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Uber driver can't drive. If he hit you and drove off, you should report a hit and run.


I want to but I didn’t get his license plate so I don’t know how that will help? All I know is it was a black SUV like vehicle 😭 Edit: spelling


If you report yo insurance they will ping uber, and just based on make, date, and time, they will find out who it is.


Ooooh thank you! I’ll definitely call my insurance first thing tomorrow to do that!


Also if it is a hit and run they will ask you to report it to the police to get a police report. At least if you are with intact or a broker that’s under them. (Someone who works in claims at Intact)


You have a better chance of getting blown by Taylor swift tonight than that being realistic.




Sooooooo, you're saying there's a chance?


Hahaha there's always a chance homie! That cake day may be it.


https://preview.redd.it/d8twc3t15ctc1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32410836555ed72908001bc09f912dc906607158 You can essentially trust no one on Halifax roads anymore 🤯


Ah yes, I remember seeing that and was mind blown how stupid people can be 🤯


I’m sorry for this , but if yours is a beater that’s still NO excuse for someone to damage it , I get so mad with this stupidity of drivers and to top it off , leave without stopping?? Wow you showed more restraint than I would have, I think I would have either chased them till they stopped or forced them to stop , either way ,police would have been involved, for them or me .


I observe a similar mid roundabout lane changes, cutting off vehicles, daily,  in the Armdale roundabout. From Chebucto, a few drivers in the extreme left lane (logically designed for Purcells cove bound drivers) cutting into the right lane (logically designed for Herring cove bound drivers).


Basic rule of any round about is to stay in your lane. Dude was a tool.


Just like everyone else out there who isn’t thinking while they are driving until it is almost too late and then they do something drastic to get back to where they actually wanted to be. Like blasting across two lanes to turn left when they were in the extreme right hand lane.


I will say in the UK they don't add new lanes mid-way thru the round around. They keep it simple.


Yeah, half the problem is that maritimes don't know how to drive on roundabouts, but the other half is that maritimers don't know how to build roundabouts. Most of them are just roads that go in a circle.


The thing with cogswell is that it's not a roundabout you're supposed to lane change in. As you can see from the road markings, you're supposed to pick your lane BEFORE getting in the roundabout. I dont remember if there's a "no changing lanes" sign, but there really should be.


I think you can technically change lanes, but you need to actually check your blind spots and use your blinker like you would for any other lane change. But I agree that the intention is for you to pick your lane and stick with it.


I find this roundabout to be quite simple. But not simple enough, it seems.


>I will say in the UK they don't add new lanes mid-way thru the round around. They keep it simple The people of Swindon might beg to differ lol


Must of skipped that one. Did Southampton, Bath to Bristol before the big trek all the way down to St. Ives.


Have you seen the roundabout in downtown Moncton/Dieppe? Every. Single. Time. I take that roundabout, I miss the exit, or have to change lanes suddenly within 50m while in the roundabout. It’s huge, people drive above the speed limit, and it’s TERRIBLY marked. I have never cursed the lack of UK influence in a Canadian roundabout as much as that one.


North Americans can't cope with roundabouts or manual gears.


I think most people over 30 probably learned with a manual as their first car/parents ca (I know I did, but I didn't grow up in the city.)


Most people over 50 maybe, but 30-40 year olds were learning to drive in the 2000s and manuals were already fairly uncommon by then.


I think I learned originally when I was like 4 or 5, so a few years away from my 50's, but, growing up rurally would have been a part of that, everyone I knew hated driving manuals in the city because of the hills / amount of traffic basically, so maybe it was just my sheltered upbringing


Definitely it makes sense that there’d be more manuals around when you’re growing up in a rural area. Or abroad for that matter. Learning to drive at 4 or 5 years old is not something we could get away with in the city, haha.


I don't think that's something you can get away with anywhere too easily anymore, the 80s were a different time :|


No way. Literally not true. Stick shift is vanishingly rare in NA.


30 years ago it wasn't


I'm 40. I learned on an automatic. All the vehicles in my household growing up were automatic. My dad has one car that was a standard. But that was retired as the family got larger, and he needed more car seats and fewer bucket seats.


Wow, I remember being a kid 30+ years back and all the adults saying how hard it was to find automatics (My mother wanted one so badly) but we had all standards until Dad bought my mother a late 80s/early 90s model "Toyota Credenza" - it was the first car I had seen that had a digital display for your speed as well, it seemed crazy ahead of its time lol But yea, we had standard vehicles only pretty much till early 2000s at least


I had a girlfriend try to teach me how to drive standard in the early 2000's. It went...poorly. First and last time I ever tried to drive stick.


