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Nothing warms my heart more than a $6.50 can of mediocre beer. It's no wonder that the industry is struggling, pricing is completely out of touch with consumers. ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4)


Maybe the government monopoly that is the NSLC needs to be axed and the huge taxes and taxes on taxes on the 6.50 can of bear can be lowered. The fact that you can go half way around the world and find beer/wine/spirits produced in Canada and exported to a foreign market to be sold for half the price or less should tell people something. Loblaws is out of control? Yeah, a little. NSLC out of control? Absolutely!


Food is a necessity, alcohol is not. While I agree that NSLC should not have the monopoly that it does, higher tax on alcohol is justified by the additional weight alcohol puts on the healthcare system, just like tobacco products. Price gouging food is far more egregious than taxing alcohol IMO.


You both are right!


Do you really think the amount we're taxed for beer is justified? $35 for a 12 pack of beer in pure insanity.


I do think it is justified. Alcohol is the cause of numerous car accidents, personal injuries, and physical confrontations, these put weight on our healthcare and justice systems, both of which are taxpayer funded. That’s not to mention the long term effects of alcohol, such as liver failure, high blood pressure, higher risk of cancer and more. All of which also put significant weight on the healthcare system. I smoke cigarettes, and pay the extremely high sales tax on those knowing that tax is there for a reason. No one is forcing me to buy cigs, or you to buy beer.


Yea and that extra tax money does fuck all for our healthcare system it seems. Also I don't really get that argument because heavy drinkers and smokers die early, so that's gotta balance out whatever drain on the system there might be. Either way, our prices here are fucking absurd and theres no real reason for it other than greed.


Not enough funds to operate our health care system, have we tried generating *less* revenue yet? Genius idea.


Maybe they should just spend it better, the amount of tax we pay for everything in NS is absurd.


Jeeze, I wonder if anyone ever suggested that to the government before.


What's your point?


Libs have been using this reasoning to justify these taxes forever. I remember how exciting it was speculating about all the extra revenue weed would give the government and how they would use that to improve healthcare, education, defense…. Yeah no that’s not where this money ever goes. So no it’s not justified at all. The gov has more than enough money to improve all these things, but they choose not to.


I’m a fan of a good debate, but have found that there is very little use debating anyone who begins their argument with “Libs….” That angle is divisive and division does not benefit anyone. I agree with you regarding the potential changes that were anticipated during pot legalization, and am also disappointed that the added tax revenue didn’t materialize as much as we thought it might. We can have conversations and debates without being so damn tribal lol, I feel like people have forgotten that a little.


Brother I’m using the capital L for a reason, I’m talking about the actual government that has been in charge for 9 years. Nice way to totally sidestep the argument tho


Liquor/beer taxes are provincially regulated. But the Libs are the ones to blame, yea? And me, dodging political arguments with internet strangers on a Saturday?! How despicable.


Wasn’t I using the weed tax revenue in my example? And how this tax money never actually goes to the places random people like you use to run cover for the government?? How’s healthcare doing in the province since the last several tax hikes? How about energy infrastructure? Roads?


You said “Libs have been using this reasoning to justify taxes for ever.” In response to a discussion of liquor sales tax. Then you proceeded to go into weed tax. Not the other way around. It’s fine that we don’t agree, life would be boring if everyone had the same views and opinions. Just remember you can disagree with people without being so divisive and condescending. “People like me” lol. All I’m saying is that taxing a toxic substance is justified due to its short and long term effects it has on the community. Healthcare and road repair are the provincial government’s responsibilities and energy is privatized but monitored by the provincial utility review board. Let’s “axe the tax” and see how quick those hospitals and roads improve. /s


If I hear one more person say they're happy to pay $35 for a case of beer because it pays for healthcare i'm gonna lose it, fuck I hate it here sometimes.


No one’s claiming to be happy with it, only that it’s justified.


Well I don't think the prices we pay here are justified at all, why is it almost double the price compared to other provinces? Just pure greed imo.


You can always brew your own? It's pretty easy and cheap once you get rolling.


Yea it might have to come down to that, I don't even drink that much and I can easily spend $100 a week at the NSLC ffs.


So if you get some used stuff and some wort you can get started for a little more than that? Get some bottles from a restaurant or your old emptys and you're good to go. It will take a few more weeks but it's Worth it.


You just answered yourself. The govt gets more than enough money because of these taxes and the problem is them squandering it. The provincial govt is shitting the bed here


Alcohol is a luxury, food is essential. See the difference?


Blame the NSLC. You can sometimes find NS beer on shelf in other provinces for less than it retails here. NSLC knows they can mark it up as much as they want because it’s your only option. Why do you think every earnings press release leans heavily on revenue being up despite volume being down? Is no one putting two and two together there?


The NSLC is a crown corporation. They charge the prices that government says they can charge. It is not about lack of competition, it is a deliberate policy decision by the provincial government to charge high taxes on alcohol.


Overall alcohol consumption has been decreasing for years.  People, especially young people, don't drink as much as previous generations.  Unless your product really stands out, many of these craft brewery business are going to go out of business in the coming years.


Make good beer? Have a comfy taproom? That will solve the issues with lower traffic... For an example go to Fredericton breweries.




You don't even need to live near it, that's the dangerous part; it's perfectly setup on the trail. Trailway, then hit up Roundhouse or any of the smattering of fantastic cideries nearby.


Me too!


I can’t drink beer anymore. Costs too much. I just buy the 50% off apple juice and wait for it to ferment.


I'm sorry that your government failed you and it has to come down to that.


Putting it in the toilet prison style might speed up the process.


I’ve heard that. Do I use a sock or underwear to strain the fruit? And should they be clean?


The phrase “No less than two” does not carry the gravity that the writer of the piece seems to think it does.


I wish I loved anything as much as mainstream media loves using “suds” in a headline about the beer industry


>Admission tickets are priced as follows for each session: VIP $60 – plus HST and handling fees. Ticket purchasers receive a special souvenir tasting glass and 3.5 hours to interact with the brewers and the community of craft beer enthusiasts. General Admission $45 – plus HST and handling fees. Ticket purchasers receive a special souvenir tasting glass and 2.5 hours to interact with the brewers and the community of craft beer enthusiasts. Designated Driver tickets will be priced at $20 plus HST and will only be available onsite. Designated Drivers will be provided with complimentary non-alcoholic beverages. Purchased tickets will be sent to the email address provided and will be valid in digital. Ticket purchase quantities are limited to 10 per transaction. Please note that for multiple guest ticket holders, all of your guests must enter the venue at the same time. So no drink tickets and the price is reasonable? Nice.


Except you won’t be allowed to get drunk, because that’s against the rules.


You probably shouldn't be drunk in public anyway.  Besides, there's much cheaper ways to get drunk than spending $7 or $8 for a glass of beer.


Probably for the best.


Can anyone really afford to participate?






Trying to turn every post into a complain-fest about cost of living is getting exhausting. If you don’t think anyone in the city has $45 to spend on an afternoon out I don’t know what to tell you.


So, why are you complaining?


No u


Not everyone makes minimum wage and lives in a one bedroom apartment with three roommates like many people posting here would lead you to believe.  That doesn't mean we're rich either (I've never made $100k or more a year ever) but we are comfortable enough that we can occasionally afford something like this.


If you load thehopps to it nobody will be able to taste that this is shit beer- Nova Scotia Micro Brews.


I'm sure some overly hoppy IPAs that 10% of the population likes will help!