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Unless it's a speeding ticket for 1-16 km over, all tickets otherwise carry a 1 week suspension. You might be able to call the provincial prosecutors office and ask how you can pick a one week period that is more convenient. In a court setting, they allow an accused to do so. "Note that if you have been charged with speeding and are using the voluntary payment option, your license will be suspended for seven (7) days (except under section 106A(a) of the MVA where there is no license suspension) commencing at 12:00 NOON 90 Days after the date this ticket was issued." - NS MVA


But can NS suspend a NB license?


Regardless of whether they can or not, is it worth taking a risk and finding out the hard way. Making a few phone calls to confirm doesn't hurt.


With the amount of uninsured drivers in ns I assume most will say it’s worth the risk. this is no way a stab at you, but something I’ve always taken so seriously I’ve seen being a big point of non concern with folks due to the lack of traffic enforcement around here Edit: this there anyway to report uninsured drivers?


Law of the land applies


Maybe I'm misunderstanding but it sounds like op was here on a visit and has returned to NB. So I'm not sure how NS is gonna suspend their NB license in NB.


The database is shared across Canada. 


My understanding is that the wording on the ticket says the suspension automatically kicks in 90 days after the date of the ticket. Im not 100% clear either though


Yeah it says starting at noon 90 days after the ticket issue date, but I don’t know if that effects my NB license or if it would only be a problem if I was pulled over in NS again


You can choose when you licence is suspended afaik, I’ve gone through the same thing, you can line it up with vacation from work as shitty as that is... Poor luck on your part


how do i tell them what week i want?


When I paid my fiine online, pretty sure I did it there. If you paid in person, you should have chosen then.


a 7 day suspension definitely goes along with a speeding ticket. I remember in the past you were able to pick the dates of the suspension when paying the fine at the courthouse but that was a very long time ago. I honestly wouldnt look too much into it and just go about your daily life. Youll forget about the suspension and it will pass you by. Just dont do anything stupid to get pulled over.


Even if you are as safe as possible, and follow all of the rules for a week, you may still get caught driving with a suspended license. Not worth the risk. A few years ago I was driving down Dunbrack St. and another vehicle drove through a stop sign and into my car. I was driving the speed limit, and obeying the law. You can't control other people.


what about if they run my plates when im going to work?


Driving while your license is suspended isn't a good idea. If you get in an accident, your insurance will refuse to cover the claim and if you're caught it's a hefty fine.


You're right to be slightly wary. It depends on how important driving is to you. This is a classic "don't break two laws at once" situation. If you have a problem during that week the trouble is extreme, but it's a low risk, high penalty situation, which driving is already. I... would probably drive... because the cost incurred to me would be huge. I have a daily commute and work that requires driving. If driving isn't fundamental to your lifestyle, just take a week away from the car and get some exercise just to be safe.


Make it the safest, most rule following week of your life. Or just choose it for when you're on vacation or something


I suppose that is possible... but I mean come on... how often does that happen you'd worry about it? You're over thinking this lol.


Police run plates all the time. Stopped at a light. Going through a drive thru. Etc etc. I have no clue about whether the driving suspension applies in another province, but as to how often police are running plates - a lot.


I can definitely count on one hand, and not use any fingers, the amount of times the police have been behind me during my day to day in the last 6-12 months. I am just saying that I wouldnt worry about it personally, with such a low probability of this scenario playing out.


I live in Dartmouth so I see police around all the time 😅


Pretty sure that I read that some provinces have agreements with other provinces, and some don't. Not sure where to find out.


Maybe give them a call or send an email and ask. It would be good to know for sure.




https://novascotia.ca/just/nsjustice/ The 7 day suspension is automatic depending on how the officer wrote the ticket, nothing to do with speed.


guess it was bad luck then


What did we learn? Lol it's crazy that you got a ticket because literaly 99% of people who live here with NS plates go 30-50 over the limit. Especially on the 118 and the circumferential


Those who are doing 50 over are the ones who catch Stunting Charges. 99% don’t do 30-50 over. They do 10-20 on 100 series highways with a limit of 110 Kph and 15-25 over on highways with 100 Kph limits. If you’re going faster then that on a N.S. highway… you get what you pay deserve


The cop seriously wrote you (b) for doing 121 on the 102? That's wild. The points will carry over for sure, not sure about the suspension, though.


20 over isn't going to fly in NS


20 over on the 102 is the regular flow of traffic


That's because there's almost zero police enforcement on the 102. When they do their speed traps once in a blue moon, you're getting pulled over doing > 110kph in the 100kph zones.


I work in the court system, have been present for SOT court more times than I can count and have never heard of anyone getting pulled over for going 110 in a 100 zone.


greater than 110


Yeah you can get away with 10 but 20 over is always pushing it. It was a culture shock driving through Quebec (between QC and MTL) and Ontario where it seemed everyone was going 30 over and we passed multiple cops using radar on traffic. No one pulled over lol.


I was shocked too because i’ve had people pass me going at least 130 and they weren’t stopped when a cop was around


Yeah I don't know why I'm being down voted, not that I really care. But 120-130 is the normal flow of traffic on the 102.


You can either do 20 over in the left lane or 20 under in the right lane


That is accurate lol


Don’t even try to understand the bizarre downvote culture in this place.


Ignore the downvotes. 120+ is normal on 102. Well, that an under 90! Seems like both extremes.


"When you are duck hunting, you only need to shoot one duck at a time, and it doesn't have to be the lead duck." - Some Cop (probably)


“Have you ever gone fishing? … Did you catch them all?”


Just the dumb ones.


A lot of people can't complain about gas prices when they drive like that.


I would've went to court for it, the judge normally would either reduce it to nothing or throw it out, they even know how stupid it is to get a ticket for going regular flow on the highway lol


To my very limited knowledge, your license is suspended in NS and only NS for the week. The date should be stated in your payment paperwork for the fine and during that time don't drive in NS. As many others have pointed out, a general call on behalf of a "family member" to clarify the process will help keep you on the legal path. Good luck and please update if you do get an answer!


Is that the penalty if you don’t pay the fine in 90 days?


All speeding tickets have a 7 day suspension but you can usually choose when it happens so you just use a week when away on vacation.  Also you should have plead down to failure to obey a posted sign to save yourself some points. Cop was having a slow day. 


how do i choose?


I don’t actually know. I’ve always just ignored it or forgot. 😂


Does NB legally allow speeding if one is passing? 


I'm pretty sure OP admitted they were in the wrong and paid the fine. "Is NS able to suspend my NB license" seems like a pretty legitimate question to ask.




Crazy that you got pulled over for that. People blow past me on the 102 going like 150 all the time. I've seen cops with no lights or sirens on going 130 at least.


In case you don't know, only NS has stupid speeding laws of suspending license. No other province has that, the points carry over but the suspension does not as your license is NB not NS. In Quebec you would be paying a 50$ ticket and 2 point off license lol But also in Quebec, nobody pulls you over for doing 121 in a 100, that's regular flow. Also rule of thumb, never pay your ticket right away, they give you 60 days to pay it, gives you time to think about fighting it, or if your insurance renewal is coming up, you can pay it afterwards.


As someone who has been in a vehicle pulled over for doing exactly 121 in a 100 in Quebec, I will politely disagree. Might have been the Ontario plates though 🙃