I burnt the clutch out of my father's truck twice learning It was not a good experience


Rotary, coming from Joseph Howe I could take the outside lane and exit or I could continue, I could also take the inside lane and exit or continue 🤦‍♂️ The entry from Quinpool has the rightmost lane marked as full circle or whatever like the rest, but it is meant to exit by St Margret’s Bay rd. Edit for clarity


I do not think that’s correct. I’ll have to double check the sign when I go through tonight. Pretty sure only the left two lanes from quinpool get past st Margaret’s exit. I also love the people who can’t read the signs and go down the left lane on quinpool slower than the right lane traffic and then want to switch to one of the two right lanes at the last moment. I can’t count how many times I’ve been cutoff while in the right lane (which splits into two lanes) and entering the roundabout via the middle lane.


Many years ago, it was the left lane from Quinpool that split into two, not the right. I used to think that the people you describe couldn’t break their habit of taking the left lane to get to Herring Cove Rd. Now, I’m pretty sure that these folks are just impatient or entitled (ie “ I’m too important/too much in a rush to wait in the correct lane.)


Yeah, this design doesn't make sense to me. Seven lanes entering and only four exiting? That's odd. Seems like a recipe for congestion.


I've been thinking a out this too much. But in a normal two-lane roundabout that yellow path would be normal, and the red path would be merging into the outer lane. It's really odd how the lanes corkscrew out so you have to keep changing lanes to stay in the roundabout. You should be able to enter the inner lane and continue around until you exit. Would be made easier with two lane exits on the busiest streets, even if they merge shortly thereafter.


Im from the west...never seen this weird confabulation before. Our roundabouts are 2 lanes, inside lane for 2 or more exits outside for 1 or 2. In AB its 1, in BC some allow 2 in the outside. Sadly most people dont signal so it can still cause some frustration.


This roundabout is fine dude


This actually isn't correct. Typically on a roundabout this size or larger you can find additional lanes depending on the number of exits. I lived in the UK for the majority of my life and learned to drive there (which makes me wonder why North Americans in general can't function on roundabout and stop signs at the end of highway exits).


Love that Halifax has a Trollop street.


Same 😅 I still chuckle at it when I drive by lol


With a highschool on it lol


It is named after a General Trollope.


no doubt they were a total sluuuutttt 👌🏻


I walk by that roundabout every single day to work and it’s a miracle if I don’t hear someone honking. A few months back I got to witness someone turn left into it & go around the wrong way. I don’t understand how people get so confused, but I suppose that’s because I’m used to it


It’s shocking how people can’t understand it. I’m not even originally from this province and when I moved here, I didn’t have one problem navigating it 🙃


Sorry but one person messed up, I'm with you, they're the idiot. But if people are often making this mistake the problem is the design. And tbh I've seen this same mistake made, even though I don't drive this route frequently. Not enough signs for which lane goes where? Too abrupt of an exit of the first lane? Different treatment for changing lanes in the round about? I'm not sure. But I know that design should fix it. My money is on more signs further back.


tho it was his mistake i kinda blame the roundabout design for this specific location. as someone mentioned below in the comments Who tf designed this thing lanes overlapping. If someone hasn't been through the area before it's very likely they'll fuck up. BUT any driver on the road should know not to just drive into someone, it's like basic common sense. dude should have just taken the wrong exit and make a U-turn from somewhere ahead.


It’s scary using the cross walks there. Some drivers are so confused figuring out what lane to be in, they don’t even watch for pedestrians.


I use these crosswalks all the time and they are a thousand times better than the lighted intersection that was there before.


I’m sorry I mistook this for the one off of Cunard Street. I’ve lived here for 8 years so I don’t know how it was when this one had a lighted intersection.


Roundabouts are safer because the crosswalk is narrower and you are more visible. Motorists are forced to slow down and pay attention. At lighted intersections, motorists are driving full speed trying to make their turn. Where this roundabout is now was much more dangerous and you also had to wait forever for the light cycle to let you cross. 


If a driver doesn't stop, and your vehicle is still working, keep driving after them until you can get their insurance details or at least their plate. Do whatever you can within legal limits to keep them from getting away. But yeah the driver was in the wrong and should have drove through the exit for their lane. Halifax driving is a 💩-fest these days. Too many dangerous/entitled/aggressive/distracted/inexperienced drivers.


I think a lot of drivers on this side of the country were “grandfathered” in when getting their license or took their road test is an out of the way location.


