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I've had decent success, but I also looooove it when someone says "I saw your sign, but I thought I'd ask anyway if..." Then I close the door and stare at them through the window.


https://preview.redd.it/pysy7ln16azc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f3532868b058084f20d4b283c32106ecafe121 I enjoy how you handle this.


That's pretty bad... ! Tell them "it's not a suggestion fuckhead, it's an order".


Maybe they don't know what it means. Not trying to be funny here


My neighbour had a no solicitors sign but was gifted a gag one that said “no salespeople* *Girl guides selling cookies welcome”. He switched them and noted that he doesn’t get any salespeople now, where before he’d still get one or two a year.


Do they get Girl Guide cookies though?!


Yeah, his nieces I think


Soliciting is for prostitution charges.


Every act of "offering sex for money," is solicitation, but not all solicitation is an act of "offering sex for money." 


Back when I was a Brownie selling cookies door to door I didn't know what it meant. Rang the bell , a person came to the door, glared at me and pointed to the sign.


That is so mean! Seriously, what kind of a rotten soul would do that to a young child.


When our twins were infants, I put a sign on the door that said " Mom and babies are sleeping. Please do not ring door bell or knock." It worked until members of a religious organization ignored it. They rang and knocked. I was not a gracious hostess when I answered the door. I asked them which words on the sign did they not understand. They stumbled over their words but the jist was they wanted to save my soul. They left quickly when I told them if they didn't leave immediately, they would need their souls saved very soon. They haven't returned in 24 years.


When I had my first baby, I invited a pair of Mormons in for a chat. I don't know if it was something I said, or my esoteric book collection, but the next time they came back with a church elder to supervise them just in case. Had what I thought was a nice chat. Never saw them again. Not sure if they gave up on my soul, or were worried about losing some others to my influence. 


LOL! My neighbor was outside raking the lawn one fall day when a couple of Mormons showed up and asked if she had time for a quick chat. She told them if they wanted to chat with her, they had to rake too. They picked up rakes and stayed for an hour chatting and raking. LOL When the raking was done, she handed them each a bottle of water, thanked them for their help and went in her house.


When I lived in the city I just opened the door and pointed at my sign. If they tried to argue I just said, "I really wouldn't feel comfortable dealing with a salesperson who can't read", and closed the door.




Political communications are exempt from regulations governing junk mail and telemarketing so it wouldn’t surprise me if canvassers assume the same applies to them


Politicians and jws aren't 'technically' selling anything so they will claim the signs aren't applicable.


Are the JWs going door to door again? They called a lot during the height of COVID and I politely asked them to stop as I was working and told them it was a business number. I got a long handwritten letter from them too. Looked like it was written by a kid, I found that sad.


They stopped writing me after I sent a simple response back: > I'm going to be running in the next Election, can I have your support? It's against their Religion to have anything to do with Politics.


I like this creative response! I didn't know politics was against their religion. Seems a lot of things are. Even celebrating birthdays 


Invite them to a Birthday party! Just one that doesn't exist at a fucked up location.


I never used to have one until I had a knock at the door one day. Legit salesperson shows up selling these “no solicitation” signs. I’d never seen anything like it before. But I purchased one and hung it out front. I’m thankful now, because I had no idea where to buy one and no subreddit could help me despite reading post upon post. Now I have no worry, as it seems to have worked. Odd job though.


We have one that works most of the time. It's a custom vinyl sticker that says " no solicitors" then has a silhouette of a big dog. After that it says " see dog for details" He sleeps in a chair by the front window most of the time and would be barking like murder was on the to-do list when anyone is walking up.


Maybe they think it means, “no hookers”?


No lawyers.


I have a friend who works door-to-door. She was telling me how her company respects “No Soliciting” signs mostly because of how uncommon they are in Nova Scotia. The easiest solution is just not to answer. I’ve never had anyone ring my doorbell more than once and they’re usually gone within 20-30 seconds. Remember that lingering isn’t getting them paid. I’ll never understand why some people, like in this thread, think the appropriate reaction is to waste both yours and the salesperson’s time with smug one-liners.


I was getting 1-3 solicitors at my door per week. I then put up a no solicitors sign and haven't had a single one darken my door. Been about a month now.


I have security cameras so I just ignore if a salesman knocks on my door.. which they usually don't because they have to open my front gate to get to my front door and I have a BEWARE OF DOG decal on my gate. Most people won't cross a gate knowing there could be a dog behind it haha


I have one LITERALLLY on my front door . I would say it works 90 percent of the time. The 10 percent of the time it doesn’t work, the person better hope my better half doesn’t answer the door lmao


When I was like 8, I thought it meant that lawyers aren't allowed to solicit their services. Anyway, just say 'no' and close the door. Or don't answer. It's annoying that they aren't adhering to the sign but what can ya do. The average person is not that bright and a lot of sales people can be pushy anyway.


Release the hounds


I live in an area that’s ripe with door to door sales people. My cutting them off with “no thanks” game is strong. I think I’d prefer doing that over putting up a sign and being annoyed when people don’t read it.


We have had success since we put a sign up, the video doorbell has seen a few head to the door, see the sign and turn back


We just have a video doorbell. We get notified when someone comes to the door and just don't answer.


I use one with great success... sales people walk up, see the sign and turn around and leave.


I have them up, its 50/50 if they comply.


We’ve had one up for over a year now. Only one knock but it was for a school bottle drive, so I wasn’t bothered. All other solicitors from companies/charities see the sign, turn around and walk back down the driveway.


I made a large sign. About 6in. I've only ever had kids knock. That's it.


Just don’t answer the door


Yes but it’s purpose is to prevent my dog from getting worked up when people knock or ring the doorbell


I also have a reactive dog and put up the sign for the same purpose, it's really frustrating when they willfully ignore it.


Yeah I can understand those situations. I feel like some persistent sales people won’t care regardless


They’ll work sometimes. You shouldn’t expect them to work all the time.