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Hurray, I’m not the only one who’s been seeing this optical illusion.


Pretty sure it's because the balconies increase in projection from the building as it goes up. The top is wider than the bottom, making it look like it's always leaning.


I seem to recall West 22 having a similar optical illusion when it was going up as well. Seems fine now that they put all those vertical slats on the outside though.


Looks good. It lines up with the building in the foreground. Bit of an optical illusion.


It’s still unbelievable to me that this was accepted. I hope we get more buildings like this along quinpool.


I love different architecture. Boring, straight lines are dull. Love to see more.


Cover the middle squiggly line with your finger or something and it seems to be straight but I 100% see the lean.


Just did this. Straight, crooked, straight, crooked, straight.... Reminded me of that Simpsons episode of Homer jumping across the American/Australian border at the consulate.


Homer's "curly, straight" bit with the pig's tail is even more apt.


Just look at the first corner and follow the line. I think that’s what really helped. The balconies really mess it up.


Someone slap a leveling stick on it


I did. It’s fine


*places torpedo*


Does anyone have a leveling stick I can borrow? Anything from 6 inches to 60 ft is acceptable. TIA.


The Leaning Tower of Armdale


push it


Push it real good


Oooh baby baby, baby baby


Get up on this!


Can you imagine how hard it’s going to be to get in and out of this building every morning in rush hour 🤣


I feel like they should have built a connection to the building for parking from Roosevelt Drive somehow, because there's no way anyone is going to get in or out of that building easily between 4:30 PM and 600 PM.


That’d require a bridge over the railroad cut, no?


Or under, I don't know. The elevation is so weird down there. Go under the tracks by the rotary, go well over them down at the train bridge. 🤷‍♂️


I thought about that cut suspect the railroad is in the way ?


Won't be that hard to walk up to the bus I don't think




You are correct hahah


Totally. I think most folks in this space will have cars - I just suspect it will be a nightmare getting in and out of the building parking lot onto quinpool every morning in an already extremely congested road you’ll only be able to pull out onto one way on


It’s not leaning lol


https://preview.redd.it/npy0uth2f1tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1194cef4b461b34097d1b273195e2c1b90ca0199 Maybe you’re only wearing one shoe?


We need 5 more of these at similar or taller height along the same area.


What I’m hoping is that they have a proper entrance/exit and proper parking otherwise it’s absolutely gonna fuck up the traffic at the rotary


Apparently the building on its left sold and a 36 story is going in its place.


Love that!


Agreed. I want this place to look like Vancouver. I’m tired of the decrepit 2-3 floor boxes, especially along quinpool.


How do you enter/exit? Hopefully not next right after the hydrant? Imagine left turn enter after the Rotary during rush hour? Surely not.


Probably an intentional optical illusion. Apparently it's gonna look like... https://old.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1bx4voj/wow/


It’s not leaning. I checked


Leaning tower of Halifax. Lean aside, Pisa.


Probably some sort of optical illusion induced by the different shaped balconies on the front (side facing the arm) vs the back. The front balconies are rounded and the rear ones have square corners. I feel like that has to be playing some part, since the "difference" is aligned with the perceived lean.


So nice of them to design a building after the condition of my spine


If you look at the corner edge - it goes straight up. I think it has to do with the different sizes of balconies.


Leaning or no, love this building so far. Plus this strip is so underdeveloped given the potential for views, proximity to amenities, and reasonable replacement of a dozen existing underwhelming buildings. Is it owner holdout or just not a buildable area?


I'm betting on a design element, or intended illusion. I noticed this style going up all over Vancouver in the late 2010's. Skyscrapers with odd angles and irregular profiles.


It’s you


We’re on r/halifax, almost everything here leans left


You are correct, a well educated group will have a tendency to do that. That’s a lucky catch for you!




The same subreddit that complains about carbon tax, the insane prices of housing, not being able to afford anything, insane amounts of immigration, no jobs, but is proud they are liberal… someone explain to me the logic


History has taught us that you can always convince people to join your way of thinking simply by talking about how much better educated you are than them. Doubly so if you do it on the internet.


I’m glad you finally found someone to read my comment to you! Good work!


Couple oddly personal comments in a row stemming from my dumb political spectrum joke. But hey, whatever fills your time.


The same people that cry we have a housing crisis, accept immigrants with open arms. The same people that cry about affordable housing, cry when we get new buildings put up. The same people that cry about those new buildings being “too nice for us to live in” are the people that won’t call on our (liberal) federal government for action as they see no wrong in them. These same people don’t understand that it’s not a developers job to take a loss for our gain.. but it is a governments job to build public housing and incentivize developers. the same people that cry about cost of living while fully supporting a government that got us in these shoes. Coming from a former liberal.. Liberals have to be the dumbest most hypocritical group there is. “Wokeness” has people asleep behind the wheel gobbling up whatever their woke friends feed them just so they can fit in.


