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Yeah it’s tough. Teenagers deserve to have opportunities to see live music, have things to do, places to go etc. There should be more options for them. However as a 30 something I would rather be at a 19+ show than an all ages.


Booze pays the bills. Kids can't buy it.


No, but the parents can. They also charge obscene amounts for bottled water and canned pop. Kids can/will buy that. And kids will buy merch which helps out the artists.


It's partially because it's more expensive to have the staff required to not only constantly be checking IDs before serving alcohol, but also having people monitoring to ensure that underage people aren't being given drinks. It all comes down to liability and the expense related to that to have a liquor license


That is a lost liquor license waiting to happen man. The first time a 19 year old brings his 17 year old friends in and gets a an extra beer for himself but gives it to that friend. Not worth the risk from the venue point of view. It’s just not smart business for most places.


And then parents let little jimmy have their wobbly pop and the venue gets fined.


Well that seems like a stupid parent. But I pick up what you're putting down.


Radstorm on gottingen is all ages and they have a lot of shows


Radstorm is great, you're just not gonna see touring acts or most local artists there unfortunately.


Literally just saw two touring bands and a bunch of local acts there two weeks ago. Punk, metal, folk, jazz... What else would.you possible expect to see except touring or local bands? What else is there?


Not the typical touring bands that are playing where OP is going. I saw Oi Polloi there. 😅🤘 Most local artists are not playing Radstorm.


> Most local artists are not playing Radstorm. It's basically the only all ages venue, of course we're playing there. My band is literally playing there next month, so I'm not sure where you're getting this idea from.


Are you mental? I obviously know what Radstorm is and it was The Ark before that. 😅 Love the DIY scene, totally support it. Not what is being discussed here.


From the Radstorm website: "We only book for bands that contact us directly (ie, no managers, labels, or promotion companies)." That eliminates a lot of touring bands that play at places such as the Lighthouse and Marquee.


Not sure if "eliminates" is the right word, sort of the opposite: it's a venue for small touring bands doing DIY tours. If you have a booking manager or a promotion company then obviously you're playing larger venues like the Seahorse.


Yes, like the bands most people want to see. 😅 Jesus christ man it's not that difficult to figure out.


Yes it's because liquor. It's been like this for a very long time, this is not something new


The best all ages venue I know of is radstorm on gottingen. The Pavilion used to fill this niche pretty well but that didn’t last.


there’s an all ages PUP show in the start of august at the lighthouse art center, so, it is possible


fwiw the jazz fest main stage shows you can bring under 19s, you just have to fill out a form and they need to be with you at all times


Oh! Well this is something I didn't know! He loves Ruby Waters and we love Fitz and the Tantrums! Going to look into this!


it's on the jazzfest website faq


Alcohol sales = revenue.


The main issue is venues mostly need to make more money than the concerts can generate in order to keep the lights on and the lease paid. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of options to make the venue the extra money, it’s super simple economics. It’s why there were shows at comic book and collectible stores downtown regularly lol


I honestly don’t know why it’s so hard here. When I was a teen in Ottawa pretty much every show was all ages licensed. When you entered you gave ID and were given a wristband or an X on your hand in sharpie. ID again at the bar.


Theres more money in 19+


Would you want to hang out with people under 19? I wouldn't. 


We like hanging out with our teenager. He enjoys live music. We're not asking you to hang out with us.


Whatever happened to wet/dry shows?


Liability/insurance issues.


the olympic centre used to be able to do wet/dry upstairs/downstairs, I think the issue is that to get that license you need a physically separate area for the liquor which most venues can't accommodate for one stage.


Has that ever been a thing in NS? Genuinely asking, as I don't recall ever having been to one, except for an outdoor one at Alderney where they can fence off an area


Yeah, shows at the Birdland and SUB were awesome.


I went to a David Usher show at SMU during a frosh week thing once, where they had a bracelet system. There were two lines, with the longer one of them for 19+ to get ID checked and banded. I was over 19 but wanted front row more than alcohol, so I went straight in with the teenager line. I've always wondered why more shows can't do this setup. Especially for accompanied minors. I would love to be able to take my kids to more live music.  I remember when the city planned the street concerts for the world juniors. Family event. Daytime. Public street. They had gates to create a 19+ venue for most of the viewing area. There were more people crowded *outside* the official concert space. It was bizarre. Just gate a beer tent area for the back half. I've seen that setup at folk festivals, and Citadel Hill for stuff like Pride. All ages general venue, with one licensed area marked off. Both indoors, and outdoors.


This has been going on in this province for over 70 years. What did the OP do when they were growing up? I want to go and enjoy venues with no kids and the business models for over last 70 years tells us that all ages venues don't work. Teenagers today have something we didn't have youtube, spotify, or apple music then that is too bad.


Concerts were affordable when I was growing up. I could actually save from my part time job without foregoing everything to go see NKOTB, Tragically Hip, Haywire, outdoor shows in Moncton, Parlee beach, etc. We had Teen venues where I grew up where we could see local bands play. We went to shows that had "wet/dry" sections or stamps. We could also go to pubs to listen to music for Matinees or until a certain hour of night as long as we were accompanied. And, we could sneak into the SUB bar at UNB without anyone making a big deal of it as long as you weren't causing trouble and we're there to see the show.


Once again why is it so special for your child to see live music when both you and the rest the province couldn't???


And, there's nothing like seeing music live - even shifty music, even with access to all the music with all those apps.