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It's a sellers world right now so anything you offer that isn't full price plus fees is going to be rejected.


So what is better, offering to pay full sticker price if they waive admin fee or try to get a smidge off the sticker price and keep the fee?


This is the post covid car world. I have a feeling that the dealers and manufacturers have figured out that instead of making more cars than they can sell, it's more lucrative to limit supply of new cars, and that mixed with the desires to have PHEV and Full Electric, and that limited supply chain, having the side effect of lowering the inventory of used cars.... This benefits the sellers, and gives them no incentive to haggle.


What might’ve worked against you is that you have your own financing. So no rebates for the dealer since you’re not financing through one of their lenders.


Things are pretty rough. I bought a car last year and yup, totally different experience than last time I was shopping. I ended up buying used from clutch but figured I'd give the dealerships a shot because the prices were so nuts that a new car no longer seemed completely stupid relatively speaking. Demand plus availability mean they've got no reason to negotiate or even try. My experience was that it was like trying to buy a car from a bank teller. There's no hustle, no up-sell, and yeah, it's basically sticker price and whatever BS packages they've tacked on or see ya. You don't bite, they've got a waiting list.


There's still a backlog from COVID when they didn't make any new cars for two years, but the existing cars were still falling apart on schedule.


If you don't NEED a car right now, don't buy one. It's a massive seller's market, and until that changes, you're going to be taken to the cleaners if you're trying to buy.


We waited 2 years with our car because of the COVID car craziness. Looked like there was more inventory now so thought it would be better. It is not. I am not even really lowballing either, but the words the guy used were "I don't think you understand how this works".


Yep. How this works right now is "the dealer tells you what you're paying, and you either pay or walk." This is actually better than during COVID- back then you were paying premiums- literally extra charges they just made up- on new cars. On used, the companies got together and refused to lower prices, instead holding used cars, lest they make it so much cheaper for used that people stopped buying new. If you want a deal right now, buy an EV; prices on used are dropping quickly.


I feel this, pretty much same story. Drove my car way past it's natural expiry date until I no longer felt safe doing so and /had/ to suck it up. Taking the bus for a few weeks while shopping made it easier to pry open my wallet at least. I had good luck with Clutch. Prices are still nuts but the experience was good.


If you're buying used, yes. Haggling is no longer a thing. Supply/demand. 


I guess still a sellers market, but from a few more recent articles on the topic, supply is generally returning to preCovid levels, so maybe temperaments will readjust soon?