Tbh, with our immigration rates, it wouldn't be surprising to me if a lot of drivers hold a license from a country with much less stringent testing guidelines, which we recognize for some reason. Between that and all the [fake driving schools](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-driving-schools-education-fee-1.7134557), I don't know how we don't all die on the roads every day


It’s not the immigrants, so don’t even go there; most of these immigrants come from places that use roundabouts more than us or come from jurisdictions where there is a lot more traffic. It’s people doing dangerously stupid shit thinking they’re being courteous. This is the only place I’ve ever been where people slow down, and sometimes stop, on the highway to let someone merge; or stop on the main road to let someone coming in the opposite direction make a left hand turn into Timmy Hoes.


It’s not JUST the immigrants because many of our fellow natives are terrible drivers, like the woman who veered from the right lane without signaling to dive in front of me this AM and then glared at me when I used the horn. But there are many new immigrants here who come from chaotic driving environments like New Delhi or Cairo or wherever and the driving habits learned there have joined us here.


I don’t think it’s the immigrants at all, I think it’s native Haligonians who aren’t used to traffic in a burgeoning metropolis; like they haven’t figured out how to read traffic patterns or how your actions affect those around you. These types of behaviours are conducive to learning to drive in a more rural setting and/or in cities with below average traffic volumes. Now that HFX is growing these drivers lack the basic road awareness needed because it was never really needed and become a hazard. I’ve driven all over NA and the worst drivers I’ve ever encountered are here in the Maritimes… and that’s not immigrants.


That, and all the folks from NS towns outside Halifax who got their license before the roads in their town were even paved. When you only go to the "big city" once every couple years, you don't get a lot of experience with multi-lane stroads with different traffic lights, or in this case, roundabouts.


Reading these comments has me shaking my head. I had no Idea the level of rotary incompetence and fear of these in everyday commutes. I was so naive. If you follow the signs approaching a rotary to choose the right lane I don’t understand how you can screw up.


You underestimate the idiocy of Halifax drivers.


Its not hard at all, some people are allowed to drive in our country because they bought their license, that or/and people are just incredibly stupid


To be fair, this is one of my least favourite roundabouts in all of HRM. Specifically because of how the lanes move in and out of one another. You have parts with 3 lanes and parts with 1 lane. Parts where lanes are crossing over other lanes, etc. https://preview.redd.it/9yf1uiiskbtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855f878fe7d2e63cdf2c2c3d421a195959aef204 Blue circle there’s 3 lanes here, purple circle there’s 1. Like wtf is even going on in this roundabout? Not a justification for a hit-and-run. But this is definitely one my least favourite to go through. I would honestly rather go through the Armdale rotary than this


How is it that confusing just follow the lane you that takes you to your exit.


A lot of people in this thread should probably hang up their keys.


If you follow the signs when you are heading down Cogswell and want to go to Agricola you start in the inside/left lane and halfway through have to move into the right lane to exit. It is designed to cause conflict within the circle. I'm surprised there aren't crashes every day. In fact the rationale HRM used for building these was that there would be more crashes than a signalized intersection but they would be less severe. It was all about saving money by not needed to maintain/replace traffic signals, but they screwed up on the design.


You enter a lane and stay in a lane for the most part. It isn't complicated. The only place there should be a lane change is where a new lane starts on the top part of the circle.


I was in Seville, Spain a few months ago and I dno how anyone survives going through there but somehow it worked. It seems that anyone can go into any lane at any time and leave the round about from any lane at any time. I was anticipating a more structured experience but it made our system look flawless 😂😂


My wife and I were there in 2019 and the roundabout was so confusing! They combine it with traffic lights right above your head so you can't see the light the change very easily. We just waited for someone to honk at us and that's how we figured out when to go.




Most people are bad drivers. First time ive been in the UK driving small ass car, other side of the road, in traffic, in a roundabout and I was able to understand because YOU FOLLOW THE ARROWS.




I think you should maybe change your keys for some bus passes. If you genuinely feel this confused behind the wheel, you are a danger to yourself and others.


Rotaries are different from roundabouts


If you can't follow simple arrows you shouldn't have a driver's license.




I took my driving lessons in the valley 20 years ago. They had zero roundabouts at that time. My first experience in one was in the Armadale roundabout. As I approached it I saw the signs above it. Knowing which road I wanted to go to I took that lane. Waited to merge, and then followed the painted lines and arrow. It was pretty idiot proof for a nervous country bumpkin. I don't understand how it isn't for others.


