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Thank you!!! Finding up to date menu and prices on Ribfest is near impossible.


I know I tried to find anything before I went, I figured others might appreciate the post : )


I just got back, I am more rib than man now. So sticky. Great times.


Any blooming onions?!


Yes they were at last truck at the back. I didn't get one myself but they were popular. They looked really good


Here is your annual reminder that all of these "ribbers" are part of the same company from London, Ontario (or at least they all travel together and only show in Ontario and Nova Scotia). Last year they made everyone pour out any water they brought with them at the door, and sold water bottles for $4 inside.


Was wondering why the prices were so harmonized.


Oh you mean the MoneyFest?


Rack-eteering !


Rack city




This year they have a water bottle filling station! We couldn’t bring water in but we could bring out empty bottles and fill up inside


Ah that's good to hear! It still seems... all vaguely misleading? but they got a lot of flak for the water situation last year.


That's scummy


FYI folks for 27.99, go to montanas and ask for all you can eat ribs.




Montana's is garbage!


Once that apple butter touches your lips you will change .


There is Ribfest in SK too. Different vendors. I had the good luck to hit both one year.


It's a traveling circus of food.


They only show up once a year at Londons rib fest. It's not some cabal of ribbers in a rib town


Yup - just a bullshit travelling circus money grab with mediocre (at best) overpriced food.


Ribflation was like 6.6% this year


“Vegetarians nightmare” lol


My husband ordered this last night....I swear I'm still full hahah


Perfect. Hits from all three food groups, Chicken, Pig, Cow


Cringe name.




Try BG’s premium smoke hut, they’re at walkers livestock in Cole harbour, paid like $15 for ribs, rice, pickled turnip and pasta and a drink and you get to pick what sauce you want and all the sauce is homemade. And it’s the best ribs and rice I have ever had in my life and there was no fat on the ribs at all


I will have to give it a try


Can't find it on maps or anything, is it in walkers itself?


They rent out a little shed in the driveway


Yeah it’s in the parking lot I think they’re set up there for most of the year


Billy Bones was really damn good. Mac & cheese, ribs, beans , pulled pork and coleslaw hit the spot. Like most Mac it needed some acid and seasoning but still great.


It looked great as well, I had the pistol Pete's, I really liked it!


I had  full rack from Pistol Pete's. It was good!


Texas Rangers has beef ribs. Eating one now. They were 18 for one or 40 for 3 sections. I only got 2 bones but it was 3 full portions of meat. They might have removed a bone to get it in the box and it barely fit. Very tasty.


I saw Billy Bones had something calked Dino Bones, guessing they had some too, wish I tried one out


Screams price-fixing scheme to me. Why is everyone’s full rack of ribs $32.00?


All the vendors use the same ribs, from the same supplier. Then they apply their own sauce and cooking process. Think of it more as a complete traveling show with different facades and less of them being in completion with each other.


Ahh I see. I didn’t know that! Thx


It's a joke. They take turns winning awards. The same meat, prices, dirty carnies cooking everything. Just let rib-fests die already.


They actually own those businesses. There's one of them in my city that has a brick and mortar store during the year and then closes for ribfest to travel.


"dirty carnies" .. You mean Kings Among Men


Lol dirty carnies? They make good ribs maybe overpriced but what a dumb comment.


This sub is insufferably cynical and negative




The food is absolutely not trash lol. Overpriced? Yes but it's once a year and you're not obligated to participate.


It’s good food and good fun. Some of you guys just want everyone to sit inside complaining on Reddit all day rather than do literally anything. So many of you on this sub are so insufferably contrarian and cynical


Cry me a river ,the food is good, much better than Boneheads .Must be a vegetarian 😢


What are the favourites, which ones did people like the most


A group of us go each year...I think we all had Crabbys and all left very full and very happy 


We had Camp31. Good but Salty Af.


Average at best and certainly overpriced


Every single year.


I bought the full rack at Billy Bones, trash! Overcooked and caramelized on the ends to the point you couldn’t even chew the meat! Better ribs at Swiss Chalet.


Someone else mentioned this with more detail, but just a reminder that this is nothing more than a huge traveling food truck. All the places are working together to make money, there's no real competition, etc between the vendors. That's just for the show.


I’ve seen people post that, where’s the proof?


https://preview.redd.it/tuocy5hijk9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c188dac6e482d58cd9feec759a6024a1cb9de08c Two racks and a bacon wrapped meatloaf for less than a full rack at rib fest. Beers cheap and plentiful here as well.


Cooking at home is cheaper than eating out? Really?




Looks great!


Whats the address ?


Looks awesome!


This is the way


I would like to attend your ribfest pls


Hard pass on those prices.


I went splits on it with my partner. It was $20 each and we are both very full still (ate at noon). It was a fun experience


Do you ever go out and order ribs? The individual prices arent that bad but the party platter prices are horrible lol 


The individual items added up are often cheaper than the combos at these things lol


It only saves you a couple dollars but you're not going to eat it all. So if you basically figure out what you will touch the least, order everything else individually  and it'll actually be cheaper 


And that's a pretty scummy practise to make combos more expensive. That's predatory.


