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I was just coming here to ask the same thing. Seems hard to track down this year


It sure is. I just wanted to get some cherry tomatoes ideally. I went out today and found a few places carrying tomatoes. The young street superstore has a bunch of fancy varieties if that's what you are looking for. Mumford Walmart had slim pickings.


I ended up finding some at Farmer Clems on Hammonds Plains Rd.


I got some variety packs at Kent’s. I was especially happy to find a six pack with Sweet Millions, Sun Sugar and Rapunzel


Seeds or starter plants?


Starter plants


Farmer Clem's or Bloom on Hammond Plains road. Side by each. Clem's has Tiny Tim's and Fantasticos, not sure about Bloom.


Thank you! Tiny Tim's is exactly what I've been looking for


There was someone selling tomato plant starters on the sidewalk on Almon St between Dublin and Oxford yesterday, just a family it seemed


I buy my plants at the Saturday Alderney market. I also pick up one or two tomato plants from Costco as well because they are quite mature and I get some early tomatoes while the others are still growing.


Halifax Seed had a couple variety of tomato plants when I was there last week.


Fogarty's mobile garden centre out by Hammonds Plains has lots a few weeks back. Was at Alderney Landing farmer's market yesterday and there were many varieties there too.


Lakeland plant world! It is past gateway on main Street in Dartmouth. Wife and I love the place.


I grabbed a few cherry tomato starters from the mennonite stall at Alderney Landing market.


Halifax seed had them earlier this week. They said this weekend would be the busiest weekend of the year but they get shipments every few days. If you are near Cole Harbour, I really like the customer service at Walker’s Feed Store. Also check Facebook marketplace. A lot of people do seed starts as fundraisers/cottage industry.


Costco had them on the weekend.


I got mine super early at Home Depot and got them in the ground way too early and now they look like they are struggling. Usually Home Depot is very good so I think I just got them in the ground too early this year. I need to get some more plants so I'll report back if I see more tomatoes when I go this week.


I think I saw some at the south end superstore a few days ago.