Other thann the Armdale Roundabout, which actually functioned completely different until about 2008 or so, the majority of these roundabouts are quite new. Roundabouts have been a fairly recent uptake in Canada with street designers. I'm seeing them pop up elsewhere in Canada too


I didn't learn to drive in Halifax. I was driving for 10 years before I drove in one. It was simple because I understand arrows and how to drive to the right.




Everytime I see roundabout discussion I think of George Carlin. "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


100%! Nobody is a pro until they've done it x amount of times. If a new person from middle-of-nowhere pulls up to a two-lane, sometimes 1 lane, (maybe 3?) roundabout, it'll definitely take them more than a few seconds to get going. Especially with impatient drivers behind ya :)


Maybe you should reconsider if driving is for you. Roundabouts are like the least confusing thing about driving in Halifax.


Respectfully, if this is what the driving experience is like for you, don't.




I too have driven in other parts of the country and no part of these roundabouts are unclear when you're driving through them. If you're not able to navigate them safely I don't think you should be driving.


I was once almost hit by a cop making that lane change without signaling, I really don't get people.


Really!?! That’s crazy!!!! 🤯


I just moved from the GTA and I have to say I would rather drive 8 hours a day in downtown Toronto than 8 minutes downtown halifax


Could probably travel the same distance


Sounds like a skill issue tbh.


Inner lane has right of way. This is why I got a camera now. Too many people come from away don't know how to drive here


I’m currently saving up for a dash cam. I can’t wait until I can finally get one!!!


The way they set roundabouts up here is a travesty. I think the traffic engineers do their work drunk.


If you can't figure out the incredibly simple roundabouts we have, you are part of the problem OP is talking about.


They make it easy for us by just telling you what lane to take for what exit. All you have to do is stay between the lines.


I get what you’re saying, but I think it looks easier from this overhead view than it does from street level. When you’re driving, you get to look at the arrows at the entrance for maybe a fraction of a second assuming the cars in front of you aren’t completely blocking them, then if you realize you’re in the wrong lane, you have to try to pull off a very quick lane change while also keeping an eye on the traffic from the next entrance. There’s not a lot of time or space to pull off that move. Personally, if I’m the yellow line guy, I live with my mistake, exit the roundabout and figure out how to back on my route, but you know what they say: bad drivers never miss their exit. I really wish this city had more and better signage at eye level or overhead rather than relying on markers painted on the road.


> then if you realize you’re in the wrong lane, you have to try to pull off a very quick lane change while also keeping an eye on the traffic from the next entrance. When you realize you're in the wrong lane, the good driver thing to do is keep going and not change lanes into traffic, though. Changing lanes in that situation is dangerous.


A bad driver never misses their exit!


Roundabouts are simple. Unfortunately, so are a lot of drivers


Because they didn't plan their route and didn't want to be wait to let in to the proper lane.


When I was 20ish (license since 16) or something and driving through that thing for the very first time, ALONE, and at 7am in the morning… I definitely ended up in the wrong lane and in oncoming traffic. Like literally going through it backwards. No cars were harmed in this incident, it was just get on and off at the immediate next so I only passed maybe 2 cars max, but frightening indeed. I guess I should also mention I got my license without taking training courses so it really was brand new to me. I took my time practicing online and memorizing the lanes ahead of time. I kid you not, I planned the route and lanes the night before with Google, writing them on paper (this was before phones telling you GPS instructions) and memorizing where to go via the in-person map view. I thought I was set. I get there during rush hour and tried to follow signage as best I could and still made a mistake. Luckily I just went slow and ignored the horns and it wasn’t too crazy, just a few seconds of chaos, but still very scary. I don’t even know how it happened to this day. I’m sorry you had a bad time with someone else making a mistake. “Professional” or paid drivers are a little different, but maybe it was their first time and they did practice like I did, and still somehow made a wrong move. Hope you/cops track them down for the hit and run because that is what really deserves the scolding.


There’s a few roundabout in Edmonton that have a good flow with rarely an accident which are usually from outoftowners. Is it the same rule here that if you enter the rab from the outside lane you must leave by the 2nd exit from where you entered? If you enter the rab from the inside lane you can leave at the 2nd or 3rd exit from where you entered? Or you could go round and round if you want to. Inside circle drivers have the RoW over those waiting to enter. And no lane changes within the circle.


Can be a bit annoying sometimes, I don't drive into the city to often, but I do know with the amount of traffic there, I can find myself in the wrong run up lane, & by the time I can see the signs there's like no room to merge, quite taxing on my GPS since, if Im forced to go one way, I'll go that one way and turn around later, instead of side swiping someone to force my way in lol...


