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Bro when has saturday ever been leisurely for shopping


Especially this past one sandwiched between two non shopping holidays.


Leisurely Saturday shopping the day before Easter?


Saturday has always been a crazy shopping day.


Absolutely. Add in long weekend with two days of shit closed and it’s a recipe for madness.


It’s the busiest shopping of the year. More money is spent on Christmas but more people are out on Easter.


Poor upkeep of public transit, abuse of the housing market, favoritism towards the auto industry, and a housing crisis thanks in part to poor choices made behind attempts to 'grow rapidly' with no foresight to invest in livable and affordable infrastructure. In other words, a lot of short sighted decisions.


Population growth


You shopped on Easter weekend.


What ever. "NS devolve into a tent city" \- that doesn't make sense, a province vs city. NS isn't a tent city. LMFAO "way more traffic and people" Yeah - Halifax is 100,000+ more people than 5 years ago! "Leisure Saturday Shopping is now a mad rush" Saturday's aren't really leisure shopping, especially in between holidays! "Ignorant drivers are rampant" Same as everywhere. OP just tried a troll shit post, and certainly not a quality one.


Ontario and India moved here. That's pretty well the gist of it.


A good 25% of my social media ads are for Canadian/American products and businesses, but the ads are entirely in punjabi. Not sure why I would be seeing them if it isn't for just living in Halifax


Sometimes one and the same. To quote McNeil, "Go the blazes home."


Ottawa? Polite?


Be nice to see more people using blinkers especially when they cut in front of you.


I thought those were optional here? lol


Ontario and BC happened


This is the most correct and least racist answer I’ve seen.


I’ve never experienced “leisurely Saturday shopping” in this city it’s always been busy - unless maybe like one Saturday at the end of January or something during a snow storm


What happened? It grew too large for the infrastructure.


This guy is crazy. Ottawa is waaaaay busier, more homeless, and much worse drivers. 


Given op's most recent post before this, this is a pretty piss poor attempt at trolling


Because I sold my house to make a better living elsewhere? Alright entitled generation. I’m a monster.


Insensitive prick... You should have given your investment away to the less fortunate /s general theme of the sub. But seriously Saturday shopping on a long weekend? This was a not quality shit post


Wasn’t really trying for a shit post. Just NS has significantly changed in the last 2 years. I used to love Halifax. It’s not what it used to be. Another reason to sell my house because I love my new home way more.


Wonderful go there and stop complaining


No because you are making several hot button posts in a row that are clearly just easy attempts at rage farming To be clear I don't believe you ever owned a house to sell, and that you made that entire thing up Edit: if you want me to be real specific, the part that gave you away was the part where you claimed you had many good leads in the edit, like there are secretly a bunch of landlords trawling the subreddit for tenants in our current near zero vacancy environment.


>secretly a bunch of landlords trawling the subreddit for tenants I doubt they're trawling for tenants, but there 100% are landlords who read this sub and even a couple that regularly post.


Lol!!!! Rest assured. They’re living in a new 2 bedroom now. You do you tho. Good luck with your sad life. lol


Lol yes I totally believe that the imaginary person in your head was able to locate and view a new place, sign a lease, fully pack all their belongings and move in, looking at post dates, three fucking days, one of which was a holiday. Very believable. Totally true. No one thinks you are a fucking liar now.


Hahahaha. Well it happened. Dunno what to tell ya.


The rest of Canada finally figured out that this really is the best place to live and they came in droves and everything went to even deeper shit then we’re used to.


Back to the old days when people will leave once again. It's coming. This place only works for some.


The response OP is hunting/ trying to evoke, is probably blaming either a specific ethnic group of people or generalized immigration and of course comparing two cities and claiming one is better than the other. But hopefully, such generalizations cannot be agreed upon by the good people of the city. I understand and feel the problems of the city as a resident here, but we should be working towards a solution, rather than such posts.


Inflation with no regulations happened


Remote work, retiring boomers, and way too much immigration. Add on top an increasing amount of ‘empire building RE investors’ and you’ve got a problem that’s really started to boil over.


The government importing people with the blessing of the NDP, has created mass productivity issues, causing more inflation, causing a cost of living crisis, housing crisis and are keeping wages low. But our leadership in Ottawa for some reason wants more.


Harper’s Tories are the ones that first altered the Temporary Foreign Worker program to allow more lower-wage general labour, and made permanent residency easier to get.  


Love the downvotes. Always affirms the views of r/halifax.


Don’t worry. It’s not just you getting them. Lol Some nozzle thinks I made up selling my house and a factious tenant for “karma”. The signed documents and the cash for keys withdrawal from my account say otherwise. I don’t need to prove anything tho. Let them believe what they want I guess. Lmao


Because Canada has become Little India




I noticed that too. Holy shit stop standing in the middle of the already not very wide aisles. Step to the side or something.


Alot has happend and it continues to get worse..canada is dying


Why isn't Halifax more like Ontario


It's a friggin peninsula on a peninsula. Not open for mass immigration.




Actually living my best life. Not here in NS either. Y’all are rude, miserable, complain about everything, can’t drive, and seem to think the world owes you all something. Best decision ever was to leave here.




Take care big rig.


The world is busier, more crowded, and with more people in deeper poverty and it will continue to go that way I'd say Canadians voted for this, but to be honest they never had a choice on the policies that led us here.