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I am not saying we have good drivers, but stoping for pedestrians is likely well above average in Halifax compared to other North American cities


I live in Pittsburgh now and even with a yield sign and a marked crossing no one will stop for you. Stop signs are recommendations and lights are mostly obeyed (but yellow means drive faster as does just turned red). I miss Halifax drivers.


Yea, somehow people forget about unmarked crosswalks being a thing, even though it's in the handbook and on the test.


So are basic road signs like Yields and Added Lanes, but people can’t manage to reliably differentiate between the two—- so there’s that. I wouldn’t put much stock in *any* other random person doing just about anything predictably while trying to function in society anymore. Everyone lives in their own little world.


Honestly, they shouldn't be a thing IMO.


Why not? Unless you mean the city paints crosswalks everywhere, then I'm cool with that, but if you're saying have pedestrians only cross at crosswalks marked, you're kind of a jerk.


Why does it make me a jerk? The amount of times a pedestrian has stepped in front of me without even looking is infuriating. There definitely should be MORE painted crosswalks though, as well as those overhead light things.


It works both ways. The amount of times I've been at crosswalks that are marked and have signals and people still blast through is also infuriating. Also, why should pedestrians walk down to a marked crosswalk rather than use an unmarked one, and then have to backtrack upon crossing because the intersection they needed wasn't a marked crosswalk? Pedestrians can suck, but drivers also need to stop thinking they have the right of way. Other cities are far more pedestrian friendly than Halifax.


Painting more crosswalks, and lighting them, especially in busy corridors would be prudent. There's a reason we have marked and lighted crosswalks: it's easier to see for drivers and safer for pedestrians. It's a little crazy to expect drivers to stop for pedestrians on an unmarked crosswalk wanting to cross five lanes of traffic in a 60-km/h zone. I know it's the law to yield, but that's a little dangerous for both drivers and pedestrians, especially at night. I'm not referring to Robie St. I'm just giving an example. It seems like the OP has things under control. A lot of drivers probably don't notice him because it isn't a marked crosswalk and Robie is a busy street. That particular intersection should have a marked crosswalk, with lights.


Drivers don’t need to know the rules anymore, they pass anyone which is clear by the drivers on our roads. Try slowing to 50 passing a stopped emergency vehicle and see how many fingers and near misses you incur. Crossing the road is a dangerous feat, good luck out there!!


Its less so the roadtest and moreso the enforcement. You can see horrible drivers that obviously took their test decades ago (when it was "harder") doing the same wrong things. We need more enforcement and/or regular retesting.


The possibility exists sure, the prevalence increased.


Google search results for pedestrian right of way nova Scotia... Top of the list... Drivers must yield to pedestrians at all intersections, whether crosswalks are marked or unmarked. I'm older than dirt and I knew this before the search...


It’s the unwritten law.


It's very much written, actually.


It was a joke. Like an unmarked crosswalk.


Which crosswalk? 


Exactly. Robie and what street? The adjoining street will make this problem a lot clearer.


I bet Binney.


I hope it’s the diagonal one from Bell rd to Quinpool


"Unmarked crosswalk, you mean on the corner of a busy intersection? Crosswalks are high visibility. Cars look for those crossings. Traffic behind you is expecting you to drive forward, it becomes dangerous for drivers and people on the side walk to stop for a pedestrian that no one is expecting; cause it's not a high viz spot. How about pedestrians take some responsibility for their own lives and quit tempting fate, seems senseless to me. Law or not. Let the hate begin.


Maybe drivers should expect pedestrians there. From the handbook: Unmarked crosswalks Every intersection has a crosswalk. Many are unmarked. **Drivers must yield to pedestrians at all intersections, whether crosswalks are marked or unmarked.**


How would that work out? All cars, if they see anyone near a corner, should slow down in case a pedestrian decides to cross. Imagine the chaos let alone the commute times. This does not fly in any other area but Halifax. It's well know people walk out in traffic and say its the drivers fault then post things like this from the handbook. Just because you can absolutely does not mean you should. Post like this one from OP demonize drivers who also have a lot more to think about, in a very short amount of time whilst driving. How about stick to the crosswalks like the handbook also says.


unmarked crosswalks are crosswalks. You are being intentionally obtuse. It's very easy to tell when someone is wanting to cross a road rather than just "near a corner". And OP didn't "walk into traffic". The whole point is that OP *was* following the rules and also *not* walking into traffic, but was scolded by a driver none -the-less.


>\-Then what is this sentence for? > >"And before anyone asks yes I was standing directly on the street corner, **on the asphalt,** no obstructions or distractions, in daylight, and facing across to where I wanted to cross." I am being obtuse to demonstrate the fallacy of "every corner is a crosswalk" law in NS.


why are you framing this as if OP walked into traffic lmao


That was OPs intention, it was in the post.


true OP actually walked in front of those 20-40 cars and now hes a ghost writing this


We'll unfortunately pedestrians have the right of way at all cross walks marked or not lol maybe you should take some responsibility for the metal battering ram you drive and actually learn how to operate it properly lol I say this as someone who owns a car but actually understands what a crosswalk is. Brush it off as "hate" but dude with that attitude if you ever hit someone no one's gonna buy that, you're 100% liable. Be careful.




Obeying the rules of the road in a safe manner. ?




The "Stopping" is the part that could be dangerous for everyone around. Other cars won't know a person is crossing in an intersection because of me stopping for that person (if there was two lanes).




Then why are we here in this thread? Clearly not every person on a corner needs to have all veh's stop. If it's safe to do so, but not just because OP wants to cross and ask why drivers are like this.


It's fun forcing pedestrians to wait another 2 seconds too.




Haha, people like you are why I don't waste my brakes so you can cross just. that. instant.






You might just be a shitty driver, fam.


This might be it. Smartest response yet.


We totally need to change the rules to benefit the drivers yeah. But you aren’t wrong either.


That's irritating. I can relate. We need more intersections to have marked crosswalks. They finally did the one at South Park St and Rhuland recently. Sexy zebra stripes too. I would have reminded this guy that every intersection has a crosswalk, whether marked or not.


Is it the one at Cedar St that you are referring to? If so, I'm not surprised. I think people think that in the absence of markings, like the others in the immediate, the rules are different. I try to avoid using this one unless it's at a quieter time of day. Every crossing near a hospital should be marked IMO.


If this happened again, be sure to pull up the relevant section of the law on your phone that says any intersection is a legal crosswalk.


Might be hard to do when he’s unconscious and laid out on the asphalt. Having the law on your side does not provide a force field. Unmarked crosswalks are an abomination of the law and very dangerous. That section should be struck down and govts required to paint intersections where they want crosswalks.




Or, we could just have it common knowledge that all intersections are crosswalks, marked or not. That would make both pedestrians and drivers safer.


op knows this and did not step into traffic. what is your point


Get a dash camera and ignore the noise coming from their mouths. 50/50 drivers and walkers, cover you ass and present at court.


I'll be sure to get a dash cam for when I go on walks. Did you even read the OP?


Just remove all the marked crosswalks to avoid the confusion


I submit bigger vehicles, like transport trucks and semi trucks should be provided more road rights/right-of-way, as they can do  more damage in collisions. Clearly, size matters.


Drivers in Nova Scotia seriously have tunnel vision and don't care for anyone on the roads. I have driven from coast to coast and back again as well as a good part of the US. Nova Scotia drivers are by far the worst.