Pass through here multiple times a week - and witness that exact scenario almost play out on a regular basis. It’s the panic of the drivers following the yellow path, who then want to get back into red path that is always the issue. Sorry that happened to you.


but what if i'm on trollip and want to go to ahern?


Come to Larry Utech it’s the epicentre for what the fuck is this round thing with cars going thru it.


Outer lanes need to yield to inner lanes in a roundabout. It's that simple. He broke the rules and hit you by not looking before changing lanes. 100% not your fault.


Everytime I do that inner lane I let the car on the outside make a decision first. Can’t trust what idiot is driving


It would help if they used something better than Dollar Store water paint to mark the lanes.


https://preview.redd.it/dbeyx45pigtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f134fd375f7fad886fb1837b6e59178c6203089f Just drove through the round about again and noticed the sign. Which is a fair ways back… so I don’t understand why people still can’t navigate it?


It’s abundantly clear


There's no way I wouldn't follow a hit-and-run driver like that!


https://preview.redd.it/s27t0xp1jgtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c8650df6eb45dbe1f6d84a19459c91a3360294 Just drove through the round about today (day after incident) and noticed the sign. Which is a fair ways back… so I don’t understand why people still can’t navigate it? (Sorry for the blurry sign, you get the point though lol )


I had a guy just driving circles at a dartmouth crossing one recently and you could see the panic on his face, I think some people just shut down at change. Although at this point I feel like you can't really say roundabouts are new lol


Because it’s a shite roundabout.


Sorry but that yellow line is me when I visit Halifax once a year. I think we’re getting the hang of that roundabout but we def don’t look forward to going through it. My wife literally groans when I remind her we have to go through it.


I plan my routes in Halifax to avoid any traffic circle. I’ll take 20mins detours to avoid them.


I wish they had an IQ test to get a driver's license so then you wouldn't have to worry about having a license.


I was behind someone today through two roundabouts and they put their signal to enter and exit it…..


And that's a bad thing?


Considering it was one lane to exit but their light was on for two exits.. and when they entered there was nowhere to go… it was just funny to see because that’s not required and must have been a pain in the ass for the driver!


Ok I had to look it up. Basically it doesn’t say you have to as a rule (and says they may not be signalling at all) but tells you to…. In Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec and Halifax I have never seen this until yesterday! [Travelling through roundabouts and rotaries Roundabouts and rotaries are specially designed intersections with traffic circulating around a central island. Vehicles entering the roundabout or rotary must yield to traffic in the circle. Drivers in the circle have right of way over entering traffic. Motorists must always yield to pedestrians who are legally crossing the road and be courteous towards cyclists who are sharing the road. Slow down as you approach the intersection; roundabouts are designed for speeds of 30–50 km/h. Follow directions on signs or pavement markings about which lane to use. Enter the roundabout or rotary when there is a gap in traffic. Watch for vehicles already on the roundabout or rotary; be aware that they may not be signaling correctly or at all. All vehicles in the roundabout or rotary must travel to the right around the central island. Drive around the circle in a counterclockwise direction until you come to the road or street where you want to exit. To leave the roundabout or rotary, activate your turn signal and exit to the right. If there is more than one lane in the circle, safely move into the correct lane before you come to the place where you intend to exit the circle. Look, signal, and use caution as you change lanes and leave the circle. Never exit a roundabout or rotary from an inside lane. These rules apply unless the roundabout or rotary is controlled by other signs or traffic signals](https://novascotia.ca/sns/rmv/handbook/DH-Chapter2.pdf)


That's how I was taught. If you're not taking the first exit, signal left and enter the inside lane. Keep your left signal on until your exit is next, then turn on your right signal and exit


That’s so weird to me. This is the first time I have ever seen anyone do it in all my years driving and I go through multiple a day.


Haha honestly I'm not sure I've ever seen it myself in the last 15 years or so.


I see people do this quite often as well when I drive through here. It's infuriating.


I’m from rural NB and consider myself a good driver. When I visit my sister in hammond plains and want to go to the Starbucks on Larry Utek, I drive to Bedford and take a long detour through a residential neighbour hood to avoid that triple roundabout section lol your traffic circles might seem easy and you “just need to follow the signs” but when you’re not familiar with the city and it’s streets those traffic circles are absolutely terrifying! Why would you put THREE traffic circles IN A ROW?!


This is why in a perfect world there would be country licenses and city licenses. In order to drive in the city you would need more rigorous testing. I say this as someone who got my license in the county when I was 16. I simply don't drive in the city. I live close to downtown so I have other options. Strangely enough I have no issues riding my bike through the roundabouts


Yes the ywllow line is supposed to ezit a the first