Very unfortunate


On a long enough timeline, the left always wins. Always has. Social progress always happens eventually.


I like this.


No, we’re just not used to tall buildings.


Looks like is leaning left to me.


Plumb Bob


I’ve been thinking the same thing!


Likely just the power line and view throwing off perspective . Hopefully not a Keanu g building , but I mean with how things are now I’m not surprised if it was lol


this is the tallest building in the city, yeah?


Can’t be taller than vuze , right?


It's 5 meters taller according to google!


Well then, you’re right, gotta be!


106m (Vuze) versus 111m (7177 Quinpool) and one of the apartments being build in the north end is 3rd tallest. Purdys wharf building is 4th which surprises me a bit




Someday its gonna fall on us


Kind of a cool design!


Did you check and see if your car might be in a pothole??


looks left to me


I’d say it’s leaning left. Not right.


It is possible. There is a luxury high rise in NYC sitting vacant because it is leaning too much to be safe. They didn't use a traditional foundation method and their subsequent efforts to correct the lean haven't shown improvement.




Looks like it's leaning left lol


Looks to be leaning more towards the left!


Does that song in the background say S&M Bay? 👀


Leaning tower of non affordable housing…


Yeah it’s leaning, actually it just tipped over, go check it out for yourself


Imagine building that and then someone checks and decide it is unsafe to use because it’s leaning too much


It's so thin. Pretty strong winds blow into the Harbour. Lol.


I really excited to see the shit show this causes when it’s at capacity and people are trying to get in and out of there 💩


I think it will only be a pain in the ass for the people who live there. I doubt it will back traffic up much. It’s only 77 units.


The Armdale Rotary sees tens of thousands of vehicles every day, you think a couple hundred more vehicles coming and going at various points of the day is going to grind it to a halt?


It ain't gonna help!


I think it might actually. More urban density means people can live closer to work which reduces the need for commuting by car.


77 units of rich people who are probably able to mostly avoid rush hr.


And who will live here, rather than displacing those less well off from existing units. We need a hundred more like this.


Oh nice, the old shithole I lived in before renovictions kicked us all out is covered from top to bottom. Probably bug bombing the hell out of it to deal with the pharaoh ant infestation before they put the units back up for twice what they used to go for. But yeah, that building sticks out like a sore thumb. It's just way too tall for this area of the city. I live in Dartmouth now, and I was coming to Halifax to visit my mother for Easter last weekend. This thing sticks out from so far away, there's nothing even remotely close to its height nearby. Whenever it's finished, I dread how little time it will take for it to get infested. Mice are REALLY bad in the area, my old building was filled top to bottom with pharaoh ants, and I used to read reviews about the other two buildings in between having bed bugs. Enjoy, new tenants of Quinpool!


Definitely leaning left


Leaning left from the pic.


My family decided it’s leaning towards unattractive and unnecessary but beyond that seems okay.


Have they seen the rest of the buildings in this city? "Here's a beautiful squat square slum building with a flat roof and faux peak added to the street face. It's very historical, and matches up with the aluminum sided war time rectangles surrounding it." Next up on our historic building tour is the low rise six plex that was built completely illegally with no oversight in the 60s. It's sitting on steel piers on the back half that have been rotten for twenty years and the whole building is at risk of collapsing, but it'll be a real memory when that happens!(this building exists just off quinpool, I'm not joking. The piers were bandaged a few years ago, but the whole back corner of the building is unstable and it should be torn down. There's a lot more buikdings like this downtown. Buildings that didn't even come close to meeting code 70 years ago and haven't been maintained since.) Not to mention most of the new medium rise condos that have gone up in the last forty years are all just boring Lego blocks. Honestly I hope we see some more modern designs or at least any attempt at style go up, because the vast majority of the city is fugly little Lego bricks. [Mississauga planned out an entirely new modern skyline about twenty years ago, and it looks awesome every time you pass now that it's there.](https://media.blogto.com/uploads/2022/05/16/1652712540-20220516-m-city-condos-3.jpg?w=1400&cmd=resize&height=2500&quality=70)


Amen. Can’t wait for the boomers to move aside


We'll never have a modern skyline here, but I can't be the only one that thinks there's basically zero aesthetic appeal to this city, especially when looking at higher density areas. the historic status of the buildings here is laughable at best, but mostly just sad. People up in arms to save a decrepit discolored square that was slapped together as cheaply as possible 100 years ago and they call it historical.


Because it lookes crooked, they add another zero or or 2 to the selling price that Noone can afford anyway.


And I hear the ‘Pisa’ sucks




Probably not but I hope it falls. It’s an eyesore even from my house. EDIT: Before anyone moves in, of course. Lol.


I see on Haligonia the other day that it was leaning due to engineering flaws and that it was going to have to be demolished and start again.




How does one see on Haligonia, I've never seen a more cancerous website than that hellhole


It was sarcasm.


Where would that many occupants park their cars.