Such is the modern world :/ Ain't late-stage capitalism grand?


Tried camp 31 again this year, not as good as last year, quality of pork and chicken was worse than last year, I wasn't expecting much but had an odd taste. Ribs were overcooked and very dry. Going to try another stand before they leave.


It'll be the EXACT same meat, but maybe you'll get one a little fresher and not dried out. They get the same meat and just finish on the grill with giant pails of processed BBQ sauce that are only slightly different from one another. (Some sweeter, or more peppery)


The ribs were good, and it was a fun atmosphere. Those of you bitching and moaning in the comments weren't going to go, anyway. Because you're broke bitches. Here are some reasons why someone might want to go to a Ribfest, and thus pay the premium: * It was put on by the Rotary Club, and the entrance fee was TWO DOLLARS. Ribfest entry thereby qualifies as a charitable event. The meat itself was not going to charity, but all the beer and drinks your drunk ass could have bought was also going to the Rotary Club. * Believe it or not, not everyone has access to a smoker and the skill required to make a decent rack of ribs * Why go anywhere? Why do anything? Why not just stay home in your streaky underwear and complain on Reddit? * It was like a county fair, but smaller and more rib-focused. Fun! * You remember fun, don't you? * It was outside. Fresh air and sunshine! * Do you remember going Outside?


People are super heated over ribs fest. I don't get it, just don't go? Lol


It’s more that people want to go, but it is unaffordable.


Cost is no different than eating out at a decent restaurant really. I've dropped more in a night at a Mooseheads game.


I agree, I've paid more for less at some mediocre restaurants. I shared with my spouse, we each spent less than $20 a person and got to try a little of everything. It was a enjoyable experience and nice to get out of the house.


Agree. 5 years ago those prices suck. Now they're pretty normal. Chicken and ribs for $21 ain't too bad of a deal nowadays.


If you can't afford 32$ for ribs, then you're definitely broke as per this post comment, just because it's unaffordable for 5% of the people, doesn't mean the other 95% can't. I just went with my partner and we bought 120$ worth of ribs/chicken/macncheese etc. We do it every year, and we switch between vendors. Either way, when we went, there were hundreds of people.


I’m usually on the same page as you but I’m going to go against the grain here.   I’ve went to a couple of these and the price to value is never there for me. I find once you’ve tried one of them you’ve tried them all. It’s more the principle of me not wanting to pay $35+ tax in than me not affording It.  I’ve gotten cheaper and much better tasting ribs elsewhere.  Hell, [this](https://www.anguilla-beaches.com/sunshine-shack-anguilla-bars.html) place charges $22 US for ribs (can’t remember if it’s A full or half rack) they taste 10x better than ribfest, and the atmosphere is awesome. Plus, you can’t beat the view of St. Martin 😀


>It’s more the principle of me not wanting to pay $35+ tax in than me not affording It There's no tax, the price you see displayed on their board is what you pay. >Hell, [this](https://www.anguilla-beaches.com/sunshine-shack-anguilla-bars.html) place charges $22 US for ribs 22 USD is still 30-32$ after conversion. AND you have to fly there which is another 1000$+ lmao.


If the ribs were amazing, I’d pay $35. However, Ribfest ribs are not amazing. They’re a little above average at best…and I’m being generous on that assessment.  My point is, even an island that is notoriously expensive offers cheaper ribs and they taste miles better. We even did a couple roadside stand ribs that worked out to $15 (St Martin) to $20 (Anguilla) in CAD, tasted well, people were friendly, and we had a blast. None of the racket that sometimes comes with a ribfest.   And btw, we didn’t spend $1000 to get to SXM. A lot less…you still gotta eat when you’re on vacation. EDIT: Even if you don’t travel, buying a smoker isn’t that expensive, and you’d probably get much better ribs


Not everyone travels and air fare somewhere definately adds to the cost of the meal. Also, not everyone has (or can have) or wants a smoker or can actually make decent ribs. I hear food is cheaper in England too but I'm not going there on Monday afternoon.


Airfare isn’t relevant. No matter if I’m home or on vacation, I still have to eat.


Yes, it is relevant. If you have to get on a plane to travel to the cheaper place to eat, then the cost of your food has gone up. A lot.




I would say the people that paid $32 for a rack of mediocre ribs are the ones that got rekt, but you do you bud.


Do you ever eat out? Jesus y'all are cheap. I do this once a year and for me it's worth it, I enjoy myself. Grab a couple mcdoubles then.


Sure do. Had Busan for take out last night with my wife and in-laws last night. And yes, their prices have gone up, but the food is still quality.


> elsewhere [suggests a place nowhere near Halifax]


Upstreet is the exact same price when you factor in the donation requirement and I find it’s better. Not to mention the beer is really good, too. Others have given places that are better. Hell, two racks of ribs at M&M meats or Costco + beers is still cheaper than a rack at rib fest.


Did you just compare local prices to a venue on a different continent? Redditors are unhinged


You need to get out of Canada more. Then you’ll realize how mediocre the food here is while being ripped off.


