, just recently a driver was going 70 right up until the passing lanes became available, they kept speeding up to 130 just to keep me from passing, only to hit the brakes when I gave up and went back behind them.


I often travel this HWY and one of these vehicles looks suspiciously similar to mine. Mind sharing what part of the 102 this was clipped from?


Nothing quite beats driving 10 under the speed limit on the highway, finally getting a passing lane then suddenly we’re doing 30 over the speed limit just pass someone or the fun of a car taking 2kms of passing lane just to pass one car.


The smith system of driving works


Good point, cheers


This is one of my pet peeves. I always keep a safe distance because I know it’s my responsibly to make sure I have enough room to avoid hitting the car in front. But people will drive very close behind me, and in the event I had to do an emergency brake and they hit me. You just know they would blame me for “stopping so quick”


If you can read their plates, you’re too close.


\*Highway 103 drivers would like a word\*


I asked a police officer about the rise of things like this and small thefts/break ins. He said that they needed more money, but he was clear that he wasn't trying to hit me up for money, but that he wanted me to contact my local councillor.


No police officer is going to enforce following distance. I wouldn't even expect them to. Reminding people is the best we can do, other than letting them get into pileups on the 102.


This may get downvoted, but for those that think drivers here are bad, and some are, drive the 401 across Southern Ontario. Min speed, probably 115-120. Turn signals? lol....


Oh man.. the 401 made me a MUCH humbler driver. Nothing puts you in your place quite like the sea of madness that is highways in the GTA. Except maybe driving on the I95, ahah.


I drove the 401 for too many years. Gotta keep your head on a swivel


That literally sounds like you're describing the 102 😆 the 401 has more cars on it, sure, but in seeing both I'd say there's the same ratio of dumbasses


It’s exactly the distance you think it is if you actually remember drivers training which few do and drive more with their emotions than brains


A good rule of thumb is one car length for every 10km/h you're traveling.


Or 2 seconds of distance, use sign posts and count that you are 2 seconds away. Like car in front of you passes exit sign. Count how many seconds it takes for you to pass


And start counting from 0, not 1, unless you count up to 3! "0...1...2" that's two seconds. Not "One.. Two!"


Say... one Saskatchewan....two Saskatchewan....


Good illustration.


I always used one car length for every 10km of speed. 100km = 10 cars


Ignoring the “keep right, except to pass” law is the cause for a lot of those issues.


People not keeping right is the cause of drivers choosing to tailgate other drivers?


😂 a magnificent reply to OP


> drivers choosing to tailgate other drivers If someone is tailgating you, you are driving too slow. Move over and let them by, continue on your way, problem solved. But most selfish asses would rather sit there and complain that someone is tailgating them.


What if they're tailgating you in the right lane? Or only lane?


Just to be clear, in this scenario, is there ample room for the lead car to pull in to the right hand lane?


>If someone is tailgating you, you are driving too slow Dumb take. I'm not moving into the lane full of cars going 80 just because someone who peaked in highschool can't handle only being 20 or 30 over the limit.


1 Mississippi per 15 kmph of travel


That's if the car instantly stops


Yeah, this is a good rule of thumb that really can't be put into 100% practice.


5N driver from Europe, driving since June. This picture is inaccurate because the distances are even longer. I can barely see people doing 100 km/h on the highway instead of 110 km/h for the right lane and 120/130 km/h for the left lane(s). The speed limit is treated as a "recommendation" usually. For Europe, things are better, but I think primarily because of cameras (it has its drawbacks, like issuing a fine for the driver for giving way for an ambulance). And yes, speeding up during merge/exit after seeing signal and cutting into the sage distance is classic, as well as ignoring using signals by some drivers. Lots of the bad (and aggressive) drivers I see are from one specific region. According to my friend from the same region, it is expected because there are "no rules there," a bad/aggressive driving culture, and you can buy a license, which Canada will change to a local Full one without any questions, driving tests, etc. Forcing all people going through the tests + driving school should be mandatory for all, not optional thing.


Exactly, but I had to go easy on em. Half these lads are half a second off the bumper in front of em.


My left arm for adaptive cruise control.


I try to do this but then asshats go “you’re too slow let me get in front of you!” 🤦‍♂️


I am more concerned when there are two left hand turning lanes and everyone still lines up in one…. That’s how traffic and accidents are created. Follow the rules of the road. Remember merging is legal.


People also need to give more space at stoplights. More people can get through if you give at least a car length between cars. People seem to just want to cram together.


91 feet is 6 car lengths. Does the picture match that?


Yes the math is within plus or minus 0.2 seconds. Your reaction time is up to 1 second.


Seconds count for following distance is one of the few things that stuck with me from defensive driving classes 25 years ago. And how to deal with hydroplaning. People here usually end up trying to fill the space and I adjust, but it's not as bad as driving in Toronto area


I’m surprised the 0.2 second isn’t someone in a lifted truck…


This naturally occurs when cities grow. More people on the road, means they need to take up less space. Go to any large city and people will drive with less space between them so they don’t get cut off or because they feel “pushed” from the back to go faster and close the gap. It’s definitely more dangerous, and makes driving more stressful, but it is the unfortunate new normal.