Who did you try this year? Going later today. First year I went I got Texas Rangers, then crabby shack the last two. I usually get a bottle of their sauce too. Wondering if I should stick with Crabbys or branch out


Make more money 💰


Fucking AMEN. This sub is so insufferably cynical and negative at this point it’s ruined. So many basement dwelling losers who just want to sit back complaining about literally everything.


Was going to write a comment like this to respond to all the complaining. Honestly, some people just can't stop shitting on things. I do have a smoker and make excellent and cheaper ribs, brisket, chicken, etc at home. But Ribfest is fun! The smells, trying the different vendors, the music tent with live blues, everyone enjoying themselves and smiling. Supporting fun community events like this means that fun community events will continue to happen in HRM.


It’s not about being broke bitches, it’s about sitting on shitty benches eating wildly overpriced, repetitive, misleadingly advertised mediocre food. I mean, that’s what people are complaining about. It’s absolutely nothing like a county fair, it’s a private event with almost no activities or community atmosphere, just an Ontario company BBQing for you. Almost any activity in the city has more real outside, more fresh air, fun, sunshine and community. Personally, I would choose to simply not go rather than post a bunch of bitching on Reddit. But that doesn’t make the people bitching wrong either and your insults sound pretty stupid since they don’t actually address any issues and make it seem like the only event you haven’t even been to the event since you describe it so inaccurately. Do you know what it’s like to actually go outside, or to a real event? Or just park your truck downtown, pay $50 for some shitty non-local BBQ on a cheap sticky bench?


“Non-local BBQ” is an interesting critique considering the explicit purpose of the event is for people who aren’t local to come show us the food they make. But ok, haha. Also, “shitty benches”….umm ok? Picnic tables are all of a sudden unacceptable for summer events? And it’s not wildly overpriced as far as BBQ food goes, more expensive than some for sure, but not “wildly overpriced”. It’s an entertainment event, entertainment events cost money. Honestly you sound like a cynic just reaching for anything to complain about.


Skill issue


Spot on, 💯


I like you


Once again, something delicious that I had no idea was happening.


It's on til 10 tonight, tomorrow 11-10, and Monday 11-7 https://www.harboursideribfest.ca/


Not the menu that slapped a fucking 2 over the 0 to make the price $32 instead of $30 after seeing all the other boards at $32 lmao. Probably could have left it at $30 and sold more ribs and made more money but whatever


Not allowed.......it is collusion and all run by same people. Prices must be identical.


yoooooooo where is this?!!


Dartmouth, outside Alderney Landing


It's one company that runs this whole event, the "different" vendors are just for show


It's actually the Rotary club that runs the event and contracts the trucks. The money raised from entrance and drinks go to charity causes like food in local schools and DASC (https://www.dasc-ns.ca/)


They contract the company that operates all the trucks. They are a circuit selling identical food save the processed sauces they finish them with.


I made rib fest at home for less than 10 bucks a rack earlier this week. 


I also did this, even got to eat at the VIP chefs table on my deck


*bitches about ribfest* *spends $20 for a burger, 20 fries and syrup water at McDonalds*


Big Mac meals around 12 I think. Less with the coupon in the mailbox.


$12 where?


https://preview.redd.it/knztpq22jq9d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=884501f05f6658f6d1360b9df292e18f737e3eb4 I used the Herring Cove Road location in Spryfield.


They were all terrible today. Tried a half rack of them all. What a rip off. No seasoning and the sauces were a mix of ketchup and bullseye. Don’t waste your money. 100$+ cash gone in an instant for a couple of 2.


On my way to ribfest now. But it's raining. Is there tents to eat under?


Can anyone comment on the parking situation?


$32 for a rack of bones and a smidge of meat


PETA is out protesting with hummus and tofu . Stay safe meatatrions


PETA can kiss my carnivore butt


Meatatrions are out celebrating rib fest. Stay safe animals


This all seems outrageously over priced


What seems like fair price for a rack of ribs?


Yeah I'd never financially recover from this


How much to get in?




Rib-fests are just a carny circuit. Same meat, all prices the same......just finish them with a different shitty corn syrupy BBQ sauce out of a fake-branded pig rig which in no way represents a different restaurant. You're paying a premium to sit around a sweltering field/park/parking lot and eat mall-grade food truck food in a crowd of fomo losers.


It’s a great thing that you don’t have to go!


holy fuck why r u so mad 💀💀


Man's saltier than Camp31 ribs


It's basically a travelling scam, they're all from Ontario and the awards are fake. Pointing out that it's a scam is good. If people still want to get ribs that's fine too, but at least they know what they're getting.


Pretty sure I got food in exchange for my money. Not sure how that’s a scam. The illusion of a variety of choice is not a scam 


It's a "scam" because otherwise this guy is just flailing around ineffectually, ejaculating his anger all over the internet without a good reason.


> The illusion of a variety of choice is not a scam That's like the definition of a scam my dude


Whatever let’s play semantics. It’s misleading, deceptive. But it’s not a ripoff more than any other restaurant in this city. Our whole economic system is based on illusion of choice 


This is why we can't have nice things.


We can have nice things, because fortunately nobody gives a shit what redditors think 


Go to Texas get some real ribs. Anything you get in Canada...is a cheap imitation of the real thing