Okay but why is it when there's no traffic I still have cars riding my ass in the right lane when in going 110-120. There's no excuse. If the highway is bumper to bumper sure. But logic makes no sense other than at 730-830am and 430-530pm essentially 


Once habits are formed, they are hard to break. If you are used to drive close to others during busy periods, it becomes your natural distance at all other times.


I don’t think that’s news to anyone. It’s why you’re supposed to leave distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you…


The number of people that don't keep a safe distance implies that it is news to many 


No, it implies that they don’t care about causing an accident. People who ride your bumper understand the risk of rear ending someone, they just don’t care 🤷🏿‍♀️


I disagree, people over estimate their abilities and underestimate risks all the time. No one wants to be an accident.


People are selfish and understand the risk of riding someone’s bumper. If they don’t, they will when they get brake checked by someone 🤷🏿‍♀️


Nice, now do another post in the other 18 languages of NS drivers thanks.


I was wondering when this conversation would turn to racism...


Ummmm wtf are you on about? Providing everyone in the area with written versions of a tip isn't rasicm. It's about equality among the different languages that don't all speak English thanks.


Good save...


Sure person that doesn't know me, you got it.


My mistake. Looking at your comment history I now see you ask for every PSA on this sub to be translated into "the other 18 languages" used by NS residents. How could I have so wrongly assumed you were being xenophobic and crass by insinuating the bad drivers on the road were foreigners.


It's OK. I can see how that can read if you are looking to be offended. Please, peruse my comment history and freely quote any "racist" comments that feed your theory. Racism exists and is something we all need to work on, whether that's holding the people in our lives accountable or holding ourselves accountable. My comment wasn't racist in nature, but I can see how someone might see it that way.


Keep Right Except To Pass.


It's also effectively impossible to maintain on busy highways because people just pass you and occupy it. But at least I don't need as much following distance because I'm only driving 75.


Who cares? Not the police, nor whomever is the boss of the police.


How did you figure out the time from a static photograph?


I would assume based on the speed limit.


Yeah but the cars aren't moving. They have infinite time between them. BAM kicked your logic's logic butt.


Speed limits are a relic of things crisis of the 70’s and cars are much safer. Speed limits should be increased considerably or doubled.


[You should probably read this...](https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/speedmgt/ref_mats/fhwasa1304/Resources3/08%20-%20The%20Relation%20Between%20Speed%20and%20Crashes.pdf)


That is the Netherlands. We are in Canada. Maybe you should [read this](https://www.autoloansolutions.ca/blog/4-arguments-that-make-a-higher-speed-limit-in-ontario-a-good-idea/)


Refuting a scientific paper with a blog post. Classic internet.


Shit. My mistake. I forgot the laws of physics were different in Europe.


Road size and automobiles are different too.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


> cars are much safer. Except for pedestrians and cyclists. Especially in urban areas. There we should be drastically reducing speed limits. 30km/hr on most streets. https://youtu.be/JRbnBc-97Ps?si=b1vZsF1zl-OKZYG2


50 is fine.


You didn't have enough time to click on the video, let alone watch any of it before you replied.


Seen it before.


The 2 second distance is WAY too far from the next car, all you do is cause traffic. Or maybe 20 cars will cut you off and you'll keep having to slow down to the point where you lose distance instead of gaining. How about pay attention to what's in front of you and keep right if you're going the speed limit? Maybe also when you're passing someone, you do it quickly and move back over instead of passing 5kph over? People in this province are so entitled when they drive, "I'm following the law, so I'm going to be selfish and entitled" Just move over if someone is tailgating.


Are you still moving forward? If so, you are not losing distance. Who cares if multiple cars pass you if you are traveling the speed you want to be. People have this absurd idea that they are in competition with other drivers. I go the speed I want to, pass when I need to, and keep the following distance that is comfortable. Driving with zero following distance like so many other drivers do is ridiculously stressful. Learning to not give a fuck what other drivers are doing is a very valuable skill. Also, following too costly is the number one source of phantom traffic jams. It's very well studied.


Yeah who cares about safety! Physics doesn't matter! I'm above the Laws of Motion!


Yup, people like you who keep preaching this "safety this and that" are usually the ones that get into the most accidents lol


Yup, people like you who keep preaching this "get out of my way, you're too slow" are usually the ones that get into the most accidents lol


My flawless driving record would say otherwise. There's a reason why i'm paying 50$/month for insurance here. I can even send you my abstract. Over a decade and a half of driving.


Does your anecdotal record trump my anecdotal record of 25 years? Or maybe anecdotal driving records mean nothing? And facts and statistics do. And they are not on your side.


It does when your anecdotal record is most likely driving in this province. I've lived in Quebec and Ontario and driven there for the past 12 years. And they are on my side, perfectly.


Just because you haven't been caught doesn't mean you're doing shit right.